The City of Terror

Chapter 1087: Was beaten

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Undoubtedly, let those who are still struggling in the gray world know, I am afraid I will not want to tear this Yang Xuanli into pieces!

Of course, lucky people like this have a fatal weakness.

Even if they are lucky, if they encounter setbacks, then they may not be able to stand up and fall completely!

I have to say that this Yang Xuanli’s fists at this time are really powerful. They are played in the air, and they will work in Wei Xiaobei.

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei, who was rushing over, was shot by Yang Xuanli!

Of course, this is also because Wei Xiaobei’s property is too weak at this time.

When I changed to Wei Xiaobei, I don’t want to crush this Yang Xuanli in an instant, but at least I won’t be hit by the punching force!

But now, Wei Xiaobei was hit by this Yang Xuanli hundreds of times in one breath.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei’s current physical fitness has been fully restored. Under the support of up to 90 points, this Yang Xuanli’s fist has caused some damage to Wei Xiaobei’s body, but after the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei’s injuries will be counted. restore.

Wei Xiaobei actually had some anger rising.

Before seeing this Yang Xuanli, Wei Xiaobei was somewhat curious.

After all, it’s amazing to be able to upgrade from an ordinary person to a four-star ordinary guy in just one month.

But now, Wei Xiaobei can be said to have been beaten in the eyes of the public.

To put it simply, it seems like a big one has been repaired by a protagonist who plays with a tiger.

In the past, when watching such a protagonist's novels that forced face-playing, Wei Xiaobei undoubtedly had a heart-felt heart, and brought himself into it, and he would make a very big hit on his cheeks.

When this kind of thing is changed to oneself, the feeling is not very refreshing.

If this is spread out, does it still make people look down on Weijiadao as a whole?

It should be known that Weijiadao can now maintain a certain degree of toughness in front of many powerful countries. It is completely a predatory accumulation of things such as the capture of the aircraft carrier fleet, the quelling of monster riots and the like.

Once this reputation is broken and is stepped on the soles of the feet, then what happens next will not know what it is.

Don't think that this gray world will not be passed on to reality.

There are no fewer than five or six hundred people who are watching the war.

Even if Wei Xiaobei wants to kill people, I am afraid it is not so easy.

court death!

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes changed at this time, and from a few smiles before it became full of murder!

No matter how powerful Yang Xuanli is, you must die!

Even if he has just erupted, his body is very weak, and Yang Xuanli must lie down!

Perfect legend!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei's body inexplicably showed an imposing manner, and this momentum quickly expanded toward the surrounding.

That Yang Xuanli just made a punch in Wei Xiaobei. In a twinkling of an eye, he felt an irresistible momentum. In a flash, Yang Xuanli felt that his body was like a mountain.

The whole body becomes stiff and stiff, and even if you struggle, the body's stiffness is hard to rule out.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yang Xuanli can feel his speed at this time, and his strength and even more things have been greatly weakened!

This is the perfect legendary feature of Wei Xiaobei!

After Wei Xiaobei's momentum broke out, any creature standing in front of Wei Xiaobei, as long as the creature level below four stars is horrible, will be affected by the effect of forcibly suppressing half of the attributes!

Of course, with Wei Xiaobei's current state, the momentum brought by this perfect legendary feature can maintain the five-time time is very good.

But for Wei Xiaobei, it is enough!


Wei Xiaobei’s legs slammed, and the flying out of the body rushed toward Yang Xuanli.

Although Yang Xuanli said that he was lucky, he was a lucky one. He was used to it, but he was not a fool.

After the body was affected by the momentum and became abnormal, Yang Xuanli knew it was broken.

This is what he never thought of, and the other party actually has such a powerful card!


This is the first reaction of Yang Xuanli. He wants to avoid the attack of Wei Xiaobei sideways. At the same time, he has not forgotten a punch to Wei Xiaobei. He wants to block Wei Xiaobei with a fake hundred-step **** fist. .

But at this time, Yang Xuanli's various attributes were weakened by half. Even if it was punched, both strength and speed were also weakened by more than half.

Of course, this all-round attribute weakening is superimposed, making the power of its pseudo-hunt-step **** fist even more than one tenth of the previous!

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei did not even dodge, and he suffered from this punch.

But this punch is on the body, and Wei Xiaobei’s body is not paused.

Gifts come and go, don't come, indecent assault; come and go, it's not a gift!

As a hospitable Chinese, Wei Xiaobei will naturally not forget this.

Moreover, at this time, the distance between Yang Xuanli and Wei Xiaobei is less than 50 meters!

