The City of Terror

Chapter 986: ,dark magic?

The fifth chapter is sent! There is still a chapter about it. The poor road is doing everything right today.


However, from the point of view of its strength, if the gun is hit on a destroyer made of steel, it will be enough to cause greater damage.

The bronze guns carried by the sailboats in the area actually have such power!

Next, the continuous shot of the shells, Wei Xiaobei did not grab, but the shells in his hand directly smashed back.

Under the giant force of Wei Xiaobei, the shells flew back faster than the bronze guns.

Even the red light radiating from the sailboat could not block it.


A loud bang came and the solid shell was like a shot put on the stern of the sailboat!

The ship's avatar was a swordfish statue that was shattered by solid shells and shattered. The red light shrouded on the sailboat was destroyed with the head of the swordfish and instantly dissipated.

As the red light dissipated, the captain standing on the bow suddenly roared and pulled out the Western sword at his waist toward Wei Xiaobei.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei found that the sea beneath him suddenly tumbling.

After a while, a tentacle that was several times thicker than the telephone pole was drilled into the sea, and it was rolled over to Wei Xiaobei, which was suspended more than 20 meters high!

Sea monster?

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei is familiar with this kind of monster.

Can the captain on the sailboat be able to command a sea monster? ! !

This is to let Wei Xiaobei think of some things.

Flying Dutchman!

The legendary battleship in a movie!

It is said that the captain abandoned the goddess of the sea, so that the flying Dutchman was cursed by the goddess of the sea, and thus could never get close to the coast and become a horrible ghost ship!

At the same time, the captain also controlled a huge octopus!

I have to say that the sailboat in front of Wei Xiaobei and even the huge octopus is very similar to the movie.

What happened in reality? ! !

This is what Wei Xiaobei did not think of.

After avoiding the tentacle that stretched out of the sea, Wei Xiaobei focused his attention on the captain.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei quite surprised is that although the captain did not seem to differ much from the pirate captain of the great voyage era, he wore a modern watch on his left wrist!

It seems that the captain’s identity is not that simple.

Everything is familiar!

After the main attribute of the induction is raised to 80 points, the ability to know everything disappears from the property panel, but this disappearance does not really disappear.

At least Wei Xiaobei is still able to use this ability.

Name: Tom Fergus

Race: Human (the curse of the ocean goddess, half man and half undead)

Sex: Male

Age: 39 years old

Biological grade: four stars common

Introduction: Tom Vogels was originally a small gang in the capital of the Samo State. He was accidentally entered into the Caribbean gray world of Sam. He was cursed for offending the sea goddess who became a singer, and he became a half man. The semi-dead monster, even the beloved New Yorker who is flying by boat, is also cursed and becomes a ghost ship with a soul, which can never be close to the coastline! But Tom Vogels has mastered the horrible black magic of his own, and he has a huge octopus with a biological level of four stars.

Strength: 42

Agility: 41

Constitution: 60

Intelligence: 15

Perception: 46

Charm: 5

Skills: sailing, artillery, Western swordsmanship

Special ability: Undead physique, dark magic

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: Cursed Western Sword


I have to say that although the Tom Vogels does not look very good, its property sheet is not weak.

dark magic?

The red light that enveloped the sailboat before it was supposed to be should be a kind of black magic.

However, after being killed by a small artillery shell of Wei Xiaobei, the red light was broken and misunderstood.

I want to come, the root of the black magic should have something to do with the bow image, otherwise the Tom Vogels will not be so angry.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei is the first time in reality to encounter four-star ordinary creatures of humanity!

Only Wei Xiaobei himself knows that it is difficult to raise the biological level to four stars.

To be honest, don't look at Huang Kun, who has now upgraded to a four-star general, but Wei Xiaobei's cost on him is unimaginable to others.

To be honest, just being cursed by the so-called Ocean Goddess, you can raise your strength to this level, which makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat unbelievable.

But when I think about it, it is barely normal.

If you think about it, you will know that the Vulcan Rocky in Norse mythology, with a finger, can emit special fluctuations that allow the creature to evolve quickly and disorderly.

The curse of the ocean goddess can make a person's strength rise to four stars, and it seems that it is not something incomprehensible.

