The City of Terror

Chapter 1247: Old acquaintance

I have a cold, dizziness, and the code is slow. Fortunately, I have a little bit of a manuscript. I will go to the poor place to see if I can slow down. Δ

I didn’t chat for a long time, and someone came in to report, and Xu Feiyang arrived.

Xu Feiyang used to be the leader of the investigation team of Cuihu City, and he was an old acquaintance with Wei Xiaobei.

However, after Wei Xiaobei left Cuihu City for a long time, he heard that he had been officially transferred to the provincial special investigation team as the executive deputy leader. This is really a real rise.

It should be noted that the provincial special investigation team like this is also chaired by the chairman of the local provincial special committee, and the executive deputy leader is responsible for the overall work of the special investigation team. To put it bluntly, the chairman It’s just a name, and the real leader is the executive deputy leader.

This can basically be said to have improved two levels!

"Please come in Mr. Xu."

Wei Xiaobei didn't know what it was like to fly over, but as long as he met, he knew it.

Xu Feiyang came in, and now it seems to have added a bit of momentum compared to before.

The executive deputy head of the provincial special investigation team is not graded, but if it is to be graded, it should be higher than the mayor of Cuihu City, which is much higher than the team leader of the Cuihu City investigation team. It is.

In this way, when you are in a high position for a long time, this momentum will naturally be raised.

There is a saying in Mencius that he is moving away and raising his body.

It means that status and environment can change people's temperament, and cultivation can change people's quality.

His walking is not slow, but his face is not in a hurry. At first glance, he knows that this is not an ordinary person.

However, when this flight flew into the living room and saw Wei Xiaobei at a glance, there was some change in the face of the stable mountain like Taishan, which brought out a bit of joy: "Where is the brother?"

It should be said that the age of Xu Feiyang is a few years older than Wei Xiaobei, but Xu Feiyang saw Wei Xiaobei calling Wei Wei. It can also be seen that in Xu Feiyang’s heart, Wei Xiaobei’s status is very high.

"Xu brother hasn't seen you for a long time."

Wei Xiaobei smiled and stood up, arching his hand toward Xu Feiyang.

Accompanied by Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun and others are naturally rushing to tea.

After the two chilled out, Wei Xiaobei asked Xu Feiyang's intentions. He did not believe that Xu Feiyang knew that he had come and met to meet: "Hearing that Xi Xi has risen, how come here?"

"I don't really care. Brothers, I came here this time and I was planning to find a bamboo gang to discuss things. Now, if there is a brother here, it will be better."

Xu Feiyang put down the teacup and smiled at Zhu Xinyi's apology, then said.

To say that Zhu Xinyi is the title of the bamboo lord, Wei Xiaobei really doesn't know what is going on, but he probably understands it in his mind.

Nothing is that Zhu Xinyi has arrived here. As a master sister, she naturally took over the affairs of the gray gang, which is called the bamboo lord.

"what's up?"

Wei probably can guess the meaning of Xu Feiyang, but he did not dare to directly package the ticket. Even if things are not asked, he will pluck his chest and promise.

Next, Xu Feiyang will say it in the future.

It turned out that this Xu Feiyang came over to Cuihu City and received an order to come over to host the affairs of Cuihu City.

To put it bluntly, it is to restore the order of Cuihu City as much as possible.

To say this, it is not easy to do it.

If you just settled the people who escaped from Green Lake City, this matter has already been solved.

Most of the people who escaped from Green Lake City went to the more stable cities and counties nearby, while a small number of people were in the area around Fengtou Mountain.

These things have been solved by the military and security companies before.

At least those in the area around the Crested Mountain have a certain guarantee of safety and diet.

But if it is just to deal with such a thing, it is impossible to send Xu Feiyang at all.

The most critical issue here is to recover the city of Green Lake!

Xu Feiyang has some experience in dealing with such things. When he got here, he went to the military station and learned about the situation on the ground. As a result, it is almost impossible to rely on the military.

The military's weapons can only deal with the human beings controlled by the pens, or the pens that are separated from the human body. They want to deal with the pens, and the body of the dish is impossible.

Those pens, the body of the dish fairy can be blurred, bullets, shells are difficult to destroy them.

As a result, Xu Feiyang's choice is only two.

One is to report upwards and request support from special forces!

The special forces mentioned here are not special forces, but the gray world practitioners who are officially called for reorganization!

To put it bluntly, it is an army composed of official special abilities.

But this choice is not insurance.

The current situation is that there are too many monster invasions in too many places in the country, and the gray-level practitioners are willing to join the army very little, so that the number of special troops has been at a low level, even if there are some new members, it may be The confrontation with the monster is worn away.

