The City of Terror

Chapter 1237: , the cottage version of the soul clock

Looked at the time, today is Friday, so the poor road is cheeky and ask for a genuine subscription! Please book friends, friends, young and old, old and younger sisters to send compassion, poor books, this book is almost 30! Thank you! The poor road is here to thank everyone for the five bodies.

His face was slightly red, and Wei Xiaobei found a topic to open his words: "Master, what did you find?"

Obviously, the green cow tastes this bad luck-wrapped powder instead of taste, but wants to find something from it.

"found it."

Qingniu did not follow the old tyrant to run a lot of places, it is said to be knowledgeable.

In the words of the green cow, this so-called pen fairy, disc fairy is actually a kind of strange, it uses the ritual of the pen to collect the horror of human or other intelligent creatures, thus enhancing itself!

In essence, these pens, discs are actually similar to the gods.

However, their approach is even more unpopular. It is the power to collect panic, not the power to collect faith.

And the curse they release is equivalent to their divine power, and as long as there is a feeling of panic in the heart, then the pen fairy can discour the enemy from a certain level of rules.

It is precisely because of this that their curse is particularly strange, so it is impossible to prevent!

"So, as long as you are not afraid of your heart, you will not be able to take their tricks?"

Wei Xiaobei was able to give the opposite direction. From the introduction of Qingniu, he quickly found a solution to the problem.

However, when Qingniu listened to Wei Xiaobei’s words, he couldn’t help but laugh: “I’m not afraid of it? The Buddha of Heaven can’t get rid of the influence of the seven passions. Do you dare say that there will be no horror in your heart? Unless you are a stone!”

Indeed, Wei Xiaobei’s willpower is indeed very strong, but this does not mean that Wei Xiaobei can’t be frightened!

It is impossible to completely abandon the seven passions.

When Wei Xiaobei faced the pen fairy, he was not frightened, but there was always a time of panic. No matter how long it was before, it would be found by this fairy, thus cursing himself!

Besides, in addition to the strange curse, the giant pen fairy, Dian Xian Heli can also release the big killings like ink painting!

In the eyes of Qingniu, this ink painting should be essentially a kind of curse, but it combines the rules of space and so on.

"Forget it, don't think so much, this is for you."

Qingniu yawned, probably too sleepy, and did not say too much with Wei Xiaobei, then a blue cow hair floated up and flew toward Wei Xiaobei.

This cyan ox hair exudes a soft blue light, and when it falls on Wei Xiaobei's hand, it turns into a small bronze clock of a finger size.

This bronze bell is extremely incomparable. It is engraved with a bird with nine heads. When Wei Xiaobei looks at it, he feels that his brain is a little dizzy, and his soul is slightly unstable.

"Master, is this?"

Wei Xiaobei originally planned to ask what this is, how to use it.

But the blue cow blew out Wei Xiaobei in a good breath, just dropped a sentence and went to sleep.

"Do you have any ghost ability to view the attributes of treasures? Don't come to the division, or hang up!"

The words of Qingniu were left behind, Wei Xiaobei could not help but have a cold sweat on his back.

How does Master know that he has all things to know the treasures?

Yes, when I met Master for the first time, I used everything to see Master's property sheet.

It’s not surprising that Green Bull knows this.

"Master is sleeping slowly."

Wei Xiaobei did not dare to disturb the blue dog's drowsiness, and even left the gray world.

After returning to the reality of Weijia Island, Wei Xiaobei only had a phone call with Zhu Xinyi and others who arrived in Green Lake City to understand the situation, but did not immediately set off.

Looking for a room, Wei Xiaobei took the small bronze bell out of the storage ring, and all things fell on it.

As all things fall on the bronze clock, its property sheet will appear in front of Wei Xiaobei.

Name: The cottage version of the soul clock (secondary fairy)

Introduction: This thing is made from the blood of the first copper mountain, the white tin of Wanxi Mountain, and the blood of a drop of nine birds. It has the power to seduce the soul, and the great spirits cannot stabilize the soul under its shaking. Note: If the soul is not strong enough, use this object carefully, and it is easy to cause your own soul to break away.

Effect one: Falling the soul, shaking this thing, can make the soul come out.

Effect 2: Destroy the soul, shake the object, can make the spirit body unstable, and thus kill.

Effect 3: Warming up, feeding this thing with the soul, can enhance the power of this thing

That's it!

This turned out to be the cottage version of the Falling Soul!

The so-called falling soul clock, once appeared in the Romance of the gods, even the immortal, in the shaking of the falling soul clock, will be the soul of the body!

