The City of Terror

Chapter 1236: And teach magical powers!

The poor road is diligent today, dragging the ground, clothes, quilts, cool quilts, etc., and tired of the road, the waist is prominent. ——

Wei Xiaobei has already arrived at the banyan tree at this time.

The eucalyptus spirits, like the girls of five or six years old, are playing around in the woods.

Wei Xiaobei fell, and those eucalyptus spirits came to Wei Xiaobei, and they all went up happily, like a group of chickens.

After Wei Xiaobei slightly calmed down, he began to guide these eucalyptus spirits to worship the fireball.

However, even if the wisdom of these eucalyptus spirits is not worse than normal people, it is not an easy task to guide them to create a belief in fireballs.

After a busy time, Wei Xiaobei found a problem.

That is, although the fireball is an important factor in promoting the growth of this eucalyptus forest, those eucalyptus spirits are not directly exposed to the sunlight scattered by the fireball because of their own spiritual attributes.

This also makes it difficult for Yushuling to believe in fireballs, because the fire of the fireball will hurt them!

This can make Wei Xiaobei feel a little nervous.

But in the end, Wei Xiaobei successfully led several eucalyptus spirits into the first group of believers in the fireball in Aoki.

As long as you have the first group of believers, then the next thing will be easier.

At least, Wei Xiaobei did not need such a hard education to guide him. He only needed to appoint the first group of believers as priests and hand over the burden of spreading the faith to these eucalyptus spirits!

For the heavy responsibility given by Wei Xiaobei, the few eucalyptus priests were very excited.

This is probably less related to their exposure to the outside world.

Of course, this time and a half, it is not an easy task to develop the belief in fireballs in Aoki.

Although the number of eucalyptus spirits is more than 4,000, and it is barely able to support the belief of fireballs, these little guys are also highly stubborn. It takes a lot of time for the eucalyptus priests to take these eucalyptus spirits. A little bit of transformation has become a believer.

Wei Xiaobei even wants to introduce a group of humans into the green woods. Of course, the first generation of human beings who entered the Qingmufu land could not play any role, but the second generation of human beings they gave birth, if they believe in fireballs, then provide The power of faith is the power of Aoki Fukui’s own pure faith. In that case, it is not difficult to let the fireball seal the gods.

But it will take some time.

Although the time flow rate of Qingmu Fudi is much faster than the reality, it is also a trouble to find the first batch of humans to stay in Qingmufu.

After finishing the work of Yushuling, Wei Xiaobei returned to the world tree and woke up the green cow.

Obviously, Qingniu is not happy with Wei Xiaobei who will wake himself up.

Of course, if you change to any one person, you will be too happy to eat and drink, and then wake up after being awake.


The green cow has no change in the human form, still lying on the ground, just opened the huge eyes.

"Master, do you always say that you want to teach me the world of law? Also, the disciple wants to ask the teacher, how does the fairy disc fairy deal with it?"

Since Wei Xiaobei has awakened the green cow, he does not intend to waste this opportunity, and will even tell his own things one by one.

Qingniu probably thought about it. He did promise to pass Wei Xiaobei and teach him to him. Who would like to know that he was sleepy, but he forgot about it.

The green cow is a little embarrassed, but since he is a master, he can't pull his face and apologizes: "This is simple."

After saying this, Qingniu then spit out a group of Qingqi and handed it to Wei Xiaobei: "Swallow."


Wei Xiaobei’s heart was a bit disgusting. The thing that the green cow vomited and spit out was really nausea.

But Wei Xiaobei did not dare to swallow it. Obviously, this group of youthfulness contains the secret of the world of law!

Hard to scalp, Wei Xiaobei swallowed this group of Qing gas.

Well, to be honest, this youthful atmosphere does not have any taste, nor does it have the disgusting feeling in Wei Xiaobei’s imagination.

Once swallowed, Wei Xiaobei felt that there was something in his mind.

To be precise, there is one more book.

A blue line of books.

The book has only four pages in total, and its cover has four large characters: the French world, and the corner is a lively calf.

Wei Xiaobei's mind was moved, and the cover immediately opened. In the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei found that he was no longer in the green wood.

There are countless white clouds in the surrounding area, and they are lightly stepping on the clouds and walking on all fours.

Should this be the memory of the young cow?

Wei Xiaobei can't control his body, he can only guess in his heart.

Sure enough, after a while, I made a squeak of cows, and at the same time I saw my huge blue body inadvertently between the heads.

Sure enough, I am in the memory of the green cow.

After a long walk between the clouds, I was almost letting Wei Xiaobei sleepy.

I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, a big bird flew from a distance, igniting Wei Xiaobei's heart and inexplicable anger, and the momentum rushed toward the big bird.

