The City of Terror

Chapter 1271: The sea is here.

Suddenly I saw a pop-up window, and the poor road was shocked. Trump was elected president of the United States! Although the poor road once speculated that he should be elected, but now the results came out, the poor road is really a little unbelievable, this can only explain that the main body of the old beauty is still white, and another point is that Clinton his wife is too dead. ——

The body is extremely huge and the strength is extremely powerful!

What kind of consequences can be caused by fighting such giants, it is difficult to describe them directly in language.

Business tycoons who hold the nuclear buttons, I don wherein I don business.

Is it useful for a giant like this to throw a nuclear bomb away?

No one knows if it will be useful.

However, the intelligence agencies of disposed disposed countries around the world are already busy at this time. They need to find ways to get the information of this giant, even the information of the person who was chased by the giants! !

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other can only be a battle!

This sentence is not just that Chinese talents know that the world's major powers know the meaning of this sentence.

Of course, these things are not things that Wei Xiaobei is considering now.

When he quickly escaped 2,500 kilometers, Wei Xiaobei felt a little tired.

Although Wei Xiaobei only escaped, and did not directly engage in the battle with the people of Longbo, but want to maintain the highest speed to avoid being caught up by the people of Longbo, this is still relatively physical.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei began to take some food from the storage ring and ate and ate.

There is still half the distance from the seaside, and Wei Xiaobei needs to reserve physical strength for the last leg.

You must know that the helicopter can only fly three or four hundred kilometers away from the top of the oil. Wei Xiaobei ran two thousand and five hundred kilometers, and the physical exertion is large. It is conceivable.

The problem is that Wei Xiaobei took the food out and eaten it. The smell of the food drifted out and immediately caught the attention of the people of Longbo.

The snoring and snoring, the sound of the swallowing of the Longbo people even heard the Wei Xiaobei who escaped in front.


Three consecutive ferries were caught by Long Bozhi and they were lost.

The ferry that flew through the air fully proved the anger of the people of Longbo.

I am chasing myself to death in the back, and this escape has been eaten in front, I don’t know if my grandfather is hungry now!

Indeed, although the people of Longbo are very powerful, they also need to eat.

After squeezing into reality from the gray world through the space channel, he slumbered for ten days, did not eat, and went to the small north when he swallowed three or four hundred people.

In its concept, human beings are equal to dessert.

The problem is that humans can only be equivalent to sesame in its appetite, even smaller than sesame.

I would like to ask, which strong man can eat more than 300 sesame seeds to fill his stomach?

At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s food smell was aroused. After the Longbo people threw three ferries out of Wei Xiaobei, they stopped and Zhangkou went to the river.


A large number of rivers were attracted by the suction, and they were put into the mouth of the Longbo people, which was mixed with some fish, shrimps and crabs.

Hey, the people of Longbo swallowed the river, and the fish and shrimps mixed with the river seemed to fill the stomach of the people of Longbo, so the people of Longbo swept the river again after they swallowed the river. Go north.

But this time it has not ran to three hundred kilometers, and the people of Longbo stopped again. After sucking two rivers, it seemed to be somewhat unsatisfied. After that, they moved their legs to the shore and their noses swayed in the air. A few times, I chose a direction and walked over.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei is speechless. It is said that the population evacuation distance of this area is the shortest, only 10 kilometers.

At this time, the people of Longbo were hungry, and they were really hungry, so the people of Longbo were smelling humanity.

Obviously, the hundreds of thousands of humans in the vicinity of eating and drinking Lhasa, gathered together to produce a variety of flavors, enough to guide the Longbo people.

Upon seeing it, Wei Xiaobei had to fight hard. The ink-and-blood guns were thrown away from the people of Longbo, and they were also shaken by the soul of the dragon to the people of Longbo.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei’s ability to attract hatred is still there. After all, the left eye of Longbo’s people has not recovered yet, and the pain that has erupted from time to time makes it difficult for Longbo’s people to defend Wei Xiaobei’s small point. It is.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei went to the arrogant seduce a few times, then the Longbo people began to chase Wei Xiaobei.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei has not been confident about whether he can lead the hungry Longbo people to the sea.

You know, even if you have a big hatred, this time may be overshadowed by extreme hunger.

In other words, the hatred of the Longbo people against Wei Xiaobei may be abandoned when they are hungry to the extreme.

Anyway, let the uncle eat a meal first! ! !

Wei Xiaobei is a bit regretful. If he knew this, he should have people prepare some food along the shore. In this case, the people of Longbo would eat a little bit and would not smell the humanity to find food.

But this time, Wei Xiaobei is too late to arrange.

