The City of Terror

Chapter 1273: Thanks Sam (6000 words)

This chapter is still a two-in-one. Today, I have a little fever. Sitting in front of the computer, I will be asleep for a while. I feel that people are about to hang up. They are all speechless.

They think that this is a scene faked by China, in order to carry out a hateful conspiracy!

But when the people of Longbo went to sea and chased Wei Xiaobei to swim across the sea and approached the Samo side, the faces of these Sam’s high-levels changed a little and became dignified.

After watching it for so long, even a fool can see that the giant is real.

What would happen if such a giant came to the country of Sam?

Just think about it and feel a headache.

Of course, even so, the top officials of Sam's country are not too worried.

Although the giant is about a kilometer high, but in any case, it is just a flesh, not a robot.

Of course, you can't let the giant get close to Sam!

With the order issued, an aircraft carrier formation on the west coast of Sam's country was turned and turned head-on in the direction of the giant.

And some of the aircraft carriers in this aircraft carrier formation are the battleships that Wei Xiaobei captured at the beginning!

After the captive carrier formation was sent back by Wei Xiaobei, it was reorganized, supplemented and strengthened, and was renamed the 14th aircraft carrier formation.

Of course, this is nothing more than to cover up the shame of the aircraft carrier being captured.

For now, this aircraft carrier formation has two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, two Deroga-class cruisers, five guided missile destroyers, four guided missile frigates, three supply ships and two nuclear attack submarines!

As far as the overall strength is concerned, this aircraft carrier formation has strengthened more than 80% compared with the previous one, which is equivalent to the mixing of two aircraft carrier formations.

Of course, even if the aircraft carrier formation is moving at full speed, its speed is not likely to be faster than that of Wei Xiaobei and Longbo.

At this time, the people of Longbo happened to meet a pair of humpback whales that were on a parade.

Although the humpback whale is not the largest creature in the ocean, it is also called a giant in the eyes of human beings. The largest humpback whale can grow to more than 18 meters.

In particular, humpback whales like to sing loudly and sound, and they are more like human beings.

But this time, it was the high-pitched singing voice of the whale that attracted the people of the Longbo.

Although the humpback whale is still small in front of the people of Longbo, the 18-meter-long body shape can also make the Longbo people's beauty eat a bite.

Therefore, the people of Longbo did not care about Wei Xiaobei, who was seduce in front of him, and turned to the two humpback whales.

Apparently, the two humpback whales were frightened by the far-flung people of Longbo, and when they slammed their tails, they wanted to sink into the sea and escape.

The swimming speed of the people of Longbo is slower and faster than the humpback whale.

Two giant hands went deep into the sea, less than ten seconds before and after, when the giant hand reached the sea, the two humpback whales were firmly caught in the giant hand.

The mouth of the blood basin opened open, and the two humpback whales did not help even if they struggled desperately. They were quickly inhaled and swallowed by the giant mouth.

At this time, the people of Longbo liked the sea a bit.

Compared to land, it is easy to get food in the sea.

But think about it, Wei Xiaobei remembers that there is such a myth and legend that has been handed down from ancient times.

The people of Longbo squatted by fishing at the seaside, feeding on giant tortoises, causing Penglai and other fairy mountains to dump in the sea, and countless immortals were displaced, which led to the wrath of the Emperor of Heaven, and moved the country of Longbo, and the people of Longbo narrowed down!

What does this mean? This shows that the people of Longbo originally relied on the sea to feed. After all, the creatures in the ocean are much larger than the land, and the food resources are abundant.

When the Longbo people had a small snack, Wei Xiaobei took the opportunity to rest for a while, so that after the Longbo people had finished eating, Wei Xiaobei appeared again, and the Longbo people continued to catch up.

Time passes by, the night is dawn, and the sun jumps out of the sea, sinking the warm sun.

More than 2,000 nautical miles from the coast of Sam, there is a small island with a radar station built to monitor aircraft in the vicinity of hundreds of nautical miles.

The radar station first discovered the nearby Longbo people, and the soldiers stationed inside stood up to resist.

However, less than five minutes before and after, the radar station was destroyed, and everyone was sucked into the mouth by the people of Longbo.

For the people of Longbo, this is just looking for a little ant snack from the nest.

At this time, the fighter plane that was dispatched from the aircraft carrier appeared nearby, and found the people of Longbo who were trying to find more snacks on the island.

I have to say that the gap between the small island and the people of Longbo can be seen very intuitively.

