The City of Terror

Chapter 1258: Ink (6000 words)

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei began to correct the flaws in the gunwork one by one.

If you switch to someone else to do this, it will be very hard.

Even the master of martial arts, who wants to correct the flaws in a gun, also consumes a lot of time.

It can be said that the kungfu that was passed down from ancient times was originally flawed when it was first created. However, in the process of inheritance from generation to generation, these flaws were slightly corrected by the masters of the past.

Sometimes it is common to fix a flaw for decades.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei's intellectual property is high enough, and with six minds running at the same time, he can dialect the guns in his mind.

To put it bluntly, Wei Xiaobei can play his own gunshots in his mind over and over again, and then equip himself with various opponents to verify the flaws in the gunwork, and then modify it, and then verify it until the flaw is Completely repaired.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei's speed of correcting flaws is equivalent to speeding up hundreds of times or even thousands of times!

Of course, even so, after Wei Xiaobei spent three hours, he will correct two flaws.

After each complete revision of a flaw, Wei Xiaobei will drill the gunwork again.

Undoubtedly, after the two flaws were corrected, the guns were displayed in Wei Xiaobei's hands and became smoother.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei also saw that the change of the big ink gun was over.

The ink dots above the head of the ink gun have completely disappeared.

Wei Xiaobei grabbed the large gun and looked at it.

Name: Ink and Big Gun (Introduction Lingbao)

Introduction: This is the evolution of the white fog dragon gun. Since it was promoted to Lingbao, it began to have self-awareness, possessing three weapon forms, big guns, big bows, and gloves.

Effect one: sharp bleeding, weakening any enemy defense, hitting the enemy will definitely cause bleeding. (Big bow effect one: blast tear, hit the enemy in an instant, all the power gathers a little, instantly erupts, tears the enemy. Glove effect 1: Invisible, when the enemy is contacted by the glove, it will be invisibly recognized as A human figure comparable to the host size.)

Effect 2: The power of ink and wash, this gun can communicate with the ink world, enclose the enemy and form ink painting. It is also possible to extract the strength of the white mist mixed with ink to form a black and white dragon horse for the mount. Note: This effect will consume the power of ink.

Effect 3: Twins, can produce a large gun with a gun every month, can be used alone, can be combined with ink and large guns, and double the effect of the big gun in a few times.

Effect 4: Recognize the Lord, first recognize the Lord, absorb one-third of the blood volume of the host, and after returning to the Lord, return with the host beyond a certain range.

Effect 5: Breaking away evil thoughts and divine effects.

Effect 6: Holding a large gun, you can see the invisibility between the world.

Effect 7: Black and white divine power, holding a large gun, can bless the previous ink world to devour the power of the creature.

Effect 8: Unbreakable, the inferior quality of the following weapons can not destroy this thing.

It is said that after the ink lance has absorbed the ink point, there is not much change, and the quality has not changed.

The only change is the effect two!

The original effect of the ink rifle is the black and white dragon horse. To put it bluntly, it is possible to draw a mixture of ink and dark fog to form a black and white dragon horse, which is used as a mount.

This effect is relatively tasteless in Wei Xiaobei.

You must know that Wei Xiaobei’s own speed is not slow, and the black and white dragon horse speed formed by this is just like that. It’s not much faster than Wei Xiaobei. The combat power is a little stronger than the white fog dragon horse. North's help is not big.

But now, the effect two has changed.

Effect 2: The power of ink and wash, this gun can communicate with the ink world, enclose the enemy and form ink painting. It is also possible to extract the strength of the white mist mixed with ink to form a black and white dragon horse for the mount. Note: This effect will consume the power of ink.

The power of ink and wash!

Can communicate with the ink world, enclose the enemy and form ink painting!

Isn't this the big move after the giant pen singer and the giant disc singer?

Wei Xiaobei is not a fool. Looking at the description of this effect, I will probably understand what the effect is. In the end, the black and white dragon horse will not say much, it should still be chicken.

In Wei Xiaobei's view, the effect 2 after the change is a bit counterintuitive.

Of course, this move is not without limits.

Using this effect two will consume the power of ink.

The power of this ink, Wei Xiaobei used the **** to think about what it is.

It should be the ink point absorbed by the big ink gun!

Of course, this also explains why there is no evolution of the big ink gun.

To put it bluntly, what really works is the ink that is absorbed!

This ink big gun is white to be able to reserve ink points, just need to release the ink points, then you can form ink painting to deal with the enemy!

