The City of Terror

Chapter 1200: Sealing the gods? What the hell?

I don't know how everyone played during the National Day? happy? happy? Still happy? The poor road is more sad, the code word code, there is no holiday, look at the sad reminder of the poor road, the brothers and sisters who have not subscribed to subscribe, it is to support the author. Counting the number is set, and the difference is 50, and all the support is needed!

What is the concept of 3,600 meters?

That is to say, the current Aomufudi consists of a land with a length of 3,600 meters, a land thickness of about 1,000 meters, and an air layer about one kilometer high.

The area of ​​more than ten square kilometers is half the size of Weijia Island, but it is very good in Wei Xiaobei's eyes.

Aoki Fudi is now growing fast, and even the newly growing edge of the circle has not been able to grow plants in time.

However, due to the excessive number of ghosts, Aoki Fudi could not digest the body in time, causing a large number of corpses to accumulate near the eucalyptus forest, forming an annular basin.

It was the yin of that area that was too heavy. Looking at Wei Xiaobei’s gaze, the area was black and tangled, and it looked extremely eerie.

The green cow is still sleeping near the world tree, and the world tree probably benefits from the growth of Qingmufudi. It grows well, and its height has increased from more than ten meters to more than 30 meters.

Although for the world tree, this is still a small sapling, but at first glance, it is already a very strong tree.

After looking around for a lap, Wei Xiaobei's body shape disappeared. When it reappeared, it appeared near the fireball.

For the arrival of Wei Xiaobei, the fireball is extremely excited.

There is no doubt that the fireball has already felt something.

Wei Xiaobei will extend his right hand and release it. The divine nature will not need to be supervised, so it will quickly enter the fireball like mud.


With the divine penetration, the original faint fireball was like a chicken in a flash, and the flame suddenly rose up. A huge force was generated from the fireball, and it would be small in a flash. North gave it a push.

this is?

Wei Xiaobei was shocked. For such changes, Wei Xiaobei had not expected it before.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei was connected with the fireball mind.

However, the fireball at this time seems to be in a state of half-sleeping and half-awake. Only one message is sent, that is, more divinity is needed.

God disease?

Well, Wei Xiaobei smiled and thought that he was biased. From the current state of the fireball, it seems to be brewing something, just like the evolution of the altar of life.

It seems that the only solution is to put more divinity into the fireball.

"Well? Is this something to be sealed?"

Just as Wei Xiaobei calculated how many divinities the remaining gods could probably divide, suddenly a voice rang in Weibei's ear.


Wei Xiaobei was shocked, but after that, he thought it should be a blue cow.

After all, in this green wood blessed land, there is no other existence, and it is only the green cow that can be so close to himself.

Turning the first look, it really is a green cow.

However, at this time, the green cow has been turned into a human figure, wearing a blue robes, in addition to the face is still somewhat like a cow, the rest of the place looks a bit like a fairy.

"The disciple has seen Master."

Wei Xiaobei had already worshipped Qingniu as a teacher. At this time, he was naturally not rude and bowed to the Qingniu.

"Well, it's okay, just hear the movement, come and see."

There are smiles in the eyes of the young cows. It is undoubtedly very satisfied with Wei Xiaobei’s respect for the teacher, but his face is not careless, and his mouth is even understated.

"Master, what did you say before?"

After Wei Xiaobei’s ceremony, he even asked the Qingniu to look up and see how the green cow looks. He should have some understanding of the changes in the fireball.

"This stuff has to be sealed. How did you get it? Right, I remembered it."

The young cow said a few words, then he whispered and seemed to be remembering something.

Upon seeing it, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to disturb. After waiting for the memory of the green cow, he asked again.

I don't know if this young cow is too old and has too much memory. This memory has memorized several hours.

Of course, patience, Wei Xiaobei is there, especially in front of the green cow.

Finally, the green cow returned to God and pointed to the fireball to explain to Wei Xiaobei: "I don't understand the gods? What the Odin of the West, Zeus, the three hundred and sixty gods of heaven, are all sealed. of."

After the green cow slowly told Wei Xiaobei about it, Wei Xiaobei was stupid and understood.

This so-called book cover is not just the kind of canon that everyone imagines.

Take the Nordic gods, the gods of the Greek gods, whose seals actually originated from their own blood and some beliefs.

Their blood is originally one of the most powerful beings in the world! It can be regarded as the world darling, and it naturally contains divinity!

