The City of Terror

Chapter 1090: And finally recovered

Send another chapter, I don’t know what happened in the past few days. The code word is slow to vomit blood. It seems that I need to give myself more drums!

This is just the customary station of Wei Xiaobei.

However, as the real mercury in the meridians began to accelerate, the cycle of the circle was cycled, and then the real mercury in other parts of the body was driven. Gradually, Wei Xiaobei found some surprises, and his property recovery speed suddenly increased. a lot of!

This standing pile drive true mercury practice can actually speed up recovery!

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei said that there is a little expectation, but did not expect the effect to be so good.

Accurately, this recovery speed has more than doubled, and as the speed of real mercury continues to increase, the recovery rate has also increased.

When the speed of real mercury rises to the limit of meridians, the recovery speed has already increased to more than ten times before!

After careful observation, Wei Xiaobei discovered that when the real mercury accelerates in the meridians and drives the real mercury outside the meridians, the real mercury will become active and accelerate the nourishment of the body. This is the attribute. The main reason for the recovery!

Time has passed by, and Wei Xiaobei has stood in the cave for a whole day.

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei slowed down the real mercury in the meridians, and then he lifted his mind and slowly recovered his work. He finally opened his eyes and spit out a suffocating gas.

Well, this turbidity is a bit stinky. It is like the smell of dozens of rotten eggs mixed with salted fish. Even Wei Xiaobei himself can't stand it anymore. He has to climb out of the cave and breathe into the ground.

After breathing the fresh air outside, Wei Xiaobei began to look at his own property panel.

What makes Wei Xiaobei quite happy is that the three attributes of strength, perception and charm have been restored, and the agile attribute has been restored to 80 points.

As for the most powerful intellectual property that fell, it also recovered to 45 points.

Although it can't match the 100 points at the peak, it will at least not make Wei Xiaobei have a headache when thinking too much.

Of course, if Wei Xiaobei wants to let the four minds run to high speed at the same time, it will also cause headaches and even more pain.

After all, 45 points of intelligence want to support the high-speed operation of the four minds, it is tantamount to the pony dragging the cart.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not a fool. He knows that his intellectual property has not fully recovered, and he will not be so stupid, so that his mind is excessively consumed, which leads to more problems.

Of course, even this is the case, Wei Xiaobei feels heartfelt excitement.

To be honest, the former state of extreme weakness, Wei Xiaobei also felt before.

This feeling of weakness makes Wei Xiaobei not have a sense of security. To be honest, if the strength of Yang Xuanli is stronger, the result of that battle may be that Wei Xiaobei wolf escaped.

This is not a joke, the master has a trick, the outcome is often on the little bit of the strength gap!

Now, my strength has recovered at least more than half.

The 80 points of agility, with the addition of the Wei Xiaobei national realm, is enough to support the power of 100 points.

The three attributes of strength, agility and physique can be restored, so Weibei’s combat effectiveness will not be weakened.

As for the intellectual property, Wei Xiaobei also wants to relax a little. After all, every moment, four minds are running fast, analyzing and so on, which will make people nervous and tight. .

If you relax for a while, let your mind rest for a while, and the efficiency should be higher for future work.

Sitting on the hard ground, Wei Xiaobei extended his left hand, spewed pork, cultivated more than 20 ordinary people, and then sent them tools to let these ordinary people go to the solidified lava lake to dig the dragon stone. .

It is said that the material reserve of the altar of life is not too much. After the last time a large number of high-temperature birds were cultivated, Wei Xiaobei did not add anything.

Of course, even so, there are no problems in cultivating more than 20 ordinary people.

After all, the cultivation of the general population is relatively less than that of other organisms. Even if the cultivation cost of the general population has been improved since the beginning, the consumption of one hundred and twenty points of material by each ordinary person can be cultivated.

What are the 20 general talents? Only two thousand substances.

These ordinary people did not let Wei Xiaobei's eyes shine brightly. They were all ordinary goods. They picked up those shovel, crossbows and other tools and walked toward the lava lake.

After that, Wei Xiaobei took out some food, water, eat and drink, wiped the mouth, and then took the gray stone from the storage ring.

This gray stone is bigger than the two gray stone that Wei Xiaobei once won.

This light makes Wei Xiaobei happy.

This head is a big circle, so the quality should be better?

Of course, the gray stone is not a good thing to see its quality.

