The City of Terror

Chapter 1089: Give benefits, recovery

First sent a chapter, today suddenly rains, it was thought that the temperature will suddenly drop, but it is still hot.


Quite simply, if you can know where the danger is, how dangerous it is, and even what monsters are there, etc., it will definitely have great benefits for the experience of the gray world.

At least not because of the hustle and bustle of the hoe, and lost his life.

As for the strong people I have seen, it is undoubtedly a good material to be used in the leisure time of those who are in the gray world.

Of course, not all of the bystanders are scared away.

There are also more than 20 security core candidates who are standing in the distance. When Wei Xiaobei was victorious and scared away those onlookers, they slowly came over and looked dull.

No way, who is the change, after seeing the scene before, Wei Weibei will give birth to awe.

Of course, they didn't know that Yang Xuanli was killed by himself. It was related to the arrow shot by Wei Xiaobei, but the relationship was not big.

"I have seen the owner!"

More than 20 candidate core disciples stood in front of Wei Xiaobei in a row.

Wei Xiaobei nodded. He knew that the total number of candidate core disciples in the security base has now exceeded 300, and it is constantly increasing. Every once in a while, Zhao Guang and Wei Xingwu will promote the most elite inside. As a core disciple, after a period of time with Zhao Guang, it will be sent to Weijia Island to enrich the power of Weijia Island.

Therefore, at this time, I can see more than 20 candidate core disciples here, and I am lucky enough to be lucky. At the same time, I am lucky enough to count these candidate core disciples.

Many of these candidate core disciples were injured when they blocked those bystanders.

This is an inevitable situation.

The strength of these candidate core disciples is not as strong as the core disciples, they are basically the strength of a star elite.

Dealing with ordinary people is okay, and dealing with some old oil that has been mixed for a few months in the gray world, there are some gaps.

It’s a blessing if there are no dead people.

Of course, the most serious injury here is that two people have broken arms, and the rest are either two knives on the back or the hands and injuries on the legs.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei frowned, and then took out some potions and food from the storage ring and distributed it.

For the medicines and foods produced by Wei Xiaobei, these candidate core disciples have basically seen them.

However, these treasures are usually only available to those core disciples. These candidate core disciples rarely get such a baby.

From this, I can imagine the excitement of these candidate core disciples.

Wei Xiaobei personally shot the guy who had broken his arms and picked up the bones. He took out two bottles of the original world sap for the two to drink.

In this case, it is basically guaranteed that they will be restored in half a month.

Of course, the premise is that the two will not die on their own and then break their arms.

"You go back first."

After handling the injuries of these alternate core disciples, Wei Xiaobei waved his hand and let these guys go back to reality.

Dealing with the injuries of these alternate core disciples with Wei Xiaobei’s medical skills is undoubtedly a piece of cake.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s medical skills are so good that those potions are so powerful that it is impossible for these alternate core disciples to recover in a matter of minutes. Therefore, their best place to repair their injuries is still a real security base, not this. Dangerous gray world!

After all, Wei Xiaobei is now almost ready to collapse.

Waiting for those waiting for the core disciples to be transparent, leaving the gray world, and going back to reality, Wei Xiaobei only got up and chose to leave the green lake that has become a giant pit.

Undoubtedly, with Wei Xiaobei’s current state of collapse, it is urgent to find a safer place to resume rest.

To say the safest place to rest is undoubtedly the reality.

But with the strength of Wei Xiaobei, the time that must be stayed after entering the gray world is getting longer and longer. Until now, the time that Wei Xiaobei needs to stay in the gray world has been extended to a whole day!

Now, no matter how you look at it, from entering the gray world to destroying the lake, and hanging Yang Xuanli, there is no day at this time, so Wei Xiaobei finally chose the desert zone where Yan Yan had been.

Of course, if you switch to other ordinary humans, you should probably choose the Green Lake downtown square occupied by the gray gang, but for Wei Xiaobei, the place seems to be less secure because of the existence of a strange hut.

From the past desert area of ​​Cuihu, you need to go through the rental street.

When Wei Xiaobei swept through the rented street in the air, he felt inexplicably peeping, and could not help but stop and focus on the gray pile formed after the collapse of the pile of houses below.

However, these ash piles did not show any abnormalities in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, and even after they used everything, they did not see anything.

Since he couldn't see anything, Wei Xiaobei didn't make a random shot, didn't stay too much, and then left here.