The right hand lifted up and moved gently, and the ink shot was turned into a black light and shot toward Yang Xuanli!

It should be said that although Yang Xuanli was weakened by half of the property, his reaction was not slow. When he saw the big shot of ink and ink, he couldn’t take care of anything. The homeopathic direction fell to the ground, and the ink that was quickly shot was high. The gun hid in the past.

But Yang Xuanli hides, there is no chance to continue to escape!

That Yang Xuanli only heard a rumor, and the next moment I felt the clothes tightened, and then I was brought up.

Yang Xuanli is naturally a punch to the man!

It’s not someone who mentions Yang Xuanli, it’s Wei Xiaobei.

See Yang Xuanli’s fist, and Wei Xiaobei’s face showed a scornful smile.

If it is hundreds of meters away, its attributes are not weakened, and with the magic of its pseudo-hundred step, there is really no good way to deal with him except for the counterattack with ink and ink.

But now, the other party has been put on their own hands, the distance between the two sides is infinitely zero!

Think about it, what kind of ending would an archer be caught in by a gladiator?

Spike? Still spike?

Well, Wei Xiaobei raised the Yang Xuanli at this time, causing Yang Xuanli to fall into the air. The invisible punching power fell on the ground and pulled a large pit from the ground.


Wei Xiaobei immediately placed Yang Xuanli on the ground with a head-down posture!


The dull sound came out, and Yang Xuanli was like a wooden stake, inserted into the ground until the knees!


When Wei Xiaobei raised his hand, he pulled Yang Xuanli out of the ground and squatted again. This time, Yang Xuanli had a head-sized stone on the ground.


In the collision with Yang Xuanli's head, the stone suddenly shattered and turned into numerous tiny fragments that sputtered around.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised is that under such a powerful force, Yang Xuanli seems to have not suffered multiple injuries.

If you switch to ordinary humans, this time alone will be enough to break the neck bones and the head will rupture and die.

But this Yang Xuanli just raised a big bag on the top of the head!

This bronze body is extraordinary, its skin is extremely tough, and the body is like a piece of soft and elastic metal.

Of course, for Wei Xiaobei, Yang Xuanli’s ability to fight is only outstanding.

If you change to Wei Xiaobei, then the so-called bronze body of Yang Xuanli is just a joke.

But now, the bronze body of Yang Xuanli has indeed added some trouble to Wei Xiaobei.

But it's just a hassle.

Wei Xiaobei’s power attribute is only 55 points now, but with the addition of the national realm and the skill of using it, Yang Xuanli, who is constantly struggling, is completely suppressed.


Wei Xiaobei left Yang Xuanli again, and Yang Xuanli thought that he had found an offline meeting, and when his legs were lifted, he kicked the two key points of Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei didn't even blink his eyes, and his right hand punched, and he punched directly on Yang Xuanli's chest.


A dull sound like a hit on the metal, and Yang Xuanli’s face suddenly turned green, and the raised legs suddenly softened.

The ingenuity of Wei Xiaobei’s fist made Yang Xuanli not think of it.

At that moment, Wei Xiaobei's fist face and Yang Xuanli's abdomen had dozens of impacts, and each impact coincided at a point.

This is only the simplest tremor, but it has the effect of superimposing the power resonance, so that the bronze body of Yang Xuanli can't stop the stock from rushing like a wave.

At this moment, Yang Xuanli's internal organs were shattered by a small half!

That Yang Xuanli only felt a pain in his chest, and then there was a feeling of breathing but suffocating, and then, a tearing pain mixed with the inexplicable liquid, and rushed up the pipe.

Yang Xuanli bite the support of the teeth, but in the end it still couldn't hold back. Zhang mouth was a blood arrow sprayed out.

Wei Xiaobei turned his head and hid the blood arrow. There are many fragments, which should be the fragments of his internal organs.

"Ah! The power of the earth!"

At this moment, Yang Xuanli was desperate, and when he was defending Xiaobei's head, his legs slammed downwards, and after the legs touched the ground, the whole body muscle suddenly expanded.

In a blink of an eye, this Yang Xuanli's body shape suddenly expanded from two meters to five or six meters!

"Kid! Let's die!"

Yang Xuanli, who resolutely activated the power of the earth, is undoubtedly hateful to Wei Xiaobei.

The baby that he saw was robbed by the other party. Of course, he wouldn’t think that the treasure was Wei Xiaobei’s way of trying to figure it out. ,anger!

I was almost killed by the other party! fury!

And forcing yourself to use the power of the earth is not to share the enemy.

You know, the power of the earth seems to be a big name, but in fact this thing is not a fun ability. To be continued.


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