The City of Terror

Chapter 1003: Vomiting, artificial respiration

Then send a chapter, no nonsense Of course, these people are comatose, especially the truck driver seems to stop breathing.

The two bus drivers discussed it, then placed the truck driver on the road, untied his collar, pressed his lungs, and used the mouth-to-mouth method for artificial respiration.

Of course, it is absolutely uncomfortable for a man to artificially breathe another man.

If you think about it, you will know that the lips filled with the foul smell of garlic touched together, vomiting, Sanqing, God, Buddha.

However, artificial respiration was really effective. After a while, the truck driver screamed with a strong cough: "Cough, cough, vomit, what happened to me?"

Not to mention the truck driver is busy thanking the two bus drivers, only to say that a few ordinary people who suddenly watched this scene suddenly blinked a few times.

"The man is resurrected."

"Yes, I am resurrected."

"So we?"

After a series of exchanges between these popular people, they decided to learn how to rescue the bus driver and resurrect the great master.

After some selection, a Pu people with the largest lung capacity were in front of Wei Xiaobei, and while squeezing the lungs of Wei Xiaobei with their hands, they began to print their mouths.

Well, although Wei Xiaobei can hardly detect breathing, he is actually in a state of self-protection, not stopping breathing.

After being tossed by the general people, the violent excitement from the outside world made Wei Xiaobei awake and woke up: "What happened to me?"

When I saw the owner wake up, a few ordinary people could not help but rejoice, as other ordinary people still stayed in a circle.

After licking his head and vomiting a few times, he spit out the inexplicable smell in his mouth, and Wei Xiaobei struggled from the ground.

At this point, although there are still some fainting in his head, it is much better than before.

After taking some water from the storage ring and rushing to the face and waking up his head, Wei Xiaobei felt the change in his mind.

A new mind has been added, which has made Wei Xiaobei’s mind changed from the previous two to three.

Although it is not obvious after the first successful start of multi-purpose, but one more mind will undoubtedly make Wei Xiaobei's thinking speed much faster.

Undoubtedly, the bus in front of the bus, the truck confirmed the car accident, Wei Xiaobei slightly thought about it and knew what was going on.

The bad consequences caused by myself.

Fortunately, there are no dead people.

Although Wei Xiaobei said that he is killing a few people now, there will not be too many fluctuations in his heart, but if he is involved in innocent people, his heart will still be a little uncomfortable.

After looking at the scene of the car accident, Wei Xiaobei will rescue the unconscious driver, and the Shaolin will wake up. Then the Pu people will work together to lift the truck and the truck.

Of course, to say this kind of thing, a few ordinary people can get it right, and let everyone go together is undoubtedly a cover-up.

The next thing, naturally, is getting on the road.

As for the car accident, it is naturally the identity of the ensign of the ensign, and naturally there will be people in the hexagonal building to deal with.

Three buses continued on the road. Wei Xiaobei, who was sitting in the seat, was going to start testing the genes, but he suddenly found a problem.

Well, it seems that the ordinary people are not the same as before.

Wei Xiaobei, who has a keen eye for observation, together with the previous memories, found the problem.

Not all the people have changed, but several of them are more active. Well, the main expression is more active. When Wei Xiaobei ordered the car to be lifted, they seemed more active, and they also spoke from time to time. Adjust the power of other ordinary people.

Is wisdom improved?

Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment and used all things to check out the list of properties of those ordinary people.

Sure enough, there have been changes in the introduction of these popular people, which probably means that they have gained consciousness.

This is a good understanding. Before these ordinary people said it was like a high-performance robot. What the owner said and what they did was definitely not motivated.

But now, these ordinary people have obviously become interested in the outside world.

Just watching them stare at the scenery that swiftly swept back, the iron bars and even the eyes of some buildings know, like the baby's desire for the outside world.

To put it bluntly, they have the ability to learn.

Wei Xiaobei smashed the experience of today's day from beginning to end, and finally confirmed that these ordinary people's changes are after their own coma.

After viewing the memory of these ordinary people through the connection of the mind, Wei Xiaobei learned of the changes in it and could not help but ponder.

To say that these ordinary people have their own consciousness, it is hard to say whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Just like robots, if you have awareness, it is hard to say that they will not pose a threat to their owners.

Well, there are too many end-time novels in this area. I won’t list them here.

But the benefits of having consciousness are also obvious.

After having the consciousness, these ordinary people can learn by themselves and their subjective initiative is greatly improved.

