The City of Terror

Chapter 1086: Lucky!

The third chapter is sent! ! No nonsense, time is coming! Everyone reads!


"I don't know. I haven't heard of such a powerful person in this area recently?"

“Will it be a gray-white helper?”

"No, I heard that the gray-white gang's helper always carries a big knife, and the image does not match."

"Everyone whispered, if we were heard by the guy, would we be good?"

"I don't know what happened, there are such powerful people running."

"Maybe there is a different treasure! But how can the guy stay where?"


A group of people talked a lot, and each face had a color of regret. In their view, if you can pick up the unknown treasure, it would be fine.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was busy intercepting the humans who tried to get close to Cuihu.

With Wei's current agile attributes, it is really hard to do this.

Fortunately, the human strength of this mixed-race is not so strong, even Wei Xiaobei has encountered several candidate core disciples in the security base.

These candidate core disciples are entering the gray world from the central area of ​​Cuihu City, and they are also coming in to enhance their strength.

Wei Xiaobei did not know them, but they knew Wei Xiaobei.

Therefore, after these candidate core disciples showed their identity to Wei Xiaobei, they helped Wei Xiaobei intercept some humans close to Cuihu.

This has caused Wei Xiaobei to reduce some trouble.

Of course, instead of Wei Xiaobei to intercept, basically no one dares to spur.

But after switching to these alternate core disciples, those who tried to get close to Cuihu were more arrogant. When they saw someone blocking it, they really thought that there was something good. They insisted on squatting and then killed them with the alternate core disciples. stand up.

However, Wei Xiaobei at this time has no time to pay attention to the human beings who want to come over.

Naihu Lake has collapsed to the final stage.

The dense black cracks divide the entire green lake into countless space debris.

These space fragments have shattered to the size of the fingers, and those half-spoken mermaids have arrived at this time, naturally it is dead.

At this time, the small island of the lake is also divided into large and small space fragments, and is continuously compressed and compressed toward the center.

This trend of rotational compression quickly spread to the entire Lakeland area, and its speed is getting faster and faster.

The entire Green Lake area, which is composed of space debris, quickly formed a huge vortex.

Numerous space debris is continually moving toward the center along a curve.

This speed is very fast.

Before and after the ten-minute time, all the space debris will be poured into the center, and the center will bloom with blue light, which is extremely dazzling. Even Wei Xiaobei can’t see the center. Things.

Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei can guess what happened.

It should be that the space debris is constantly compressed and is forming a stone of gray!

The time when the blue light bloomed was not too much. After the five interest, it suddenly retracted and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Cuihu has completely turned into a flat giant pit. Its area is wider than that of Cuihu, and its depth is more than three meters. It is like a huge clinker pressing a stamp here.

This kind of change, similar to the shoal of the sea, did not make Wei Xiaobei pay too much attention. His current attention has been attracted by the blue jewel suspended in the center of the crater.

However, the color of the blue gemstone was also rapidly changing at this time. After Wei Xiaobei saw it appear, he quickly rushed over and did not wait for him to approach, and its color completely turned black.

Holding a gray stone in his hand, Wei Xiaobei’s heart was very excited.

I have worked so hard for so long, and I have consumed so much energy, isn’t it for this thing?

"That kid! Let go of the baby! Rao you are not dead!"

Just when Wei Xiaobei was preparing to collect the gray stone from the storage ring and put it in the bag, he heard a big bang in the distance.

Wei Xiaobei turned around and saw that the two alternate core disciples were instantly shot by a strong man. The strong man was like a bronze color, stepping on the ground, suddenly sinking a few points, but he was as fast as a fly. I rushed over on my side.

The guy who screams that Wei Wei Xiaobei is not dead is this brawny.

I am afraid, after entering the gray world, this is the first time Wei Xiaobei heard someone yelling at himself.

However, Wei Xiaobei will not put down the gray boundary stone because of the casual one.

Just kidding, this gray stone is placed anywhere, except for the storage ring, Wei Xiaobei feels unsafe.

With a gentle movement in the right hand, the gray stone disappeared and fell into the storage ring.

When I saw the black stone in the hands of Wei Xiaobei suddenly disappeared, the brawny was about to blow up. The distance between the right arm and the muscles of the right arm was raised by a distance of five or six hundred meters.

It is quite strange to say that the shape of this strong man falls in Wei Xiaobei's eyes.

First of all, this brawny is a bald, oily and shiny one. The two brows are thick and thick, and the ends are almost extended to the ears. There are also some bending points, just like two beards, if they have their original Two long beards, the feeling of Wei Xiaobei is somewhat like Lu Xiaofeng.

