The City of Terror

Chapter 1132: , peach blossom 2

Suddenly, there is a little bit of a warm summer in the poor road.... Is this the person's insufficiency?


"No! If you are flustered, you can go online. I remember what kind of face you like very much?"

This old man of Gross is very powerful. If he is replaced by other people, he will be said by a delicate daughter, even if the steel stone heart is soft into tofu.

The old man of Grosse is good, and he is not softened by Karina at all, and the daughter is directly dispelled.


Where did Karena give up?

But when Karina was entangled with Gros and was ready to say something, Gross turned and pulled Wei Xiaobei over: "Baby, see who is coming? You are unforgettable Uncle Wei."

Well, not to mention that Kalina loves Wei Xiaobei’s love for a few points, she said that she would be the title of Wei Xiaobei’s uncle, probably also worried about Wei Xiaobei’s idea of ​​playing her own baby daughter.

This is really a poor parent!

It is indeed painstaking to ask the old man to use Wei Xiaobei to dispel his daughter's thoughts and to prevent the wolf from entering the room.


Karina was a little uncertain and asked Wei Xiaobei to ask.

Wei Xiaobei should also be thankful.

It’s been so long, and Karina can still remember herself.

"Hello, Karina."

Wei Xiaobei nodded politely.

However, Gross’s intention to transfer his daughter’s attention with Wei Xiaobei immediately fell through.

"Hey! I am going out! You can't help me to be free!"

Karina, who had come back to the world, shouted at the old man.

I have to say that any woman who feels loud and screams will feel a little scared.

Even Wei Xiaobei was shocked by this Karina.

"Hold! Karina pays attention to your words. You know, Wei is a guest who is so far away, he also brought you a gift."

Well, at this time, Gross's old man completely regarded Wei Xiaobei as a magic weapon to defeat the enemy.

Wei Xiaobei heard this sentence and could not help but hang down a few black lines on his face. When he came over, he did not expect to meet Gros, and he did not prepare the so-called gift at all.

Of course, Gross’s old man said so, if he couldn’t get a gift, it’s a bit rude, and it’s very embarrassing.

Karina looked at Wei Xiaobei with a puzzled look, probably by the words of the old man of Gross.

Wei Xiaobei turned over in the storage ring. Fortunately, there are a lot of things in this storage ring. What kind of handicrafts of Wei Xiaobeiping refiner are lost in this storage ring.

After two rounds, Wei Xiaobei discovered a gift that is more suitable for girls.

A hairpin!

This bun is carved with a peach tree branch, which incorporates a little world sap.

Because Wei Xiaobei's carving skills have reached the world's unparalleled, coupled with the world's sap, so this hairpin as long as it is worn on the head, it will open a string of elegant peach blossoms, long-lasting.

Of course, this thing seems to have little value in Wei Xiaobei. It is completely a brain-breaking practice, ready to practice, and later to do some beautiful jewelry for his wife.

Wei Xiaobei took this one out, and Karina’s gaze fell on it and it could not be moved.

You know, in the eyes of Karina, China is with a little mysterious color, especially the hand of self-defense Xiaobei, which is completely Chinese ancient style, exquisite, and with the unique simplicity of Huaxia.

"This is a piece I personally carved, I hope you like it."

Wei Xiaobei smiled and handed the hairpin to Karina.

"Wow, this is so beautiful! It's just a piece of art, thank you, I like it too much."

After Carina took over her hair, she couldn’t help but have some eyes, and she couldn’t put it down in her hands.

However, after playing for a while, Karina is ready to take the hairpin to her room and put it in her room. In the eyes of Karina, this is a piece of art, probably a piece of furniture placed on the table.

"Karina, this is worn on the head, can you give it a try?"

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but smile. This Karina probably shouldn't know what the hair is.

I want to come, too, the girls now use hairpins, and I still know what it is, not to mention the Norwegian sister.

"Is it worn on the head?"

Obviously, Karina doesn't know how to use this stuff.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei once helped Tu Qingqing to insert his hair, and saw that Karina was so busy, she couldn’t help but take the hairpin and help Karina to gently pull her hair, and then she would worry. Plugged in it.

Fortunately, this Karina has a long hair around her waist. Otherwise, this hairpin is really useless.

With this hairpin, a bunch of faint peach blossoms bloom in turn on the hairpins, and long hair shawls down like a waterfall. If you don't look at the costumes, this Kalina is a Chinese-inspired one. Classical beauty.

