The City of Terror

Chapter 985: Black pearls or flying Dutch people?

The fourth chapter is sent! ! ! Crazy asking for a monthly ticket! ! !


Finally, Wei Xiaobei once again jumped on the aircraft carrier.

Above the aircraft carrier at this time, the flame on the flight deck is slowly extinguished.

It is true that these flames are the result of the burning of aviation gasoline, but under the impact of the special fire-fighting foam, it is difficult to continue burning.

But then again, the flight deck is probably scrapped for a while, under the high temperature of the thousands of degrees of baking, and then the low temperature of the fire foam, these flying decks, even if the quality is good, I am afraid it will be uneven.

No pilot has the courage to take off and land on such a flight deck, that is to find death!

Any small pit on the flight deck may cause the fighter to lose control, either rushing into the sea or slamming into his companion.

Of course, everything on the flight deck has no relationship with Wei Xiaobei for the time being.

Wei Xiaobei Trail went straight through the sea of ​​fire and rushed up towards the huge bridge of the aircraft carrier.

As in the destroyer, when Wei Xiaobei appeared in front of the glass wall on the front of the bridge, the firepower that was tilted around suddenly weakened most of it.

But then again, the bridge glass wall of the bird carrier can be much thicker than the destroyer.

Wei Xiaobei bombarded more than a dozen punches before he made a crack, and finally burst a hole for himself to enter and exit.

Seeing this scene, the senior officers in the aircraft carrier bridge suddenly felt that they would not think much.

Although I saw the strange picture of this person moving back and forth in the rain of bullets, but the other side will be able to bear a hole in the glass wall that can withstand the normal bombardment of ordinary shells, let these senior officers feel the surrender on the destroyer. The helplessness and fear of peers.

From front to back, Wei Xiaobei’s performance exceeded the imagination of these senior officers.

However, when Wei Xiaobei let them surrender, there was still a casualty.

A deputy of the loyal guardian pulled out the pistol that he carried with him in an attempt to kill the enemy.

To say that Wei Xiaobei asked him to shoot a few shots, he couldn’t hurt anything. What Wei Xiaobei never imagined was that the adjutant even opened a few shots, and the shooting method was not good. The bullets hit the glass and then ejected. Instead, the commander of the formation was wounded.

After receiving the treatment of Wei Xiaobei, the commander of the aircraft carrier formation could only sigh and insist on announcing the surrender order to the entire fleet.

But then again, the freedom of Sam’s people is reflected here.

With the Commander's surrender command, a considerable number of warships decisively executed the surrender command, the Dupont air defense destroyer, the Yuris air defense destroyer, the Rolf air defense destroyer and even the free anti-submarine frigate.

However, there are still three warships that refused to execute the surrender command. They were the Deep Sea attack nuclear submarine, the Alpine logistics support ship and the Dykefu air defense destroyer.

Well, the attack-type nuclear submarine is taking advantage of itself as a submarine. It believes that the enemy can’t threaten itself, and can play and leave, and can retain a military force for the Sam State.

The Alpine logistics support ship was based entirely on several sentinels that were initially killed. The whole ship was filled with indignation and vowed never to surrender.

As for the anti-aircraft destroyer of the Dykefu, it is to maintain the glory of the Sam’s navy. In their view, if they surrender, they will live in shame for the rest of their lives.

Although the reasons for the three warships' refusal to execute the surrender order are different, they are consistent in terms of means. They also leave the aircraft carrier formation and flee towards the road.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not pursue the plan. It is not a good thing to increase casualties. After controlling most of the aircraft carriers, Wei Xiaobei has a good card.

The next thing is to slowly negotiate with Sam.

This time, Wei Xiaobei’s captives were not two or three hundred people in a warship, but a complete aircraft carrier formation!

One aircraft carrier, three air defense destroyers, three anti-submarine frigates!

The total number of captured officers and men is more than 4,000!

With this thick card, even if Sam wants to do something more, there are some rodents.

Nuclear bomb?

Don't be kidding. With these captives, dropping a nuclear bomb is equivalent to killing them.

What's more, things are not that simple.

If the aircraft carrier’s captives are known to the press, I am afraid that the incumbent President of Sam’s country will be sponsored by the parliament’s mistrust impeachment case!

This is something that has never happened in the history of Sam, and a whole fleet of aircraft carriers is captured!

Imagine how far this thing will be fermented.

Just as Wei Xiaobei was preparing to return to the sea, a wave of waves crashed in the distant sea, and the bottom of a wooden boat floated up to the surface.

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze shifted to the past.