Just the head is placed on the sea, it is a small island!

"Discover the target, find the target! The target has destroyed a radar station, coordinates"

The two fighters responsible for the front-end investigation reported the situation to the aircraft carrier formation, while separating them from side to side, and began to circle around the Longbo people.

Wei Xiaobei, who had been chased by the Longbo people, fell into the sea and hid when the people of Longbo were busy destroying the radar station to find small desserts.

The sea is wide and boundless, like Wei Xiaobei, even if it is specially sought, it is a very difficult thing.

What's more, the fighter jet flies so fast that it has passed, and if it is not a large object, it is difficult to be discovered by the pilot.

Of course, things that are easily illuminated by radar reflections are excluded.

Wei Xiaobei hid, and the people of Longbo did not notice that Wei Xiaobei disappeared.

In the chase before this, the people of Longbo have become accustomed to such a thing.

It’s not long before I chase it in the back. I don’t know where to go when I’m little, no matter where I’m going, I’m going to pick it up anyway.

Well, due to the actions of Wei Xiaobei, the Longbo people were completely introduced into a fixed behavior pattern.

After the forward-detecting fighters found the target, the aircraft carrier formation that was sailing more than 200 nautical miles suddenly turned from calm to noisy.

If the aircraft carrier formation came over with warning and combat missions, the giant would never be allowed to approach the Sam State.

Now, the giant has publicly attacked a radar station in Sam, no matter what aspect, it is an attack on Sam! It is an extreme hostile act!

Behavior like this, for the aircraft carrier formation, only use war to solve!

The whole fleet slowed down the speed of the forward flight, and then the two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the fleet swayed above the head. The fighters that had been parked on the deck lowered the folded wings one by one and began to refuel. The mechanics were on the fighters. Carry out the final inspection.

The **** destroyers, frigates and other warships formed a circle of defenses centered on the aircraft carrier. The turrets uncovered the canvas, the missile wells were quickly erected, and a torpedo was filled into the launch tube.

Even the two nuclear attack aircraft carriers began to search for the movements under the sea.

With the formation of this aircraft carrier's three defenses, any air attack against the aircraft carrier, the attack on the sea and even under the sea will be blocked in the first time.

Of course, this is an arrangement strictly in accordance with the wartime aircraft formation battle regulations. As for the effect on the people of the Longbo, they do not know.

After more than ten minutes, after a soldier swayed with a pair of flags, the first fighter began to accelerate gradually, eventually jumping out of the deck, and spurting white steam quickly rushed to the sky.

One, two, three, four

Not long after, more than 50 fighters gathered in the airborne formations. After a circle around the aircraft carrier formation, they swayed their wings and turned to the direction of the Longbo people.

And just as the first wave of fighters set off, the two fighters staring at the Longbo people were already eager to try.

To be honest, although the Sam Kingdom also has monsters invading the reality, those monsters are basically humans in the gray world. In short, it is the army at the time of the founding war, the Civil War, and so on.

Although their combat power is very strong, the power of the firearms in their hands is even equivalent to a small cannon, but they are always human figures, and their size is similar to that of human beings in reality.

The existence of the people like the Longbo is completely different.

Although it is also a human figure, its height is more than 1,200 meters! The light is the head of the sea, just like a mountain.

This shows how surprised the fighter pilots will be after seeing the people of Longbo.

In the beginning, they were only far away, staring at the people of Longbo, but not long after, they wanted to see how powerful this giant is.

Well, in fact, in addition to the initial shock of the first sight, the next mentality of the two fighter pilots is completely sitting in the armored car, holding the machine gun and watching the feeling of the outside lion.

It’s impossible to win the lion by yourself, but sitting in the armored car, the lion can only look at himself, and he can easily kill the lion with a machine gun!

It's that simple.

The fighter under the pilot is one of the most sophisticated weapons of warfare made by man. In their view, the dragons who are struggling to swim on the sea are the lions outside the armored car. They may be able to kill them with a button. ?

Imagine that even the largest animal on the planet, the blue whale, if it is continuously shot by a rifle, may not survive.

In the face of modern war weapons, the bigger the size, the easier it is to be hit.

"Please ask for a test, can you test the target!?"

After talking with the pilots, the pilots of the long plane could not wait to send a request to the fleet.

Obviously, the fleet feels that this request is good. Anyway, it is ok to test it first in order to adjust the subsequent combat plan.