Need more ink points! ! !

After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes lit up.

Undoubtedly, the giant pen fairy, dish fairy has become a big treasure in Wei Xiaobei's mind, and reserves a large treasure trove of massive ink points!

As a result, Wei Xiaobei’s previous plans need to be revised.

Obviously, the giant pen fairy, the dish fairy should be the pen fairy, the king of the dish fairy exists.

Even if Wei Xiaobei is going to kill all the pens and discs, as long as these two big guys exist, then the new pens, discs, may be produced.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei’s previous plan was to find ways to kill the giant pens and discs! Completely remove the dangerous state of Green Lake City!

But now, the big ink gun needs more ink points, so the giant pen fairy, the dish fairy seems to have a life.

Wei Xiaobei, standing on the top of the building, has been staring at the direction of Cuihu University, and his mind is spinning rapidly.

After a long time, Wei Xiaobei blinked and returned.

There are two new plans.

One of them is to take the giant pen fairy, the dish fairy directly! Grab the live! In this case, Wei Xiaobei is equivalent to getting the source of ink, and you can get a steady stream of ink in the future!

To this end, Wei Xiaobei even banned the giant pens, and the place of the dish was chosen, and it was placed in the green wood!

Wei Xiaobei, the owner of Aoki Fudi, the giant pen fairy, the dish fairy is very different, but Wei Xiaobei can also hold it firmly!

Of course, the problem with this plan is too dangerous.

Don't look at the big ink guns that can absorb the ink spots now, but if the giant pen fairy smashes the big drops of ink, Wei Xiaobei really does not dare to use a large gun to resist.

It's like a person can eat a piece of watermelon, but if you eat the whole watermelon, you may be killed.

The second plan is relatively simple, that is, Wei Xiaobei and the giant pen fairy, the dish fairy fight, when the battle is taking place, use the soul of the clock to the influence of the pen fairy, dish fairy, and steal ink!

Although this plan is also very dangerous, it is much safer than the first one.

At least at a dangerous juncture, Wei Xiaobei can escape.

The first plan, if there is any accident in the process of catching giant pens and discs, Wei Xiaobei may be really tragedy.

In particular, the giant pen fairy and the dish fairy are sent to the Aomu Fudi. If there is a problem, Wei Xiaobei’s loss will be great.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei was hesitant after making these two plans.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei's two plans have certain complementarities.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei decided to implement the second plan first, and then wait until the reserve of enough ink before considering the first plan.

In this way, it is much safer than the direct implementation of the first plan.

set off!

After Wei Xiaobei made up his mind, he did not hesitate, but his legs were on the top of the building. He stepped on the air and rushed to the height of hundreds of meters, and then rushed toward Cuihu University.

Wei Xiaobei’s time was not too small, so when Wei Xiaobei came to the battlefield again, he saw a big show.

The big drama between the giant pen fairy and the giant disc fairy.

These two big guys may have left the foreign enemy Wei Xiaobei, and they actually hit each other!

Of course, the battle between the two is somewhat different from the battle before Wei Xiaobei.

At least, they don't have the big trick of releasing ink painting.

Of course, this is also understandable.

The big tricks such as ink painting need the synergy between the two, the giant dish fairy bred ink, and the giant pen fairy is responsible for drawing ink.

When the two fight, it is naturally impossible to cooperate, and there is no way to release the big move.

At this time, the giant pen fairy floated at a height of 100 meters, and the pen tip stood on the ground, and a lot of pens gathered around the body, which should be called.

Among them, there are more than 20 meters in size, and there are also more than ten meters, several meters, and even one or two feet long.

The same is true of the giant dish fairy, standing on the ground, a large group of large and small dishes around.

This is exactly the way to open the field and call the younger brother to fight.

When Wei Xiaobei saw this scene, he did not stand up immediately, but raised his height again. He had never entered the gray fog and quietly watched.

Giant pens and discs should have been done before.

It can be seen from the big trees that fall all the way down, and the two sides have not won the game.

Now, both sides are convening a younger brother, and there is no rush to start.

Giant pens, the brilliance of the giant discs are now flashing, like two large signal lights that have gone wrong.

Probably this is the call for the signal.

There are always pens everywhere in Cuihu University, and the discs come out, and then they gather toward the bosses of the two communities.

Of course, this process is not smooth sailing.

If the pens that appear appear, the discs are close to each other, then it is fun, and they will certainly kill each other.