This shows the power of the soul clock!

It can be said that in addition to the seven arrows of the nail head, this soul clock is also very powerful in the magic weapon against the soul.

It is no wonder that the shape of a nine-headed bird was engraved on the bronze clock.

This Chinese nine-headed bird is not comparable to the ghost birds of Dongpu. It is one of the ancient Chinese demon, and some people say that the legendary Jiufeng is the nine-headed bird.

Moreover, the shape of the nine-headed bird is much better than that of the ghost bird. Although it is dark in color, its shape is similar to that of the phoenix, but it has only nine heads and looks gorgeous. terror!

Of course, after reading the cottage version of the falling soul clock attribute table, Wei Xiaobei did not understand the power range of the falling soul clock.

But Wei Xiaobei can't dare to test this stuff on Weijia Island.

Do not say anything else, the things that the blue cows take out will naturally not be stocks, which means that ordinary human beings may not be able to withstand the power of this soul clock.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei left the room and went straight to the reef area. After going to Shanghai, he went to the desert island.

When Wei Xiaobei rushed to the vicinity of Dayan Island, he discovered that the wave wall under the scorpion demon king had disappeared.

However, if you want to come, the wave wall that the turtle demon king has been able to maintain for nearly a year is already very good. Whenever the flying fish and the birds pass by, they will inspire the wave wall and consume the power contained in the wave wall.

Relative to the disappearance of the wave wall, Wei Xiaobei is more concerned about the changes on this deserted island.

Compared to the deserted island that is completely ridiculous, this deserted island is alive and well.

Under the residual radiation effect of Loki's finger, the creatures of the Great Island are more eccentric than five months ago.

Wei Xiaobei wants to ask, what is the creature that looks like a big palm tree?

Or is it that the whole body is covered with shallots?

The bush is covered with white duck eggs?

Well, even if Wei Xiaobei sees more and more knowledge, I feel that some eyes are not enough for the island.

The creatures on this desert island are probably genetically so intense that their genetic changes are much faster than normal creatures.

Simply put, the genetic changes of normal organisms are mostly influenced by the outside world and evolved.

For example, camels, because they live in the desert, have evolved a special body temperature that is twice as high as the ambient temperature, and there are special water storage organs in the body.

Using the desert silver ant as an example, the special silver velvet on the whole body is completely evolved against the high light in the desert.

Fish in the sea can quickly drain excess salt from the body into high-salt seawater.

In order to deter the predators, the octopus can quickly change its color.

Plants on the island usually grow shorter and thicker than the same species on the mainland, because it is easy to hurricane at sea.

Most of the whale belly is white and the back is dark to cover up on the sea.

Wait, etc. In short, most of the organs or colors of normal creatures are designed to allow them to adapt to the surrounding environment and survive better.

But this is a normal creature, and the creatures on the desert island are not at all adapted to the surrounding environment. They are like a group of madmen, a group of genetic madmen, just to evolve more strangely.

Well, this sentence is the summary of Wei Xiaobei.

For example, a weird crab that has just climbed from the beach.

There are four useless legs on the back shell. Is the snow-white shell white? Don't you worry about being the target of many predators?

Or the tree grows slender and extremely strange, more than ten meters high, but the trunk is only the diameter of the fist!

Not to mention the hurricane, Wei Xiaobei even worried that the other party would accidentally break himself when moving fast.


Well, Wei Xiaobei admits that he has a mouthful and has become a crow mouth.

It took less than half a minute to come up with this idea. The slender tree was accidentally broken off its trunk when it was chasing an eight-footed snake, thus becoming a prey for a group of grasses.

The crab died earlier than the big tree. Just less than five seconds after landing, it was hunted by a rabbit with a scorpion tail.

As mentioned before, the evolution of the creatures on this desert island is a complete distortion of acceleration.

They evolved very quickly, but they died so fast that every time Wei Xiaobei came to this desert island, he could see a lot of strange creatures he had never seen before.

In fact, after discovering this, Wei Xiaobei felt relieved.

Before I say it, what is Wei Xiaobei’s most worried about?

Undoubtedly the gene has spread.

If the creatures on this desert island spread their populations out, then for the entire planet, it is tantamount to an ecological disaster!

If you think about it, you will know that all kinds of weird creatures appear in other biological chains, or they have some special abilities. Such creatures will destroy other biological chains at a rapid rate, resulting in the whole earth. There is a big problem.

But now Wei Xiaobei is not worried.

The reason is simple. These creatures have fully proved how dead their genes are!

For creatures like this, even if someone sends them to other places, they are unlikely to spread. (To be continued.)

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