There, Wei Xiaobei has a dangerous feeling. Although it is not very intense, there is also a familiar feeling.

Just as Wei Xiaobei's gaze shifted over, the bottom of the wooden boat was turned over sharply, and the wooden boat turned over on the sea!

This is a long and narrow sailboat with a length of more than 50 meters, three main sails, a hull on the side of the hull, and a hull covered with barnacles and the like.

The sailboat just turned over, and the sea water was flowing down the hull, and the flag rose on the sailboat!

This is like a pirate ship in the age of great voyage!

"Not a black pearl number?"

Wei Xiaobei saw this scene very familiar, remembering that in a movie he had seen, this shot appeared.


Undoubtedly, the speed of this pirate ship is advancing very fast, and the power is weak. Wei Xiaobei will not think that the other party is coming to say hello.

At this time, Bai Mayi, who was stationed on various warships, had drawn arrows and arrows, and they also felt the fullness of the pirate ship.

An arrowhead flew past the pirate ship with a touch of white light.

At this moment, the pirate ship emits red light, like the sunset at dusk, almost impossible to make people look straight!

When the arrow passed through the red light, it seemed to be disturbed by the power, and then it deviated from the angle. It was originally going to the sails, but it was stuck in the sea on both sides!

Just as the arrow crossed the red light, Wei Xiaobei saw the strange power radiated from the red light. This force made Wei Xiaobei feel a little familiar.

A little turn in my mind, Wei Xiaobei thought of the pen fairy in the Grey Lake University, dish fairy!

That's right, this strange power is somewhat similar to those of the penis, the curse of the dish fairy!

After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei’s face became cautious.

Undoubtedly, even if the strength reaches the current state of Wei Xiaobei, in the face of such strange forces, Wei Xiaobei's heart is still somewhat inexplicable.

No way, this strange power is completely different from the power that Wei Xiaobei has touched, and it has some unpredictable feelings.

Bai Mayi was flying from the arrow at this time, and an arrow flew toward the sailboat. Not long after, the red light seemed to be somewhat unsupported, and more than a dozen arrows fell on the sailboat in a blink of an eye. Its deck is shot out of a large hole.

Seeing that Bai Mayi was so fierce, the people on the sailboat seemed to be shocked, and did not dare to let the sailboat continue to approach, and surrounded the circle, seems to want to do something.

"It will come back! Let's go first!" At this time, Wei Xiaobei did not want to entangle with the strange sailing boat.

Anyway, now that I am a big winner, the spoils have already arrived, then the return of these captive warships will ensure the next interests of Weijia Island.

In other words, the eggs are already in the basket, but you need to ensure that the basket is not overturned.

Hearing Wei Xiaobei greeted, Bai Mayi returned from his own horses and went to their respective warships, urging the warships to follow the turtle demon king.

Wei Xiaobei stood on the surface of the sea at this time. Regardless of how the sailboat wandered around, his eyes locked the sailboat. He had already released the soul fluctuations, mainly in the direction of the sailboat.

As a result, the sailboat did not dare to bypass Wei Xiaobei and pursue the warships that left.

As time went by, the tortoise and the demon king and even the battleships have disappeared into the sight of Wei Xiaobei.

The sailboat seemed to be in a hurry. At the bow of the boat, there was a guy with a captain's cap. His face was slightly dark, and the button on the jacket was halfway open, revealing a strong chest muscle and a waist at the waist. Western sword, with a big pipe on his mouth.


With the appearance of this guy, a smog appeared on the deck of the original unmanned ship, and in a moment it turned into a slightly slimmer sailor.

In the command of the captain, the turrets on both sides of the pirate ship were opened one by one, and an old-fashioned bronze artillery was pushed out of the window.

With a voice code, after filling the gunpowder quickly, filling the shells, aiming, the leads were ignited, and soon after, a bronze gun fired first.

boom! Bang!

Then the continuous cannon sounded.

Wei Xiaobei originally thought that the sailboat looked very old. The bronze gun was also a weapon that did not know how many years it had been eliminated. It would be pitiful in terms of power or range.

But what Wei Xiaobei never imagined was that the first round of rounded artillery shells crossed the distance of two kilometers and slammed into it. The hit rate was so high that Wei Xiaobei could not imagine it!

In order to test the power of this shell, Wei Xiaobei did not dodge, and his right hand extended, and he grabbed the shell that flew quickly.

For a moment, the shells were caught by Wei Xiaobei, but the impact force attached to it was not what Wei Xiaobei did not think of.

Fortunately, although the strength attached to this shell is large, it is still firmly held by Wei Xiaobei.


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