The City of Terror

Chapter 1251: Trouble

Boss, the poor road reports to you about the situation, a high fever, and immediately go to the hospital to deliver water, do not know how long it will delay, so after struggling to get up after the four thousand words, do not know if the evening can be better, Love your tiger. ——

Of course, Liu Xiqing’s head blast is not over. After counting the numbers, a brush wrapped in white light emerges from his body.

This is the pen sect. For this celestial avatar, although Wei Xiaobei is not very familiar, but it is also relatively understandable.

Where will the other side escape, the right hand will stretch the **** into the hand, then the right hand violently pinch, you can hear the fairy screaming a sharp voice.

In the next moment, the pen genius completely lost its activity and degenerated into a pen.

This pen is equivalent to a toy for Wei Xiaobei, but it is still somewhat useful at this time.

Pens can find the existence of pen fairy and dish fairy within a certain range.

This effect is still relatively good.

Wei Xiaobei grabbed the pen in his hand, and it was the direction. Then he jumped out of the roof, stepped on the air, and headed for the direction of Green Lake University.

Obviously, going from the air is far more convenient than the ground, and can avoid a lot of trouble.

You must know that from this beginning, on the ground, as long as the sun can't be directly exposed, there are human beings controlled by the pens.

These human beings are as crazy as zombies. As long as Wei Xiaobei appears, they will desperately chase Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, they are still somewhat different from zombies.

For example, they are living people, possessing all the skills, physical strength, etc. of normal humans, but their only goal is to seize the people who have not been controlled by the pens and send them to Cuihu University to accept the control of the pens.

In short, their minds are the same as normal people, but their thoughts are controlled.

When he was able to see the wall of the University of Green Lake, Wei Xiaobei stopped at the top of a building.

Now the Green Lake University is wandering around with a brush and a dish. They are suspended in the air, and when they are blown by the wind, they will move a distance.

But they don't drift into the sun.

From this point of view, these pens, discs are still a little afraid of the sun.

Occasionally, some human beings controlled by the pens are holding a human.

At this time, those pens, the dish fairy will quickly drift away, from the body to separate a little light, into the human body caught, in order to facilitate the control of these humans.

But this is only a few incidents.

You know, there are very few humans left in the city of Green Lake.

Wei Xiaobei slightly observed it and found that the current weed trees in Cuihu University are reborn, completely turned into a green ocean, and can feel a lot of more powerful pens and discs.

Obviously, if you go in like this, it is very dangerous.

Wei Xiaobei did not know whether the giant pen singer and the giant disc singer left the gray world to enter the reality.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei decided to carry out his original plan.

Wei Xiaobei took the soul clock out of the storage ring and hung it on the finger and shook it.


A clear bell rang and spread out.

After only one bell rang out, those pens who wandered outside of Cuihu University, the discs were stopped in the same place. They seemed to have a fixed body and could not move.

As the second bell rang, the figure of the pen, the figure of the dish began to shake, just like a piece of glass is about to be broken.

For these pens, discs, the two bells in front of the soul of the clock have made their souls extremely unstable.

When the soul clock rang for the third time, the translucent bodies of the pens and the discs were like pieces of glass that were broken, and suddenly burst into pieces, turning into countless tiny pieces, and then turned into crystals. The clear green beads fell on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but smile.

Before saying that, Wei Xiaobei still worried that this soul clock had no lethality to the pen fairy disc, but now Wei Wei Arctic is satisfied.

The soul clock only rang three times, so that the **** of the outside of Xiaobei University of Cuihu University was destroyed.

This is the fundamental killing, directly let those pens, the soul of the dish fairy break, so that they no longer have a little chance of resurrection.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei has the courage to enter Cuihu University.

Of course, the scope of the fall of the soul of the clock is still a small point, the pens outside the wall of the University of Green Lake, the disciples, the most will be killed less than one tenth.

Because of the sound of this soul-sounding clock, in addition to the pens that are not likely to escape at all, the other pens and disciples are desperately trying to escape away from Wei Xiaobei.

