The City of Terror

Chapter 1272: , the top of the Longbo people (6000 words)

This chapter is a two-in-one. Today, the cervical spine is hurt, and the burning pain is not painful. Let’s see it directly.

Sea water is a salty taste, even those who like to drink water will spurt out when they first drink into the sea.

No way, too salty, too bitter, too raw!

But soon, the people of Longbo began to play the water cheerfully. Undoubtedly, the sea is vast and boundless, but it is much more than the Yangtze River. The people of Longbo can immerse themselves in the sea and enjoy this rare bath. .

The whole scene is like a child playing in joy.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei is very difficult to feel bad about the people of Longbo.

To say that the people of Longbo eat people, just for their own needs, after all, the people of Longbo are not human beings, and it is impossible to restrain each other with human morality.

It is just a beast, just like a tiger or a lion.

Wei Xiaobei also took advantage of this rare opportunity to rest, and the people of Longbo were running tired, and Wei Xiaobei naturally did not need to say more.

Even if Wei Xiaobei is now a terrible attribute, it is not mechanical.

However, there was not much time left, and there was a problem with the people of Longbo.

Of course, this question is precisely the health problem of the people of Longbo.

The people of Longbo had soaked in the sea for a while, and they were so refreshing that they had climbed out some horrible creatures from some of the hidden parts of their hair.

Like a spider-like creature, the big two meters and a little more than half a meter. They have two rows of more than ten short legs, and the number is thousands. They are desperately trying to climb up to the place where the dragons are not soaked by the sea.

Well, even if Wei Xiaobei has never seen these creatures, he can probably guess the origin of them.

Should it be a parasite like flea bugs? Didn't you see a long, pointed straw in front of them?

Indeed, in addition to parasites, Wei Xiaobei really can't think of the origin of these bugs.

Of course, the parasites of half a meter to two meters in size are a bit horrible, and it can be proved that the people of Longbo do not know how long they have not taken a bath.

However, Wei Xiaobei has some doubts. He has also turned a few laps on the people of Longbo. How can he not find the existence of these parasites?

Of course, this kind of thing is hard to say. The parasites are usually very concealed. Many humans have fleas or something that may not be discovered. Moreover, the people of Longbo are huge. The hair is thick, hiding more places, it is even more difficult to find.

Those parasites are undoubtedly very afraid of water, especially seawater with high salinity!

Therefore, after the people of Longbo were soaked for a while, the parasites were forced out.

The people of Longbo undoubtedly discovered the parasites. The two giants quickly patted them on the body. It can be seen that although the people of Longbo are not clean and violent, they do not like parasites.


Like the thunderstorm's slaps, it keeps ringing on the people of Longbo.

A parasite was shot flat in an instant and then fell from the Longbo people.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei's heart is quite a bit cool, just like finding fleas, many people will use two fingernails to flatten the parasites, so that they can get a strange pleasure in psychology.

Well, isn't it?

Wei Xiaobei, who has been staring at the movement of Longbo, suddenly found some doubts.

It seems that the parasites photographed by the Longbo people have fallen flat and seem to be dead.

But in fact, they are not dead!

After falling into the sea, they even released the pseudo-dead state, and the short legs struggled to move, struggling to leave the sea and climb the body of the Longbo people again.

Well, the people of Longbo took at least five or sixty slaps, and none of the parasites hanged.

Obviously, these parasites have superior resistance to the slap of the Longbo people!

This is not surprising. Wei Xiaobei can think about it with his ass.

If these parasites are so well destroyed, there will not be so many parasites on the people of Longbo.

You know, even the bugs that harm ordinary humans are not so easy to be eliminated.

And what happened next suddenly caused the close attention of Wei Xiaobei! !

After the parasites climbed onto the body of the Longbo people, it seemed that they had consumed a lot of physical strength before, and they were hungry. Even the long straws were inserted into the skin of the Longbo people!

Without any hindrance to the feeling, I inserted it in a flash!

This scene makes Wei Xiaobei's eyes wide.

You know, Wei Xiaobei's ink-and-blood guns can't be inserted into the skin of the Longbo people. These little parasites can do this!

This is also incredible.

Undoubtedly, the discovery of this point made Wei Xiaobei's heart excited.

In the judgment of Wei Xiaobei, these parasites undoubtedly have a very high value!

The first is that their straws are extremely sharp, even sharper than the tip of a large ink gun, and secondly, their body has a considerable degree of resistance to attack!

