The City of Terror

Chapter 1134: Metal spider

Once again, I have a cheeky face! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

In fact, as long as people who have seen Nordic mythology a little, it is known that, in terms of blood, the Nordic gods are actually a family with the giants.

The boss of the Nordic gods, the mother of the main **** Odin is a female giant. At the same time, the brothers such as Odin are also descendants of the giant Imir.

And Odin’s half-brother, Vulcan Loki, is a descendant of the Frost Giant.

The **** of war, Tyre, is the son of the giant Himmy.

Waiting for things like this is too much.

If there is to be a distinction, then the Nordic gods are the incarnation of civilization, and the giants who are against the gods are the incarnations of barbarism.

Therefore, it is a very normal thing for the giant to have divine power.

Everything is familiar!

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze immediately focused on the one-third long sword.

After a while, the long sword's property sheet emerged on Wei Xiaobei's line of sight.

Name: Broken Yingling Long Swords

Introduction: This broken sword was originally a soldier of Yingling Harawi. After the death of Yingling Harawifu, this long sword was also broken. Today, the spirit of the spirit contained in it has been lost. Do

Obviously, this broken sword is not what Wei Xiaobei imagined. It is a weapon of a giant or a god. It is just a heroic weapon.

Although this Harawi's name, Wei Xiaobei also knows a little, it is a famous general in the Middle Ages in Northern Europe, but this does not mean how high the value of this sword will be.

Second-class boutique

This long sword probably only takes back and forth, and refines other weapons.

With a sigh, Wei Xiaobei even took this long sword into the storage ring.

Of course, in any case, the material of this sword is definitely much stronger than the weapons in reality, and it is also a good material for refining other weapons.

Next, Wei Xiaobei looked at it and charged several broken weapons such as the English Long Sword, the English Spear, the Spirit Shield, and so on.

After some busy work, Wei Xiaobei finally found a weapon used by the Flame Giant, a red stone sword.

To say that in terms of its introduction, this fire red stone sword is much stronger than the previous hero weapons.

It once contained the power of some flame giants!

But what makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat puzzled is that this fire red stone sword seems to be bitten by something, and the divine power that should have been contained in it has disappeared.

As for the introduction in the stone sword attribute table, there is no explanation for this.

In this way, this stone sword is not as good as those of the British weapons, and there is no qualification for refining the weapons. It is completely an abandoned stone!

This situation is not uncommon in Wei Xiaobei's next review.

Those heroic weapons are okay, as long as they are giant weapons, then they are all pitted, as if they were bitten.

It took a lot of time to almost turn this battlefield a third. The harvest of Wei Xiaobei is also a bunch of heroic weapons. As for the better weapons, I have never seen them.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei's gaze fell on the center of the battlefield, and the pole was about 300 meters long.

To say that in this battlefield, this shot is the biggest.

And Wei Xiaobei is far from seeing it with all things. This huge broken spear is a short spear of Thor's Thor!

What makes Wei Xiaobei most excited is that the power of this short spear has not passed away!

Finally found a baby!

Wei Xiaobei, who was excited and excited, did not have the heart to look at other places on the battlefield. He simply rushed toward the broken spear.

However, when Xiaobei was close to the broken spear, he suddenly found that there was a thunder and lightning around the broken spear. This is a sea formed by lightning!

And around this thunder and lightning ocean is a collection of strange silver metal spiders!

The number of these metal spiders is about 3,000 or so, and their size is about one meter. They seem to have great interest in the broken spear, and they are constantly trying to enter the thunder and sea.

But this thunder and lightning ocean is not the place where these metal spiders can easily get involved.

It’s better at the periphery, and the thunder and lightning around it is not dense.

But occasionally a thunderbolt falls on the metal spider, which can make these metal spiders unable to move in a short time.

If you continue to enter the inside, those lightning will not be polite.

At this point, a metal spider happened to enter the thunder and lightning ocean about 30 meters, which seems to be a tipping point.

When the metal spider rushed into the 30-meter, the lightning around it suddenly became violent, and it continued to fall toward the metal spider!

The metal spider also had some means of coping, and a faint flame appeared on the silver metal shell in the blink of an eye.