As for the Tom Vogels who actually named his ship as a flying New Yorker, it was a bit funny.

And did not mention the thoughts of Xiaobei's mind, that Tom Foggs was looked at by Wei Xiaobei with all things, and he felt that the whole body shook slightly, and seemed to be somewhat afraid of Wei Xiaobei's eyes.

But then, Tom Vogels seemed to feel that he was a little afraid of Wei Xiaobei, and then became furious and drove the huge octopus to attack Wei Xiaobei again.

At this time, the tentacles that extend out of the sea are constantly increasing, one, two, three.......

Not long after, it was the eight tentacles that attacked Wei Weibei.

However, for Wei Xiaobei, who can stand in the air, although the tentacles stretched out over the sea more than 90 meters, it would be too difficult to catch Wei Xiaobei.

After Wei Xiaobei rushed to the height of 100 meters, the ink-and-wash gloves worn on his hands immediately changed and began to transform rapidly toward the ink bow.

Tom Foggs, who stood at the bow, saw a glare of light on Wei Xiaobei’s hand. Inexplicably, the danger was coming.

But the strength of this Tom Fergus was too easy, and even after entering the gray world, there was no battle that was evenly matched.

After being cursed by the Ocean Goddess, it jumped directly to the four-star ordinary strength, and then, most of the enemies encountered him, all being crushed.

As a result, the attitude of Tom Fergus was further expanded. Without much practical experience, there was no fear at all.

In short, in the face of the imminent danger, Mr. Tom did not produce much fear of escaping from the roots, or that he did not have much vigilance at all, but only drove the huge octopus in an attempt to drag Wei Xiaobei out of the air. On the other hand, Tom Foggs took out a small black **** from behind!

With the appearance of this black cockroach, Wei Xiaobei inexplicably feels that he seems to be stared at by something.

This feeling was not very clear at first, but as Tom Ferguson turned a sword and stabbed a pirate standing behind him, there was a reddish glow in the black eye socket. .

Seeing that Tom Fergus had killed himself with a sword, the rest of the pirate's face suddenly changed.

It is a normal thing to say that the pirates are killing each other.

But the shipman of Tom Fergus is not really a real pirate, it is a brother of Tom Foggs who used to be in the capital city.

To put it bluntly, these guys are following the way of Tom Foggs.

What they can't think of is that Tom Fergus will actually stab his own man with a sword!

"Tom! Are you crazy?"

The pirates in the cottage have screamed in horror.

But these roars can't make Tom Fergus, who seems to be mad, wake up.

The Western Sword once again stabbed and stabbed a pirate standing in front of you!

The color of the flame in the black eye socket began to deepen.

Wei Xiaobei was able to see it. The flame in the black eye socket was completely enhanced by absorbing the pirate soul killed by Tom Foggs.

At first, the black **** that Tom F. Georg took out had no threat in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, but after only absorbing two human souls, Wei Xiaobei slightly produced a dangerous foreboding.

And when Tom Fergus killed the third pirate, Wei Xiaobei even saw the soul of the pirate's body being sucked by the black skull and into the flame!

Undoubtedly, the murder of the pirates by Tom Foggs caused the public anger of these pirates. They pulled out the scimitars hanging from the waist and smashed toward Tom Foggs.

But at this time, Tom Fergus did not care about his own attack. The little finger of his right hand reached into the black eye socket and gently picked it. A flame that had turned pink was picked up by his little finger. .

With a single shot, the pink flame was activated in an instant, and the claws of the teeth rushed toward a pirate rushing to the front.

The moment the pirate came into contact with the pink flame, it seemed to be paralyzed. Then the body was soft and fell, and a translucent soul that looked exactly like it was drilled out of its fallen body. In a flash, it was caught by the pink flame, and it was dragged back to the black eye socket.

This scene, not only Wei Xiaobei saw, even the remaining pirates are in sight.

Undoubtedly, when the pink flame touched, the soul of the pirate was taken out and killed, and it fell into the eyes of the remaining pirates. It really made people feel a little scary!

"dark magic!"

"dark magic!"

The remaining pirates suddenly screamed.

In fact, when the pink flame took out the pirate soul, even Wei Xiaobei felt that his soul was slightly affected.


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