And there is still a doubt in Wei Xiaobei's heart. The longest straw of these parasites is actually only two meters, which is almost as long as the body. The skin of Longbo people, Wei Xiaobei judges at least three meters or more, in some Thick places will even exceed five or six meters!

This means that the parasite's straw can't pierce the skin of the Longbo people! So how do these straws absorb the blood of the people of Longbo?

Of course, this problem can be considered later, just the above points, making the parasite become an invaluable treasure in Wei Xiaobei's eyes!

At this time, the people of Longbo seemed to be a little restless, half sat up, their eyes were like a bright moon, their hands clumsily busy on their bodies, and they kept grabbing a parasite from their hair, and they struggled for a while. After pinching it, it was thrown into the sea.

This time, those parasites can't be used. Although they can resist the strong beats of the Longbo people, it is impossible to keep a small life in the face of constant shackles.

So long after, most of the parasites were honestly drilled back into the more secret hair, and dare not show up again.

As a result, the people of Longbo seemed to relax a lot, and the body re-into the sea, and when the waves were stirred up, they took a bath in comfort.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei has quietly sneaked into the sea and approached the parasites that were pinched.

The parasites floated halfway on the surface of the sea. After Wei Xiaobei approached, it was confirmed that the parasites did die, and the bodies were collected into the storage ring.

There are thirty-three parasites killed by the people of Longbo, and the size is naturally different. After leaving Xiaobei for a certain distance, they will float to the surface of Shanghai and take a parasite out carefully.

This parasite is probably related to the bugs and has a similar relationship with the spiders, that is, the proportion of the legs is much shorter than the body.

It is said that the short-legged animals seem to be mostly cute, or cute, but the parasites on the people of the Longbo are terrible.

The whole body has sparse fine hair, a pair of degraded red compound eyes, khaki skin, and a stench liquid that is excreted from behind the buttocks.

Wei Xiaobeiguang put his body in his hand and watched it for a while. He felt that his heart was not very comfortable. Then he simply started the corpse directly to the corpse.

Name: Dragon's body (premium)

Introduction: Dragon Stork is an ancient parasite, the biological grade of Samsung horror, which is usually parasitic on the ancient dragon, Ba snake, Xiang Liu, Qi Peng and other ancient beasts, beasts, their straws have triple puncture effect and extension effect, the skin It has a triple immune attack effect, and its body juice has a powerful paralysis effect.

After reading the attributes of the dragon's body, Wei Xiaobei probably had an understanding of Long's ability before his death.

I have to say that this Longbo people are really powerful, just the parasites on their bodies, and the biological level has reached Samsung Horror!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei's most concerned place is the use of this dragon's body.

After seeing the attribute table of the dragon's body, Wei Xiaobei's mind turned, and in less than a few seconds before and after, the use of the dragon's body was listed.

The straw can be used to make large guns and even weapons such as arrows. The so-called triple puncture effect is actually able to repeatedly amplify the force of the puncture three times, once larger than once, so as to penetrate the skin or scale of the beast. The effect of A.

Don't underestimate the effect of this triple puncture. Wei Xiaobei reached out and pulled his straw from the body, then tried it on his arm.

With a light tie, the strength used by Wei Xiaobei is not too big. If you change to other sharp objects, it is impossible to puncture your skin at the root, but with this straw, Wei Xiaobei will easily give his arm to the thorn. wore!

And after piercing the skin, the straw automatically doubles in length, and when it is pulled out, the extended straw shrinks back.

And the skin's triple immune slamming effect is to weaken all blunt blows by 95 percent, weakening all 20 percent of the sharps.

If you can make it into the body armor, Wei Xiaobei is really not afraid of weapons like heavy hammers.

In addition, it is probably convenient for taking in blood, and its juice actually has a paralytic effect.

Of course, this thing, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to experiment.

The people of Longbo were injected with this paralyzed sap, that is, they could not feel the blood-sucking behavior of these parasites. If Wei Xiaobei injected this thing into himself, he could not move his body.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not expect these things to be used against the people of Longbo.

If you think about it, you will know that there are thousands of dragons crawling on the people of Longbo. They are still alive and kicking, and they have not been greatly affected at all.

In this way, refining the weapons and refining the numb juice, Wei Xiaobei has no time to do it.

However, Wei Xiaobei squirted the pork to extract the dragon's gene.

The reason for this is that Wei Xiaobei’s plan is very simple. If the dragon’s gene can be cracked, and the creature with the characteristics of dragons is successfully cultivated, then the defense against the dragon’s people will be extremely strong. It will be a lot easier.