When it was near, Wei Xiaobei discovered that the big bird was huge, like a big mountain, flying above the white clouds. Every move of its wings was a violent wind, and Wei Wei couldn’t move forward half a step!

But the next moment, Wei Xiaobei felt that his body began to swell up, and the speed was extremely fast. In Wei Xiaobei's eyes, the big bird gradually became smaller.

At the end of the day, Wei Xiaobei had grown to a point bigger than the big bird, and then rushed toward the big bird.

This time, the gust of wind from the wings of the big bird could not stop the impact of Wei Xiaobei.

In a twinkling of an eye, the green cow will fight with the big bird. The bird's beak and claws of the big bird are desperately caught in the green cow, tearing away a **** wound, and the green cow is not vegetarian. The horns are like two sharp swords, and each time they charge, they can leave two transparent holes in the big bird!

This is exactly a hand-to-hand battle of red fruit!

At the end of the day, the big bird could no longer support it, only screaming and desperately flapping its wings to escape.

The young cows screamed a few times, but they did not catch up with each other.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei felt a emptiness in his mind. The next moment, he left the memory and returned to the green wood.


Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but vomit a long sigh of gas. The battle in the memory before, although Wei Xiaobei did not participate, but also made Wei Xiaobei look weak at this time.

It turned out that after I had personally experienced a world of law, Wei Xiaobei had some understanding of the magical power of this world.

Of course, this time, Wei Xiaobei is not likely to learn the world.

"Thank you Master!"

Wei Xiaobei, who had come back to God, could not care for his weakness and hurriedly bowed to the Qingniu.

For Wei Xiaobei's advice, Qingniu felt some headaches.

To say what kind of pen fairy, dish fairy and other strange spirits, in the eyes of the green bull, nothing at all.

But for Wei Xiaobei, it is a very difficult thing to deal with.

To tell the truth, if the edgy Xiaobei is not holding the waist of the seven-seven jade woman, I am afraid that it will be hung in the Grey Lake University.

This is not an exaggeration. It is necessary to know those pens. Although the discs are the same as those of the lanterns of Dongpu, they are far more powerful than their counterparts.

Especially the two huge pens, the dish fairy, once they join hands, they can display the amazing ability of ink painting!

At the beginning, Wei Xiaobei thought that this ink painting was a simple space application.

But now, with Wei Xiaobei's understanding of space more and more, once I think of it, the back is dark and cold.

To put it simply, Wei Xiaobei feels that even if he studies the space for another ten years, he may not be able to study the mystery of the ink painting.

After listening to Wei Xiaobei's description of the fairy and the dish fairy, the green cow frowned slightly and meditated for a while, letting Wei Xiaobei take the pen pen that was left behind by the fairy.

Wei Weibei will know that he still needs this stuff, and he has already lost it to Zhu Xinyi.

Fortunately, there is a bottle of bad luck in the Wei Xiaobei storage ring!

The green cow took the bottle of bad luck and even opened the bottle cap.

Upon seeing it, Wei Xiaobei was shocked and hurriedly wanted to stop it. However, the behavior of Qingniu could be much faster than Wei Xiaobei. When he reached out, he used a little finger to dip in the doomed powder and then sent it to the entrance. I tasted it.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but faint.

Master is too ignorant of it?

I dare to taste the bad luck?

You know, don't say this thing, even if it sticks to the body, then it will be ruined by the doom, the clouds will cover the top, and the mold will go down!

Think about the Cheng's martial arts hall in the gray world. There are a lot of monsters in it, and the most bullish ones are the winged swords. The strength of the four-star elite, but it can burst more than four stars. Fighting power comes.

However, Wei Xiaobei lost a bad haunted powder in the past.

The Cheng’s martial arts hall was finally smashed by the people of Longbo who passed the road!

Wei Xiaobei knows that the strength of Qingniu is probably not afraid of the misfortunes brought by this doom. The problem is that Wei Xiaobei is worried that the bad luck recruited by Qingniu will fall on the green wood, so that it is really sad. .

"Master, that's a bad luck!"

Wei Xiaobei finally couldn’t help but remind him.

For Wei Xiaobei's reminder, Qingniu seems to see Wei Xiaobei's fear, and can't help but laugh: "Are you afraid of it? Here is the green wood! Your site, this thing is even if you are down, No effect."

While laughing, the green cow tasted the taste of this doomed powder and seemed to be thinking about it.

Listening to the blue cow said that Wei Xiaobei’s heart suddenly fell to the ground.

In retrospect, I am a bit too nervous.

Aoki Fudi is an independent small world. The fairy, the curse of the dish fairy is so powerful that it can't be effective here. You can be called the creation **** here! (To be continued.)

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