The City of Terror

Chapter 1240: Five-way god!

Suddenly I saw that the book’s homepage said that the poor road had to be born, but in fact the poor road had already passed ahead. In the book, the bookkeepers who remembered well should remember, hahaha, can they have a birthday ? Forget it, every time you celebrate your birthday, you will think that you are one year old again. It’s not the original 18-year-old pink. It’s just like thinking about it, it feels uncomfortable. ——

But now in this chaotic time, the bad luck possession is tantamount to finding a dead end.

Wei Xiaobei is not lamenting these believers, but is jealous of the means of the five gods.

The idea before Wei Xiaobei is to kill directly, smash the statue, and force the five gods to kill them directly!

But now, Wei Xiaobei feels that he needs to behave safely. Otherwise, if he is not careful, he will be overwhelmed by the five meanings.

Wei Xiaobei does not know how the five means of affecting the fortune is how to exert it, and therefore needs to be more cautious.

But there is a lot of orange smoke on the statue, which is the power of the incense that the gods gather. In addition to the color, it seems to have little difference from the power of faith.

It is said that the power of incense and the power of belief are still different. The power of faith is mainly from the top of the believer. The power of the incense is that the believers insert the incense stick into the incense burner. When they pray, they Produced above the burning incense.

Obviously, there is no shortage of this burning incense candle and the prayer of believers. Without any kind of words, it is impossible to produce incense.

And the power of incense makes Wei Xiaobei slightly uncomfortable, probably the influence of a lot of emotional desires contained in the power of incense.

After that, Wei Xiaobei searched for an abandoned high-rise building nearby, climbed up, and chose a good location so that he could keep an eye on the movement of the abandoned construction site.

As the night darkens, the number of believers who come to burn incense is gradually decreasing.

Finally, the last believer left, and the gangsters who were responsible for the safety of the field guards gathered under the call of the Great Lord's Sacrifice, and their spirits became excited from the previous drowsiness.

It seems that for them, the departure of believers means a carnival moment.

"Five gods are on the top, May the five gods bless you!"

At that time, the big fat man said a few words of the usual opening remarks, and then screamed: "Put the sacrifices dedicated to the five gods!"

Then a few gangsters rushed into a building on the side of the abandoned construction site, and soon a group of people were driven out in a scream.

This is a group of women.

That's right, more than a dozen women who are scared to tremble.

Among them are twelve or three years old, fifteen six years old, eighteen nine years old, twenty years old, and thirty years old. From the girl of the cardamom to the young woman of the flower letter, they are not unparalleled, but at least they all look good. A few are called the school flower level, and the worst is also the class flower.

But most of their clothes were torn and ruined, and many places were exposed.

Undoubtedly, the look of these women is very tempting for those gangsters, so when the gangsters drove the women over, they took the opportunity to get their hands on their vital parts, and they felt that the women’s faces were red, but they were angered. Do not speak.

Obviously, these women are not voluntarily coming here, and the means used by those who mix are not kidnapping or intimidation.

More than a dozen women were rushed to the front of the gods. The big sacrificed fat man swept back and forth on these women with greedy eyes. It was a pity that the soup was not possible. However, the soup was not eaten. I am still very hopeful.

Later, the big sacrificed fat man saw those ones with their noses open, excited and flushed, and their hearts were extremely contemptuous. These mixed-mouth thoughts, they naturally know, but they can only eat some soup. There is water left.

The big sacrificed fat man thought about things, didn't talk, but at this time a gangster probably couldn't help it. He even caught the most beautiful woman inside, and opened the stinky mouth and kissed him.


When the fat man of the big sacrifice heard the scream of the woman, he returned to the gods. When he saw the behavior of the gangster, he couldn’t help but feel angry. These guys probably had been too comfortable in the recent period and needed to receive a leather.

What is this place? Is it yours?

This angers the five gods, I am afraid that even myself will be punished!

At the thought of this, the big sacrifice of the fat man rushed over, directly slap in the face of the mixed face, the slap fan that the smack directly in the original place to spin, almost fell to the ground.

"Boss, are you hitting me?"

Well, this mix of words sounds so weird, it is like a blame for condemning the derailed husband.

"What happened to you?"

Hey, another slap in the face, the fan is on the face.

This big sacrifice of the fat man is probably said to be a habit. Where can I let this man talk to himself, directly squatting, and even fanned down.

