The City of Terror

Chapter 984: Nuclear bomb explosion!

The third chapter is sent! Code word code word!


The stones were flying over the bodies of the officers in the bridge, and they hit a deep pit on the steel wall behind them!

Well, at this moment, the officers gathered in the bridge felt the closeness of death.

Obviously, if the other party is willing, the next stone can kill all of them!

If you think about it, you will know that the intensive machine guns have not killed the other party. This guy is simply not a human!

As the highest commander of the destroyer, the captain had a cold sweat on his back.

There is no doubt that in the face of such a powerful enemy, they have almost no room for resistance.

And what should they do next?

"surrender! Otherwise die!"

At this time, Wei Xiaobei came to the front of the bridge with the air, and looked at the officers and men who had some trembling and trembling in the bridge. The face was extremely cold and shouted.

When they were far away, even if they saw Wei Xiaobei being hit by machine gun bullets, they were at most amazed.

But now, when Wei Xiaobei appears less than 20 meters away from them, all the officers can feel the power spread from Wei Xiaobei. They are all stiff and almost impossible to move with little fingers. Wei Xiaobei, who is suspended in front of them, is like a monster that descends from the sky, and they themselves are a little pity that can fall into the mouth of a giant beast at any time.

The difference in life level and the crushing at the soul level make these officers completely fall into a nightmare.

Is it surrender or fight?

Is it a birth, or is it a death?

Ok, okay, at this time two thoughts are colliding in their minds, almost making their minds explode.

Choosing students is undoubtedly the most fundamental survival choice for human beings, but it will be violently struck with the arrogance of their hearts.

This is like a big man with a distinguished status. One day, it is necessary to rely on someone to kneel down to be able to survive.

But choose to die, well, even the most determined human beings will have a slight hesitation.

After all, if you choose to die, everything related to life will disappear, your ideals, your family and all kinds of happiness.

Under such circumstances, all the officers’ faces were struggling.

Only Wei Xiaobei said that after the spread of the soul volatility, they only woke up from that nightmare of true or false, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Although I don't know your identity, we still choose to surrender to you."

The captain’s face had a painful look, and after talking a few words with his subtle voice, the words spit out from the mouth were extremely difficult.

"I accept your surrender."

Wei Xiaobei did not say his identity. He was not stupid. These people did choose to surrender. But this does not mean that they will keep their secrets honestly after they know their identity.

It is very likely that after a blink of an eye, they use communication equipment to reveal their identity.

With the end of the dialogue, the captain picked up the interlocutor and announced the order to give up the resistance to the destroyer.

To be honest, the battle has now, the officers and men on the destroyer have been mad by the white horses.

Although most of them have participated in some small-scale local wars, such battles are basically dozens of hundred kilometers away. Pressing the button to launch the cruise missiles, they may not even know the number of enemies. .

Now, face-to-face with those guys whose strength is completely different from humans, their battles are quickly exhausted, and the command issued by the captain is relieved.

No need to fight anymore, no need to face the horrible arrow.

With the surrender of the destroyer, Wei Xiaobei let a white horse be kept in the bridge. Once the destroyer joins the battle again, the white horse will kill all the officers. Destroy the bridge completely!

To be honest, the fighting has now, the officers and men of the entire aircraft carrier formation have a desperate mood, those who are riding on the horses running around the sea, okay, at least they may be injured, will withdraw from the battle.

But the giant tortoise that is chasing the aircraft carrier formation is a bit scary.

In a battle that was less than twenty minutes short, the entire aircraft carrier formation tilted toward the scorpion demon king more than one-fifth of its inventory!

Be aware that the ammunition stock of the aircraft carrier formation is sufficient to deal with a battle, or a month of fighting.

This shows how high the previous fighting intensity is.

But what makes them desperate is that no matter whether it is a shell or a missile or a torpedo, a bomb, falling on the giant tortoise, has almost no use!

Those violent explosions only blew up a layer of reef attached to the outer shell. As for the back shell, these explosions did not shake at all!

Especially after Wei Xiaobei forced a destroyer, the captain informed other warships that he had surrendered to the battle.

Plus the aircraft carrier can no longer take off the fighter!

As a result, the remaining warships are even more desperate.

In the end, the commander of the aircraft carrier formation informed the Admiralty of the war situation and urgently requested the use of No. 19 weapons.

