The City of Terror

Chapter 1250: Pen and fairy control

The poor road caught a cold, spit very badly, and dizzy, so today there is only one chapter of 4,000 words, maybe tomorrow too, and the day after tomorrow should be able to recover. This is the sad reminder of sudden cooling! ! ! The poor road went to bed first, and people couldn’t stand it. ——

But shortly after the meeting, the contradiction of the problem appeared.

The idea of ​​Xu Feiyang and the two battalion commanders is to unify the gray world practitioners of Cuihu City into the army!

For this plan, let alone the heads of the small forces, even Zhu Xinyi raised objections at the first time.

Of course, Zhu Xinyi’s objection is actually Wei Xiaobei’s objection, but it’s easy to discuss things with Zhu Xinyi’s appearance.

The reason here is very simple. If the gray world practitioners are unified into the army, and not to mention whether the gray world practitioners are willing to give up their free life, the heads of the small forces are not willing.

This is the power to seize!

I have worked hard to bring people together, and this has been dug up by your military, and he has become a bachelor commander, and may even be bound by the military.

Wei Xiaobei’s objection is that the safety of his disciples is not guaranteed.

This joining the army is not something to say about playing.

The military order is like a mountain. After joining, if there is any order to die, do you still go?

The most critical issue is that the strength of the military is not enough to unify the gray world practitioners!

Now this world, especially in the battlefield of Green Lake City, what is king?


Although the military seems to be equipped with good equipment and guns, but wants to suppress all the gray world practitioners and force them to obey the disciplinary orders, it is impossible.

In the conference room, it was not long before the arguments were made, and the voices were loud and noisy.

Xu Feiyang was somewhat unable to control the situation at this time.

The two battalion commanders were also hot temper, and they had some arguments with the heads of the small forces. The two sides fought red and red, and they were going to fight.

On the contrary, the Weijia Island side was calm and there was no participation at all.

At this time, Xu Feiyang only understood that on this battlefield, his status is not enough to shock one side, or that these guys can be called lawless.

However, if the meeting is over, the face of Xu Feiyang will be lost here. In addition, the series of problems caused by this will not be mentioned, and his task cannot be completed.

Therefore, after Xu Feiyang discovered the calmness of Weijia Island, he could not help but look at Wei Xiaobei.

In the face of Xu Feiyang's gaze for help, Wei Xiaobei could not help but smile.

To say that Xu Feiyang lives on the line, Wei Xiaobei will not hesitate to help.

This kind of gaze can be turned for help. Sorry, it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei to agree. Wei Xiaobei cannot put his own person in a position that may serve as cannon fodder.

This is very obvious.

If it is really compiled into a military, I am afraid that Xu Feiyang may not be able to do anything.

The gray world practitioners are naturally unstable, even if they are not deliberately used as cannon fodder, they will be placed in a more dangerous position at critical moments.

In the end, Xu Feiyang had to pile up a smile and put it in front of Wei Xiaobei: "Lao Wei, what should I do with this thing? You can say something."

Obviously, Xu Feiyang finally wants to understand. If you want this meeting to pass some agendas, you have to nod your head with the biggest fist. If you want the other party to nod, then you have to give benefits.

Of course, what should be done about this matter, Wei Xiaobei had long thought about it, so after Xu Feiyang made a speech for help, Wei Xiaobei gently knocked on the table.

It should be said that Wei Xiaobei’s voice on the table was very slight, but at this time all the people who were arguing felt a shock in their minds, and they could not speak.

When they turned to look at Wei Xiaobei, they felt like they were looking at a behemoth, and they could swallow the behemoths with a single mouth!

At this point, the entire conference room became quiet, with only a few rushing breaths coming out.

"What is the meaning of such a quarrel, everyone listens to me."

Wei Xiaobei’s voice was not loud, but it allowed the entire conference room to be heard.

Wei Xiaobei's opinion is very simple, forming a Green Lake City security company, shareholders are everyone here.

