The City of Terror

Chapter 992: Escaped fleet

Today is the last day of the month, and there is a monthly vote for the book, don't waste it!


In other words, this dragon's recipe does not exclude humans.

Wei Xiaobei smashed the dragon eggs in the dragon's nest.

Well, the genes of these dragons, Wei Xiaobei have been ingested before the fight, a single mind is being analyzed, and those dragon eggs can not be used as ingredients, toxic will not say, but also with a violent Smelly smell.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not retain the meaning of these dragon eggs.

In the next journey, Wei Xiaobei all the way, killing the dragons chasing themselves and destroying the dragon eggs found.

Of course, this also delayed Wei Xiaobei quite a lot of time.

However, on such a road, Wei Xiaobei also found a problem.

As they shorten their distance from nuclear power plants, the strength of their own dragons is slowly improving, and their ability to multiply is also improving.

When the distance between Wei Xiaobei and the nuclear power plant was shortened to 100 kilometers, the strength of the dragon has been raised from the two-star elite to two-star horror, and Wei Xiaobei found more than two dragon eggs in their nests!

This means that their ability to multiply has almost doubled!

Of course, even so, these dragons can not pose a threat to Wei Xiaobei.

However, Wei Xiaobei also confirmed at this time that these dragons did come from the gray world, but the gray atmosphere of them has been weakened by nuclear radiation, and their strength and even the ability to multiply should be balanced with nuclear. Radiation related.

Within the radius of 60 kilometers of nuclear power plants, Wei Xiaobei discovered several villages destroyed by the dragon.

The humans in the village have disappeared, and there are leftover guns on the ground. Wei Xiaobei can conclude that they are facing the attack of the dragon and resisted, but this is always useless.

The dragon plundered all the humans in the village to serve as food.

In many places in the village, traces of the venom of the dragon, the wood that was carbonized by the venom, and the hollow bones of the hollow were found.

Instead, some hens took chicks and ate for a quick meal near the village.

Probably because these chickens are too small to fit the dragon's appetite.

Nuclear power plant 30 kilometers radius!

The strength of the dragon has been upgraded to Samsung's ordinary! And there is a dragon that can spit flames!

However, in this area, Wei Xiaobei also discovered that these dragons have produced the dragons hatched in the dragon eggs. After they grow up, they are not all Samsung ordinary, but also have two stars or two stars, but these strengths are lower than those of Samsung. After the adult, the dragon was directly expelled by his parents or other dragons.

This is also the case, the number of Samsung ordinary level dragons that can produce three dragon eggs each time is not too scary.

From the situation that was discovered before and now, Wei Xiaobei has been able to determine 100%.

That is the nuclear power plant was occupied by the dragon.

I am afraid that the more I go to the nuclear power plant, the stronger the strength of these dragons will become.

When Wei Xiaobei entered the radius of the nuclear power plant by 10 kilometers, the strength of Feilong has been upgraded to the Samsung elite.

Although Wei Xiaobei is still able to slaughter these dragons, the type of dragons has increased again, and there is a dragon that can spit cold.

This kind of dragon mixed in the Feilong group launched an attack against Wei Xiaobei, but it added a lot of trouble to him.

This is also a helpless thing. Wei Xiaobei is almost immune to high temperatures, but he can only rely on his own incomparable physique to resist the ice.

A lot of cold can make Wei Xiaobei's body stiff.

This is also a weakness of Wei Xiaobei.

Fortunately, even with such a dragon, Wei Xiaobei did not use weapons, but only rely on his hands to slaughter a large group of more than 30 flying dragons.

However, the benefits of the battle made Wei Xiaobei quite frown.

Those two-star horror, the elite dragon will not say, mandatory 1 evolution point, while Samsung's ordinary dragons rose to 10 evolution points, Samsung elite is only 20 evolution points! As for the dragon egg, 1 evolution point.

Let's just say that the number of dragons killed by Wei Xiaobei before and after the killing has been thousands, and there are hundreds of dragon eggs.

But the evolutionary point of the harvest is only 3800 points, and each dragon has a 3.8 evolution point.

The income is very poor.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei came here not for evolution, but for nuclear fuel!

But then again, Wei Xiaobei’s trip seems to have weakened a big disaster for Xiong Guo.

If you think about it, you will know what kind of consequences will it be if thousands of dragons rush into places where the bears are densely smoked.

As long as it is not a fool, you can know it with your mind.

Of course, doing a good thing, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to go to the Xiong Guo government to ask for a certificate.

