The City of Terror

Chapter 1241: Weak five-pass god

This chapter is scheduled to be released, right, with the full support of the brothers and sisters, more than 10 are booked! Of course, after this chapter is updated, the order will drop a few, but it does not matter, more than ten are set, the distance is very close to 3000! ! I believe that my brothers and sisters will continue to support the poor, right? ——

When these five evil spirits were arrogant, their images were completely out of the kind of handsomeness that had just appeared before, but the face looked like a wave, and some revealed a pig's mouth, while others revealed a wolf's claw. One more person reveals the tail of the ape.

Seeing here, Wei Xiaobei frowned. These guys were attracted by the beauty at this time, without any precautions. It is a good time to say that the use of the soul clock is at this time.

But the only problem is that this soul is too powerful, I am afraid that more than a dozen women can not afford the power.

But if you don't shoot at this time, Wei Xiaobei can't bear it, let the more than ten women be stunned by five evil spirits!

Then, first determine the bottom of these five evil spirits, so as not to accidentally have their magic!

Wei Xiaobei thought of it here, but he did not hesitate. He took the soul clock out of the storage ring first, and the ring hung on the finger, keeping the state of shaking at any time, and then his eyes were on a demon god. Start all things!

Name: Wutong God's Pig Demon

Race: demon

Gender: Male

Age: 3 years old

Biological grade: four stars common

Introduction: Wutong Shen is the evil spirit of the folk worship in the south of the Yangtze River. Its essence is five little demons. The common people are eager to offer their wealth and spread. This pig demon is the third of the five gods. Greedy and lascivious, I am very happy with the young woman who is full of body, acting very arrogantly, and dare to enter the house in the daytime, and arrogant. Note: Due to its breakthrough from the gray world, it is weaker.

Weakness: flame

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: poetry, fist, punch

Special ability: the art of changing the human form, the technique of blurring the powder account, the wealth of money, the great technique, the demon, the five elements and the horizontal array

Evolution point: (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None

I have to say that when Wei Xiaobei read the property list of this pig demon, it was a little surprised. This pig demon actually knows poetry and songs.

However, if you think about it, it is normal. After all, this pig demon has been mixed with mortals. I am afraid I need to know something. Otherwise, how can I find out who has a beautiful woman?

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not just looking at the property list of this pig demon. In the blink of an eye, several things are known to be played, and the five evil spirits are read all over again.

These five evil spirits, including one wolf, two pigs, one monkey, one horse.

After reading it, Wei Xiaobei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

These five-pass gods are not terrible, at least they do not have the ability to reduce the fortune of others in Wei Xiaobei’s imagination.

They are just five little demons, and they broke through from the gray world, leading to weakness, only four stars of ordinary creatures!

As far as their special abilities are concerned, there is probably only that huge technique and demon, and the five elements are even more powerful, making Wei Xiaobei more concerned.

This makes Wei Xiaobei's heart suddenly have a sigh of relief, five little demon!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s all-in-one understanding caused the attention of the five evil spirits. After they felt the gaze of their own souls, they stood up from the women’s piles and stood naked. Something, rushing over to Wei Xiaobei, and shouting loudly in his mouth: "The gods are here! Who dares to peep! Come and die!"

Just under the eyes of these five evil spirits, on the abandoned building, a figure ran out, and the look of the emperor escaped.

If you say that these five evil spirits are still worried that the human army is going to encircle themselves, but now, when you look at it, you are scared to escape by yourself. You just let go of your heart, and a cloud of dark clouds rises from your feet. Tens of meters away, I chased the past towards the escaped figure.

The figure of the escape is naturally Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei is not really afraid of these five-pass gods. He completely wants to take the five-way **** away, so as not to use the falling soul clock when necessary, and accidentally take away the souls of the women.

Therefore, when he ran for several kilometers and arrived in the wilderness, Wei Xiaobei stopped his footsteps and turned to look at the five-way **** who was desperately chasing in the distance.

It’s a bit funny to say that these five-pass gods are really scary, but the height of the black clouds is a bit scary. The most critical problem is that the black clouds at their feet are slow. It is a little faster than a bicycle.

To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei slowed down, he might lose the five gods.

The wolf demon in these five-pass gods is the most cautious master. When he sees Wei Xiaobei stopping and turning around, he is somewhat vigilant, waiting to be greeted by the brothers.

The two pig demon in the five-way gods are desperately driving the black clouds and rushing over. They think very simplely, and the other party is tired and can't escape.

The pig demon is really thinking about the method of Wei Xiaobei who can peep into the soul. He wants to grasp the other side, force the method, and then directly devour it.

