The City of Terror

Chapter 1133: Battlefield of the gods

There are still more than three hours, it will be September 1st, brothers and sisters, and a monthly pass? Check the ticket holder! ! !


This is to make Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised.

Obviously, it is much more convenient to enter the gray world from the villa than other places.

Since entering the world tree ash world, Wei Xiaobei will naturally not leave the world branch, so it is a good choice to fall into the abandoned land of the gods, and it will not take a long time to climb the tree.

Drinking three bottles of white wine, Wei Xiaobei eyes open, can clearly see the spatial changes that appear in front of his eyes.

In the feeling of Wei Xiaobei, entering the gray world is a matter of moments, but now, with the understanding of the mystery of Wei Xiaobei's space, it is natural to see a lot of changes.

And this sense of time has also been magnified hundreds of times.

When the space changes, a piece of dry land slowly appears in front of Wei Xiaobei, but soon after, the dense fog emerges, covering Wei Xiaobei's line of sight.

Enter the land of the abandoned gods.

Wei Xiaobei looked around in a circle, and the place where he appeared should be closer to the Rainbow Bridge. Otherwise, there would be no such strong fog.

This thick fog is very weird, even if Wei Xiaobei's electromagnetic field is blocked by this thick fog, only to find more than ten meters.

In such a thick fog, Wei Xiaobei did not walk indiscriminately, but cultivated more than a dozen ordinary people on the spot, and then ordered the more than 10 ordinary people to spread out and explore out.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei’s choice is correct.

It was not long before more than a dozen ordinary people went out, and one ordinary person died.

The reason for the death of this ordinary person was not because of the monster attack, but because of the place where it fell, and died in a blink of an eye.

When Wei Bei arrived at the death site of the Pu people, he only saw a white bone lying on the ground.

This white bone is the former general.

In just over ten seconds, the Pu people changed from a corpse to a white bone.

I have to say that even Wei Xiaobei has some backs that are cold.

There is a cluster of green smoke that is more than ten meters in diameter, moving slowly against the ground.

To be honest, in such a dense fog, this poisonous mist is extremely concealed.

If Wei Xiaobei cares about it, he may have to make a move.

You should know that although these people have only two stars of horror, they are not creatures that ordinary toxins can solve in a short time.

Wei Xiaobei extended his left hand and carefully sprayed a few shredded pork to the green smoke.

As soon as the shredded pork was sticking to the green smoke, it turned black in a blink of an eye, then withered, and the green smoke quickly spread toward the shredded pork, forcing Wei Xiaobei to take the initiative to break the shredded pork.

Very powerful toxicity!

Wei Xiaobei could not help but change his face.

To know that this shredded pork is more fragile, but it has more or less anti-toxic properties, but in front of this green smoke, there is no resistance at all.

Of course, even with such a short contact, Wei Xiaobei learned a lot from the contact of this shredded pork. After a short while, Wei Xiaobei gaze at it, and everything starts!

Name: Undead Poison

Race: Mutant

Gender: None

Age: 110 years old

Bio Rating: Samsung Horror

Weaknesses: wind, fire

Introduction: This undead poison is a kind of creature that has been mutated for hundreds of years after being mixed with the blood of the Nordic gods. It is almost sponge-like, without any wisdom, but it has other killings. The instinct of the creature, when any creature approaches, will induce the poison of the undead to attack it. Any organism will be affected by its toxicity.......

Attribute: (omitted)

Skill: Floating.

Special ability: Undead blood poison.

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None


Is this actually a creature?

To be honest, after Wei Xiaobei saw the other party's property sheet, it was a bit surprising.

Of course, creatures like this don't mean that they can't exist.

To put it simply, the poison of this undead is somewhat biased towards elemental creatures.

Samsung's horrible biological grade, in Wei Xiaobei's view, its toxicity may be enough to poison the four-star elite's creatures!

Of course, while having such toxicity, the weakness is equally significant.

When Wei Xiaobei checked the property sheet of the undead poison, the green smoke began to slowly drift toward Wei Xiaobei.

Undoubtedly, whether it is the familiarity of all things, or the attraction brought by Wei Xiaobei himself standing there, the poison of this undead has generated enough hostility to Wei Xiaobei.

Quietly, a few green tentacles of slender tentacles surrounded Wei Weibei.

Undoubtedly, the poison of this undead is ready to be laid out first, and then Wei Xiaobei will be taken down one by one. Of course, all this is the hunting instinct that comes with the poison of the undead.

