The City of Terror

Chapter 993: Tauren

From the perspective of human aesthetics, these monsters are not very good-looking. They are shaped like humans. They are only one meter away. They hold simple lances on their hands. The skin folds and appears white and gray, and the eyes are gray. The vision is poor, but their hearing seems to be good.

When they rushed over, the nearby dragons and even the bodies of the giant rats were ignored by them. On the contrary, some gluttonous giant rats became their target.

Wei Xiaobei used a look at everything, and the names of these humanoid monsters are called cavemen.

Well, caveman, Wei Xiaobei probably knows a little. This is a classic little monster from fantasy novels. They live in the underground cave world, relying on planting moss, making wheat for a living, amazingly productive, but underground. The most low-level intelligent creature in the world.

Of course, they have also developed a custom of tradition.

As the most intelligent population in the underground world, they are often slaves to other powerful underground races, like the Grey Dwarf, the Dark Elves and even the Tauren who like to support a group of cavemen to serve themselves.

It is said that the biometric level of these cavemen is lower than that of the giant rats.

But then, to Wei Weibei's surprise, these cavemen took an amazing advantage when fighting the giant rat.

A caveman who dealt with five or six giant rats did not panic, and the spears continued to pierce, and the giant rats were easily killed.

And those giant rats show panic that they have never faced before, which is also the help that cavemen can easily kill them.

At the same time, the flying dragons that passed through the sky turned a blind eye to the cavemen, and there was no such thing as a partial attack on these cavemen.

Of course, this is also normal. Cavemen and dragons should belong to one force.

At this time, the soldiers of Xiong Guo were self-rescuing. The armored vehicles that were destroyed after the tumbling were abandoned. All the soldiers were squeezed into the intact armored vehicles and smashed the caveman's shock to the giant rat.

As for the flying dragons that attacked from the air, they were directly ignored by the soldiers.

In the case of the loss of armed helicopters, it is impossible for this team to cause much damage to those flying dragons. Instead, it is better to escape directly.

Of course, in this process, the number of soldiers who hang up is not too small.

But at least, armored vehicles and tanks are barely able to resist for a while.

Watching the team that fled the emperor, Wei Xiaobei casually flew out the flying dragon, and the dragon flew out of a big tree after flying dozens of meters. The trunk of the big tree was hit. At the same time, the dragon also fried into a mass of meat sauce.

Keep going!

After Wei Xiaobei quietly collected some of the genes of the caveman, he rushed to the position of the nuclear power plant.

The direction is not wrong. As the nuclear power plant moves forward, the nuclear radiation in the environment will be more powerful.

What's more, Wei Xiaobei soon saw the nuclear power plant complex and several cement domes standing on the ground.

Well, these cement domes were reactors that were sealed by cement after a nuclear accident in the past.

What makes Wei Xiaobei frown is that there is a dragon's nest in the building of the nuclear power plant.

Some of the dragons are flying in the sky, and some of the dragons are resting in the nest.

Wei Xiaobei slightly explored and reached a conclusion.

The number of dragons is about three hundred, and the biological level jumps to Samsung Horror!

In those buildings, there are some cavemen who seem to use the nuclear power plant as a farmland, and a lot of strange crops are growing vigorously.

In addition, some Taurens with a biological level of four stars are patrolling near the nuclear power plant reactor.

As for the cement shells of the four nuclear reactors, they have actually been knocked out of the big holes. A lot of nuclear radiation is leaking out of the big holes. At the center of these nuclear reactors, there is a body that is more than 70 meters in size. Behemoth!

The bat wings stacked on the back, the broad diamond-shaped green scales, the huge head, the slender and graceful neck and the fat belly, long tail.

Green Dragon!

There is a Western dragon in a fantasy novel here!

Light from the breath that leaked out when he was asleep, Wei Xiaobei can feel the strength of this green dragon has reached four stars of horror!

Well, Wei Xiaobei is now a four-star horror creature, so it is especially sensitive to the monster atmosphere of the same level, even if you don't use all things to know.

Wei Xiaobei probably also saw it. The original strength of this green dragon is probably not four-star horror. I don’t know how long it has been here. In the case of a large amount of nuclear radiation absorption, the strength of this green dragon is undoubted. Got a big boost!

After seeing this green dragon, the changes around the nuclear power plant, Wei Xiaobei probably understand.

To put it simply, the Taurens, the cavemen and even the dragons are slaves to this green dragon.