When they are born, they naturally have certain powers in nature, and when they are fully mature, they can rely on these powers to seal God!

The heavenly seal of the gods is closer to the canon that everyone knows.

God of Heaven, the Jade Emperor in the traditional sense, was blessed by the Taoist Sanqing, became the Lord of Heaven, and took charge of the greatest authority between the heavens and the earth. Later, by enshrining the gods, some of the powers were dispersed and formed into completeness. The heaven system.

These canonized gods, the mantles within the prescribed scope, have considerable authority.

Because the heaven system is extremely complicated, these powers are also intertwined, so that the gods who hold the same part of the authority are not in the minority. For example, there are many people who are raining, such as the Dragon King, the Rain Master and so on.

Of course, because of this intertwined power, the gods in the heavens, the status of the mantle is not as high as the Western gods.

For example, Zeus in the Greek gods is the king of the gods, but the status is higher than other gods. The other gods are relatively similar. It is a bit like everyone is a partner and a company is formed.

But Zeus wants to bind the gods with the sky as in heaven, and that is impossible.

And the God of Heaven has a considerable dominance over the heavenly gods of the heavens.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei only knows a little about these things.

And Qingniu said so much, the ultimate goal is to let Wei Xiaobei know what has changed in his fireball.

Simply put, the current Aoki Fudi is a space, not a world!

The so-called space, with three dimensions of length, width and height, plus the flow of time, can be identified as a space.

But the world is different from space. To say that the concept of the world is smaller than space, the world is a space, but the space is not the world. The world is just a type of space.

To put it bluntly, a space with a complete yin and yang cycle and a complete system of natural rules can be called a world!

Of course, if you want to describe it carefully, I am afraid that Wei Xiaobei will need ten days and a half to listen to the description of Qingniu.

As far as the change of the fireball is concerned, as the blue cow said before, it began to seal the gods.

From the position of this fireball for Aoki's land, the fireball is the developing anode of Aoki's blessed land. It sprinkles a steady stream of light, although it is not enough to make up for the temperature required by those plants in Aomufudi, but it also plays a considerable role. The role.

The eucalyptus forest is the cathode, but it has not yet been fully formed, so the most preliminary yin and yang levels of Aomufudi have not been formed.

If you change to the world of the earth, the sun is the anode and the moon is the cathode.

It is a pity that Aoki Fudi wants to make the cathode like the moon, and it is not a reliable thing.

Basically, Aoki Fudi is a miniature world that is slowly forming. The fireball is equivalent to the sun of Aokifu, and the sun in ancient times is extremely honorable. The ancient gods that were born on it are all Jade Emperor. The level is the master of heaven at that time.

And this fireball is now in this state, entering the state of the gods, once the success of the gods, then the fireball will become the real sun **** in the green wood!

It's that simple.

In fact, like the fireball, the green cow sees too much.

There are similar existences in the thirty-six-day heaven under the heavenly court and in the seventy-two blessings. Although these places belong to the heavenly court, they are a world of one and a half, so it is normal to breed some gods within themselves. It's a thing.

However, these places have been governed by the heavens since ancient times, and the gods born in them have not responded to the time, and they have been conquered or suppressed by the heavens, thus becoming the guardians of these places, allowing the heavens to settle in. The cellar is calling, and it is difficult to restore the original status.

After listening to the introduction of Qingniu, Wei Xiaobei was a bit stunned.

He feels that the knowledge of the green cow is not quite like that in the heavens, but it is not surprising to think about it carefully.

Western gods need the power of faith, while the gods of the east need incense. The two are somewhat different on the surface, but in reality there is not much difference in essence.

However, the East’s form in this respect is quite different from that in the West.

After the Qingniu explained it, the apprentice was immersed in what he had explained. The heart was really not at all. After a light cough, he slightly reminded one or two: "Apprentice, wake up for the teacher, feel some Hungry."


"Master is waiting, the disciples are ready to cook."

Master has something to do, and the disciples take their work. This naturally does not need to be said.

Wei Xiaobei was busy with the removal of the dragon scale pot.

After Master Qingniu had enough to eat and drink, and resumed the roundness, after going to the world tree and then screaming again, Wei Xiaobei took time to carefully explore Qingmu Fudi.

After all, the fireball is now in a state of half-sleeping and half-awake. This is a good thing, but it also makes Wei Xiaobei's monitoring of Qingmu Fudi weaken. To be continued.


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