Before the confession, I probably got some status in the small county town, but I was conquered by this big fat man. Now I accidentally slap a few slaps, and even more terrible is that there are so many brothers watching.

This confuse feels that his skin has been trampled. For a mix like him, the head can break blood and flow, and the skin can't be stepped on!

Therefore, for a moment of anger, the anger was stunned by the anger, and I remembered who the main sacrifice was. When the right hand touched the waist, he pulled out a dagger and stabbed the big fat man.

"Hey, you are still in the sky!"

The big fat man was extremely angry with the resistance of the gangster. When the right hand stretched out, the fat palm turned into a wolf claw in a blink of an eye. When the backhand shot, the dagger in the mixed hand was smashed, and then the sharp claws were caught. On the neck of the punk, a slight force, only to hear a bang, the mixed neck was broken by the wolf claw!

As the big sacrifice of the fat man loosened his hand, the mixed body even softened.

Seeing this scene, not only did the women scare into a group, but even those gangsters sucked up one by one, and some couldn't believe the fat man who looked at the big sacrifice.

To say that this big fat man called them up before, although it revealed a few hands, but it does not seem to be a sultry generation, what they did not think is that the gangster just kissed the woman, they were killed.

Of course, the smashing of the dagger is the biggest incentive. They didn't think of it, just that the big sacrifice was becoming ruthless.

But in any case, after the big lord sacrificed the gangster, even if the town was kept in the field, even the most courageous of these gangs became honest. At this time, they heard the big sacrifice and let them strip the women. Did not dare to maneuver the manual foot.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei considered the shot to save these women, but if one accidentally plunged himself into it, it would be less worthwhile.

It can also be seen that Wei Xiaobei is not the kind of good old man, or the Madonna.

Sometimes Wei Xiaobei may save someone because of certain things, but if the enemy is very strong, he may wait.

When these women were stripped of their clothes, some of them frightened and wept, while others began to fight hard, while others struggled for mercy.

But whether they are crying, resisting or begging for mercy, they have not been able to escape this misfortune in the face of more than 30 mixed people.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed on the statue.

As the women were stripped of their clothes, the five gods began to move, and a glimpse of pink smoke spurted out from the nose and mouth of the five gods, and the women were shrouded in a blink of an eye, and quickly Spread around.

At the same time, a sound that sounds very majestic suddenly sounded on this abandoned construction site: "Five Gods Travel! Mortal Retreat!"

When the big fat man heard the sound, he didn't dare to hesitate. He hurriedly greeted the gangsters and left with him.

Obviously, the next thing is not what the main sacrifice can see.

He just needs to wait for the daylight to come over and check the situation.

To be honest, some of the gangsters that have not been joined for a long time are still somewhat reluctant to leave, but the big sacrifice is not a little soft, and it is a big slap in the face, and the other party is dizzy and has to follow.

With the big sacrifice, the mixture of the scent, the pink smoke in front of the statue became more and more intense.

The women saw such a strange change, and then saw the big sacrifice, the mixed people and other people left, all of them were a little scared, originally intended to get up and follow.

But they had already inhaled a lot of pink smoke before, when they got up, they were already confused and confused, and they touched each other with their hands.

A good picture of the spring!

Even Wei Xiaobei, who was on the sidelines of the investigation, felt that he was somewhat shameful.

The pink smoke spreads very fast, and even Wei Xiaobei accidentally sticks a little, and then with the women's actions at this time, it will make people feel a little impetuous.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei was only affected by this. The powerful willpower even swept away the mourning in his mind, and even the inhaled pink smoke was also rejected by the real mercury that was running.

Less than half a time before and after, Wei Xiaobei's eyes returned to the previous bright, even if I looked at the group of women's enchanting body, there was no wave in my heart.

At this moment, the five gods suddenly changed. Under the cover of the pink smoke, the five gods jumped from the altar one by one, and they were constantly falling down the stone shell.

When they reached the group of women, they have become real people!

To say that the five gods were originally the appearance of handsome men, and now they become real people, their appearance is more handsome, but they are staring at the women's eyes with endless evils.

"Huh, big brother, I can't help it."

One of them made a sound like a pig, and then, regardless of whether he asked, he put a woman in his arms and raised his hand, just like a savage who had been in the mountains for decades.

With this first opening, then the remaining four people are not polite, rushing into the women's group, holding their left and right, and sulking. (To be continued.)

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