The City of Terror

Chapter 1211: ,storm

Too sleepy, the poor road went to bed first, everyone. ——

If you know that the body is damaged, that is, the damaged part is affected, and Wei Weibei’s current recovery ability, as long as the injury is not broken, as long as the parts are still there, the recovery speed is beyond normal. Human imagination.

But the damage to the soul directly affects the comprehensive consciousness of Wei Xiaobei!

In short, this has been a constant dizziness, and the state of mental excitement but powerlessness is only a small ks. The most terrible thing is that the control of the body is completely reduced, even in the judgment of the transaction. There was a large misjudgment.

This is a fatal weakness for Wei Xiaobei's next move.

In addition, Wei Xiaobei now has some feelings about the study of the soul. The understanding of the soul is limited to those books related to the soul. It is completely on paper, not as good as when he was taken out by the ghost birds. .

In this way, Wei Xiaobei has only two choices. One is to ignore the possible sequelae, swallow the good stuff left by the ghost bird, and repair his soul with the huge soul essence released.

The second is Wei Xiaobei's own way of repairing the soul.

Therefore, after thinking hard for a while, Wei Xiaobei found a way to heal with real mercury.

Judging from the current results, I am lucky to be lucky.

The only problem is that when dealing with ghost birds, the real mercury consumption is very high. Now that the beads in Dantian swallow the real mercury, although they will spit out, at least one third of the real mercury will be consumed.

As a result, not long after, the true mercury in Wei Xiaobei's meridians was consumed seven or eight.

In desperation, Wei Xiaobei stood up on the boat and then stood a position where the two girls looked at something that they didn't understand.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei naturally did not have time to give the two female sciences what is called standing.

To say that Wei Xiaobei's current strength, even sitting posture can also play the role of standing, but to achieve the maximum effect, you can only use the original pile posture.

Fortunately, with the entry state, Wei Xiaobei began to extract some residual mercury from the body outside the meridian to return to the meridians, and then motivated these real mercury to run in the meridians.

But there is a limit here that can't let real mercury enter Dantian. Otherwise, if this mercury enters Dantian, it will be consumed by one-third.

With the true mercury remaining in Wei Xiaobei’s current meridians, I am afraid that after several cycles of cycling, the lights will dry up.

With the real mercury running around the meridians and giving birth to more real mercury, Wei Xiaobei carefully drove the real mercury into Dantian, and by the magic of the beads, he gave birth to a purple-red mist to repair his soul. .

This process made Wei Xiaobei feel extremely uncomfortable.

If it is not Wei Xiaobei's national level has reached a very high level, I am afraid that it will drive the real mercury back and forth several times to stop and rest.

After all, it is not a simple matter to drive true mercury in the meridians without going through Dantian. One is not good, and the real mercury consumed is more than the real mercury produced in the acupoint meridians.

After each addition of some real mercury, Wei Xiaobei will send it into Dantian, which will transform the purple-red mist. As for the purple-red fog, Dong Wei, Wei Xiaobei naturally has no time to pay attention to the study.

Just when Wei Xiaobei’s soul wounds recovered more than half, an accident occurred.

An accident occurred, and a warship appeared on the intermarine line with heavy smoke.

Obviously, the warship found a boat that crossed the sea and the three people above it were slowly approaching.

Hearing the roar of the warship's turbine, Wei Xiaobei had to open his eyes and pause the operation of the real mercury, looking at the warship.

However, after watching the warship, Wei Xiaobei could not help but feel how old there is such an old warship?

Looking at its shape, it is completely old-fashioned for decades. It should be an iron-clad ship with a tonnage of not more than 2,000 tons.

To be precise, it is a steam armored ship.

This kind of goods may have some use for decades. Now, the era of the aircraft carrier is completely a target. I am afraid that even the weakest frigate can easily sink it.

There is a flag of Dongpu, which is dragged from any museum.

I think it will be understood.

It is extremely difficult for Dongpu to get oil now. Even if there is oil, there is no empty refinery. Instead, it is more suitable for burning coal and even burning some wood.

After all, in Dongpu, there are not too many ghosts on the sea. For now, the only known ghost of the sea is just a kind of ghost.

"Adult, what do we do?"

Seeing Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes, the needle woman asked a little worried.