For these peripheral pens, dish fairy, Wei Xiaobei naturally did not let go of the plan.

You must know that these pens, the green beads formed by the dish after death, can be called a baby.

This kind of pen fairy, dish fairy beads, after taking, can enhance the soul strength!

Wei Xiaobei once took a lot.

Therefore, seeing those pens, the dish fairy escaped, Wei Xiaobei even jumped from the top of the building, toward the escaped pens, the dish fairy chased the past.

To be honest, at this time, Wei Xiaobei still has some regrets.

I have known that this soul clock will deal with these strange spirits so well, Wei Weibei will attract these pens and discs to one place, killing them in one fell swoop!

Of course, it is difficult to buy money and know it early.

Now, those pens and fairy discs know that the soul of the soul is so powerful that they can't escape, and they dare to come close to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei surrounded the wall of Cuihu University and chased a circle!

During the period, the pens that were broken by the soul of the soul were broken, and the number of discs was more than a thousand!

But this is only one tenth of the number of discs that Wei Xiaobei saw.

More than 90% of the pens, after the dish was chased, the direct escape over the wall and escaped to the Green Lake University, hidden in the green ocean.

The pens that were killed by the falling soul clocks, the discs are basically stupid guys who have escaped around the wall.

It should be said that after these pens were thrown out by the soul clock, Wei Xiaobei had no evolutionary gains.

But these pens, after the death of the dish, will form a kind of spiritual beads that can enhance the strength of the soul!

This kind of spirit beads, Wei Xiaobei will not let go, but those pens, the dish fairy hangs, this spirit beads fall everywhere, let Wei Xiaobei pick up quite trouble.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei has a way.

The left hand stretched out and the pork shredded, forming a row of hundreds of meat mites on the ground.

It didn't take long for the meat to burst open and climb out of a man with a full-body red fruit.

Of course, these human beings are not real human beings.

They are the common people, the most common and cheapest, and the bio-level two-star elite, which is the cheapest.

This is the lowest level of biology in the popular family.

If you want to cultivate a two-star ordinary or one-star elite, Wei Xiaobei can do it.

The only problem is that the two people below the elite of the two stars, Wei Xiaobei no matter how to adjust their genes, their cost will be stable in the cost of the two-star elite!

In other words, whether it is a star elite, two-star ordinary or two-star elite, their strengths are the same regardless of their strength.

Wei Xiaobei called this phenomenon the cost limit!

That is to say, the current generals, no matter how Wei Xiaobei thinks of ways, how to adjust the gene, the cost of the ordinary people can not be reduced down so much.

In fact, this phenomenon does not exist only in Wei Xiaobei’s life altar.

There are many such phenomena in reality.

In any case, in a few minutes, the ordinary people of the hundreds of two-star elites broke out one by one. They only dried their bodies and dispersed them all around, picking up the pearls that fell on the ground. .

With these ordinary people as helpers, the scattered pearls of the land were quickly collected, for a total of more than 3,700.

After Wei Xiaobei took these pearls into the storage ring, his eyes fell on the wall of the University of Green Lake, and he followed the heart of Wei Xiaobei.

Those ordinary people immediately turned over the wall like a monkey and sneaked into Green Lake University.

Wei Xiaobei needs to determine the giant pen fairy, whether the dish is here, but the green plants growing up in Cuihu University can block the perception of Wei Xiaobei, even the pen is not very good here. use.

But if Wei Xiaobei personally went into battle, it would be too dangerous.

Therefore, it is appropriate to let those ordinary people enter the Green Lake University for investigation work.

Wei Xiaobei observes the souls of the Pu people through the eyes of the ordinary people.

It must be said that this Cuihu University has become more beautiful after the disappearance of mankind.

A tall tree broke through the concrete floor and stretched out to the green branches. The poor open space between the trees was covered with various shrubs, weeds, vines, and they It’s like an enemy fighting for the poor little sunshine and the rain.