Seeing two pig demon rushing through the black clouds, Wei Xiaobei smiled, his right hand caught in the air, and the rod of ink was even in his hands.

Wei Xiaobei's legs slammed on the ground, and his feet were like stepping on the real thing. Hey, he stepped on the air and rushed toward the two pigs.

What is this about this?

Wei Xiaobei stepped on the air, but he was shocked by the two pigs.

Is this not a mortal? ! !

In the impression of the pig demon, those mortals are probably impossible to fly. Of course, they have entered the real time, so they don’t know that there are planes in the reality, and things like jetpacks can make people look good.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s actions are indeed beyond the limits that mortals can reach, and they are rushed up by the flesh.

"Be careful with fraud!"

At this moment, the voice reminded by the wolf demon finally passed.

The courage of the two pig demons is not estimated. When they saw Wei Xiaobei rushing, they heard the reminder of the wolf demon. They did not launch an attack on Wei Xiaobei for the first time, but they screamed and screamed: Bigger!"

In a flash, the black clouds underneath the whole body wrapped them all over, and then their bodies swelled like balloons.

The small ink gun in the hands of Wei Xiaobei has already shaken three guns at this time, and they have stabbed the two pigs!

It is necessary to say that Wei Xiaobei’s current shooting technique, although it can’t be shot like Zhao Yun, is like a phoenix flapping its wings, a giant snake coiling, but a gunshot shakes out three guns, and there is still no problem.

And these three guns are completely real, that is, as long as they are stabbed in the gun, they will be truly hurt, not illusions.


The three guns instantly pierced into the black fog and tied two pigs.

However, at this time, the body shape of the two pig demons has rapidly expanded from the normal human form to the giant form of more than 20 meters in height!

The guns that Wei Xiaobei shakes out are originally creatures that deal with normal human body types. If the body of the two pigs does not change, then the three guns will be in their throats or heart. The key.

Now, the three guns only stab the belly of the two pigs, and they have to shoot out if they are less than a foot.

Because at this time, the three-headed five-way gods that followed the same have already been shot!

The wolf demon was throwing a sharp tooth toward Wei Xiaobei, but the monkey demon was a stone. As for the black cloud under the foot of the horse, it suddenly accelerated, and its own change became a body length of five or six. The giant horse of Mi, directly collided with Wei Xiaobei!

I have to say that the fastest of the five gods should be this horse demon.

The speed of its sudden outbreak completely exceeded the impression of Wei Xiaobei on the five-pass god. Wei Xiaobei was only able to stop the ink gun in front of him at the moment of shooting back, ready to put the wolf, When the stone was blocked, it was kicked out by the horseshoe that rushed to the front of the horse.


A loud noise!

Wei Xiaobei only felt that his hands were numb, and the ink-and-gun guns in his hands had been twisted to the extreme, giving the impression that he would be kicked off by the Mars.

Wei Xiaobei flew down at a speed faster than the last one. After a while, he slammed into the ground and suddenly pulled out a big pit!

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei was the first time he was beaten in a hand-to-hand battle.

Four stars ordinary?

wrong! This is just their weak state!

Wei Xiaobei understood it in an instant.

Just like the blue cow, its weak state is only a four-star disaster, but in fact its own combat power, I am afraid it is far more than four stars.

Do not say anything else, the higher level of combat methods, experience, vision, etc., combined, is not a four-star ordinary can accommodate.

To put it simply, Wei Xiaobei’s shot was hit by the other side and hit the ground. It is simply a light enemy.

These five-way gods cannot be treated with the ordinary strength of four stars!

Wei Xiaobei frowned, and the right hand grabbed the large gun of ink and ink. He pulled out from the big pit with a force, but his eyes were always on the five five-way gods!

Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei jumped out of the big pit, the horse demon rushed down and tried to sneak again and lost the opportunity. Instead, he was shot by Wei Xiaobei with a shot.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei did not have a chance to breathe.

Perhaps it is the routine of the five-way **** to deal with the enemy. At this point, it will not give the enemy a chance to breathe. If they take the lead, they will chase after the enemy and will not kill the enemy.

Wei Xiaobei just flew the squad, and the two pigs that had become more than 20 meters in size had been pressed down, and the wounds on the belly that had been smashed with ink and ink had been restored!

When the pig demon is under the pressure, Wei Xiaobei knows that he can give one of the pig devils a heavy blow, but it is likely to be crushed by another pig demon!

In that case, Wei Xiaobei will lose the space for free activities, which will undoubtedly lead to his own danger in Wei Xiaobei. (To be continued.)

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