According to the strength, the number of people and so on, the shares of shareholders are divided.

The business is to contract the Huaxia Parliament or the provincial council to the safety work of Cuihu City. Of course, to put it bluntly, it is to fight monsters.

What kind of monsters, how much money, etc., these can be discussed slowly.

Of course, the parliament also needs to provide funds to the Green Lake City Security Company for this purpose.

Wei Xiaobei said that everyone is a little bit stunned, but Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun have a few faces.

Obviously, Wei Xiaobei's set is to modify some of the cases contracted by Weijia Island before moving out.

But this program is indeed more reliable than Xu Feiyang's plan.

Using the company's rules and regulations to restrain everyone, this alone, can make most of the gray world experienced people's resistance weakened a lot.

After all, everyone used to be either a white-collar worker, a worker, a salesperson, etc. Everyone knows that they need to comply with rules and regulations in a company.

This is much more comfortable than letting them obey the military regulations.

In addition, this can also make some benefits for the gray world practitioners who join the company. After all, the current Chinese, money is still useful, and can also get some benefits of official preferential treatment.

After thinking about this, the heads of the small forces did not hesitate, and immediately turned to support Wei Xiaobei's plan.

Of course, these small forces also have their own small abacus. Anyway, relying on the big tree is good for the cold.

In their view, holding the small thigh of Xiaobei is much stronger than the military's thigh.

On the other hand, the two battalion commanders are not very good-looking.

Security company?

Is it always impossible to have your troops join a security company?

What is the plan?

On the contrary, Xu Feiyang thought carefully in his mind, but he felt that this plan is more feasible.

Of course, this depends on the above meaning. After all, this is also a precedent.

If this plan can be settled and promoted to the whole country, the great credit that he has obtained will simply make Xu Feiyang not know how big it is.

This program is wonderful in that it can bring together the gray world practitioners to deal with the monsters in a unified way, but it does not make them feel that they are too restrained and regulated.

The only trouble is whether the above will agree?

After all, this program gives people the same feeling that Cuihu City is in the private army!

As a result, this problem is more troublesome.

Of course, the plan, Wei Xiaobei is to give Xu Fei Yang, the benefits inside, everyone can see, just see Xu Feiyang informed, can get support.

If you can, of course, you can solve many problems.

But if not, Wei Xiaobei feels not too bad. If the monsters occupy the earth in the future, they will retreat to the Aomu blessing.

After the account was completed, Wei Xiaobei was ready to leave for the city.

However, before this, Wei Xiaobei pulled the two battalions and said something.

This thing is also simple to say, is to use the military's weapons to test their own giants.

The two battalion commanders were quite curious about Wei Xiaobei’s giants, and therefore did not refuse, and even agreed.

Of course, this matter, Wei Xiaobei handed over to Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun to deal with it. Even those giants who were killed by artillery fire did not matter. Wei Xiaobei would keep in mind with these giants to collect them. Test data.

To say, Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun are not willing to stay here to test what giants are. Even Zhao Guang, who is patrolling from Fengtoushan, is also holding his own silver gun and wants to follow Wei Wei. Behind the north.

But this was stopped by Wei Xiaobei.

What kind of jokes, Wei Xiaobei is ready to try the power of the falling soul clock, with a bunch of people around, is it to die or die?

To put it bluntly, Zhu Xinyi and others were left in the town, and Wei Xiaobei left alone.

From the town to the suburbs, it was more than ten kilometers. Wei Xiaobei did not take long to arrive in the suburbs.

There is no trace of the peninsula in the suburbs here. After Wei Xiaobei entered the urban area, the whole city looked a little empty.

It was already at 9 o'clock in the morning, but there were no humans on the street. Some of the store's rolling shutters were open, some were closed, the vehicles were randomly abandoned on the side of the road, and a bus crashed into a supermarket. Among them.

The breeze blew, some small advertisements, plastic pockets rising with the wind, floating in the city that looked like no smoke.

