The City of Terror

Chapter 1249: Giant number three

When this chapter is updated, I will go to the activity to relieve the abominable shoulder inflammation. I don’t want to live a bad life! ! ——

Of course, on some battlefields, this 30-meter giant appeared, and the visual impact on the enemy is still very strong.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei cultivated five giant No. 1, two giant No. 2, and one giant No. 3, ready to put it into the battlefield to test it.

After all, this cultivating creature is like a weapon. Any weapon in the laboratory is tested in various environments. It is just the environment in the laboratory. What is the problem with the real need to test a new weapon? To the extent, then you can only put it on the real battlefield!

After all these were completed, under the command of Wei Xiaobei, the eight giants began to return to the town, while Wei Xiaobei simply sat on the shoulder of the giant No. 3.

To say such a means of transportation, Wei Xiaobei is still the first time to ride.

I have to say that when the eight big guys ran towards the town, the visual impact was also very strong.

At least the soldiers on the outpost of the town had already opened the alarm, and at the same time more than a dozen rifles fired on the giant No. 1 who ran past, and several gray-level practitioners who were sitting on the side looked stunned. It is.

As for Wei Xiaobei, who was sitting on the giant No. 3, he was ignored by the sentinels.

No way, Wei Xiaobei's current height is only one meter and eight, while the giant three is 30 meters tall! Every time it moves, it will make the earth tremble slightly, like a big mountain moving.

Such a visual impact, Wei Xiaobei said that sitting on his shoulder, even if it is yelling, not necessarily someone will notice him.

"Enemy! Enemy!"

The sharp alarm sound suddenly caused confusion in the town.

To say this time, many people have already gotten up, slowly brushing their teeth and washing their faces, waiting to go to breakfast.

But when the alarm sounded, many people shouted, and more people grabbed their own weapons and rushed toward the place where the alarm was issued.

The people here are originally rather messy, there are military, there are gray-level practitioners of all sizes and forces, and it is not surprising that a warning caused confusion.

Of course, even if it is chaotic, in a very short period of time, the number of people in the vicinity of the checkpoint exceeds three or four hundred.

Wei Xiaobei even saw Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun and others.

However, the surprise that the giants have brought to the town is not what Wei Xiaobei expected.

Wei Xiaobei had to stop the Pu people, and the town was about five or six hundred meters away.

And at this distance, it is undoubtedly the best range of some sniper rifles!

Seeing the giants stop, the snipers who hurriedly climbed the building to find a good sniper position even fired, and even a sniper bullet flew directly from Wei Xiaobei's ear.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei was not angry. He did not order the giants to dodge, but let them be hit by bullets.

Since they all fired, Wei Xiaobei naturally wants to see how far the defense of these three giants can reach.

After all, there are some differences between the estimates and the actual situation in my mind.

In the previous rifle shooting, the three giants were perfectly defended against rifle bullets.

Whether it is the chest, the skin of the abdomen, or the fragile parts such as the eyelids and ears, they have all stood the test.

Now, in the face of the shooting of anti-equipment sniper rifles that are more powerful than machine guns, the performance of the three giants is somewhat different.

The giant No. 1 is similar to the giant No. 2, the chest and the abdomen are hit by bullets, leaving white spots and no injuries, but the eyelids, ears and other positions are scratched, which is the result of timely dodging. Otherwise, It is not surprising that there is a bigger injury.

The giant No. 3, regardless of any position, successfully resisted the attack of sniper bullets, at most, leaving white spots.

This is no longer more demanding.

You know, these giants have added the genes of the Longbo people to the genes, but they are not true dragons, nor are they powerful monsters. They can actually put their own as long as they are willing. Avoid the evil.

In short, their combat power is more reflected in the hand-to-hand combat, not the defense.

"Stop the attack! Stop the attack!"

This is the heart of Zhu Xinyi, crisp and sweet.

Obviously, Zhu Xinyi saw Wei Xiaobei and understood what was going on.

As a big disciple of Wei Xiaobei, Zhu Xinyi knows a lot about Wei Xiaobei.

These giants should probably be the breeding creatures that Master has made?

But in any case, Zhu Xinyi will not allow these guys to be unscrupulous attacks on Master.

Under the scolding of Zhu Xinyi and others, the gunshots finally stopped.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei also jumped from the shoulder of the giant No. 3 and walked toward the checkpoint.

Seeing that someone jumped from the giant, most of the gray world practitioners probably understood what was going on.

These giants should be the summons of that person?