The plants here have been affected by the pen fairy and the dish fairy, and their growth rate has been accelerated ten times, but this has also increased the competition between them by a hundred times!

Wei Xiaobei even saw a sapling that had just emerged from the ground and was strangled by a nearby vine. The green leaves of the sapling quickly became yellow and eventually died.

Undoubtedly, under the influence of the pen fairy and the dish fairy, the plants here have become strange.

In fact, after discovering this situation, Wei Xiaobei also skipped the wall and collected some plant genes.

However, after the analysis of the genes of these plants in the altar of life, Wei Xiaobei suddenly found that the genes of these plants did not change, they are no different from the genetics of their own outside the wall!

In other words, the abnormal growth rate of these plants is not due to changes in their genes.

Just when Wei Xiaobei wanted to find the answer to the abnormal growth of these plants, the Pu people who entered the University of Green Lake returned a critical signal, and then disappeared one by one.

Well, to be precise, the connection with Wei Xiaobei is interrupted. After the interruption of the spiritual connection, there is no connection between Wei Xiaobei and Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei had to strengthen the monitoring of those ordinary people.

At that time, a general person was pulling out some branches that blocked the way, preparing to cross a small forest, but soon, a dish with a faint blue glow appeared in front of the Pu people.

Undoubtedly, this is a dish fairy.

After the dish was born, even if it swooped over to the ordinary people, the blue brilliance of the body continued to increase.

When the dish was in contact with the Pu people, the spiritual connection between Wei Xiaobei and the Pu people was interrupted!

This makes Wei Xiaobei feel a bit stunned.

Obviously, the spiritual connection between these Pu people and Wei Xiaobei was interrupted and disappeared, which is the ghost of the pen fairy.

In a series of previous situations, Wei Xiaobei came to a conclusion.

My own people are controlled by the pen, and the dish is controlled!

I have to say that this is a conclusion that made Wei Xiaobei rushed to shock.

You must know that those ordinary people are creatures cultivated by the altar of life!

Due to the natural symbiotic relationship between the altar of life and Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei has the highest level of control over those cultivating creatures!

And this control authority can be described in four words.

Killing and killing!

Wei Xiaobei wants to let those cultivating creatures hang, then those cultivating creatures will quickly collapse and melt into a black juice!

Wei Xiaobei wants to let those who cultivate the creatures do what they do, just like Wei Xiaobei's extended hands and feet.

To say that the convenience brought by these breeding creatures to Wei Xiaobei is beyond the imagination of outsiders.

And now, those pens, discs can actually control their own people!

I have to say that this conclusion is like a basin of cold water poured on Wei Xiaobei, pouring him all a little cold.

If those pens, discs, can really do this, then these pens, discs are really horrible.

This also indicates that the creatures cultivated by the altar of life may become a pen fairy, the dish of the fairy!

After the guardian Xiaobei returned from the shock, the heart was hard to suppress and gave birth to a anger!

Don't look at what Xiaobei is more modest, and it will not be aggressive for people to wait for things, but this does not mean that Wei Xiaobei is a good old man.

For Wei Xiaobei, the act of pen fairy and dish fairy is undoubtedly a full declaration of war to himself!

Pen fairy, since the dish can control the ordinary people, then it is the biggest enemy of Wei Xiaobei!

This is beyond doubt!

The nature of this matter is like Sam’s sudden discovery that his strategic nuclear bomb will be controlled by hackers one day! Obviously, Sam’s Congress, which found this, launched all the power to find the hacker, grab it and kill him!

Wei Xiaobei is also in this state at this time, and his heart is angry and burning.

Of course, although Wei Xiaobei said that he was angry and mad, but he still had a little bit of reason. He stepped on the air and quickly raised the height. He wanted to see for sure whether those ordinary people were really being penned, and the discs were controlled.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei rushed to the height of 300 meters.

At this level, Wei Xiaobei can basically see the ground conditions of 80% of the University of Green Lake. (To be continued.)

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