The City of Terror

Chapter 1295: And the strange reflection on the river (6000 words)

Today, I feel that the writer's area is a bit problematic. The speed response is very slow and slow. Because I worry about the writer's special area, the poor road will not dare to neglect. After only two chapters are finished, the two chapters will be updated! Also please brothers and sisters genuine subscription support, the poor road here thank you! ——

At this point, Wei Xiaobei can only sigh, and after stunning these girls, they are thrown into the green wood.

Well, these girls all say that Wei Xiaobei feels that he is not the kind of person who can watch a girl to commit suicide. I simply throw these girls into the Aomu Fudi. Anyway, Aoki Fudi still needs a lot of servants. This is Booked in advance.

After solving the noise of the girls, Wei Xiaobei stood in the room and entered the gray world!

Just a blink of an eye, when Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes again, the room in front of him became dilapidated.

The wooden floor that has been in disrepair for a long time is full of big wooden beds that are blinking and even chandeliers that have fallen off the top of the head.

All show it, here is the gray world!

Well, the large mirror on the dressing table in the room looked quite new, which made Wei Xiaobei frown, and the right hand grabbed a piece of sawdust from the wooden bed and shot it toward the big mirror.

Puff puff!

A series of cracking sounds came, and the large mirror on the dressing table became the broken glass of the ground.

This is not Wei Xiaobei's destruction, but Wei Xiaobei feels that there is a relatively new mirror in such a dilapidated room, which seems to be a bit strange!

You know, Wei Xiaobei’s only thing that has been scared so far is the horrible footsteps he encountered in that strange building!

And the horrible footsteps finally sat down in front of the dressing table, and the scene that appeared in the mirror at that time, Wei Xiaobei now remembered, some are not very comfortable.

In short, Wei Xiaobei is now defensive!

Regardless of whether the mirror is really weird, kill it directly!

Well, fortunately, the mirror was broken, Wei Xiaobei did not hear any strange things, which made Wei Xiaobei feel more comfortable.

Before coming to the door, Wei Xiaobei pushed open the broken wooden door.


What appeared in front of Wei Xiaobei was a green grass, not a dilapidated corridor.

Wei Xiaobei probe looked at it, the place where he was is a dilapidated log cabin, and the room he was in before was only the only one in this cabin!

There is nothing wrong with the grass, just a very common grass.

In front of the wooden door is a dense forest, a few kilometers away from the left hand is a small river, the right hand is actually a temple!

Wei Xiaobei went to the back of the cabin and looked at it. In the distance, it was a snow-capped mountain. Wei Xiaobei felt familiar when he looked at it, and his memory was slightly reflected in his mind.

Oh, I understand that the snow-capped mountain is actually the most famous pumice mountain in Dongpu!

This pumice mountain, Wei Xiaobei said that even when he came to Dongpu last time, he did not go to the site. However, there are too many materials on the Internet. It is a very representative place in Dongpu, so Wei Xiaobei has long been old. understood.

Having said that, Wei Xiaobei feels a bit strange.

The real place where you can enter the gray world can be called one of the largest human gathering places in Dongpu!

Under the efforts of the general people, this human base is more than 60 meters high! It accommodates nearly two million people! This was originally a base built on the ruins of a city, so the number of buildings within it is imaginable.

The problem is that after Wei Xiaobei entered the gray world, the building he lived in turned out to be a broken log cabin, and the entire human base failed to leave any shadow in the gray world!

This kind of thing is somewhat different from Wei Xiaobei’s previous understanding of the gray world.

In Wei Xiaobei's view, as long as there are enough people in reality to think about a certain problem, then it is possible to form something in the gray world, and in reality a large number of buildings will also have their own projections in the gray world!

The theory that Wei Xiaobei developed was basically reliable in the previous experience.

But now, a large human base has not projected any traces in the gray world, so Wei Xiaobei is somewhat strange.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei just feels a bit strange, and is not willing to put too much energy into it.

Where to go?

Wei Xiaobei feels that this is his most critical issue at the moment!

The forest in the distance ahead, the small river in the left hand, the temple in the right hand, or the pumice mountain in the back?

Another problem is that after Mao entered the gray world, he did not see a ghost?

Just when Wei Xiaobei stood by the cabin and considered these two questions, the mirror that was broken by Wei Xiaobei in the room before, um, accurately, should be on a piece of debris in hundreds of mirror fragments. There was a man in a black inverted shirt with a black cloth on his face, standing with one hand up, his eyes seemingly staring at the world outside the mirror fragments.

Go to the left hand of the river!

