The City of Terror

Chapter 1274: Dragon daisy

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The reason is very simple. Wei Xiaobei can see the description of the battle on the property panel, and see the hostility of the Longbo people in the direction. As long as Wei Xiaobei is no more than 30 kilometers away from the Longbo people, then it can be in the property panel. These are shown on the list.

The two fighters did not attract the attention or hostility of the people of Longbo, and the hostility of the people of Longbo was still on Wei Xiaobei.

From the beginning of the city of Green Lake to the present, Wei Xiaobei's frequent swaying, the relationship between the Longbo people and Wei Xiaobei from the initial cold, soared to hostility.

However, after the air-to-air missile hit the people of Longbo, the relationship between the people of Longbo and Sam was raised from coldness to hostility, and this wave of anti-ship missiles rose directly to hatred!

To say that in this relationship, hatred is the most advanced in the negative relationship.

That is to say, in this relationship, the people of Longbo will only launch a crazy attack if they see any humans in the Samo State, even ships, planes and buildings!

And there is a greater chance to guide the people of Longbo to the country of Sam.

After all, such a strong presence as the Longbo people, although it seems to be a little road idiot, but it has arrived at this place, casually run to the country of Sam.

The most critical issue here is that if the people of Longbo are chasing the hostile relationship of Wei Xiaobei, once there is a hatred of "the wind", "there is no such thing as the appearance of the Sam State ship." The people will immediately turn to chase the Sam State ship with a higher level of negative relationship.

Thanks Sam!

Wei Xiaobei feels that what he needs to do next is left to watch the show.

See how the battle between Sam and the people of Longbo.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei sometimes has some bad character. He even lie on the sea at this time, take a bottle of drink from the storage ring and watch it while drinking.

Of course, at this time, both sides of the sea battle are not likely to notice a person lying on the sea in the distance.

The people of Longbo have been very angry, and at this time the aircraft carrier formation received an order directly from the hex building, using cruise missiles to deal with monsters!

This is the result of the attack plan that many senior staff officers of the Hexagon Building gathered all the intelligence.

From the current situation, the weapons carried by the fighters are basically impossible to pose any threat to the giant.

In this way, you can only use more powerful weapons.

Such as heavy bombs carried by heavy bombers, remote large laser launchers and the like.

The problem is that even the most recent heavy bombers need to fly more than 2,000 nautical miles to reach the battlefield, while remote large-scale aurora launchers are now mostly installed near important military projects in Samo, and a few are installed on several new warships tested. It is even more distant from the water.

For now, in addition to strategic-level weapons, the only weapons that can be used as soon as possible are the cruise missiles carried by the aircraft carrier formation itself.

This cruise missile carries a powerful earth-moving warhead that can be drilled into the ground for a hundred meters of explosion!

Its power is imaginable.

And such cruise missiles are within the scope of conventional weapons, and even large-scale use will not cause fear and protest from other countries.

With the issuance of orders, the aircraft carrier formations beyond the two hundred nautical miles of the Longbo people adjusted their combat plans.

The original three-defense type disintegrated, a cruiser and destroyers drove out formation formations, lining up in a row in front, and one missile well was quickly erected. The sailors were busy and doing the final preparations for the missile launch.

At this time, the first wave of attacking aircraft has returned, hovering over the fleet, and successively landed on the aircraft carrier.

After the landing, the pilots crawled out of the plane one by one, letting the ground crew drive the car and drag their favorite fighters back to the hangar.

No way, for them, the fighters they drove could not cause any harm to the giant, which made them unacceptable!

You know, in the past fighting career, whether it is the goal of heaven or the goal of the ground, seeing them appear, they will be shaken and then flee.

But the giants are too big, so big that they can't give birth to confrontation!

Especially after modern weapons and equipment have not hurt them, this psychological shadow has become bigger and bigger.

However, the missile wells erected on a warship quickly rekindled their passion.

They glanced at the missile wells, and in their minds, they imagined the launching of the cruise missile to kill the giant.


A series of white smoke fires erupted from the bottom of the missile well. A cruise missile hit the sky and rushed to the height of hundreds of meters, and then turned to fly away in the distance under the guidance of the satellite.

At this time, after the Longbo people vented their anger, they seemed to feel hungry, and then they sank into the nearby seabed and began to look for food.