And this killing will only have two results.

First, if the pens that are strangled together, the dish fairy, and the body shape are almost the same, then after killing, the two sides will separate, and then continue to drift toward the boss.

Second, if the difference between the two models is too large, there is no need to say more, it must be a large body to kill the small size.

Just like a teaching building below Wei Xiaobei, a battle of great disparity is in progress.

A dish with a diameter of more than ten meters met a pen fairy with a length of only three meters.

The dish fairy directly picked up his body and shot it toward the pen, and the pen fairy did not seem to be afraid, but he used his own pen to poke the body of the dish.

As a result, the pen fairy did not be able to poke the dish fairy, and was directly photographed on the teaching building by the dish fairy.

This is not the end, the disc is a few times in a row, the body of the fairy has begun to collapse, and at this time, the dish fairy is directly pressed on the pen fairy.

Well, well, this description seems to be a bit evil, but in fact, Wei Xiaobei knows that the pen is dead.

In just ten seconds, the body of the pen fairy was swallowed directly by the dish, and, to be precise, it was like a pen in the body of the dish.

After the dish was swallowed up, the eclipse in the body was strong and strong.

Obviously, swallowing the dish fairy has great benefits for the disc fairy.

Fights like this happen constantly everywhere.

Of course, the most critical location is the confrontation between the two big guys.

After the number of younger brothers gathered around the two sides, the real battle will begin.

The giant pen fairy took the lead to launch an attack on the other side.

The pen that was about twenty or thirty meters long suddenly spread out, turned into countless sharp spikes and stabbed toward the opposite dish.

Of course, the first goal of the giant pen fairy is the giant dish fairy, but the scattered pen is not only used to deal with the giant dish fairy, but also shrouded the surrounding dish.

But the giant dish was not to be outdone, and on the side of the body, the huge dish was erected and slammed into the pen of the giant pen.

If there is no accident, then the edge of the giant disc fairy can hit the root of the giant pen fairy!

Obviously, the giant pen singer is not willing to let the other party hit this part of the body, so the giant pen singer has to take back the pen, and the pen then goes to the giant dish.

In the blink of an eye, there are several clashes between the two giants, but they are quite similar.

But the most intense battles took place between other pens and discs.

In just a few minutes, individuals with smaller bodies suffered a devastating blow and were swallowed up by larger enemies.

But one thing to note is that the way of fighting between them is actually too backward, or too simple, to completely crush each other with the individual's block.

As long as it is a small block, it will be able to swallow the other side.

The reduction in the number does not mean that the intensity of the battle is weakened.

On the contrary, after the smaller individuals were swallowed up, the battle between the remaining pens and the discs became more intense.

In Wei Xiaobei's view, this time the battle is called a real battle.

The pen tip of the pen is constantly pointing to the back of the plate of the dish, and each hit can make some cracks appear in the body of the dish, while the dish is erected, regardless of whether it is hitting the pen, Every time the pen fairy is hit, the fine hair that makes up the pen will drop a lot.

And the two big guys fully reflect the characteristics of the weak meat, and after killing for a while, they will take the opportunity to swallow the other brother who is nearby!

As a result, as time goes by, the number of pens and discs will be less and less.

In the end, when those pens and cents were swallowed up, the giant pens and the brilliance of the dish were restored.

It can be said that the damage caused to them by Wei Xiaobei should be fully restored.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei, hiding in the fog, quietly fell toward the two big guys who were hard to find.

The purpose of Wei Xiaobei at this time is to steal the ink from the giant dish fairy!


At this time, the giant pens and discs seem to have been smoldering, and both sides have turned into physical bodies, smashing back and forth in the air of more than 100 meters, sometimes colliding with each other, and sometimes attacking each other's weaknesses.

It is conceivable that in this kind of battle, the two sides had no idea how many times they had killed them. They were completely familiar with the routines and weaknesses of the other side. Therefore, the battle scene seemed to be simple and hot, but they all pointed to the fatal point of the other party, only because of The familiarity between the two sides makes this battle difficult to end in a short time.

Probably, if there is no accident, the two sides will find a place to hide and recover after the energy is consumed.

Because of the pen fairy, the sense of the dish is very low, and these two big guys are no exception. When Wei Xiaobei quietly fell, it did not attract the attention of both.

Wei Xiaobei constantly controlled the speed of the fall according to the changes in the fighting between the two sides. It was fast and slow. When the giant disc was swept in by the giant pen, the Wei Xiaobei suddenly accelerated the speed. More than three hundred meters away from the moment, the ink and the big gun accurately pointed to the giant dish fairy that flew out.