Wei Xiaobei put the gray stone in front of him, and then he started everything!

Name: Broken gray stone stone and other fine products

Introduction: Grey stone is a special product of space or world collapse and can be used to create space, create the world, repair space, repair the world, expand space, and expand the world. This broken gray boundary stone was formed by the collapse of the gray boundary lake.

Effect 1: Create space, pay attention: need relevant space knowledge.

Effect 2: Repair space.

Effect three: expand the space.

Broken gray stone!

Wei Xiaobei recalled that the two gray stone that he had obtained before was the gray stone that was broken to the extreme.

It can be seen that the gray stone in the hand is now much stronger than the two gray stones in the past.

After playing this gray boundary stone for a while, Wei Xiaobei added it to the storage ring.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei will not study this gray stone at this time.

It is not very convenient here, and Wei Xiaobei is not willing to waste this gray stone before he is too sure.

At the same time, at this time, Wei Xiaobei discovered that someone in the distance was running towards this side.

Well, it’s a group of people, the number is around 30 people.

"Mad dog! Isn’t you looking in the right direction? Why haven’t you seen people for so long?”

A tall, thin man with a heavy machine gun in the crowd was somewhat dissatisfied and asked a man in front of the crowd.

The man’s posture when he was running was completely different from that of other people.

It is like a wolf dog, running on all fours, and occasionally bowing his head and sniffing with his nose.

Hearing the culture of tall and thin, the mad dog is also somewhat dissatisfied, and his own hard-smelling smell. This guy is familiar with his own boss, and he is arrogant about himself. This makes people feel a little unhappy.

For now, the practitioners who enter the gray world stay for a while, as long as luck is not too bad, the strength is not comparable to ordinary humans.

As a result, many experienced people have developed a arrogant character.

The same is true of this mad dog. Where did you hear the words of the tall, thin man, immediately squirted back to the tall thin man: "You can do this, then come and find it!"

"What do you mean by this? The security of the boss is the most important! Wait until you find the boss, see me give you a good look!"

The tall thin man used to be accustomed to the intimacy of the so-called boss. At this time, the words spoken by the mad dog were almost not bombed, but he also understood that the boss was not in front of him and he provoked the mad dog. I am afraid that no one can save himself.

You know, this group is white, it is the composition of the boss's opponents, that is to say, these guys are the boss of the boss!

If the horrible strength of the boss is not shocked, these guys have already turned into the sky.

At the thought of this, this tall thin man suddenly softened a bit, but it was a bit uncomfortable to think about it, so he threatened the other party at the end.

Hearing the threat of this tall, thin dog, the mad dog bite his teeth, and the teeth in his mouth are completely different from normal human beings. Just like the sharp teeth in the wolf's mouth, there is a sound of metal friction between the teeth, but it will The tall thin man was shocked.

Fortunately, this mad dog seems to be extremely jealous of the so-called boss, so there is no sound again, just boring head sprinting, smelling from time to time.

As for the other people in this group, perhaps this scene has long been taken for granted. Seeing that the two did not really fight, their eyes showed a few regrets.

Obviously, if the two are strangled, these guys will not only pull the rack, they may also cheer up and even make worse things.

Perhaps it is also the hidden threat of other people, the two talents did not fight.

For Wei Xiaobei, these guys who came here undoubtedly broke the silence they were prepared to continue to rest.

I am also ready to refuel to restore the intellectual property.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to kill these guys directly, just waiting for them to come over and then drive them away.

After all, the strength of these guys is not too weak. The most powerful one is a big fat man. All the way is silent, but from the breath revealed by him, the biological level has probably reached Samsung Horror!

As for others, the bioscale is probably between the two-star elite and Samsung.

To be honest, for the average person, the strength of these guys is also very strong.

If it is not necessary, Wei Xiaobei does not intend to be like them. After all, everyone is human, and compared with the continuous invasion of the gray world monsters, it is better to keep some of the strong ones like this.

At that time, the Pu people had already dug out some small pits in the magma lake. Some of the dung stone that had originally floated on the surface of the lava were dug out by them and then piled up next to the lava lake.

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes swept away and saw some of the dragon dung stones.

These dragon dung stones do not know what has changed, the color has changed from red to white, and it is particularly eye-catching next to the lava lake that is solidified and dark gray.

Everything is familiar!

Wei Xiaobei immediately looked at these dragon dung stones with all things. To be continued.


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