The City of Terror

Chapter 1257: , the change of the property panel

In fact, the poor road wants to send the body of the mouse to the public, but if you think about it, forget it. It’s not good to scare everyone.

Wei Xiaobei came up with a conclusion that may not be reliable.

Of course, this is not necessarily unreliable. It is necessary to know that the ink-and-blood gun has changed its original material. This step has evolved, and the ink-and-blood gun is no longer a thing.

It was originally incorporated into a single ink dot, and it is not surprising that it now has the ability to swallow ink dots.

You need to know that everything you see is not all.

In the scope of the University of Green Lake, the giant pen fairy, the dish fairy did not chase it, but exposed behind the wall, did not find Wei Xiaobei's trace, then retreated.

Wei Xiaobei was on a small building in the neighborhood outside Cuihu University, waiting for the change of ink and rifle.

However, it is not fast to see the point of absorption of ink, so Wei Xiaobei rested for a while and then focused on his own property panel.

Name: Wei Xiaobei

Race: human

Sex: Male

Age: 23 years old

Biology level: 4 star horror (characteristics: perfect legend. Note: 4 star bio level is the highest level!)

Camp: Shuhan

Position: Yi Cong Tu Du (Zhao Yunjun) has a cavalry 218, 32 soldiers, deputy army Sima no


Strength: 115 (extraordinary)

Agility: 100 (extraordinary)

Constitution: 110 (Xuanyuan blood)

Intelligence: 120 (extraordinary)

Perception: 100 (extraordinary)

Charm: 100 (extraordinary) -

Soul strength: 450

Skills: guns (out of the world), shipbuilding (deep untestable), archery (unparalleled in the world), biogenetics (deeply untestable), refining (fire), engraving (unparalleled), electrician (unparalleled), eight Extreme Boxing (unparalleled in the world), fishing (deeply unpredictable, evolution requires fishing for four-star disasters, one true dragon), false concealer (deep untestable), medical technique (deep untestable), driving (fired pure), cooking ( Unparalleled in the world). Language {Huaxia (proficient), English (proficient), French (proficient), Spanish (proficient), Danish (proficient), Western divine (slightly), ancient Sanskrit (proficient)}

Special abilities: Gun Mang, Soul Soul, Granite King Defense Addition, Fire Immunity 3600 degrees, Life Altar (Material Quality 800000/800000, Once formed into 100 Meatballs) Transforming (3x enhancement), Electromagnetic Field (550m) , desertification (basic), root network. Stabilize the Diaoyutai (fishing branch skills), willing to hook up -

Features: Perfect Legend: All your attributes and even the soul is beyond the limits of ordinary creatures. You are the legend that exists in the world. Any creature below the four-star horror will lose 50% of its attributes when facing you. ! Your life will last for thousands of years, you will immunize most diseases, toxins, and you begin to understand your own strength.


Evolution point: 39100

Partner: Case Honey (intimacy 90), Xiaohong (intimacy 50), Ge Datian (intimacy 35)

Worshiping brothers: Zhao Yun (big brother), Wei Xiaobei (second brother).

Holder: slightly -

Call, to be honest, after the last time, Wei Xiaobei has not been able to view his own property panel in such a long time.

Compared to before, this property panel changes are not too small.

The soul strength 450 is not much to say.

The flying rifle in the skill (deeply unmeasured) disappeared at this time, and replaced by the gun technique (out of the world)!

Shooting (out of the world)!

Well, this is the first time Wei Xiaobei has acquired the skills of such a realm.

This also proves that before Wei Xiaobei's speculation, the unparalleled world is not the highest state, and the next realm of unparalleled world is superb.

Obviously, this shot (out of the game) should be related to the breakthrough in his life and death.

In addition to this, there is also a gunman's ability in the special ability!

To this end, Wei Xiaobei specially checked the introduction of this gunman.

Gun Mang: The ability of the host gun to reach the derivation ability after the supernaturalization, the host can produce guns and guns to kill the enemy as long as the gun weapon is held! This is the ability of the host to truly belong to you!


After reading the introduction of this gunman, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but contemplate it. After a long time, he slowly spit out a breath.

His focus is not on the power of this gun, but in the last sentence, the host really belongs to his own ability!

This is very important and important.

This reminds Wei Xiaobei of his own characteristics and perfect legend.

The last sentence in the introduction of this perfect legend is: You begin to understand your own strength.

Comprehend your own strength? ! !

It seems that this magical gun and gun mans should be their own strength.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei took a large gun from the storage ring and grabbed it with his right hand. The mind was slightly moved, and the real mercury in the body immediately flowed into the big gun. In a blink of an eye, the top of the gun was white. The light is born.