One thing to note is that Xiong Guo should be aware of the huge changes here.

About five kilometers from the nuclear power plant, Wei Xiaobei discovered a bear team that was rapidly charging.

Ok, well, exactly, they are running away.

More than a dozen tanks were opened, and there were several armed helicopters in the sky. More than 20 armored vehicles were behind the tanks. The soldiers were shrunk in armored vehicles and manipulated the machine guns on the armored vehicles to attack the sky.

Use a tank to deal with the dragon?

Well, Wei Xiaobei is watching it. It is accurate to say that in this area, there are also creatures on the ground that can cause fatal threats to human beings.

Giant mouse!

A group of giant mice that were bigger than a cat, and rushing out of the woods in front of them, seemed to go crazy toward those tanks.

Even if they are crushed by the tank's track into a meat sauce, the surviving mouse still bites everything that they can reach, the track, the outer shell and even the armored tires behind!

For these giant rats living in the Chernobyl region, there have been many questions about the outside world.

There are media who firmly claim that these giant rats exist, and there are people who feel that this is a ridiculous talk.

But now, Wei Xiaobei thinks that these giant rats, which are said to have been deformed by radiation, do exist.

Compared to their normal counterparts, these giant rats are not only a lot bigger, but their teeth are sharper.

Although they couldn't bite the track of the tank, they were able to smash some steel scrap on it.

As for the tires of armored vehicles, a bite is a small pit.

In the face of the ground and air attack of the team, it is indeed in trouble.

In just a few minutes, several helicopter gunships in the sky killed the same number of dragons, but they were also destroyed by the dragons.

At this time, the soldiers did not have to aim, bullets, and shells madly sweeping around the ground, and most of the bullets could easily hit a giant rat.

But the number of giant rats is too many, tens of thousands!

Of course, compared to some big cities, the number of these mice is not too large, but it is terrible to just pile up in front of the team.

Unless a 350mm gun shell hits here, it would be impossible to wipe out the giant rats.

Under the impact of these giant rats, the track of the tank will be broken, and the tires of the armored vehicles will soon be destroyed.

The armored vehicles were out of balance in an instant, as if the **** were rolling in the woods, knocking down the trees and grinding the giant rats into patties.

It can be said that after such a situation, the soldiers in the armored vehicles basically have no chance to survive. Even if they close the door of the armored vehicle, the giant rats will smash the steel casing a little bit and finally taste it. To the delicious human flesh.

Well, Wei Xiaobei looked at this scene far away, but he did not move. He could feel the threat from the nuclear power plant and the huge cry!

A pretty powerful monster is sleeping there!

Wei Xiaobei doesn't want to expose himself too early.

At this time, as Wei Xiaobei expected, the dragon and the giant mouse clashed.

The flying dragon swept through the air, and the sprayed green juice fell on the armored car and sputtered it, which actually corroded many giant rats into white bones.

This kind of hostile behavior led to the counterattack of the giant rats.

The giant rats are extremely flexible, they can even jump up to three meters in height and climb to the top of the canopy.

Some of the smarter giant rats climbed the canopy and jumped out when the dragons passed nearby. The bad luck giants naturally fell to the ground, but the lucky giant rats landed on the back of the dragon. on.

Undoubtedly, when the giant rats landed on the back of the dragon, they immediately attacked the wings of the dragon. The sharp teeth bite at the roots of the dragon's wings, directly let the dragons lose the power of flight, and then fall. Into the rat.

When these dragons fell to the ground, they sprayed venom on the giant rats, and the flames even chilled, but they killed a lot of giant rats.

But as I said before, there are too many giant rats here. They climbed up to the dragon's body, repeatedly biting the scales of the dragon, and even lacking the defense's belly.

When the first giant rat bites his belly and drills into the body of the dragon, Wei Xiaobei feels that some scalp is numb, as if he is suffering.

In any case, the dragon that fell to the ground is finally unable to escape.

These creatures are only one star elite, and they are enough to drown the dragons in numbers and break them into bones in a short time!

To say that the conflict between the dragon and the giant rat is to let the soldiers in the armored vehicles breathe a sigh of relief.

A large number of giant rats rushed toward the landing dragon, ignoring the more difficult armored vehicles.

However, the advantages of the giant rats have been maintained for a while. Soon, most of the giant rats seem to have received an alarm, leaving the body of the dragon that has not yet dawned, and rushing away like a tide.


Wei Xiaobei’s gaze locked a group of monsters that are rushing in the distance!

That is?


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