The City of Terror

Chapter 1293: Special offer?

It’s strange, the poor road has a good night’s sleep, how do you suddenly want to go to sleep, sleepy, strange, strange things, is it a poor sleeper?

Moreover, it can be heard from his words that his character has not changed, or he is somewhat timid, cautious, but somewhat cowardly, and there is no such murderousness in his body. ┡

That is to say, its strength improvement is not the result of its killing of ghosts and so on.

Then, the improvement of its strength can only be related to one thing.

It is related to the identity of the priest.

Looked at the priest and signaled the other side to show their strength.

For the request of the Pope, the Lord's sacrifice is naturally not to be rejected.

Called an ordinary priest, the main sacrifice released several spells on the other side.

There are treatments that can heal wounds, divine powers that enhance the power of believers, and magical techniques that enhance believers.

Ok, exactly, it should be called magic!

In the words of the Lord's sacrifice, this is the power that the Sun God has given to himself.

But to be honest, the power of these spells is very small. For example, the treatment can only cure one and a half centimeters of wounds. The divine power is probably one-fifth of the believer's strength. .

But when the main sacrifice released the few magical techniques, Wei Xiaobei now, there was a pale golden connection between the main sacrifice and the statue, and a mysterious force was introduced through this gold line. That Lord sacrifices the body!

That's it!

When I saw this, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

It seems that this statue gives power to the main sacrifice!

It is no wonder that Wei Xiaobei saw that the physical quality of the main sacrifice was only a little stronger than ordinary humans.

It turned out that this power was given by the gods!

After understanding this point, Wei Xiaobei was somewhat intolerant of talking to the main sacrifice. After slightly complimenting the other party, he let the main sacrifice retreat.

When Wei Xiaobei entered the church and looked at the statue, the statue now makes him feel a little smart.

When Wei Bei took out the divinity from the idol, he realized that his feelings were correct.

This divinity has produced a little intelligence!

This is probably the shortcoming of the fireball not yet officially sealed.

Even the divine nature cut from the fireball, put into the image of the gods, accepting the long-term worship of many believers, because the time between the body and the body is too long, so that the divine nature produces intelligence!

Wei Xiaobei sighed, cutting a small part from the divine, put it into the image, and the remaining divinity was temporarily stored in the storage ring.

Obviously, there are only two roads to choose from Wei Xiaobei.

One of them is that Wei Xiaobei needs to travel frequently between China and East China to cut the divine nature and prevent divinity from producing his own intelligence.

The second is to let the fireball seal up as soon as possible! Then the divinity in this statue should not have any problems.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei worried that if he was delayed by something, it would be late, and that the statue would have a higher intelligence, which would cause great trouble.

After all, this divine nature is now able to grant the Lord's ritual to the Lord's Sacrifice. Although it is only a weak magical technique, what will happen when this divinity has a higher intelligence?

No one knows this, even Wei Xiaobei can't guess.

Of course, after Wei Xiaobei will divinely cut and harvest, he will have a certain influence on the main sacrifice, and the magic power he gains will be weakened.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei can not have too many ideas. Anyway, like the high-level churches above these main sacrifices, they will not join the battle unless they are forced to do so.

It can be said that even if someone is injured, the Lord's sacrifice will not be easily treated.

This is the main sacrifice, the honorable Lord's sacrifice in the church, not the big radish everywhere!

After harvesting the divine, Wei Xiaobei just greeted the main sacrifice and left the base.

Once I knew that this divinity might cause trouble, Wei Xiaobei could not stay too much time in this base.

For the departure of Wei Xiaobei, the main sacrifice was naturally unrelenting, but the decision of a pope was not something that the main sacrifice could stop.

In the middle of the night, the main sacred patriots sent Wei Xiaobei with a tens of thousands of believers.

Well, to be honest, this kind of behavior, Wei feels a little cool, a rare vanity pleasure comes to mind, but to be honest, this is too late!

Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei went to the second base, there was no bright light coming in, but quietly sneaked in. After harvesting the divine, he quietly left, and no one in the base was sneaking away from Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei spent about a day and a half to turn over more than a dozen sun **** human bases under Kyushu Island.

Only after harvesting the divine nature of all the gods on the island of Hondu, Wei Xiaobei appeared in the headquarters of the Helios Church, a large human base.

Obviously, for the sudden appearance of Wei Xiaobei, the faces of the big master sacrifices showed a complex look.