Obviously, the ironclad ship is weaker, and it is not the boat that can be confronted. The most troublesome thing is that Wei Daren seems to have not fully recovered yet. He and Snow Maiden are not good at water warfare.

If the armored ship is hostile to one side, then it is really troublesome.

Wei Xiaobei looked at it for a while and couldn't help but frown and said: "The ironclad ship is in trouble."

Is it troublesome?

Hearing Wei Xiaobei said, the two female probes looked at it. The needle girl was probably the reason of strength. I couldn’t find anything. But the snow girl saw something. Some hesitantly asked: "The adults said that there is storm?"

Wei Xiaobei nodded, but then shook his head again: "There is a storm, but the trouble is not a storm, but something that appears in the storm."

Wei Xiaobei’s words made the two women listen to some stunnedness and once again turned their attention to the sea, trying to see the troubles mentioned in Wei Xiaobeikou.

But it is impossible to find something on the sea with the naked eye.

However, when the armored ship was only five nautical miles away from the boat, and the naked eye could be blurred, the dark clouds in the sky began to gather rapidly, and the wind and waves on the sea surface became larger.

A wave of waves grew from small to large and tumbling on the sea.

At the foot of Wei Xiaobei, this boat is really difficult to resist such winds, but fortunately, the place where the boat is located is not the center of the wind and waves.

And this wind and wave center appeared near the ironclad ship!

To put it simply, this sudden storm is a bit weird, and its scope is relatively narrow, only in the range of less than one nautical mile around the armored ship.

I have to say that this is indeed a bit weird.

We must know that the maritime climate like a storm is not like the showers in the mountains. Once it is attacked, the scope of the attack is calculated in hundred nautical miles. The larger storms can even occupy half of the ocean. Where will the radius of such a district not be? To a range of nautical miles?

Even if the snow girl, the needle girl does not understand these things, can also see that there seems to be some problems hidden inside.

I have to say that this storm seems to have a small scope, but in fact its power is not small, within the scope of its spread, the waves rolled up to reach 30 meters high!

To say that the tonnage of the armored ship is actually a little trumpet, every time the wave slams onto the armored ship, it can make the armored ship appear quite inclined, and its inclination angle even reaches more than forty-five degrees!

Don't underestimate this inclination. You know, for most ships, if the inclination reaches 45 degrees in the wind and waves, there is basically a great chance of overturning!

This armored ship can not turn over at such an angle of inclination. It can only be said that the structure of the battleship itself is more resistant to wind and waves.

But in this repeated tilting sway, the old iron armor also had a terrible metal twist.

According to this situation, I am afraid that it will take half an hour for this ironclad ship to disintegrate on its own.

The most terrible thing is that Wei Xiaobei has observed that this weird storm is actually following the armored ship, how fast the armored ship is driving, how fast the storm will move, and the iron armored ship is covered in it from beginning to end.

Obviously, this weird storm is not naturally formed, and it is likely that there is something called.

This kind of thing, Wei Xiaobei is no stranger.

Take the turtle demon king, it is easy to say that it is necessary to form such a storm.

Is there a scorpion demon king here?

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but touched his chin and pulled out a long beard. He used the pain to stimulate his brain that was not fully awake.


For this hypothesis, Wei Xiaobei turned over and overturned himself.

Like the turtle demon king, the size is huge, and the breath is awesome. If you hide in the vicinity, Wei Xiaobei cannot be found!

This is an inevitable thing. The bigger the block, the more difficult it is to conceal and conceal.

Besides, the temper of the tortoise and the demon king, if it really wants to set off a storm, I am afraid that this scale will not be covered, even the body of the turtle demon king can not cover it.


what is that?

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei saw the ironclad ship that was struggling forward in the storm, and several humans boarded the deck.

You know, in such climatic conditions, boarding the deck is undoubtedly a stupid thing.

With a little carelessness, people will be hit into the sea by the wind and waves. Even if they are tied to something on the deck with a rope, the rushing waves can quickly take away the heat waves on your body and quickly heat your body. Weaken, let you see the gate of Huang Quan! !

Ok, I have to say that these people are very brave.

However, Wei Xiaobei seems to see something strange in these few people.

It is a pity that although my eyesight is much more than ordinary people, it is still difficult to see the specific things on that warship at a distance of nearly ten kilometers. (To be continued.)

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