But in retrospect, I have felt this kind of peeping eyes here, but the other side is very well hidden, and I can't find the other person at all.

At the thought of this, Wei Xiaobei, whose legs have stepped into the desert, could not help but have a cold sweat on his back.

For a strong person like Wei Xiaobei, he is not afraid to fight anything with other powerful existences.

Like this guy who hides in the dark and peers at himself, but has not been discovered by himself, Wei Weibei can't help but worry.

If you think about it, you will know that your every move is in the observation of the other party.

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing each other can only fight.

I have been clearly seen by the other party. If it is right in the future, the degree of danger will be greatly improved.

Fortunately, it was not long after Wei Xiaobei left the rental street and stepped into the desert. The peeping eyes disappeared and suddenly disappeared.

It seems that the peeping eyes should only exist on the side of the rental street. If this is the case, Wei Xiaobei’s heart will be somewhat relaxed.

If you have to peek into the desert, Wei Xiaobei can only wait for the time to pass, and return to reality to cultivate.

But then again, the desert area at this time has become more and more desolate.

At the edge of the desert, the edge of the desert has been retracted for at least three kilometers. The three-kilometer section has been grayed out and covered with a thin layer of dust.

Wei Xiaobei squatted down and reached for a squat, while the ground was a layer of gravel, but the temperature in this zone has dropped from the original 30 degrees to the normal twenty degrees.

Wei Xiaobei's fingers pulled a circle, and even the body of some small scorpions appeared under the dust.

It seems that the departure of Yan Yan is still quite large for this desert zone. I don't know, this desert zone can be broken and collapse into a gray stone.

Wei Xiaobei, who stood up and got up, couldn’t help but smile.

I think more about myself.

From a normal point of view, this desert zone is formed by the stagnation of stagnation, so if you want to break this desert zone and form a gray stone, I am afraid to kill the sputum.

Otherwise, the time it takes to spend this time, I am afraid it is not a little bit.

After crossing the gray area of ​​more than three kilometers, Wei Xiaobei's legs once again set foot on this desert, feeling the hot air coming from the face, Wei Xiaobei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Obviously, this desert is more suitable for Wei Xiaobei to restore the body than other places.

Entering deep into the desert, this way, Wei Xiaobei's electromagnetic field is open to explore the surrounding environment.

Undoubtedly, this desert has become more desolate than it was last time.

The number of black pythons and even the descendants of the scarab is greatly reduced. The dead bodies of these monsters can be seen everywhere in the gravel. Even some survivors, they become inactive, even if Wei Xiaobei walks from the side. However, they are just moving, but there is no such fierce attack.

When Xiaobei came to the place where Yan Yan had been in the past, the high temperature here had disappeared, leaving only a lava lake that had completely solidified.

Well, to be precise, it should be the Dragon Dung Lake!

To say that last time, Wei Xiaobei came over and didn't notice this. Now I see that it is a rare surprise.

You know, after the metamorphosis, there is still a lava lake in the place where it is still waiting, but the dragon stone in the lava lake is almost gone.

In short, the phlegm after the metamorphosis is basically no longer defecation.

Occasionally, the bowel movement was once taken up by the sputum.

To be honest, for this, Wei Xiaobei is quite a bit squeaky.

If you change to a human, the daily stools are collected and hidden in your mouth. What kind of feeling would it be?

Wei Xiaobei did not immediately mine the dung stone in the lava lake, but began to dig pits on the spot.

The ground here has been melted by the high temperature of phlegm, and after solidification, the hardness is naturally harder than before.

If it is an ordinary shovel, I am afraid that it will not be a few times, and the shovel will be scrapped.

However, the shovel on Wei Xiaobei's hand is not a natural product. When a shovel goes down, there is a pit on the hard ground.

Wei Wei, who is weak again, is still a strong man.

After five or six minutes of busy work, Wei Xiaobei dug a cave in the ground.

Of course, don't expect how spacious and comfortable this cave will be.

Going deeper than ten meters underground, but only able to let Wei Xiaobei stand or turn over.

In such a short period of time, it is very good to construct a shelter.

After Wei Xiaobei drilled into the cave, he blocked the exit and then stood in the narrow cave. His legs were shoulder-to-shoulder, his hands were tied in front of the lower abdomen, and his eyes closed, his eyes sinking. Then, it starts to drive the real mercury in the meridians.


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