It must be said that the hunting power of this undead poison is quite powerful, only need to count the time, and its extended tentacle can surround Wei Xiaobei.

After that, Wei Xiaobei wants to escape and will encounter the tentacles of this undead poison. In that case, poisoning is inevitable.

However, before this, Wei Xiaobei suddenly inhaled, and then Zhangkou spurted toward the green smoke.


The small lung capacity of Wei Xiaobei and the strong muscles of the lungs are difficult for ordinary humans to understand.

Only this breath spurted out, and in a blink of an eye, a strong wind was formed between Wei Xiaobei and the poison of the undead.

The gust of wind blew away toward the poison of the undead. The poison of the undead only had time to wave the tentacle, and it was blown away by the wind. The blood of the undead was soaked from the body of more than ten meters. It disappeared without a trace.

Seeing the 200 evolution points added to the property panel, Wei Xiaobei determined that the poison of the undead has really hanged.

That's right, it's that simple.

Don't look at the poison of the undead is so strong that it can kill the creatures of the four-star elite, but it is only the biological level of Samsung's horror, and its weakness is extremely significant, making Wei Xiaobei breathe a sigh of relief, let this undead The poison is completely dying.

Of course, although the poison of the undead was blown away by Wei Xiaobei in one breath, but the place where it was entrenched and even where the poisonous mist dissipated, Wei Xiaobei did not step in.

These places still have the remains of the poison of the undead. Wei Xiaobei only collects some soil contaminated with the poison of the undead, and puts it into the storage ring for later research.

After that, Wei Xiaobei did not stop here and turned and walked firmly in one direction.

In that direction, a general person has already worn out the fog.

Following the road that the ordinary people passed, Wei Xiaobei smoothly escaped the fog.

After looking around for a while, Wei Xiaobei decided that his current location is more than a hundred kilometers from Rainbow Bridge!

It looks like an ancient battlefield here.

The cracked land is covered with huge pits, and the huge weapons that are broken are everywhere. The remaining parts of the smallest weapons have a length of fifteen or six meters. The broken weapons of more than 20 meters are everywhere. The real weapons are everywhere. I am afraid that the length will exceed 50 meters directly!

In the center of the land, a broken spear is about 300 meters high.

Wei Xiaobei approached a huge pit and looked at it. He suddenly found that this pit with a diameter of more than ten meters is a foot print!

Only four toes with huge foot prints!

giant? Or is it the footprint left by the Nordic gods?

There are two related nouns appearing in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

Under the body, Wei Xiaobei extended his right hand and touched the pit. A faint breath was felt by Wei Xiaobei.

This is a mixture of flames.

Then this foot print should be left by the real flame giant!

Wei Xiaobei even made a judgment.

However, it can be seen from the footprint of this foot that is more than ten meters in diameter. The true flame giant body is huge, far from being comparable to those of the current flame giants. The height is at least 60 meters or even higher!

Next, Wei Xiaobei looked at a footprint next to it. This footprint is larger than the flame giant's footplate, but there is a hint of ice in it.

This should be the footprint of the real frost giant!



Wei Xiaobei then shifted his eyes to another footprint. What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that the footprint was about 30 meters in diameter, but the pit had a familiar atmosphere of Xiaowei.

this is?

Wei Xiaobei slowly extended his right hand and did not touch the pit. A blue electric light was formed between Wei Xiaobei's finger and the pit.


In a flash, an earth-shattering thunder sound blasted over the pit.

A strong power of lightning!

Wei Xiaobei retracted his right hand, which was somewhat numb, and could not help but look at the pit with amazement.

It’s been so long, the thunder and lightning in the pits are so strong, and Wei Bei’s resistance to lightning is actually a little numb!

This shows how much the master of this foot plate has control over the power of lightning.

Thor Thor!

That's right, it must be the footprint left by Thor Thor!

If it wasn’t for Thor’s, then Wei Xiaobei couldn’t think of who it would be here.

Only Thor can only reach this level!

Wei Xiaobei will stand up straight and look around again, and can't help but sigh.

It is conceivable that many years ago, there was a fierce battle that broke out here.

The swarming giant and the Nordic gods have launched a fierce battle between life and death!

Look at the broken weapons and know how fierce the battle is.

After a slight sigh of the battle between life and death between the giant and the gods, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes lit up and ran towards a long sword that was closest to him.

Since this is the battlefield between the giants and the gods, are the broken weapons not the weapons of the giants and the gods? ! ! !

If you think about it, you will know how good the material of this weapon will be, and even the gods or the power of the giants may remain in it!


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