After receiving the reply, the two fighters swooped down to the people of Longbo after they made an arc at high altitude.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei, who was hiding under the sea in the distance, could not help but shook his head.

The fighter pilot was too simple.

Undoubtedly they are preparing to use the cannon to attack the first half of the people of Longbo.

The problem is that a millimeter of cannon bullets can really penetrate the skin of the Longbo people?

When it was said that it was too late, the two fighters that had crossed each other had already locked their targets, and then the buttons were lightly clicked.


In the blink of an eye, several fire tongues crossed each other and landed on the head of the Longbo people who were out of the water!

Undoubtedly, the two pilots have a lot of habits of headshot, but the problem is that the flames are on the head of the people of the Longbo, and even after the explosion, countless Mars sputtered around.

Undoubtedly, looking at the appearance of the Longbo people, the caliber of a millimeter of cannon bullets did not cause any harm to the people of the Longbo.

Even the people of Longbo seem to have no concern about the bombardment of the cannon bullets and continue to swim forward, without any slight anger and anger.

Indeed, if a millimeter of cannon bullets hits an ordinary human, only one is needed! It is possible to beat ordinary humans into two sections!

For the people of Longbo, this is undoubtedly the same as scratching.

To be honest, let alone the people of Longbo, Wei Xiaobei himself can block this cannon bullet, although it has not been tested.

call! The fighters flew over the two hundred meters from the Longbo people. The people of Longbo didn't seem to care too much about the attack of the two iron guys. They were still on the island, and their hands were swaying in the ruins.

The two fighters who flew back to the attack position fired a row of air-to-air missiles toward the people of Longbo.

To say that against such a giant monster, air-to-ship missiles are more suitable.

However, the two fighters were responsible for the investigation, and thus it was impossible to carry heavy air-to-ship missiles and only carried light air-to-air missiles.

Hey, the two fighters fired more than twelve air-to-air missiles in one breath!

The distance between the fighter plane and the people of Longbo makes the air-to-air missiles do not need to transmit and receive radar waves at all, only the angle is appropriate, direct attack within the distance.

Twelve air-to-air missiles dragged a long smoke at the end of the air, and the speed was getting faster and faster, but when they had not accelerated to the extreme, they slammed into the back of the Longbo people.


A series of violent explosions spread around, and a group of fires appeared on the broad back of the Longbo people and quickly spread.

At this time, according to the people of Longbo, the violent impact can also make it come back.

The people of Longbo first grabbed their hands and grabbed their backs. They seemed to be squirmed by air-to-air missiles. Afterwards, they seemed to be a little angry. After seeing their facial expressions, they seemed to find that mosquitoes sucked their own blood and grabbed a building from the island. The cement block was lost to one of the fighters.

To say that the cement block is not fake, but the cement block is at least as large as a room, like a shell, flying from a place less than 50 meters away from the fighter.

For the people of Longbo, this is already a relatively high hit rate. Although it failed to hit the fighter, at least the cement block was thrown into the target radius of 50 meters!

This scene scared the two fighters to pull the heights in an instant. After more than 12,000 meters, the two pilots turned the situation back after calming the heart of the wild.

It is huge in size, strong in defense, capable of resisting machine guns, air-to-air missiles, and capable of throwing stones and other remote attacks.

After receiving this intelligence feedback, the mechanics on the aircraft carrier began to replace the weapons with the second wave of fighters ready to take off.

Air-to-air missiles are not working, so they can only be replaced with anti-ship missiles.

However, with anti-ship missiles, in terms of the payload capacity of the fighters, they can't be installed much. The anti-ship missiles that can directly sink a warship can only be loaded with one shot.

After the arrival of the first wave of fighters with the arrival of the electronic early warning aircraft, the two fighters who initially stared at the Longbo people began to return.

To say that the people of Longbo had actually given the two pilots a good lesson, what is called a raging orangutan can not be provoked.

After the first dragon failed to hit the fighter, it seemed to go crazy. Both hands swayed back and forth, and everything on the island that could be used as a projectile was thrown at the fighter.

More than 10,000 meters of high altitude in front of Long Bo's face as a fart!

Any half of the building will be thrown to the height of more than 20,000 meters!

To be honest, if the projecting skills of the people of the Longbo are not too bad, the two fighters may have been hit by the things thrown by the Longbo people.

But even so, the two pilots were shocked by a cold sweat.

The two fighters went back in vain.