I only heard a bang, and a shot from the top of the gun shot, and the top of the building shot a hole!

Wei Xiaobei probe looked at it. In addition to running through the roof of the building, the gun gas was all the way down, even wearing several floors, and finally shot into the foundation, and did not know how deep it was.

A good shot!

Undoubtedly, the white light on the tip of the gun is the so-called gun mans, and the gun mans will be turned into a very powerful gun.

Wei Xiaobei added a new ability, could not help but be a little excited, with a companion big gun to toss for a while, to familiarize with the ability of this gun.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei really feels that this is his own ability.

After testing for a while, Wei Xiaobei discovered that even if he did not input true mercury into the big gun, the gun mans could still be generated and shot out!

Of course, the power of the guns that are fired in this way will be much smaller.

But this also ensures that even if Wei Xiaobei is exhausted, there is also a certain amount of self-protection!

In addition to these, there have been some changes in the partnership on the properties panel.

The intimacy between the genie Keith Honey and Wei Xiaobei reached 90 points, and then a little red, 50 points intimacy.

The most important problem is in the last Ge Datian, the intimacy of 35 points!

That Ge Datian is the land that Wei Xiaobei first saw in the gray world of Baita County. After that, he changed his job by the Weipinbei's Xianpin dishes, and changed from the land public to the Japanese god.

This Ge Datian also formed a contract with Wei Xiaobei to die together.

But now, the contract of the same life has disappeared.

What is going on?

Just say that the old guy is not so honest!

What kind of death together, must be what Ge Datian found, and canceled the contract of life and death.

This makes Wei Xiaobei's heart a bit uncomfortable.

Of course, after Wei Xiaobei discovered this, the most direct response was to call and breathe a sigh of relief.

I have to say that Ge Datian tried to lift the contract. Wei Xiaobei was angry on the surface, but he was still a little happy.


Very simple, the co-death of the same life is too evil.

Wei Xiaobei is dead, and Ge Datian can't live, whether he is a mantle or a god.

But flip back and think, if Ge Datian has something unexpected, Wei Xiaobei can't run away!

In fact, this is also a long-standing illness of Wei Xiaobei.

This is equivalent to a fatal flaw in Wei Xiaobei!

To be honest, when this contract was signed, Wei Xiaobei regretted it, but he could not find a way to lift the contract. Later, because the contract did not show its power, Wei Xiaobei had forgotten a lot.

Now think of it, Wei Xiaobei's back is a layer of cold sweat.

I want to come, the idea in Ge Datian’s heart is probably similar to that of Wei Xiaobei. Otherwise, I will not find a way to lift this contract.

Now, Wei Xiaobei tried to test the connection.

It’s useless. After the co-death contract was lifted, Wei Xiaobei could not directly contact Ge Datian.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is just trying it out. He has no need to find Ge Datian now.

As for the avatar of Ge Datian, Wei Xiaobei could not be summoned. This point, Wei Xiaobei knew very early.

Of course, it is more likely that the avatar of Ge Datian has completely dissipated.

Anyway, Wei Xiaobei’s mood is very pleasant now.

Now Wei Xiaobei is also finding his own direction, that is, having more power that is truly his own!

Of course, even so, other forces, Wei Xiaobei will not give up.

For example, the evolutionary point directly increases the ability, attributes, and so on.

These can enhance the combat power of Wei Xiaobei!

The evolution point has risen to 39,100 points after the busy time.

Because these evolutionary points are not too many, Wei Xiaobei has no intention to improve his attributes and ability. Instead, he holds a large gun with his own gun and slowly exercises his own gunwork on the roof.

This set of guns is the knowledge attached to the skills of the guns. However, when Wei Xiaobei was practicing the guns, he found that many of the guns were familiar.

It can be said that this set of guns is actually what Wei Xiaobei himself will have, and then he is combined by the skills of shooting.

For example, ** big guns, flying guns, and the guns taught by Zhao Yun and so on.

After practicing this set of guns from the beginning, Wei Xiaobei found that this set of guns was not perfect, and there were many flaws.

Of course, even if this is the case, if this set of guns is put in reality, it can be called a set of guns.

At the same time, this set of guns is also belonging to Wei Xiaobei's own things. To put it bluntly, it is the skill of the guns that combines what is going according to Wei Xiaobei's habits.

Even if Wei Xiaobei does this thing himself, it probably looks like this.

This discovery made Wei Xiaobei's heart not too refreshing. The reason is very simple. It is almost the gunwork that I created. Is there so many flaws?

Doesn't this mean that your talent in shooting is not too high? (To be continued.)

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