In addition to this, Wei Xiaobei will also directly lick the skin of the dragon scorpion in his hand, take out the dragon dingding, put the skin of the dragon scorpion, and refine the set of bodysuits, and then wear it directly on the body.

After putting on the bodysuit made from this dragon skin, Wei Xiaobei immediately felt that his safety had improved.

Even if a person accidentally took a slap by the people of Longbo, they would not immediately become a meat sauce, at least to save a small life.

After finishing these things, Wei Xiaobei began to consider a question, and where did the people of Longbo lead?

Obviously, if you leave the people of Longbo here, I am afraid that it will not take long. When the baths of the Longbo people are comfortable, they will return to the land, and then they will kill humans and eat.

In this case, Wei Xiaobei was busy before.

Therefore, it is necessary to lead the people of Longbo to another place, and it is best to let it not come back.

In this choice, any location close to China is not good, it is easy for the people of Longbo to return to China, so Tianzhu was directly abandoned by Wei Xiaobei.

And a little farther away, Dongpu? Wei Xiaobei shook his head. Although the Longbo people were led to Dongpu, the journey was short and there was no psychological burden. However, there were still many people who provided Wei Xiaobei with the power of faith to cultivate divinity.

Then the rest of the choices are only a few other continents.

After a few counts of several continents, Wei Xiaobei’s final decision was to bring the people of Longbo to Sam.

After all, in Wei Xiaobei's view, if you want to kill the people of Longbo, you probably only use nuclear bombs.

In the strong country that can feel the nuclear bomb is not worth the money, except for China, only the Sam State is left.

Wei Xiaobei’s most hope is that when he seduce the people of Longbo across the Pacific Ocean, Sam’s nuclear bombs will not be thrown too much, causing too much nuclear pollution.

Of course, the Sam Congress will not act according to their own arrangements. Wei Xiaobei does not dare to pack the tickets. He only wants Sam’s country to watch such a huge giant rushing toward himself and have to throw the nuclear bomb.

As for Wei Xiaobei himself? He was not too afraid of nuclear bombs. It was a big deal when he fell into the Aomu blessings when the nuclear bombs fell. After the nuclear bomb exploded, he could drill out and might be able to take back the bodies of the Longbo people.

At the thought of this, Wei Xiaobei was happy.

After delaying these times, Wei Xiaobei almost rested enough. Hey, his legs were repeatedly stepping on the air. After a while, he rushed to the top of the Longbo people.

When Wei Xiaobei used to, he did not hide his body shape.

The Longbo people who were lying in the bath in the sea were directly attracted by Wei Xiaobei. At first, the Longbo people could not look at it because only one eye could see the object, but waited until Wei Xiaobei rushed to the top of the head. At the time, the people of Longbo finally saw it clearly.

peat! Isn't that the little one that screwed one's eyes?

Oh! Without waiting for Xiaobei to shake the soul clock, the people of Longbo couldn’t wait to climb up from the sea. When the two giants stretched out, they circled around and took a shot toward Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei was not a fool. He saw the moment when the people of Longbo got up and started running.

Therefore, the left and right of the people of Longbo, just two giant hands in the air, made a loud noise effect.

Wei Xiaobei ran this way, and the people of Longbo naturally did not have the leisure and elegance of taking a bath.

To say that at the coast, the depth of the sea is only fifty or sixty meters. When the people of Longbo are driving the giant legs, don’t be too relaxed. At most, when the giant legs fall, they will stir up the waves of hundreds of meters. .

With the time of chasing Weibei, the depth of the sea at the foot of the Longbo people will increase.

The scope of the continental shelf is still good. The deepest point is less than two hundred meters. When the continental shelf is out, the **** of the seabed suddenly increases.

The seawater was originally only under the calves of the Longbo people, and the dragons who chased Xiaobei’s chasing was happy.

In the blink of an eye, it is like stepping on the air, the body sinks down, the sea water suddenly floods into the thigh position, and then a few steps forward, the sea water goes directly to the neck.

Two more steps, the head of the Longbo people can not see.

When I arrived at this place, the depth of the sea water exceeded 1300 meters, and the people of the Longbo were directly lost!

Switching to a human who can't swim, it's a bit dangerous to sink like this.

Wei Xiaobei knows that the people of Longbo are not good at all. The seawater in the district wants to drown it, and it is impossible at all.

