The City of Terror

Chapter 1002: Multi-purpose, car accident

First send a chapter, is there a monthly pass? Have a monthly pass? Is there a monthly pass? The point is not to say three times.

Well, after the evolution of the altar of life, there is more power.

This is the ability to test genes.

To put it simply, after modifying the genetic map and adding new genes, you don't have to cultivate biological results in reality, but you can simulate the results directly in your mind!

Of course, the ability to test genes is extremely consuming.

Wei Xiaobei used it once. In his opinion, if the intellectual property is lower than 40 points, the ability to test genes cannot be successfully used.

Of course, if the intellectual property is only forty points, then once, basically the brain will be in a state of pause, and it takes a long break to recover.

In that case, this ability is undoubtedly a chicken.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei’s intelligence has now risen to 90 points, and he has the ability to use this ability to divide his mind into two parts.

In other words, Wei Xiaobei can use this ability more easily.

In order to speed up the test of genes, Wei Xiaobei simultaneously tested the genes in both minds, and carefully extracted a part of the weak pig's genetic chain, and then repeatedly added to a certain position in the gene chain.

Each time a gene is added, Wei Xiaobei will test the results to see if the breeding organism is successful and whether it has the ability to have a weak.

Well, to be honest, this kind of thing is a brain-burning activity.

Just as scientists use particle accelerators to find God particles, they need repeated experimental tests.

There are 23,000 genes in the weak pigs. That is to say, if you are not lucky, Wei Xiaobei needs to insert 23,000 genes into the gene chain of Pu'er, and insert the gene chain each time. The location also needs to be different.

In other words, the number of times Wei Weibei needs to test will reach more than one billion times of terror. After all, the number of genes of Pu people has reached more than 27,000.

To be honest, the process of inserting this gene is enough to cause the brains of ordinary humans to burst.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei's intelligence can support him in a quiet state, at a speed of more than a thousand times per second, while multi-purpose can double this speed.

Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei needs to spend more than a week!

But then again, the test rate like this, the failure rate is too high.

Time does not know how long it has passed. Wei Xiaobei frowned and opened his eyes and looked around.

The long-term consuming speed of brainpower makes Wei Xiaobei feel like time has passed for a long time, but it takes 45 minutes to see the electronic clock hanging in front of the bus.

Failure failure failed

These forty-five minutes have been failures, and most of them are failures caused by genetic collapse.

Of course, this situation is normal. After all, the genetic similarity between the weak pig and the Pu people is relatively low. Even after inserting the gene, it is difficult to ensure that the gene does not collapse.

A long sigh of relief, Wei Xiaobei is a little depressed, so going on, can consume a lot of time.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei eventually called out the property panel.

He is ready to open another mind, in which case the speed of his own genetic map will increase by 50%!

Recalling the process of starting a multi-purpose last time, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but feel a little cold sweat on his back.

This is not to say the pain that almost tears the brain apart, but the death scent that is contained in that pain.

To put it simply, if Wei Xiaobei did not survive in the past, either he died directly or became an idiot.

Of course, the result of becoming an idiot is not necessarily better than death.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei calculated it and found that with his current intellectual property of 90 points, starting a multi-purpose ability, probably should be no problem.

To put it bluntly, the success rate of this multi-purpose ability is basically linked to intellectual attributes.

Since it was able to ensure safety, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to calculate, but took out paper and pen.

Well, the bus driver is concentrating on driving. At this time, the speed of the bus is very fast. Although the car is already on the interstate highway, due to the bustling capital city, the traffic on this highway is quite a lot. If the driver is unable to concentrate, it is easy to cause a car accident.

Those ordinary people are sitting in their seats honestly, and they are not paying attention to what their masters are doing.

On the contrary, the small officer of the Hexagon Building, who was accompanying Wei Xiaobei, who was responsible for assisting some affairs, was a lieutenant who had just left the military school.

He suddenly watched Wei Xiaobei not knowing where to take a piece of paper and put it on the seat next to him. Then he grabbed a pen with his hands, and a pen was placed between the thumb and index finger of his right foot. I started writing on paper.

What are you doing?

What kind of practice is Chinese Kung Fu?

Question marks that could not be answered one by one in the minds of Xiao Shaojun, but he did not dare to disturb Wei Xiaobei.