This is a proper picture of the doomsday.

But when Xiaobei walked into a street where the sun could not be directly shot, he found some people who were sloshing.

These humans are normal on the surface, even some white-collar workers still carry a briefcase, the students carry a schoolbag, the aunt carries a vegetable basket, and the grandfather holds a sword without a front.

They walked back and forth on this street, looking like a decent, but in the sun shining, they would detour, avoid the sun as much as possible, and even turn back directly.

They seem to be circulating these infinitely.

However, Wei Xiaobei just showed up and the situation changed.

These human eyes fell on Wei Xiaobei, and a strange smile appeared on his face. They began to approach Wei Xiaobei, but the speed was not fast. Some people also circled Wei Xiaobei.

When a large encirclement was formed, these humans accelerated their speed and rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.

To be honest, this situation seems a bit scary, although they are no different from normal people, but their behavior seems very abnormal.

Wei Xiaobei knows that these human beings have been controlled by the pens, and the discs have become their embarrassment.

I have to say that these pens, discs are more harmful to humans than most other monsters.

If it weren't for those pens, the dish fairy, when it first entered the reality, the strength was not enough. It was only able to control some people who had held the ceremony of the pens and the celestial ceremonies around Cuihu University, thus exposing their words.

For a long time, the people of the whole city may not even have the opportunity to flee.

When you think about it, you know that the people in the whole city are controlled by the pens and become their jealousy. This is a bit too horrible.

In the face of these enviable human beings, Wei Xiaobei didn't care about it, but he couldn't kill these scorpions with a fist. You know, if you can, Wei Xiaobei still wants to rescue these people. of.

Reaching out and grabbing a white-collar rushing in front of him, Wei Xiaobei’s legs slammed and ran up to the next building.

"Let me down, accept the gift of the pen, get rid of this chaotic world"

What Wei Weibei didn't think of was that after the white-collar worker who had been caught by himself had struggled for a few times without success, his mouth was lingering.

Listening to his words, his intellect seems to have not been suppressed by the pen singer.

This is to make Wei Xiaobei somewhat strange.

When I got to the top of the building, Wei Xiaobei left the white collar and began to ask: "Do you know who you are?"

"I? I am a pen! I am a pen! I am a pen!"

Wei Xiaobei asked, the white-collar eyes in the chatter became confused, but after that, they began to yell and scream like a madman.

This made Wei Xiaobei shake his head, sighed, his eyes focused on him, and then he started everything.

Although this white-collar worker is very likely to be unable to bear the glimpse of his soul, but in order to understand these savage human beings, Wei Xiaobei had to do this.

Even if this white-collar worker hangs up, if he can find out how to get rid of the pen buddy, this white-collar worker can be considered dead. This is always better than being controlled by the pen singer, and it will be better in his life.

Name: Liu Xiqing (in the control of pen fairy)

Race: Human (Huaxia Race)

Sex: Male

Biological grade: one star ordinary

Introduction: Liu Xiqing is an employee of Huaxia Lake City Hongtu Advertising Design Co., Ltd., graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Xiadong University, with a bachelor's degree and 3-2, 3rd Floor, No. 311, San Niu Street, Cuihu City, Qinghai.

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: advertising design (to enter the room), driving (to enter the room), language {huaxia (slightly), English (slightly)}.

Special ability: the power of the pen

Evolution point: (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: briefcase, pen, glasses

Hey! A soft bang, with the appearance of Wei Xiaobei's everything on the other side, this Liu Xiqing's head exploded instantly!

Obviously, for Liu Xiqing, the power of all things is beyond his ability.

Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei clearly sees each other's property sheets through all things.

It is a pity that this kind of human being, which was separated by the pen and fairy, may be able to be rescued at the beginning, but now, for a long time, the fairy body has been completely rooted in its body, even if it is saved, Only one living body can be rescued. (To be continued.)

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