At that time, the giant disc singer was completely unable to control his castration, and the ink-and-gun rifle easily stabbed the small beach ink on the giant dish fairy!

When stabbing the ink in the beach, the tip of the ink-and-blood gun instantly lost its essence, and went into the ink of the beach. It was like a flaw in the ink.

Wei Xiaobei did not dare to take risks, and the big guns were collected. The ink on the beach was attached to the gun head, and even the gun with ink was included in the storage ring.

After finishing all this, Wei Xiaobei will fight with the giant dish fairy, and turn and escape!

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei's escape speed reached the limit, and people in the air shuttled almost into an illusion figure.


Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei’s move to steal ink completely angered the giant dish.

Just escaped less than two hundred meters, Wei Xiaobei felt that the power of the familiar curse came. In a flash, Wei Xiaobei felt that his soul was entwined with a gray breath, this breath even At the beginning of suppressing his shoulders, Fu Lushou three fires on the top of his head.

Fortunately, the strength of the seven-seven jade women’s waistband has been restored.

Just when the power of the curse was applied to Wei Xiaobei, the green light emitted by the seven-seven jade women’s waistband dispelled the power of the curse.

But Wei Xiaobei can feel it, just like this, the power within the waist of the Seven Siyu women consumes a small half.


Fast escape!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei even started a power explosion that has not been used for a long time, causing his whole body muscle to suddenly expand several times!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The sudden surge of power has made Wei Xiaobei’s speed more than a few times faster!

Each time Wei Xiaobei's legs stepped on the air, they were able to make a great shock. This kind of vibration even formed a tornado with a sharp rotation after Wei Xiaobei!

Wei Xiaobei broke through the sound barrier in a blink of an eye. It was like a shell of a smashing bomb. It took time to cross the wall of Green Lake University and disappeared into the distance.

And the speed of the giant disc fairy is so much slow that even when it catches up to the wall, Wei Xiaobei’s figure has disappeared without a trace, and the giant disc fairy hits the wall. under.

Perfect action!

After Wei Xiaobei rushed out for more than ten kilometers, he fell down on a street and calmed down the boiling atmosphere. After Wei Xiaobei could take the big ink gun from the storage ring, he couldn’t wait to take it out.

At this time, the large gun head of the ink was routinely turned into black and white, and the ink on the beach was covered on the tip of the gun, and the head was turned into a somewhat blurred ink painting.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although the gun is made into ink painting, the gun head is still absorbing the ink, but the amount of ink is much higher than the previous ink points.

The gun head absorbs, which is very slow.

Before the gun head completely absorbed the ink, the ink was shot, and Wei Xiaobei didn't want to use it.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not a fool, no weapons, but also to find the giant pen fairy, dish fairy trouble.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei was careful to return to the neighborhood next to Cuihu University in the following time.

The giant dish fairy could not leave the University of Green Lake in anger, which made Wei Xiaobei breathe a sigh of relief, and then returned to the previous small building, took the Lingzhu from the storage ring and began to take it.

This taking Lingzhu is a relatively slow process.

After each taking, Wei Xiaobei needs to discharge all the cold air contained in the spirit beads, which will make Wei Xiaobei wrap a large ice in vitro.

Taking Lingzhu, Wei Xiaobei's soul strength will increase.

But this is also limited.

Just like now, Wei Xiaobei’s soul strength has reached 450 points, and it is somewhat difficult to upgrade.

Wei Xiaobei discovered that the spirit of the pearl below the finger, after taking it, basically did not help the strength of his soul.

Only the spirit beads produced by the pens of the ten-meter-diameter pens will enable them to continue to enhance their soul strength.

However, the number of such spiritual beads is very small, and there are more than a dozen of Wei Xiaobei's hands together.

After taking more than ten Lingzhu, Wei Xiaobei’s soul strength has only increased to 452 points.

There are more than 3,000 pieces of the remaining Lingzhu, Wei Xiaobei is ready to keep, and will be taken to the disciples later.

Of course, taking this thing is also dangerous. Wei Xiaobei needs to be cautious. Otherwise, if one is not careful, it would be more sad to hang up two apprentices.

No longer taking Lingzhu, the ink on the gun head is not absorbed, the next time, Wei Xiaobei is ready to try the soul out of this ability. (To be continued.)

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