Of course, Karina is a Germanic beauty, which in turn brings out a bit of exoticism.

To be honest, the old man next to Gross is a bit too stunned.

My daughter has been watching for so many years, and this hair has been pulled and twisted, and it seems to have changed.

Indeed, if Karina's previous appearance can score 80 points, then now it is enough to score 100 points!

Kalina didn't notice the look of the old man, but went to the mirror in the living room to see it, and then she could not help but be amazed.

I have to say that the blossoming peach blossoms even let Karina ignore her sudden and soaring beauty.

Of course, then, Karina also noticed her beauty.

To say that girls, especially girls who have not yet married, I am afraid that the most concerned is their own appearance.

Seeing that his appearance has improved a whole grade, Karina is very fond of the gift sent by Wei Xiaobei, and even ask Wei Xiaobei how to pull this hair.

In short, Gross's purpose has been achieved, at least now Karina has no intention of going out to breathe.

Gros went to the kitchen and went to lunch.

There is no doubt that Karina is curious about this flowering bun.

After removing from the hair, the peach blossoms on the bun will fade, but when worn, the bun will open the peach blossoms, smell it, and even smell the delicate peach blossom aroma.

This is a real peach!

Karina’s eyes suddenly widened.

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of Karina, this is more magic than magic.

Next, Wei Xiaobei was entangled by Karina, trying every means to know why this hair would bloom.

To this end, Wei Xiaobei could not help but smile.

How is this thing explained?

Can it be said that this is the result of the ultimate in sculpting skills?

Or the wonders of the world sap?

Fortunately, not long after, Gros made a lunch, let Wei Xiaobei, Kalina used to eat.

After eating lunch, Wei Xiaobei was also entangled in some of Kalina, and then simply opened the door and gave Gross an idea to take his family to Weijiadao.

At least Weijia Island is now much safer than other places.

After listening to Wei Xiaobei’s suggestion, Gross meditated.

He is not reluctant to leave his homeland. For the adventurous Viking descendants, as long as the person is in the home, it is not a difficult thing to leave.

However, Gross needs to consider for himself.

The eldest daughter family lives in Denmark, and the second daughter family lives in China. Whether they are willing to go to Weijia Island is a question mark.

After all, Gross is just an old man.

After thinking for a while, Gross made the decision and the whole family went to Weijia Island.

But before that, Gross needs to call the eldest daughter and the second daughter to ask about their wishes.

Of course, even if these two daughters are not willing to follow Weijia Island, Gross is going to go with Kalina.

In this case, you should be relieved.

After learning about Gross's decision, Wei Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief and assured Gros that the entire family of Gros would not have any problems, and that he would like to work if he did not eat, drink, or wear. There is no work on Weijia Island, Wei Xiaobei can also help arrange in the country.

After all, it is not a trivial matter that Resnaia is now the hottest prince of Maras, who is the apprentice of Wei Xiaobei, who arranges a job or something.

Gros called back and walked with ease.

When Wei Xiaobei saw it, he knew that things should be fixed.

Sure enough, this Gros phone call past, whether it is the eldest daughter's house or the second daughter's house, once heard to go to the country, I could not help but nod.

There is no doubt that they have probably painted the world's safe places before.

As a result, the problem is much simpler.

Gross only needs to go to Denmark to pick up the eldest daughter, and then he can follow Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, Gross traveled to Denmark, and it took about a week to go back and forth. Wei Xiaobei just entered the world tree gray world.

The next morning, Gross rushed to clean up, and after packing a few pieces of clothing, he took Kalina straight to the dock and went to Denmark.

As for the hunting dog, Gross was handed over to Wei Xiaobei and helped the escrow.

Wei Xiaobei will raise a dog. When I was a child, I had this interest. However, because my family was not very good, my mother did not allow Wei Xiaobei to raise a dog. Let Wei Xiaobei have a lot of envy and hate for those who can raise dogs. .

Now Gros, Kalina left, Wei Xiaobei took a large piece of venison from the refrigerator and threw it to the hunting dog after thawing.

This large piece of venison, the hunting dog saves some food, and can last for ten days.

After solving the hunting dog, Wei Xiaobei took out a few bottles of white wine and was ready to enter the gray world in the villa.

It is said that the villa in Gross is somewhat different from other places.

If other places enter the gray world, then the place where Wei Xiaobei appears in the gray world is basically far from the world tree, and Gros enters the gray world in the villa, which appears to be directly in the abandoned gods. !


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