The city of Monkey King

Chapter 900: your name

Wanhua Valley.

The land of the Taolin Center.

After leaving the secluded pool, Qin Feng came to this place.

Among the eyelids, it is the most graceful peach tree. Qin Feng stood in front of this peach tree, with flying peach blossoms, dancing from this peach tree.

Looking at this peach tree, Qin Feng became more and more sure that this piece of Taolin... he is very familiar.

The most familiar is the peach tree in front of me, but this familiar feeling, even Qin Feng himself is unclear, in the end... what it feels.

It is the familiarity of this peach tree in front of you, or the person associated with this peach tree.

Call ~

A gust of wind blew, the peach blossoms on the peach tree flew down and danced in front of Qin Feng's eyes. Qin Feng remembered... Before he came, he had seen this peach tree far away.

When I saw this peach tree, this peach tree did not have a petal dance. It can be said that even if it is a petal, it has not fallen.

Only when you are close, the petals on the peach tree will dance.

As a result, it can be said that this peach tree only falls for itself, only for itself to dance the flower dance.

"This is my sister."

At this time, from the back of Qin Feng, in the dense peach forest, the figure of Yunshang slowly came out, a long red dress, a face of frost, giving people the feeling, the high is above, the expensive .

Her words suddenly made Qin Feng's brow wrinkled.

A sister? !

This peach tree in front of me is hard to be... is it a person? !

And this person falls for himself and dances for herself, who she is...

"Tell me her name."

Qin Feng took a deep breath and did not look at the clouds, but Yunshang went to his side, looking up and looking at the peach tree.

"A peach tree in the body of A sister has not fallen into a petal for 100,000 years, but after you came, this flower dance appeared."

Yunshang did not answer the words of Qin Feng, but said her own words, raising her hand slightly, letting this petal, falling in her hands.

The petals that fall on the palm of the hand just stay for a moment, once again boasted and floated to the ground.

"You should tell me your name first."

Yunshang looked over to Qin Feng, the pair of cold and bright eyes, covered with frost, and in this frost, Qin Feng... saw a eager eagerness.

Obviously, she would like to unravel the doubts in her heart.

"My name is Qin Feng."

Qin Feng this time, did not hide anything about Yunshang, he has an inexplicable feeling, here... he can safely say everything.

So say your name directly.

"Don’t dare to lie to me!"

At the moment when Qin Feng spoke his name, Yunshang frowned and slammed, and the peach trees in the entire Taolin were trembled wildly, and the wind blew and the peach blossoms danced!

The brow of Qin Feng, with the change of Taolin, slightly wrinkled.

He didn't know what it meant by Yunshang.

He did not lie to Yunshang, he said his real name.


In the view of Qin Feng, the woman standing by her side is not the name of her present, but the name of the past nine ninth.

"Since you said that I lied to you, then tell me."

Qin Feng turned around and looked directly at the clouds. The eight stars in the eyes and the power of evil spirits lit up, letting Yunshang’s accumulated powers dissipate more and more.

"My name, what should be called."

Call ~!

When the words came out, the wind and the two people were on the side of the body, and the long hair fluttered in the wind.

In the depths of this jungle, the prisoner was trapped in the same place, this time looking at the direction of the center of the jungle, looking at his second sister, watching ... Qin Feng.

He can hear the conversation between the two.

He looked at Qin Feng and his eyes were confused.

He, in memories, recalls what happened in the Tenth Xianwei world, slowly... The back of that person is a sudden coincidence with the Qin dynasty of the moment.

Finally... a complete coincidence, he, determined what he thought!

The eyes of Yunxiao, a fierce condensate at this moment!

"Yes... it is him!"

"Xiao Big Brother! It is Xiao Brother!"

When Yunxiao’s face lingered, there was a joy, and he walked forward fiercely and wanted to step out. However, there was a peach blossom around him, and he was firmly imprisoned, and he could not step out.

"Let me go out!!"

"Second sister, let me go out!"

"That's Big Brother Xiao! It's Xiao Brother!"


Yunxiao is screaming desperately, but no one cares about him at all, letting him scream at it here, still has no effect, and a pair of good-looking eyebrows are in a hurry.

Flowers, falling from the branches.

Qin Feng and Yunshang, the two look at each other, Yunshang looked at the person in front of him, whether it is looks or eye temperament, and the person in the past, completely different.

But I don't know why, she... I feel that this person in front of me is him!

"your name…"

Yunshang whispered, no longer looking at Qin Feng's eyes, but turned to look at the peach tree in front of him, raising his finger to the trunk of the peach tree: "You, you can see it yourself."

Qin Feng looks at the fingers of Yunshang. This position, if measured by the height of the person, should be in the heart.

The scorpion, a little condensate.

Qin Feng discovered that there is a three-word existence in this position of the peach tree.

Steps, stepping forward a few steps, Qin Feng walked to the front of this peach tree, and the words of the dances fell from the branches, and... With the approach of Qin Feng, the flowers fell more and more.

More and more...

Flying up.

It’s like snow in the winter.

Standing in front of this peach tree, Qin Feng... finally saw the three words of the peach tree heart position.




"my name…"

Qin Feng whispered, this moment... These three words, with a faint pink light burst out, this pink light, it is the Qin Feng whole people shrouded.

In Qin Feng’s knowledge of the sea, there are nine copies of the memory, one of which is already unlocked, that is... the one that belongs to Chu Wanqiu, and the other that is half of the solution. It is... the one of the Nangong Yiren.

At this moment, there is a third memory seal, which is slightly loose.

This one...

Belongs to a woman called Yunshuang, and in this world, her name...


Qin Feng whispered in his eyes. In his eyes, this peach tree seems to be a woman's appearance. That... exactly the same as Yun Ling in his memory!


At this time, there was a voice that came out from the depths of the soul, and it sounded in the ears of Qin Feng. 2k novel reading network

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