Well, in fact, this 19th weapon is not a secret weapon, but a tactical nuclear weapon!

Undoubtedly, after receiving the report from the aircraft carrier formation, the Admiralty did not respond immediately.

In any case, the use of nuclear weapons, even if it is a tactical nuclear weapon, requires the President!

I don't know if it is because the situation of the aircraft carrier formation is too critical or what happened. In the past, the low-efficiency Admiralty has increased the efficiency several times. In just over ten minutes, the approval order for the use of the No. 19 weapon was passed.

At this time, another anti-submarine frigate was forced down by Wei Xiaobei.

This can not blame the captain for being timid and afraid of death, and being weak in nature. It is entirely a rule that Sam State has allowed to surrender.

In the face of irresistible enemies, surrender to save their lives is permitted in Sam.

As for this regulation, it may affect the will of the officers and men, and cause the officers and men to surrender when they encounter difficulties. That is, the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom.

At this time, the commander of the aircraft carrier formation immediately issued an order after receiving the order.

Soon, a cruise missile flew out on a destroyer.

This cruise missile is one of the most commonly used weapons when the Sam’s Navy attacks the ground.

It can fly more than two meters from the sea to break through the enemy's blockade and surveillance.

Compared with ballistic missiles, the advantages of cruise missiles are quite a lot.

In addition to the ultra-low-altitude penetration capability, cruise missiles have the advantage of being cheaper.

When the Navy’s navy attacks on the ground, it often launches dozens of cruise missiles in one breath, killing all the enemies!

For a cruise missile like this, the cost of one piece is only $200,000.

Of course, compared to the ak series of rifles, this cruise missile and its power is not at all a level.

At this time, the cruise missile flying from the destroyer hit the back of the turtle demon king.

At this moment, when I just jumped off a frigate, suddenly there was a danger that was about to erupt!

However, fortunately, this danger is probably directed against the tortoise and the demon king, so the danger warning generated by Wei Xiaobei’s mind is not strong.

When the first cruise missile hit the back of the Turtle demon king, the second cruise missile took off.

But then again, the scorpion demon king seems to be afraid of this missile at all, still chasing the aircraft carrier formation.


For a moment, the back of the tortoise demon king was a group of bright and dazzling lights rising. This group of lights even burned the eyes of the watchmen on several warships that were closer, which made them pass. The painful embarrassment.

The next moment, the light disappeared, and a cloud of mushrooms slowly rose. At the same time, a vast array of shock waves swept in all directions.

This lap of the shock wave even spread the storm created by the scorpion demon king!


For the first time, the turtle demon king, who has been as calm as an island, has issued a painful roar for the first time. The massive radiation has penetrated the sturdy back shell for a moment, causing tremendous damage to the body of the tortoise demon king.

Seeing this, Wei Xiaobei could not help but be secretly tight. There is no doubt that nuclear weapons can cause damage to the scorpion demon king.

But then again, the shock wave caused by nuclear weapons has also had a considerable impact on the surrounding warships. The sea has been tumbling, the waves have been slammed, and a frigate with only 3,000 tons has been directly overturned by the turmoil of the sea.

Wei Xiaobei appeared extremely decisive at this time and directly killed the carrier of the little bird.

He needs to control this aircraft carrier formation in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, if there are several nuclear bombs on the back of the turtle demon king, it may mean that the turtle demon king will hang up.

Of course, the biggest possibility is that the turtle demon king sinks into the sea to avoid injury.

Wei Xiaobei was like a small flea at this time, passing between a warship and jumping towards the aircraft carrier.

This is also a helpless thing. If you go directly from the air, the current crazy strength of the aircraft carrier formation, Wei Xiaobei will be countless bullets and missiles.

This is not surprising. It is important to know that when the bullets are densely concentrated to a certain extent, the impact is quite large, not to mention the shock waves caused by the close-range explosion of several missiles.

However, as Wei Xiaobei quickly approached the Little Birds again, the entire aircraft carrier formation was really crazy. They even gave up the attack on the Turtle Demon King and turned all the firepower to the small flea.

Under such a firepower tilt, Wei Xiaobei will be hit by many bullets every time he goes further.

Fortunately, these bullets hit Wei Xiaobei, that is, they were bombed out. The speed of Wei Xiaobei was slowed down, but it was not impossible to move forward.


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