It must be said that before the ordinary people can only act in accordance with the orders of Wei Xiaobei, the behavior is relatively old-fashioned.

Now, if you look at the behavior, it will be difficult to distinguish these ordinary people from normal human beings.

If you are able to learn by yourself, the possibility of mastering your skills will increase dramatically.

Moreover, Wei Xiaobei now has a plan to let these ordinary people learn for a period of time to see the effect. If the effect is good, let them follow the core disciples and learn to be the general officers in the future. Commander.

Just when Wei Xiaobei considered these issues, the bus entered the city of Alexandria, and it was not long before it was stopped.

A roadblock wrapped around a sharp wire blocked the road, and on both sides were more than a dozen live ammunition and armed Armed Forces.

"The vehicle is back! Go back! There is danger ahead!"

A soldier holding a small flag ran over and shouted.

The younger man immediately got off the bus and exchanged two sentences with the other party. When he returned to the car, he looked at Wei Xiaobei and said: "Mr. Wei, the front has been classified as a war zone, and the road has been blocked. We only walk. It is."

Wei Xiaobei nodded and drove the people to get off.

Later, the lieutenant brought some fluorescently-marked armbands for the general public to wear.

These fluorescently labeled armbands are the identification of the enemy and the enemy.

Entering the theater, if you don't wear this armband, it is easy for the Sam soldier to misunderstand as an enemy and attack.

After all, although the lobster soldiers are wearing bright red sequoim uniforms, it is hard to say that they will not take off their clothes now to confuse them.

"Then we went advanced, bye."

Wei Xiaobei waved his hand toward the Shaohao, and he took the lead over the roadblock and rushed down the road towards the central area of ​​Alexandria. Behind him, the ordinary people followed.

The Lieutenant originally planned to follow up at a close distance to complete the task assigned to him by the Hexagon Building, to observe the strength of Wei Xiaobei and his party, and to collect relevant information.

The speed of Weibei’s group is too fast. After entering the theater, he does not say that he is advancing at full speed, but at least when he is moving at the speed of the ordinary people, the second lieutenant who won the first physical fitness competition in the military school is not long before he is beaten. Traced.

Ordinary human physical fitness is no better, and it is impossible to be stronger than the bio-level two-star horror.

The Sam’s soldiers were right, and the road ahead was basically blocked.

A large number of discarded cars were parked in the streets indiscriminately, and there was no pedestrian in sight, just like the sight after the end of the day.

After less than a kilometer, it began to appear **** bodies.

There were drivers who were killed by bullets in the car, pedestrians who fell on both sides of the street, and even the shops on both sides of the street were smashed, and the corpses were everywhere.

The thick **** smell is permeated on the street.

Of course, occasionally you can see the bodies of some Sam’s soldiers.

Broken walls, bullet-filled street lamp pillars all show the fierce battle scene that broke out here.

Spread forward.

When I arrived at this place, I was able to clearly hear the sound of guns that came from the front.

This will allow Wei Xiaobei to detect that the two sides have fallen into a stalemate, but the more this time, the greater the danger.

Although the strength of the general people is not bad, Wei Xiaobei can't risk letting them rush like this.

That is to die.

After all, if these ordinary people hang up, if Wei Xiaobei re-cultivates it, it is likely to expose his ability.

Wei Xiaobei divided the Pu people into six squads, each with more than ten people. The few savvy people who were born were appointed as captains and led their squad to destroy those lobster soldiers.

Of course, before they set off, Wei Xiaobei probably explained some tactical points to them.

Because of the time constraints, I don’t know how much they understand.

This is also Wei Weibei wants to try how smart these few people are, whether they can complete the tasks they have handed over.

Subsequently, the Pu's squad were dispersed, some along the street, and some climbed down the pipe to the top of the building, and even a small team actually opened the sewer cover and drilled in.

I have to say that these ordinary people's learning ability is indeed not weak. Wei Xiaobei just told them that they should make full use of the terrain to hide themselves and avoid being discovered by the enemy. They will find out these methods.

After the squad of the Pu people rushed to the battlefield, Wei Xiaobei chose an 80-odd skyscraper to rush up. After going up the roof, he looked at the battlefield.

From this skyscraper you can see the battlefield in the central square of Alexandria.

The lobster soldiers are probably hiding in several buildings in the south of the central square. On the streets hundreds of meters from these buildings, an armored vehicle is parked. Many Sam soldiers have been scattered in the surrounding buildings, with lobsters. The soldiers are confrontational. To be continued.


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