Sure enough, not long after, the sea water continued to tumbling, after a huge amount of interest, a huge head flew out of the sea, and Zhangkou spurted a sea of ​​water like a waterfall.

The people of Longbo began to swim in the sea and refused to give up.

However, at this time, the parasites on the people of Longbo were considered to be bad molds. Most of the people of Longbo did not swim into the sea. Those parasites could not stand in the sea, and soon they turned to Longbo. The head of the people climbed.

The movements of thousands of parasites crawling on their bodies quickly caught the attention of the people of Longbo.

I saw that the people of Longbo would swim for a while, and then they would use their giant hands to flap on their heads, or stop and squeeze several parasites by hand.

But such a move to kill those parasites is basically impossible.

Those parasites are eager to escape, even drilling into the ears of the Longbo people, the mouth and so on.

It must be said that these parasites have caused great troubles and even pains for the people of Longbo.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei did not know whether it should be painful for the people of Longbo, or should be happy.

But the biological division of the Longbo people is always attributed to primate creatures, that is, although they do not have the wisdom of ordinary humans, their brains are not too stupid.

After enduring a parasite attack, the people of Longbo fell down and the whole body quickly disappeared above the sea. Wei Xiaobei could only see a huge mass below the sea from a distance. The shadow is gone.

The people of Longbo are naturally not sinking their feet, but they should think of ways to deal with those parasites.

Obviously, from the previous performance of those parasites, they have a low tolerance to seawater.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was busy, lowered his body to the surface of the sea, spewed a piece of shredded pork in his left hand, and formed hundreds of meat **** in the sea.

These meatballs are not large in size, only five or six meters in diameter. After the meatballs broke open, an octopus with a tentacle of more than ten meters was drilled from inside.

These giant octopuses fell into the sea and then sank, the color of the body changed constantly, and soon they were hidden in the sea.

These giant octopuses have to say that fighting power is not strong. Their biological grades are only two stars. It is Wei Xiaobei's gene that uses common octopus genes to join some sea monsters. The cost is quite low.

Their only task is to wait for the Longbo people to leave and collect the parasites and wait for Wei Xiaobei to return.

Obviously, the time of the people of Longbo is much stronger than that of ordinary humans. It has been three hours in the past, and the people of Longbo still have not appeared. If it is not Wei Xiaobei, they can clearly feel that the people of Longbo are on the bottom of the sea. If you are afraid, you will think that the people of Longbo have secretly left.


Four hours passed and the sea finally came.

A splash of water quickly rolled from small to large, and a loud bang, the huge head of the Longbo people rushed out of the sea, taking advantage of a huge wave, and the huge waves mixed with a lot of parasites. In the blink of an eye, I rushed to the sky and fell to the surroundings. I immediately had a heavy rain on the sea.

Undoubtedly, those parasites can't survive in the sea, and they drown in the sea for a long time.

Taking advantage of this stall, Wei Xiaobei swayed in front of the people of Longbo, causing the attention of the people of Longbo, and then ran away.

The people of Longbo just emerged from the sea, and the pleasure of freeing the parasites has not yet receded. Wei Xiaobei’s small point of letting it hate is reappearing, and the people of Longbo are so tired in their hearts that they hate it. Go up.

This time the chase war, there are not so many accidents.

Wei Xiaobei chose the direction and went straight to the direction of Sam, and the Longbo people continued to swim behind them, inhaling some sea water from time to time to obtain food to maintain their strength.

Of course, the speed of the Longbo people swimming is not as fast as running on the land. Wei Xiaobei is stepping on the sea, and in terms of speed, he can take the Longbo people out of the street.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei does not need to use too much effort to maintain high speed at this time, only need to be equal to the speed of the Longbo people swimming.

Undoubtedly, the surveillance satellites in the space above the ocean all pointed at the camera here.

The top leaders of the world's major powers are sitting in the relevant conference rooms to watch this scene.

This naturally includes the top leaders of the Sam State, the president, the chairman of the Joint Staff of the Three Armies, the top officials of the intelligence departments such as cia, fb, and the top of the parliament, the president's think tank, and so on.

When the satellites first discovered the people of Longbo in the hinterland of China, when the seniors of Sam State saw the video, they expressed doubts at the first time.

Indeed, in the current environment of the earth, it is impossible to survive such a huge creature.

Of course, even in the billions of years, such a huge biological skeleton has not been found on the earth. (To be continued.)

Chapter 1272, the top of the Longbo people (6000 words:

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