And this nuclear power plant is undoubtedly the green dragon as its own nest.

However, this is also considered to be the luck of Xiong Guo.

If the dragon accidentally ran to other places, it would be a disaster.

But then again, this green dragon is there, which undoubtedly hinders Wei Xiaobei's access to nuclear fuel.

Wei Xiaobei didn't think that after he was close, the green dragon would still sleep.

Be aware that any creature's hunch for danger will increase dramatically as the creature level increases to four stars.

Wei Xiaobei is only just approaching, and the green dragon's snoring sounds weaker. The green dragon seems to have a little bit of a wake up.

Compared to the Green Dragon, the Tauren who patrol around it are more alert.

These Taurens are about two meters tall and carry a giant axe. Seeing the green dragon snoring weakened, they spread out in the first place, driving the cavemen and exploring them.

Of course, these cavemen should be the food of the Tauren. When the Tauren is driving the caveman, from time to time, they will also grab a caveman and put it on his mouth.

This scene looks a bit bloody.

The cavemen were completely unaffected by these **** scorpions, and it was a normal thing for them to be eaten by the Tauren. They were still erecting their ears and listening to the movements from all around.

It must be said that these cavemen should be the best spies in hearing.

They soon heard the heartbeat from Wei Xiaobei, two kilometers away, and screamed in this direction!

The tens of thousands of cavemen and the screams at the same time are deafening.

Even Wei Xiaobei, who is two kilometers away, feels that his ear has an illusion of being deaf. It seems that countless sharp knives are scraped on the glass.


Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but scream, he could control the muscles of his body without shaking, but he couldn't control the heart not to beat.

It seems that it is also a normal thing to be discovered by those cavemen.

Since it was exposed, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to hide, but stood out from the thatched grass.

After discovering the target, the Taurens screamed and rushed toward Wei Xiaobei with a giant axe. The cavemen standing around them rushed to dodge, but many of them were trampled by the Tauren. sauce.

Wei Xiaobei took out the big bow of the ink from the storage ring, and while pulling the bow and pointing the arrow, he looked at it with all things.

Name: Tauren

Race: Orc

Gender: Male

Age: 10 years old

Biology level: 3 star horror

Introduction: The Tauren are one of the powerful races in the underground world. They have strong muscles and can swing a thousand axe. They are honest and honest. Once they are conquered, they are loyal to their owners. But when they are confronted, they will It shows the most brutal and fierce side, and because of this, many strong people in the underground world like to support this kind of strong race.......

Strength: 49

Agility: 20

Constitution: 40

Intelligence: 6

Perception: 9

Charm: 9

Skills: Axe, Farming, Construction

Special ability: violent

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)


These tauren's biological grades are only Samsung horror?

Wei Xiaobei could not help but frown, and the bow string that had been opened was immediately loose, and he shot three consecutive arrows.

The three arrows were fanned in a blink of an eye, and the Tauren who rushed to the front with three heads shot.

The arrow is just an ordinary arrow, but under the blessing of the ink bow, there is still a terrible force.

The arrow thorns instantly burst on the Tauren, smashed and exploded like a cannonball, and the three Taurens were directly blown off the waist.

Even the lower body of the Tauren was fried into bolognese, and the upper body flew out.

The effect of the arrow on the land is not as good as that in the ocean. There is no seawater as the medium for transmitting the shock wave energy. The arrow is at most a pit that is less than one foot deep at the position of the Tauren.

The three arrows shot by Wei Xiaobei hit the Tauren with a surprise. The three Tauren were killed on the spot, and the rest of the Tauren were also attacked by an arrow.

Of course, compared with the three Taurens, the other Taurens are much better.

At least those attacks by the arrows did not kill them directly, and most of them were hit by a small hole.

Under the attack of the arrows, the eyes of the Taurens began to turn red, and a steam of steam was sprayed in the nostrils. The muscles of the whole body swelled rapidly, and a loud bang suddenly rang. These Taurens suddenly turned the giant axe in their hands. Xiaobei threw it over.

Whirring whirring.......

The huge axe thrown by hundreds of Taurens almost completely obscured the sky.

For the axe attack launched by these Taurens, Wei Xiaobei did not pay much attention to it. He only needed to withdraw 100 meters backwards to escape the axe rain.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised is that the atmosphere of these Taurens has suddenly increased by several times, from Samsung Horror to four stars!


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