The City of Terror

Chapter 1210: Repair the soul

I am busy today, but fortunately, the time is reasonable.

Not to mention the fairy food, even the treasure-level food, the attraction of the ghosts from the gray world is unimaginable.

You must know that human beings eat these foods, that is, to restore physical strength, spirit, and then add some attributes.

The effect of eating these foods in the gray world is completely different, and they can directly enhance their strength!

This can be seen from the performance of the Ming Dynasty messengers and so on.

This is an instinctual temptation from the depths of their souls.

Therefore, even the snow woman, the needle girl is extremely hungry ghosts, and it feels a little unbearable at this time.

However, the two women need to support Wei Xiaobei at this time, so that Wei adults can fall into the water, and this will not be able to avoid the impact of food aroma.

Wei Xiaobei was eating three giant sizzling sizzling sizzling in one breath. After eating it, he took a full meal and then picked up a giant cockroach and prepared it for dinner.

The high-sensitivity of Wei Xiaobei, the snow girl who was leaning against herself, sat on the side of her body, and the sound of swallowing the mouth was clearly understood by him.

He knows that this kind of thing is normal. To put it bluntly, it is thin and embarrassed.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate. When he reached out, he grabbed two pieces of barbecue and stuffed them into the snow woman. In front of the needle woman: "Eating, not eating is not giving me face."

Well, Wei Daren began to threaten. The two women themselves were also unable to bear the temptation of this kind of food. They then took the opportunity to step down, extended a jade hand, took the barbecue, and thanked Wei Xiaobei, then turned his face. I ate it in a small mouth.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei was very satisfied, nodded and continued to eat.

To tell the food that Wei Xiaobei took out, he ate more than half of himself, and the remaining half was Wei Xiaobei who was forced into the hands of two women.

He is also with some cultivated minds, his own sleepiness is getting more and more intense.

Wei Xiaobei knows that he can't hide because he is fainting in the past. Therefore, it is the right way for the two women to improve their strength and protect themselves.

"Right, this is the spring of wisdom, good things, you have to eat dry, you can drink."

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei took some of the wisdom springs that had been taken out of the Aomu Fudi to some two women.

Although the two women do not know what the water is, but the name of the spring of wisdom is a feeling of height, and knows that this is definitely not a product.

Anyway, the meat is also eaten, and this water should be no problem.

After receiving the spring water, the two women did have some thirst.

For both women, this thirst is rare.

Snow women can manipulate ice and snow, thirst is almost impossible to appear, and the needle woman drinks water once, maintaining a hundred days is not a problem.

However, because the food consumed by the two women at this time is not the most common, the resulting thirst problem is unavoidable.

After drinking the smart spring water, the two women could not help but brighten their eyes. The food that Wei Daren rewarded was already making them happy. Every time they ate, they could feel the rapid transformation of food into warmth in the body. The strength of the improvement.

After the so-called wisdom spring water was drunk, the two women felt that their brains seemed to be a little fascinating, and even some things that were not clear before, I thought about it at this time.

I have to say that after the wisdom spring was moved to Aoki Fudi for so long, there were some variations that were not originally there.

For example, the spring of the spring of wisdom will completely lose all effects after leaving the spring of wisdom. This has been maintained in the world tree ash world, never changed, even the Nordic gods did not It may take the wisdom spring away too far.

The Spring of Wisdom does not know what effect it has been affected in Aoki Fukuchi. After a long time, its spring water still has a certain effect after leaving the Aomu Fortune.

Of course, this variation is not complete and its effects are somewhat weakened.

The effect that the original wisdom spring can achieve is basically seven to ten springs after the spring leaves the Aoki.

But this point is not very important, that is, the intellectual property that each of the wisdom springs can enhance is weakened, but the total amount of intellectual property has not changed, it is still twenty points.

But as a result, the time required to improve the intellectual property of twenty points has increased by seven to ten times.

This is also good, and it is convenient for Wei Xiaobei to control the use of the spring water.

After eating and drinking, Wei Xiaobei then married two women and asked them to keep their distance from the coast. Try not to let the boat lean against the coast.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei did not resist the insults of drowsiness. When the two eyelids were pulled, the head fell on the snowy woman's lap and fell asleep.

Wei Xiaobei’s move was a shock to the snow woman who had just drank the smart spring water. She thought that the defending adults would take the opportunity to smash the oil.

To know that the guardian Xiaobei leaned on the snow woman, it made the snow girl very uncomfortable.

To be honest, in addition to the husband before the snow girl, that Tanabe Kojiro, there are really no other men who are so close by themselves.