Seeing this scene from the satellite, the seniors of the Sam State who were sitting in the conference room could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Obviously, if this giant does not appear on the bottom of the sea, then the flying cruise missiles are still playing a fart. Although there are ground-drilling warheads on it, it is impossible to drill into the bottom of the sea to fight?

Be aware that this cruise missile has no ability to attack underwater!

Can't hit the underwater target!

This is not a dedicated anti-submarine missile!

Fortunately, the speed of cruise missiles is not fast. It takes a lot of time to fly from more than 200 nautical miles. Therefore, although the seniors of the Sam State are worried, they can still remain calm.

Sure enough, after more than 20 minutes passed, the Longbo people re-drilled the sea, but it seemed that they could not find too much food.

Indeed, this area is not the active waters of giant creatures such as whales, giant squids, etc. Although there is a small island, the surrounding water is not too deep, attracting a lot of fish, but it is such a huge monster for the people of Longbo. In terms of things, those fish are not so happy at all, and there are giant creatures such as whales that are comfortable to eat.

The cruise missiles are flying at subsonic speeds, so more than two hundred nautical miles are required to fly for more than twenty minutes.

It was not long before the people of Longbo had just emerged from the sea, and a cruise missile appeared.

It can be said that the aircraft carrier formation was considered a sigh of relief. After erecting from the missile well, it basically did not stop. A cruise missile continuously flew out of the missile well until the deck at the bottom of the missile well became red.

In this tone, the cruise missiles that the aircraft carrier formations were fully loaded were enough to support a medium-sized battle.

One hundred and sixty-seven cruise missiles!

These cruise missiles formed a long strip, and it was the people of the Longbo.

The people of Longbo did not respond to what was going on. The skull was exposed to the sea, and then the small half of the body supported the island and emerged. It was just caught by the flying cruise missile.


This cruise missile can penetrate hundreds of meters of soil by the impact of its own weight acceleration!

The impact is imaginable.

The 167 cruise missiles almost formed a straight line, which continuously hit the chest of the Longbo people, and then exploded!

When the people of Longbo supported the number of times of interest, they could no longer support it. When they leaned back, the body fell into the sea and tilted the two giant legs and even the buttocks.

Of course, this does not necessarily mean that the people of Longbo have no strength, but the posture of the people of Longbo is not so good. The continuous bombardment of cruise missiles directly destroys the balance of the people of Longbo. What is important is that the island that Longbo people used to support themselves can no longer withstand the tremendous power that has been transmitted, breaking the small half.

The giant legs of the Longbo people, the buttocks turned up, even if it was bloody, the remaining more than 20 cruise missiles even plunged into its small chrysanthemum, and then rushed into a distance and exploded!

It can be said that the previous bombardment was on the chest, and the people of Longbo were not screaming, but now, they have been given a burst of missiles!

The people of Longbo suddenly rushed out of the sea, and two giant hands licked their buttocks and planted them into the sea.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei is somewhat unbearable.

How cruel this Sam is, this part has not started, Sam has actually started, how poisonous!

Of course, seeing such a coincidental scene, the top executives of the Sam State who are sitting in the conference room really don’t know if they should laugh or be serious.

In a word, that is oh!

To say that the chrysanthemum was blasted, the giant might not be hurt, but it is not very nice to say it.

So what is the Sam’s aircraft carrier formation that used the missile to explode the little chrysanthemum of the monster? ! !

Extraordinary news!

Ok, anyway, it’s a good thing to be able to hit the giant.

The top executives of Sam’s country finally chose to ignore the problem of the attack site, but instead focused on identifying the giant’s injury.

However, at this time, the people of Longbo fell into the sea and seemed to have sunk. It has not appeared for a long time.

With the use of satellites, it is impossible to see the situation of the people of Longbo.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, the top of the Samo State ordered that the two nuclear attack submarines of the aircraft carrier formation went to the sea to check the situation.

Of course, the distance of more than two hundred nautical miles is not too short for two nuclear attack submarines.

But the top officials of Sam's country can afford to wait, as long as they can be sure that the giant is hanging, then it is a big victory for Sam!

This principle is very simple. Huaxia seems to have no way to take this giant. In the end, it was killed by the Sam State. The deep meaning of this is still used by people?

We must know that in the past few decades, Sam’s country has had some envy and hatred for the Chinese nation that has risen and occupied the throne of the world. (To be continued.)

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