He knows, this guy doesn't look very good, but the other people on the bus are very powerful.

In short, Wei Xiaobei's quirky action really makes this less powerful.

Wei Xiaobei also used three pens to write on paper. For him who already had two minds, it was easy to write different words with two pens at the same time.

But if you want to add a pen to write a different word, it is a bit difficult for Wei Xiaobei.

This is no less than the simultaneous writing of Wei Xiaobei with two pens when he did not open his mind.

After writing for a while on the paper, Wei Xiaobei's brow could not help but wrinkle.

Wei Xiaobei originally thought that this should not be too difficult, but now it seems that in opening up a mind, want to add a pen, the difficulty is much greater than before.

Looking at the watch, there are still two hours, the time should probably be enough.

Speaking of watches, Wei Xiaobei wears a piece of his hands.

The watch on the left hand was sent by Zhu Xinyi quietly. As a result, Wei Xiaobei was seen by Tu Qingqing after wearing it. Tu Qingqing did not say anything at the time, but also one day, he ran to buy a piece for Wei Xiao. North's right hand is put on.

Well, to be honest, Tu Qingqing’s way of thinking seems to have mixed the modern, two ways of women in ancient times.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei has a hand and a watch. Although it looks rather weird, Wei Xiaobei can only say that it is a sweet trouble.

Of course, if fighting, Wei Xiaobei still has to put two watches into the storage ring. If one of them is damaged, Wei Xiaobei will feel more trouble.

Writing three pens at the same time, but also writing different words, is undoubtedly a very difficult but boring thing.

After practicing for an hour and a half, and seeing another 30 kilometers, when the bus arrived in Alexandria, Wei Xiaobei finally mastered the skills of writing three pens at the same time.

After a long breath, Wei Xiaobei maintained this state, and then resolutely launched a multi-purpose!

With the launch of this ability, Wei Xiaobei could not help but scream, and felt that his head seemed to be smashed by a sharp knife. At this moment, the pain of tearing his head into two halves broke out from his mind. Come out, making Wei Xiaobei hate to scream.

Wei Xiaobei is not a normal existence now. His painful voice spreads throughout the bus in a flash. The ordinary people are suddenly stiff, and the bus driver and the small officer feel that the ear is like a giant drum. It was black in front of me and I was stunned.

The bus that was not controlled by the driver suddenly turned, and even hit the side of a truck that was rushing to the front.

A loud bang, the truck fell to the ground, and the bus slanted out.

Of course, it wasn't just the bus that was affected. The Pu people in the latter two buses also fell into a state of rigidity and could not move.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the drivers of the two buses did not faint. Because of the distance, they only felt pain in the brain.

However, when I saw a bus accident in front of the bus, they did not dare to move on. Instead, they hurriedly stopped and got off to check the situation.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was already in a coma, but not long after, the Pu people slowly recovered. Although the body seemed to be somewhat inflexible, Wei Xiaobei was rescued from the rollover bus.

As these people formed a warning circle, no one was allowed to approach, even after the two bus drivers approached, they were thrown out.

Of course, the two bus drivers did not suffer any injuries. After climbing from the ground, they wandered around the circle and went to the scene of the accident to save people.

Not to mention the chaos caused by this car accident, the Pu people will surround Wei Xiaobei in the middle and look at each other.

Now that the owner is in a coma, what should I do?

Well, although the intelligence of the general people has risen to the point of being close to humans, this does not mean that their level of intelligence can be compared with human beings.

In the past, these ordinary people did not have their own consciousness, and they all relied on the orders issued by Wei Xiaobei, such as fighting, planting, harvesting food, patrolling, and so on.

If there is no order, they will stay where they are, even if they don't even look at the eyelids.

But now Wei Xiaobei fainted in the past, and the spiritual connection that has been manipulating their lives has also been interrupted, which makes the general people feel a little dazed.

After cultivating them according to the altar of life, the thoughts instilled in them are absolutely obeying the will of the master to defend the master's life as the norm.

But now the owner seems to be in danger, how to defend? How to defend?

Time passed by, most of the people still stand in the same place.

After a few of the ordinary people stood for a while, some of them looked at the scene of the accident not far away.

The two bus drivers have already rescued the bus driver, the small officer and even the truck driver who were comatose. To be continued.


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