First, Wei Xiaobei is their big backing. In the period after Wei Xiaobei left Dongpu, even the number of ghosts in the wild is decreasing rapidly, but these big priests are not practical.

They even have nightmares in the evening, dreaming that the base was attacked by ghosts and they were eaten by ghosts.

Therefore, after the appearance of Wei Xiaobei, their inexplicable feelings added a sense of security.

But the problem is that during the period after Wei Xiaobei’s departure, these great sacrifices can be regarded as feeling their own power like a human emperor!

No matter where they go, those believers will fall to the ground and pray for the blessing of the sun **** to these great sacrifices.

The food they eat is the best, the woman who enjoys is the most beautiful!

Whoever wants to die, whoever has to die!

In short, the Great Sacrifice is in the place where the sun **** beliefs are shrouded, that is, the highest position of power!

Even some time ago, some military bases assisted by Sam’s country sent personnel to request several major sacrifices to host the mass ceremonies.

If you are not worried that a few of them have been rushed to get caught or killed, these big master sacrifices will pass.

But anyway, it makes them feel good!

But now, Wei Xiaobei, the pope, is back.

Suddenly, there is another superior above the top of his head, which undoubtedly makes them feel a little uncomfortable, well, accurate, it is not very comfortable!

It is like an emperor. After he was enthroned, he was still not happy for a few days. Suddenly there was an extraordinary emperor on his head. If he pointed himself to himself, I am afraid that the emperor would not feel too comfortable.

Of course, even if this is the case, these big main sacrifices did not dare to defend anything, trying to suppress the discomfort in their hearts, and squatting toward Wei Xiaobei, indicating that they obey the rule of Wei Xiaobei!

Looking at a few big master sacrifices in front of him, Wei Xiaobei's face showed a trace of ironic smile.

Wei Xiaobei is not a fool. How can he not guess the thoughts in these big lords?

In fact, from the time of leaving Dongpu, Wei Xiaobei knew that these big sacrifices would not be willing to return afterwards.

This is human nature!

No matter how much I used to save them and bring them to this position, how much is it! As long as they are used to the emperor's power, then they will not be willing to have another ruler on their heads!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei will not threaten them about this kind of thing, but he seems to have no idea what they think, with a smile on his face, encouragement of the work of the great sacrificial offerings, and then rewards. They have some potions.

Obviously, the potion made with the world sap is still very heavy in the hearts of these great priests.

After all, this is a life-saving baby!

Therefore, after getting the potion, these big sacrifices expressed their surrender to Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, as long as these big main sacrifices are not against themselves, Wei Xiaobei will not move them for the time being.

After all, the Sun God is now a big church. If you change the high level frequently, the turbulence caused by this is more troublesome, which is not conducive to collecting divinity.

After a sumptuous banquet, the several great sacrifices brought Wei Xiaobei to the most gorgeous room in the base, and I was extremely scared.

After Wei Xiaobei sat in his room for a while, he knew that the big master sacrifices had gathered in a secret room underground.

Obviously, they should probably discuss how to deal with the Pope Wei Xiaobei.

However, even if these big sacrifices were gathered in the secret room to plot, they brought some trouble to Wei Xiaobei.

When the door knocked, Wei Xiaobei could feel the outside of the wooden door made of huanghuali without opening the door, standing more than a dozen charming girls.

They were all wrapped in white bath towels, and naturally there was nothing to wear inside.

Undoubtedly, this is the night event that several great sacrifices arranged for the Pope.

Well, I have to say that the arrangement of these big sacrifices is difficult for most men to refuse.

But Wei Xiaobei refused through the door.

However, the problem is that the wooden doors are not open, and the girls are standing there and not leaving, which makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat helpless.

When the wooden door was opened, more than a dozen girls sneaked into the door.

Wei Xiaobei did not stop them. After closing the wooden door, I looked at the girls who had already pulled the bath towel down to reveal the beautiful figure.

What is your name, where are you from, and what are your loved ones?

Well, Wei Xiaobei originally intended to ask questions casually, and then sent these girls out of the air, so as not to delay their own affairs.

Who knows that these girls, after saying their names, all said that they are orphans, that their parents and relatives have been killed by ghosts, and that they are willing to serve the great sun gods.

If Wei Xiaobei does not accept them, they would rather be eaten by ghosts! (To be continued.) 8

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