If you want to come, if you get the ability of ordinary people, you will not be willing to be bound by the mentality of the majority of the people.

Some of the gray world practitioners are very low-key in reality. If they don't encounter things, they will not reveal their ability.

Other parts of the gray world are united to form their own forces. This part of the gray world is probably more than half of the total.

There are still a few gray world practitioners who have acquired the ability, but the mentality is unbalanced, revealing various ugliness. To put it bluntly, the psychological quality has not kept up. In the face of powerful power, the dark side of the whole is exposed and enlarged. , regard yourself as the protagonist of the world.

As a result, Xu Feiyang has only a second choice, seeking the help of the folks of the folk gray world!

In fact, in the world, it has become a trend to seek folk ash practitioners to help solve problems.

Weijiadao was considered to have eaten a crab. After that, many folk ash circles who had gathered together also formed their own forces to engage in this industry. Of course, this is also an industry that needs each.

The folk ash industry practitioners help clean up the monsters, while the local government gives money or a certain degree of preferential treatment.

Obviously, in this area, the best goal that Xu Feiyang can seek is the security company.

First, the strength of the security company is strong, and there are many masters. The second is that Xu Feiyang recognizes Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun and Zhao Guang.

An acquaintance is good to talk.

As a result, Xu Feiyang came to the door.

What makes Xu Feiyang pleasantly surprised is that Wei Xiaobei, who has not been in contact for a long time, is also in the same place, which makes Xu Feiyang’s mind strong.

After all, if you want to say the relationship, Xu Feiyang and Wei Xiaobei have the best relationship. Besides, the chairman of the special committee of the parliament and Wei Xiaobei met Xu Feiyang to help pull the line.

Xu Feiyang said things, Wei Xiaobei did not deny.

This matter, I originally wanted to do it. Now it’s good, it’s not bad to drop a person’s feelings.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also got a lot of information from Xu Feiyang, and this information is not just about the city of Cuihu, and even more than the intelligence of China.

To put it simply, the event of this monster's massive invasion of reality is not limited to China. Basically, all countries have encountered this problem.

However, a slightly smaller country is more tragic, not to destroy the country, but it is impossible to maintain a slightly normal social order. The situation of many small countries is slightly stronger than that of Dongpu. Most cities, The countryside fell and humans hid in some cities to confront monsters.

The big powers with stronger strengths are much better under such circumstances. Except for the strange monsters like the pen fairy, it is more difficult to deal with. Other monsters are even stronger, at least guarantee the stalemate.

That is to say, most places can still maintain a minimum social order and will not collapse.

But this kind of thing is hard to say.

Not to mention whether there will be more gray monsters into the reality, and some of the confusion caused by these monsters has already begun to affect the world economic situation.

The world's real estate industry, financial industry and other industries have collapsed in a large area, but the arms industry has become more prosperous.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is now a little understanding of the situation outside.

He does not have much time to pay attention to the problems that have arisen in other countries.

"I need to investigate."

Wei Xiaobei said after thinking for a while.

In this regard, Zhu Xinyi several people want to replace Master to the city of Cuihu to investigate, but Wei Xiaobei is not allowed to do so.

Any jokes, if other monsters fall, but those pens are not easy to provoke, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to relax a little before thoroughly understanding the situation.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not in a hurry. The fairy, the dish fairy is said to be the strongest in the night, but rarely appears during the day, even if it appears, it looks quite weak.

For this statement, Wei Xiaobei expressed his approval.

Indeed, such a strange spirit like the pen fairy, dish fairy, if it is in the sun, I am afraid it will be greatly hurt.

Zhu Xinyi arranged Master's room early and arranged it in his room. Of course, Zhu Xinyi changed his room.

For the apprentice's mind, Wei Xiaobei can only smile with a smile.

"You have to do things first, rest, and have to deal with things for the teacher."

Wei Xiaobei dispelled the disciples and entered the room.

This room was indeed the place where Zhu Xinyi lived. As soon as she entered, it was a faint fragrance of a girl.

This fragrance, Wei Xiaobei is very familiar.

It is the body fragrance of Zhu Xinyi, a touch, a bit like a mixture of plum and lotus.

As soon as I smelled it, it was like seeing the cold girl.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is not the young man at the beginning. Smell the smell, that is, the heart touched a little, then smiled and opened the window, letting the breath slowly dissipate.

Because Zhu Xinyi lived here for some time, the bed was taken with her taste, Wei Xiaobei did not lie down, but sat cross-legged on the bed, then took advantage of these times, in order to bring the nose into the nose Ignored it, Wei Xiaobei’s mind was busy. (To be continued.) 8

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