Of course, Lu Xiaofeng is a family of four eyebrows, and this brawny is four beards.

Its body is extremely strong, and its height is more than two meters. The raised muscles seem to be coated with a layer of paint and bronze.

Of course, the one that most attracted Wei Xiaobei’s attention was the eyes of this bald-headed man!

The feeling of Wei Xiaobei’s first sight is that the eyes of this bald man seem to hide a piece of earth, which is extremely heavy!

The most amazing thing about Wei Xiaobei is that the smell of this bald man is extremely restrained, and he can't even accurately judge the creature's level!

At first glance, it seems to be a two-star horror, but as the other side punches out, it feels like Samsung.

Wei Xiaobei felt a murderous attack in the next moment.

For the first time, Wei Xiaobei didn't even have time to react. He felt a huge force coming from his chest. He slammed a loud noise, like an invisible fist squatting on Wei Xiaobei's chest!

Good guy!

Wei Xiaobei hurriedly retired a few steps, the whole body muscles squirmed, and the real mercury in the meridians surpassed, and Kan was able to solve the giant force.

Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei felt a dull chest.

Is it a hundred steps of God fist! ! ?

Well, after receiving this punch, although the injury is not serious, Wei Xiaobei’s first reaction is this.

Five or six hundred meters apart, a punch, actually actually produced an effect.

Isn't this a hundred-step **** fist or something?

After entering the gray world for so long, Wei Xiaobei feels, let alone the hundred-step **** fist, I am afraid that even the magic light shock wave of the Dragon Ball may exist.

Compared to Wei Xiaobei, who was a little surprised, the look of the bald-headed man was extremely exaggerated. Although his legs were still running, his mouth opened and his eyes looked dull and looked at Wei Xiaobei.

Obviously, this bald man is a bit unbelievable about Wei Xiaobei’s current state.

To say that the enemy in the past, by himself in this boxing, is not on the spot, at least also spit blood, and fell to the ground.

But this seemingly white and white face, after receiving a punch, did it seem to have a fart?

I have to say that this is a big blow to the psychology of the bald-headed man.

After being punched by the other side, although there was not much injury, Wei Xiaobei was not a benevolent Lord. At least, Wei Xiaobei was never soft in the face of a guy who tried to kill himself.

With a pair of eyes, all things are activated immediately, and the attribute table of the bald man is revealed.

Name: Yang Xuanli

Race: human

Gender: Male

Biological grade: four stars common

Introduction: Yang Xuanli, Laojunguan Taoist in Jiashan Village, Qingshui County, repeatedly violated the rules of view because of greed and greed. He was driven out of the Taoist temple by the host, temporarily staying in Jiashan Village, but after being ridiculed by the women, he was chased by the villagers and accidentally fell into the water. Thus entering the gray world, gaining the special ability of the power of the earth, thus obtaining a series of adventures

Weakness: Do not leave the earth

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: Laojunquan

Special ability: the power of the earth, the pseudo hundred steps of the **** fist, the body of bronze

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None

Have to say, this Yang Xuanli still has some protagonists!

Into the gray world, I got the power of the earth, and then I got the bronze body, the pseudo-hundred step, and then the road was smooth, and the smoothness of the creatures was upgraded to four stars!

To know that Yang Xuanli entered the gray world for the first time, that is, a month ago! !

This makes Wei Xiaobei feel so embarrassed!

Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment, how much time did he spend in the gray world for the first time?

Seems to be more than a year

Is this the mockery of red fruit?

What makes Wei Xiaobei uncomfortable is that this Yang Xuanli actually has a lot of beautiful women's harem in the number of more than 20 people!

And these beautiful harems live in perfect harmony.

Is this still human?

Wei Xiaobei rushed out of a step, and rushed toward Yang Xuanli.

The bald man Yang Xuanli saw Wei Xiaobei stepping toward himself and his heart sank.

It has been a month since entering the gray world. Yang Xuanli also knows that there must be a strong presence in this gray world, but this is an empty step, and it is beyond his imagination.

Therefore, this Yang Xuanli did not dare to have a slight stagnation, and the left and right fists opened, and they continued to fight against Wei Xiaobei.

To say that in this world, there will always be lucky lucky ones. Compared with other mediocre people, these lucky ones are undoubtedly the darlings of heaven.

They don't have to work hard, don't have a brilliant family life, as long as the opportunity comes, even if they take the wind, they become a dragon, so they are extremely glorious, what do they want?

And this bald brawny is one of them!

In a month, it has become a strong presence of four stars from ordinary people!


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