The City of Terror

Chapter 1248: Giant general

Wow! The order has finally broken through to 3002! Although the poor road knows that this chapter will be updated to 2999, I really don't want to update, so that the order is kept above 3000! But the poor road knows that the brothers and sisters will let it rise, isn't it? Thank you for your support! As long as you can keep it for a week, you're done! ——

Wei Xiaobei originally thought that the phoenix gene could be completely resolved before, but this wish was lost. According to the current progress, I want to analyze the phoenix gene, and there are some distant futures.

This is also a helpless thing.

After all, the genes of the phoenix are too weird, but they are much more complicated than the genes of other creatures.

Fortunately, before this, Wei Xiaobei analyzed the genes of the Longbo people and tried to add them to the genetic map of the Pu people, but because of the time, they could not get it.

Now with this time, Wei Xiaobei will focus on the genes of the Longbo people.

Well, in simple terms, the genes of this Longbo people are quite similar to the genes of modern humans, whether it is from the composite composition of gene chains or a considerable part of genetic individuals, the degree of similarity is 99.5 percent. The genetic similarity with the Chinese race is even higher!

Such a degree of genetic similarity can fully prove that there is a very close blood relationship between the people of Longbo and the Chinese race.

But that is the difference of 0.5%, which makes a considerable difference between the people of Longbo and the Chinese race, including but not limited to body type and so on.

Have to say that the greatness of this gene is here!

Even if there are differences in several genes in the region, it is possible to make the organisms show great differences.

Of course, the genetic difference between the people of Longbo and the Chinese race can have more than a few genes.

But this also gives the convenience of the small Arctic.

Wei Xiaobei can easily select the special genes of the Longbo people and integrate them into the genetic map of the Pu people.

This work consumed Wei Xiaobei for about three hours and built more than one hundred new genetic maps.

Wei Xiaobei looked at the mobile phone time, about 11 o'clock in the evening, it can be said that it is quiet at night, just let Wei Xiaobei carry out the cultivation test of the new Pu people.

Of course, if you want to cultivate the people who are mixed with the genes of the Longbo people, you can't do it in this building.

According to Wei Xiaobei's estimate, this hundred-year-old Pu people cultivated it, and the smallest one is probably more than ten meters!

After all, the ability of this Longbo people is mainly reflected in the body and so on.

Of course, if Wei Xiaobei is willing, even if the genes of the Longbo people are not mixed, the body size of the Pu people can be greatly modified. Ten meters and one hundred meters are possible.

But there will be a problem in it. If you want to raise the normal size of the creature to a rather large extent, the material needed for cultivation will multiply.

It is like the original high temperature bird is only half a meter, only 25 substances can be cultivated, but when the body size is raised to about one meter, the required material is raised to 150.

Material consumption is still a trivial matter. The most terrible thing is that when the body size of the creature is beyond the normal range, its bones, internal organs and so on will not be able to bear its body load.

To put it simply, if the size of a cow is raised to 20 meters, only one result will come out after successful cultivation. The giant cow's body is extremely fragile, and even a rapid running may break its bones.

And if you raise it to more than 30 meters, then standing up is enough to break the bones of your body, not to mention how the organs such as the heart can keep the giant body running.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is also able to strengthen its bones, internal organs and other organs, but in this way, its cultivation cost will be dozens of times more than hundreds of times.

The most troublesome thing is that even if it is strengthened, it is at best an enlarged version of the meatball, in terms of its combat effectiveness, even before it can be compared to the expansion of its size.

You should know that the size of any creature is shaped a little in the long-term survival evolution, and changes in their size will undoubtedly lead to a series of changes.

Even the ordinary people cultivated by Wei Xiaobei are the same.

It can be said that the height of the Pu people raised by Wei Xiaobei is one meter and eight two, which is already a perfect figure.

Increasing the number and weakening the size of the body may lead to a decline in the strength of the general.

But the integration of the genes of the Longbo people into the universal gene is different.

The strong body of the Longbo people is enough to support hundreds of heights, and the height of the kilometer is not to be said. Wei Xiaobei’s ink and squirt gun is the leg of the Longbo people who was originally picked up. The gun has evolved since then!

This shows how strong the body of the Longbo people is.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei's requirements are not high, so it is not realistic to let the general's strength reach the Longbo people, but if there is a certain degree of enhancement, it is very good.

Pushing open the window, the moonlight tonight is extremely impressive, the bright moonlight is falling down, and with the little troubles in the town, it makes people feel inexplicably.

