The City of Terror

Chapter 1199: Small harvest

The weather has changed a lot in recent days. Whether you are traveling or a friend who is at home, you should pay attention to adding and subtracting clothes.


When I saw Wei Xiaobei launching a thunder, Kankan had already rushed to the snow-capped women at both ends of the port city. She became a girl and began to release her own breath, driving away the ghosts around her and heading for Wei Xiaobei.

The priests farther away, after seeing the light from the signal thunder, accelerated the speed of advancement and moved closer to the port city.

The next thing is going smoothly.

As most of the ghosts were killed by Wei Xiaobei, the humans hiding in the high-rise buildings began to hover down the stairs and participate in the pursuit of ghosts.

Of course, the people who dare to come down and participate in the battle are always a minority.

The real clean-up of the port city was carried out after the priests arrived, and the accompanying five or six hundred people were dispatched to carry out a comprehensive clean-up of the port city.

Even the ghosts hiding in the sewers were thrown out and killed.

"Adults, their leader wants to meet you."

Wei Xiaobei was busy sending the ghostly bodies into the green wood blessing, and he saw Ueda Ueno coming over and reporting to himself.

"These things, you can handle it."

Wei Xiaobei did not intend to come forward. In fact, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to show up in a series of transactions after such actions.

In any case, Wei Xiaobei is a Chinese person. To say that disguise is a Dongpu person, the problem is not big, but Wei Xiaobei does not bother.

And to promote the belief of the sun god, let the Dongpu people come forward, the effect is undoubtedly much better than their own.

After receiving Wei Xiaobei’s order, Takeda Ueno’s heart vomited slightly, but had to turn around to execute the order.

The reason for this is very simple. When the well-behind Daxiong arrived here, he began to draw the leaders and prepare to promote the belief of the sun god. The mouth of Takeda Ueno can be said that there is no well at the well, and he originally intended to be in front of Wei Xiaobei. Make a small report or something.

What Wu Tian Ueno did not think is that Wei Xiaobei did not pay attention to these at all.

Well, in fact, if you change to the general situation, there is nothing wrong with Takeda Ueno's approach, and he is actively moving closer to the boss. By the way, he can suppress the opponent.

The most fundamental purpose of defending Xiaobei is to collect beliefs. As for the struggle for power and the like, it is nothing to Wei Weibei.

Even if the well side Daxiong squeezes himself out of the Sun God belief, if he can expand the current belief by a hundred times, Wei Xiaobei can tolerate him!

After all, the most important card in this area is in the hands of Wei Xiaobei. Wei Xiaobei does not have to worry about who is rebellious.

Of course, that Takeda Ueno received a small blow, but he was not discouraged, and even with his own people to spread the faith.

It is not difficult to say that spreading beliefs at this time.

With the example of these people in Takeda Ueno, those Dongpu people have to say that they will not be fake.

In fact, under the bragging of the wells Daxiong, Takeda Ueno and others, just entering the night, most of the human beings here have invested in the embrace of the sun god.

A very small number of diehards were driven out of this gathering place.

Undoubtedly, in this chaotic era, being driven out of a gathering place that can provide a little guarantee and going to the wild to survive, that is a dead end.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei did not express his views, allowing the wells and others to let go.

In fact, even if the wells and others do not do this, Wei Xiaobei will also deal with those who do not want the head of the sun god.

These diehards will undoubtedly affect those who are not too determined.

And everyone has formed a belief in the sun god, then it will form a superposition effect, and constantly enhance the piety of those believers.

After collecting the ghost bodies into Qingmufu, Wei Xiaobei put a statue on the roof of a small building. This position is more suitable for worshippers.

Wei Xiaobei presided over the christening ceremony, turning more than 6,000 people into believers, each of whom gave a popular person as a reward.

But after finishing these things, Wei Xiaobei did not stop here, but with a snow woman, the needle girl rushed to the next goal.

And Iwai and others will stay here and consolidate the beliefs of the people for two days.

In the next two months, Wei Xiaobei turned around the west coast of Kyushu Island, transforming five military bases and 21 humans in human settlements into believers.

Of course, during this period, the ghost bodies that Wei Xiaobei had killed were piled up in the green wood blessings, and even the Aomufu land was too late to digest.

Back to the original military base, Wei Xiaobei calculated it.

So far, the number of Sun God believers has exceeded 250,000!

This is not a small amount.

Twenty-six statues are placed everywhere, and they continue to absorb the faith of those believers. Most of the gods have more than two lines of divinity.