The means of capturing the gray monsters, summoning the gray monsters, etc., have been seen by many of the gray world practitioners, or have been heard.

Of course, the most powerful thing here should be Zhu Xinyi. The number of monsters that are fascinating is so strong that it is beyond the imagination of those who are in the gray world.

Secondly, Huang Kun’s fantasy will is quite good. Although he can only summon a fantasy creature at a time, the power of these fantasy creatures can completely crush the gray world practitioners in the town.

Of course, even if you know that the giants are the summons of someone, those who are in the gray world have not spread.

The little three-meter-tall giants and the two 10-meter-high giants are counted, but the 30-meter-high giant looks too shocking.

And some gray-eyed practitioners with good eyesight can clearly see that there is no gap between the appearance of this giant and human beings, giving people the feeling that it is magnified many times by ordinary people.

At this time, Xu Feiyang and two major military officers rushed over.

"Good guy, Lao Wei, this giant, where did you come from?"

After meeting last night, Xu Feiyang also resumed his familiarity with Wei Xiaobei, and he was shocked to see the giants.

"I cultivated it. Right, these two are? You introduce?"

Wei Xiaobei now has sufficient enthusiasm, so he did not try to cover up anything. To be honest, then Wei Xiaobei’s gaze turned to the two major military officers.

After Xu Feiyang heard the words of Xiaobei, he was amazed. Well, whoever changed it, the first time I heard this news, it will be this performance.

If Wei Xiaobei said that these giants are the gray monsters he conquered, Xu Feiyang also believed that he was cultivated?


From these two words, Xu Feiyang’s mind should come out of the laboratory, various glass jars containing biological corpses, and so on.

Xu Feiyang really wants to ask, do you know how to explain the cultivation of two words?

Of course, at this time, Xu Feiyang could not ask this question. The two officers then introduced it: "This is Ma Yingchang, this is Xu Yingchang."

As Wei Xiaobei guessed, the two officers were the highest officers stationed in the two battalions here.

Moreover, Wei Xiaobei felt different from ordinary people from the two battalion commanders, and both were two-star ordinary strength.

For Wei Xiaobei, this strength is too weak. Of course, this is already very strong for ordinary humans.

Then Xu Feiyang also introduced Wei Xiaobei to the two battalion commanders.

Obviously, whether it is the strength of the giants, or Wei Xiaobei is the information of Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun and other masters, the two battalion leaders have shown enough respect for Wei Xiaobei.

"Lao Wei, go, let's go drink two cups and discuss some things."

Xu Feiyang even invited Wei Xiaobei to go to the military camp to drink alcohol. Wei Xiaobei also knew that this should probably be a gathering between the existing high-rises in Green Lake City.

Looking at the time, the time is still early, Wei Xiaobei has no resignation, and then greeted Huang Kun, let him take the giant Pu people back, and they went to the military camp together with Xu Feiyang and others.

The military camp is located between the town and the Fengtou Mountain. Just look at its area. Wei Xiaobei knows that there are probably more than two battalions.

Wei Xiaobei casually asked, probably not a military secret now, and the battalion commander answered the question immediately.

One thousand people, two strengthening camps.

Indeed, there is such a large area in Cuihu City, and there is still a battalion in the north. If there are only one thousand people, if there are only one thousand people, it will be too little.

On the way to the military camp, Wei Xiaobei probably observed it. There are also many soldiers in the military camp who are experienced in the gray world, and the ratio is about one-fifth.

Although the strength of these soldiers is not too high, most of them are one-star elite, and a small part is two-star ordinary, but it is not bad.

According to the calculation of 1,500 people, there are also three hundred gray world practitioners.

Of course, compared to the folks in the folk ash industry, the number of ash circles in this military camp is relatively small.

The gathering place is in a conference room.

Participants, in addition to Xu Feiyang, the two military battalions, are Wei Xiaobei, Zhu Xinyi and others, plus the heads of more than a dozen small forces.

This is also considered to be the summit meeting of all the gray world practitioners in Green Lake City.

The main agenda of this meeting is to discuss a unified rules and regulations to end the current chaotic situation.

Wei Xiaobei agrees with this agenda.

Do not say anything else, even if Wei Xiaobei will write pens, after the solution of the dish fairy, Cuihu City will not protect the new monster invasion.

If it is still this disorderly, unordered resistance model, and if the various forces are on their own, even if the city of Green Lake is taken back, Cuihu City will not be able to contain it in human hands.

This principle is very simple, a group of rabble, even if they are powerful, they may be concentrated by weaker enemies, and they will be broken! (To be continued.)

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