In particular, a strong man like Wei Xiaobei has a strong body, which leads to a slightly richer body.

Therefore, after leaning on the snow woman, the man's breath on Wei Xiaobei was constantly introduced into the snow female nose, and the snow girl had long been red-faced.

Now, Wei Xiaobei’s head is placed on his delicate thigh, which is evener than the steel wire. The elastic hair is worn on the top, directly letting the snow female’s ear roots and the white neck are inflamed.

This is to let the eye-catching girl see it. She couldn’t help but curious. She even asked: "What about your neck, how is your neck red?"

Well, compared to the snow woman who has had a man, this woman is undoubtedly knowing little about men and women. When she asks her voice, she asks Snow Lady to be caught off guard.

"This, this may be too big for the sea breeze? It blows badly, yes, that's it."

The snow girl immediately slammed her up. Obviously, the Snow Maiden is not willing to let the needle girl know these things. Otherwise, the curiosity expressed by the needle girl in the past, I am afraid that this matter will be endless, and it will make me more embarrassed.

But the snow woman’s answer made the needle girl a bit stunned.

Meizizi sister, is it really good to lie like this?

Let me say that this snow girl will be reddened by the sea breeze?

Well, if this is the case, the snow girls who live in the North Island probably should have red skin all year round, and when they manipulate the ice and snow, they will be self-small.

Of course, the most important issue is that the sea is not shocked, the sea breeze? Oh, one thing, but this sea breeze probably doesn't even blow the leaves.

Fortunately, the needle is a good woman, guessing that the snow woman is probably because of what is not willing to tell the real reason, so do not mention.

Time passed by, the sea breeze gradually blew the sea and pushed the boat towards the coast.

The needle woman then took the paddle and began to pad the boat away from the coast.

When Wei Xiaobei wakes up and sits up straight, the needle girl has already drawn a boat all day in the sea breeze.

"Adult, you wake up."

When Wei Xiaobei woke up, the needle woman hurriedly put down the paddle and reached out to support Wei Xiaobei.

As for the Snow Maiden, she was relieved, and a man’s head was placed on his lap, which was a bit too much.

However, due to the intimate contact before, Wei Xiaobei sat up straight, but the snow girl was inexplicably lost.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not very clear about the psychological activities of the Snow Maiden. After asking about the two sentences, she sat there on the cross-legged, began to look at the meridians, and mobilized the real mercury to slowly run.

Although Wei Xiaobei is now awakened, the weak state has not completely dissipated. Therefore, in order to restore combat power as soon as possible, Wei Xiaobei is safer at this time and began to recover himself with real mercury.

This is a relatively slow process.

As Wei Xiaobei closed his eyes, the needle girl and the snow girl both took up the oars, and in accordance with Wei Xiaobei’s instructions to the direction of Honshu Island.

Of course, at the speed of two women, this boat can't be faster than Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei only saw that the two women were a little bored and asked them to find something to do.

The sea was very empty, and after the eruption of the ghosts, the East was completely chaotic, making the originally very busy sea passage completely turned into a desert in the sea, without any ships.

This point, Wei Xiaobei is ok.

Therefore, you will be assured of restoring to the sea.

But things in this world are often different from what is envisioned, and accidents come far faster than human imagination.

Using real mercury to restore his own damaged soul, Wei Xiaobei was only guessing that it was inferred from the fact that his soul was about to come out and control the real mercury.

Of course, this true mercury is originally a more advanced internal circulation force than the infuriating gas.

It can also be used to moisturize damaged souls.

The result also made Wei Xiaobei very satisfied.

After the real mercury has gathered in Dantian, it has continued to flow to other meridians in the past. This time, it is probably that the damage of Wei Xiaobei’s soul caused the attention of the small ball in Dantian. It actually took the real mercury that flowed into Dantian, and then When the real mercury is spit out, it brings out some purple-red mist.

This purple-red fog is extremely beautiful in Wei Xiaobei's internal view.

But at this time, Dan Tian could not restrain the purple-red mist that the beads spit out.

When Dantian was filled with real mercury and purple-red mist, those purple-red mists passed through Dantian, effortlessly drifting away from Wei Xiaobei, and quickly disappeared into the flesh.

This process makes Wei Xiaobei feel very comfortable, just like the body is soaked in the hot spring from the inside out, and even the drowsy brain has become sober.

Sure enough!

This makes Wei Xiaobei's heart unable to help.

It is important to know that this soul damage and physical damage are not the same concept. (To be continued.)

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