This makes Wei Xiaobei more satisfied.

Of course, the number of human residues on Kyushu Island can be more than 250,000.

If all the military bases, human gatherings are brought together, and some are scattered around to survive, the total number of residual humans on the island of Kyushu should be around 2.5 million.

After all, the total population of Kyushu Island before the outbreak of ghosts was about 14 million. Although a large number of human beings were killed and swallowed by ghosts after the outbreak of ghosts, there is still a considerable number of people remaining.

However, most of these people are concentrated on the east coast of the economically prosperous Kyushu Island. After all, the east coast of Kyushu Island has the largest military bases on Kyushu Island, and these military bases have received assistance from Sam.

This is enough to attract most of the remaining population.

For those who have residual population, Wei Xiaobei does not show any coveted meaning.

The reason is very simple. Most of the remnant population is under the control of military bases. If Wei Xiaobei will develop the past with the Sun God belief, it is too arrogant, and it is easy to attract close attention from Sam and other countries.

After all, what the gift of the sun god, this is really eye-catching.

But then again, even so, with 250,000 followers on hand, Wei Xiaobei is also very profitable.

The next goal, Wei Xiaobei, is located in Honshu Island in Dongpu.

To be honest, this Kyushu Island is basically not attractive to Wei Xiaobei.

As I said before, in order to be as low-key as possible, the remaining population is not suitable for recruitment as a believer.

The more powerful existence of the remaining ghosts was also attracted to the east of Kyushu Island.

It is said that in the east of Kyushu Island, there are more than 30 children in the light wine, so there is a fierce battle between humans and ghosts.

Taking advantage of the weapons supported by the Samo, those military bases are now able to barely support them.

The island of Honshu is different. Before the outbreak of ghosts, the population of Honshu Island accounted for 70% of the country! A full population of 100 million.

It is also conceivable that if Wei Xiaobei went to Honshu Island, how many believers could be developed.

However, before going to Honshu Island, Wei Xiaobei still has some things to deal with.

For example, now Wei Xiaobei has stood in front of a statue.

This is the statue in the original military base. Compared with other gods, this statue has the longest existence, and the divine inside should grow stronger because of the long-term absorption of faith.

Wei Xiaobei reached out and touched the statue and perceived the divinity inside.

Sure enough, compared to the initial divinity, the present divinity has grown to six lines!

Undoubtedly, people are more powerful and are reflected here.

More than 5,000 believers, for more than two months of prayer, have made the divine inside completely shaped.

Wei Xiaobei then used the index finger to point at the image of the god. When the index finger left the statue, a divine body with a raging flame was pulled out.

A trace of divinity, its external manifestation is a slender silk thread, during which some of the divine characteristics will appear, such as the divine nature of the fireball is some faint red light transmission.

And this amount has reached the six-spiritual divinity, and it is somewhat different.

It is like a rope twisted by six wires. The flame rises on it, and you can feel the destructive power contained in it when you are not close.

Of course, that point of destruction power in front of Wei Xiaobei is nothing.

But if there are ordinary humans who want to swallow the divine to gain some magical power, then consider the chances of survival of their own lives.

Don't look at this divine swallowing, you can get a lot of benefits after turning yourself into a divine creature.

But ordinary humans, or ordinary creatures want to swallow divinity, other divinities can't say, but the deity of this fireball, as long as it is swallowed, will undoubtedly directly swallow a pile of red burning charcoal, or , a jar of magma.

Wei Xiaobei's right hand was caught on the divinity, and a trace of true mercury emerged immediately, gently passing over the divine nature. In an instant, this divinity was divided into two sections of different sizes.

The small part of the divine nature shrinks rapidly, and the change of time does not change into a slender red silk thread, and the large part of the divinity is only a slight contraction, and there is no great change.

Wei Xiaobei then sent back the divine character that changed into a slender silk. If there is no divine presence in the statue, then it is just an ordinary statue, or a spiritual statue.

Only the possession of the divine image can absorb the power of faith.

The rest of the deity, Wei Xiaobei is in his hand, the next moment, Wei Xiaobei has a faint blue light disappearing into the air.

When Wei Xiaobei appeared again, he had already entered the Qingmu Fudi.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei came to the East to come to the country, and the benefits of the harvest are extremely rich.

Not to mention the divine harvest, this is the green wood blessing with the ghost bodies, and now the square has reached 3,600 meters!


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