Wei Xiaobei's storage ring still has some food and ingredients, but the quantity is not much. Wei Xiaobei himself is enough, but it is impossible to let the people of Longbo eat a bite.

Now you can only take a step and take a step.

Wei Xiaobei continued to flee, and from time to time turned his head to look at the people of Longbo, but he was somewhat puzzled. How can the fate of the doom that had been thrown into the eyes of the Longbo people not yet played?

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not particularly optimistic that the dooms can play a role, but if it can play such a little effect, Wei Xiaobei will be very satisfied.

Probably the body of the Longbo is too large, and the effect of bad luck is diluted.

Wei Xiaobei was wondering about this problem.

On the way to the next escape, the Longbo people stopped twice again in an attempt to find food.

Once it was slain by Wei Xiaobei, the second time should be considered good luck, there is a pig farm not far from the shore.

The people were evacuated, but the pigs were not evacuated, so they were left on the farm. At this time, all the pigs were so hungry that they could not even walk, and they could only gasp in the pigsty.

The hunger of the Longbo people broke out again. After stopping, they quickly found the farm, and Zhangkou began to **** the pigs.

Wei Xiaobei did not go to the Longbo people to eat this time.

It’s nothing more than a few hundred pigs. It’s always better than the Longbo people to eat a few hundred!

If the people of Longbo are taken to a county in humanity, then the dead human beings will not be less than tens of thousands!

In other words, these hundreds of pigs have stopped the disaster for human beings, and they have died.

I have to say that although the hundreds of pigs have been hungry and bitten, it seems that the weight of the Longbo people is too much, but the people of Longbo are quite satisfied.

At least it is much better than those small sesame seeds.

After swallowing hundreds of pigs, the people of Longbo directly grabbed some of the buildings in the farm and threw them away from Wei Xiaobei as usual.

The people of Longbo probably know that it is difficult for them to hit the flies like Wei Xiaobei, but in any case, if the people of Longbo don’t lose it, I am afraid that my heart will be more uncomfortable.

This is almost the habit of the people of Longbo.

There are still five hundred kilometers!

Wei Xiaobei brought an electronic watch with a satellite positioning system to his left hand. He was able to locate his position and looked at the small map on the watch. Wei Xiaobei’s heart was a little excited. As long as he arrived at the sea, he would not have to worry about this dragon. The people of Bo have nothing to stop and eat.

Of course, even if this is the case, there will be no more than 2,000 people who eat or trample on the people of Longbo. There will always be many lucky people hiding in the rivers and waters, thus becoming a victim.

In fact, even Wei Xiaobei accidentally killed some people. It was because there were about five or six hundred people who used the falling soul clock to seduce the people of Longbo.

This is not something that Wei Xiaobei can control.

The soul of the falling soul is ringing, and the soul of the creature is separated from the body within a few hundred meters!

If these five or six hundred people do not die, let the people of Longbo leave, and the people who hang up will grow tenfold.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei is only a little bit awkward in his heart.

The people of Longbo probably also got a little tired at this time. Before and after the journey of more than 5,000 kilometers, even the people of Longbo had to recover a lot of energy, especially the people of Longbo did not eat. full.

However, as the distance from the sea closer, the number of human beings hiding on both sides of the river has risen sharply.

The people of Longbo have not stopped yet. They have only chased more than three hundred kilometers, and more than a thousand people have been sucking along the way!

Of course, this is not surprising. The closer to the sea, the greater the population density and the more developed the economy. This is an irrefutable truth.

In such a situation, the population that is hiding can be explained more.

But at this time, as long as the Longbo people left the river too far, Wei Xiaobei could not manage it.

As the belly of the Longbo people gradually fills up, their strength seems to be rising rapidly.

Do not say anything else, Wei Xiaobei feels that it is more difficult to escape now than before.

The people of Longbo ran faster!

Wei Xiaobei suspects that if he runs thousands of kilometers in accordance with such a situation, can he escape?

Fortunately, not long after, Wei Xiaobei saw the sea in the distance!

The sea is here!

Wei Xiaobei’s heart was happy for a while, and even as he speeded up, he went straight to the sea.

The people of Longbo seem to be the first time to see the sea. After seeing the sea, the speed has actually slowed down. If Wei Xiaobei found this, he stopped for a while to seduce the other party. I am afraid this. The people of Longbo did not know where to go.


A loud noise, a giant leg of the Longbo people stepped into the sea, and the huge waves then spread out.

Obviously, the people of Longbo are very curious about the sea. When their legs just stepped into the sea, they opened their mouths and swallowed a large amount of seawater into the mouth.

But like most people, the next moment, hey, the people of Longbo will spray the seawater that has just entered the mouth. (To be continued.)

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