Wei Xiaobei did not go to alarm Zhu Xinyi and others, gently jumped out of the window sill, legs stepping on the air, and then went quietly outside the town.

It is said that this town is now an important bridgehead for human beings against the pen, and there are quite a few masters.

In addition to Wei Xindao's Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun and others, the military and other small forces also have several masters. Although not as strong as Zhu Xinyi, it is also Samsung's ordinary times.

However, these masters have not found Wei Xiaobei, who has quietly left the town. This is not to say that they are too dishy. The key is that the gap between them and Wei Xiaobei is too great.

In a wilderness a few kilometers away from the town, Wei Xiaobei fell.

It was originally a flat farmland, and some dilapidated villages could be seen in the distance, but due to a series of monster invasions, the fields here became ridiculous and weedy.

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei extended his left hand and continually spewed pork, forming a meat chop on the ground.

After the formation of these meat emulsions, they will mature and rupture for up to ten minutes, releasing the cultivated people inside.

Not long after, the wasteland was filled with a huge individual, ranging from 10 meters to 100 meters.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei will slightly test the situation of these ordinary people. After the test is completed, these ordinary people will dissolve themselves into black juice and recover the shredded pork.

Of course, even if such an experiment can recover a considerable amount of material, the consumption of the substance is terrible.

After cultivating the more than one hundred people, Wei Xiaobei temporarily stopped and stood there, his eyes closed slightly, just like falling asleep.

But in fact, at this time, Wei Xiaobei's six minds were all started. After eliminating the worst-performing effects of more than 30 popular genetic maps, the remaining genetic maps of the general population were modified accordingly.

It must be said that this is a rather complicated process. If you use a common home computer to make related calculations, the time spent will be an astronomical number.

Of course, ordinary home computers may not be able to run the programs required for this calculation.

Until the sky was bright, Wei Xiaobei finally ended this series of work, successfully set up a new version of the three different models.

The new versions of these three different models have different body types and abilities.

3 meters, 10 meters, 30 meters.

Among them, the three-meter-sized Pu people are considered to be the most affordable version.

It has reached the biological level of the Samsung elite, and has also made a big breakthrough in the skills, in which the archery has improved two levels compared with the general Pu people, reaching the realm of integration.

And its octagonal fist has reached the peak! And in terms of language, it has reached the level of general people.

The only drawback is that the driving skills they should have inherited have disappeared, which has to be said to be a small regret.

Of course, I wouldn’t find it easy to get a big-sized car that is more than three meters tall.

Therefore, this defect can only be said to be a small defect.

But this kind of universal power, the two attributes of physical fitness are extremely high, the strength reaches 65 points, and the physical condition is 75 points! And agile and other attributes have also reached the average line, the only slightly worse is intelligence and charm.

Of course, although this kind of ordinary people can be said to be cheap and good, their cost is not low. Every time they cultivate this kind of ordinary person, Wei Xiaobei needs to consume 3,000 substances.

However, the fighting power of such a popular person has broken out and can exceed 10 ordinary people! In the frontal battle, even the 15 generals are difficult to win.

In addition, its skin defense has been greatly strengthened, able to face heavy machine gun bullets and not hurt!

Therefore, from this perspective, the consumption of these 3,000 substances is extremely cost-effective.

Wei Xiaobei’s name for this kind of ordinary person is the giant number one of the Pu people, which is simple and straightforward.

The second ordinary person's height is 10 meters. The skill is the same as that of the general general. The skin defense is improved, the strength and physical attributes are improved, the cost is 6000 substances, and the cost performance is low.

The third type of person is 30 meters tall, and the skill level is weakened by one level. The skin defense is twice that of the giant one. The strength and physical attributes are 75,80 points respectively. The cost is 20,000 substances, and the name is the giant number three. .

Among the three giants, Wei Xiaobei is willing to cultivate a large number of models.

The cultivation is low in consumption and has a strong fighting power. The only trouble is that their three-meter size makes them unable to integrate into human beings, and there is no way to make them look conspicuous.

The last one should be the giant No. 2, and the size of ten meters, needless to say, the most important thing is its capable things, the giant one can do it, the substantial increase of the body does not bring equal combat power. Ascension, and the cost is twice that of the giant one, which is not worth it.

On the contrary, the giant No. 3, although larger in size, 30 meters in size makes it undoubtedly a giant, and its skills have been weakened, but Wei Xiaobei feels that such a giant is not on the battlefield, but can Use it to act as a large machine. (To be continued.)

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