When this faint flame emerged, Wei Xiaobei felt the power contained in the flame!

That turned out to be divine power!

The flame of divine activation!

Wei Xiaobei understood something in a flash.

I have to say that this layer of flame resistance to lightning is still relatively strong.

The lightning falls on the metal spider and is then ignited by the flame.

The metal spider was rushing around the broken thunder and went forward for a hundred meters. After the front paws dug a piece of soil from the ground, they quickly retreated.

But before it returned to thirty meters, the flame on the body was wiped out by lightning.

After losing the protection of the flame, the metal spider was almost left behind by lightning.

Although its last moment retreated to the thunder and lightning ocean, its silver shell has become a pit, and the blackness left by the thunderbolt abounds, even the two limbs behind it are cut off by lightning!

As the metal spider exited the thunder and lightning ocean, several nearby metal spiders seemed to be excited, rushing toward the metal spider.

The metal spider, which was stunned by thunder and lightning, seemed to perceive the same kind of attempt. He hurriedly ran away in the direction of moving away from the same kind, and the soil that was brought out by him was swallowed up quickly.

As the soil was swallowed by metal spider metal, the metal spiders that rushed over lost interest, and turned their heads slowly back to their former site.

this is?

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but blinked.

Just when the metal spider exited the thunder and lightning ocean, Wei Xiaobei used all things to see the soil he brought back.

However, its property sheet is quite stunned by Wei Xiaobei.

Name: Thunder and other treasures

Introduction: Thunder is a product of the long-term edification of Thor's divine power. It contains a lot of lightning power, but these lightning powers are extremely gentle. Edible thunder can enhance the resistance to lightning. Thunder is also one of the best materials used to enhance space.

Effect 1: Enhance lightning resistance.

Effect 2: Enhance the space.

Wei Xiaobei slammed his eyes a few times, and he suddenly felt that he seemed to be treasured!

To enhance the power of lightning resistance, Wei Xiaobei does not care much. With his own control over the current, it is impossible to thunder the lightning under certain limits.

The most critical issue here is that this mine can be used to enhance the space!

This enhancement space is different from the expansion space in that it enhances one aspect of space.

As for what is going on here, Wei Xiaobei is not very clear, but it doesn't matter. I only need to get some mines myself, so I know.

Moreover, Wei Xiaobei's gaze swept slowly from the thunder and lightning, and the excitement of his heart increased.

It is said that the thunder soil covered by the thunder and lightning is not the same. The outermost thunder is the entry level, and the closest mine to the broken spear is the quality of the perfect fairy!


Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but breathe a long breath.

But then again, even the most peripheral thunder is under the control of those metal spiders.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei decisively started a versatile thing toward a metal spider.

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other can only be a battle!

The number of these metal spiders is too much, and Wei Xiaobei will not easily rush to it.

Name: Metal Spider

Race: Mutant

Gender: None

Age: 320 years old

Bio Rating: Samsung Horror

Introduction: Metal spiders are originally small spiders that absorb the power of giants and gods by foraging, and thus become a kind of metal creature. They have strong physical defense and are owned by fire, ice and thunder. Higher defense, and at the same time, it can improve their defense against certain damage by foraging related foods.

Weakness: Corrosion toxicity

Attribute: slightly

Skills: Quickly crawl and fast for food.

Special abilities: metal defense, flame defense, lightning defense, frost defense, wire attack, metal mesh attack.

Evolutionary point: unable to accumulate evolutionary points

Holder: None

Undoubtedly, the metal spider was irritated by the general knowledge of Wei Xiaobei.

When Wei Xiaobei looked at the other's property sheet, the metal spider quickly climbed toward Wei Xiaobei.

Not yet close, this metal spider has a mouth, it is a silver shiny silk line directed toward Wei Xiaobei.

This should be the attack of its wire.

Although this metal spider has only Samsung's horrible creature level, Wei Xiaobei knows that the monsters that grow up in such an environment are not good!

This can be seen from the poison of the undead before.

What's more, Wei Xiaobei now knows how the pits on the giant weapons are going on.

Undoubtedly, it is shackled by these metal spiders, and the power contained in the giant weapons should be absorbed by these metal spiders. To be continued ^


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