The group of fighters that accompanied the arrival of the electronic early-warning aircraft launched the long-range air-to-air missiles carried by them directly within 40 kilometers.

Under the guidance of an electronic early warning aircraft, those air-to-air missiles rushed toward the Longbo people 40 kilometers away.

After launching the missiles, the fighters did not stop at all, and after a circle they returned to the aircraft carrier formation.

For the results of these air-to-air missiles, even the crew on the electronic early warning aircraft did not hold too much hope.

However, this wave of air-to-air missiles has played a certain advantage after hitting the people of Longbo.

That is, the people of Longbo originally left the island and chased the fighters who fled in the distance. If you follow this trend, I am afraid that it will not take long for the people of Longbo to discover the existence of the aircraft carrier formation and thus the formation of the aircraft carrier. Kill all!

As long as it is close, the people of Longbo want to sink the aircraft carrier formation, which is too simple.

After crossing the forty kilometers, this wave of air-to-air missiles under the guidance of the electronic early warning aircraft accurately hit the head of the Longbo people!

The continuous explosion, the fire and smoke, made the Longbo people seem confused, and seemed to be a little stunned. They stopped on the sea. After the fire and smoke dispersed, the head of the Longbo people turned back and forth on the sea. It seems to be looking for where the attack came from.

But at this time, the people of Longbo have been blown up a bit, and the head has turned a few laps, and they are not sure what direction the enemy is in.

Indeed, for the existence of the Longbo people, only the enemies that are clearly seen in their line of sight can attract their attention.

Like this flying over and exploding, the fighter is out of range of sight, the first time the Longbo people encountered.

Therefore, when the second wave of fighters fired missiles outside the line of sight, the people of the Longbo were still in the same place, seemingly thinking about the enemy's problems.

After more than 50 anti-ship missiles fell off the belly of the fighter plane, they quickly ignited, ignited with fire, and accelerated, eventually rushing toward the Longbo people at Mach 2.5 per hour.

This time, the people of Longbo were able to find the enemy.

Of course, the so-called enemies are those flying anti-ship missiles.

The people of Longbo took the lead in launching a counterattack, reaching out to grab the stones on the small island around them, and the ruins of the concrete building, just like the goddess of flowers, throwing away the anti-ship missiles that were thrown!

I have to say that the hands of the Longbo people did play a role.

More than a dozen of the anti-ship missiles that were flying were detonated in advance, but the remaining 30 anti-ship missiles escaped the result of early detonation and hit the people of Longbo!

These anti-ship missiles are big guys weighing several tons. Even after the world’s largest battleship was hit, it could be blown up.

Change to the current battleship, it will be directly blown into two paragraphs!

Therefore, these anti-ship missiles hit the people of Longbo and said that the fire and smoke emitted by the anti-ship missiles will be much more intense than the previous air-to-air missiles.

Even the fire that broke out at this time shrouded the small half of the body of the Longbo people.

"Did it kill?!"

The tops of the Sam State, who have been watching the battle through satellites, couldn’t help but have a question.

As far as the power of the explosion is concerned, anti-ship missiles can be more than 100 times stronger than air-to-air missiles!

After all, like the fighters flying in the sky, a few kilograms of *** can destroy them all, but the battleships are different, even if they are hit by heavy artillery shells, it is difficult to hit and sink.

If more than 30 anti-ship missiles are hit accurately, almost all of the aircraft carrier formations can be ruined.

But such a powerful firepower falls on this huge monster, whether it is effective or not, no one can tell.

Finally, with the violent sea breeze, the smog and smoke generated by the anti-ship missiles dissipated, revealing a huge body.

"Not dead! It is not dead!"

As the arm of the Longbo people moved a little, a presidential think tank could not help but scream.

But as the Longbo people violently jumped on the island, squirming on the island, and even hammering the island with their fists, the top of the Sam in the conference room became silent.

This is not dead, there is nothing to do at all?

The situation that can be seen now is that the hair of the Longbo people seems to have been blown up by a violent explosion. Some of them are a little bit burnt, but on the whole, it seems that they are not injured at all!

Look at the anger at this time, even more spirited than before.

In fact, when I saw a wave of anti-ship missiles falling towards the people of Longbo, Wei Xiaobei’s heart was relieved.

Undoubtedly, with the fall of this wave of anti-ship missiles, the people of Longbo were completely angered.

From this time, Sam State officially took over the anger of the people of Longbo. (To be continued.)

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