Wei Xiaobei's time is not long, and he thinks that there are no ghosts, so there are only two reasons.

The first reason is that this is not a place where ghosts are infested.

The second reason is because this is a restricted area for other ghosts!

It is like the weird hut on the downtown area of ​​the Grey Lake Green Lake!

Well, at the thought of this may be the reason, Wei Xiaobei inexplicably has a chilly back, it feels like there is someone in this cabin who is peeking at himself!

However, Wei Xiaobei carefully sensed the situation inside the cabin, but found that there was no movement in the cabin.

Wei Xiaobei's brow slightly wrinkled, to say that for such a hunch, Wei Xiaobei has experienced many times.

He absolutely believes in this feeling.

Although he could not sense any movement in the cabin, Wei Xiaobei was not willing to stay near the cabin. He turned and walked toward the river hundreds of meters away.

Of course, even if it is going to the river, Wei Xiaobei’s attention is mostly placed on the cabin behind him. Wei Xiaobei hopes that the guy hiding in the cabin will watch him leave, and what will happen? Even if it is quietly behind you!

However, I was disappointed. Even when Wei Bei went to the small river, there was no movement from the cabin.

Hey, when Wei Xiaobei was half-focused on the log cabin, the clear river suddenly separated, and only heard a slamming sound. A green Kappa grabbed a fork with his hands. I rushed over to Wei Xiaobei.

It can be seen from the disgusting saliva flowing out of the mouth of the river boy that this Kappa might have made Wei Xiaobei a fat food!

Of course, even if Wei Xiaobei puts all his attention on the log cabin, the Kappa who is rushing will not pose any threat to Wei Xiaobei!

Wei Xiaobei didn't look at the Kappa. The right hand stretched out a lightly shot. The Kappa didn't even have a chance to get close to Wei Xiaobei. He was shot down by Wei Xiaobei several meters away, but it has not yet Dropped on the surface of the water, the body has been squashed like a pancake!

With a bang, the flattered Kappa fell into the water and dyed the surrounding river into a pale green.

However, with the death of this river boy, this small river seems to have exploded.

A head of the river boy broke the river and rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei came to a gathering place of Kappa!

These river children were not intimidated by the guardian Xiaobei, but they were full of greed.

For these Kappa, the stronger the human being, the more delicious the meat is! If you can tear a piece of meat from this human body, then your strength can be improved a lot!

Indeed, for the ghosts of Dongpu, human beings are undoubtedly the best tonic!

The stronger the human strength, the faster the strength will rise after they have eaten!

It is precisely because of this that after these ghosts invade the reality, Dongpu will be eaten sparingly by these ghosts.

For these appearances of the river boy, Wei Xiaobei frowned, his left leg slammed in the sand on the riverside, and suddenly he poked a gravel and was kicked out by Wei Xiaobei. It turned into a sand mist and slid toward the river children who rushed.

Those Kappa didn't even have time to react, and they were shot by the fine gravel.

The next time the Kappa rushed, the body that had rushed to the park stopped on the river, and then there were countless tiny holes in the body that fell into the water.

It must be said that the ghost creature level of this Dongpu is not low, but its strength is not proportional to its biological level.

Take these Kappa, their biological grades are basically Samsung ordinary.

In the gray world of China, Samsung's ordinary monsters are very strong.

For example, Akasaka and others, they fight, and to be honest, even Wei Xiaobei needs to be cautious.

Here, the ghosts in the gray world of Dongpu, these Kappa, when they rushed toward Wei Xiaobei, they just picked up the river. The main way of fighting is to rely on melee, and the rivers driven by it are basically not much. Lethality.

It can be said that if these river children are thrown into the Chinese gray world, a two-star horrible Dang Kang can chase them to escape!

To say that in the Chinese gray world, the biological level is not proportional to the combat strength, such as the four-star ordinary deer!

The problem is that even the deer who is so timid is so eager to push it, and its strength will not be lower than the bottom line of the four stars.

To put it simply, Luhan’s combat power is not low, but his courage is too small to play.

The ghosts of Dongpu are basically the existence of creatures above the combat strength.

Of course, for this kind of thing, Wei Xiaobei is a welcome attitude.

If this is not the case, Wei Xiaobei will not choose to go to Dongpu to collect the ghost body.

Before and after the countdown, the river boy in this small river was killed by Wei Xiaobei.

The body of the Hundred-headed Kappa was directly sent to the Aomu Fudi by Wei Xiaobei. During the period, Wei Xiaobei also found several Kappa with divinity.

Of course, this is not surprising. In the history of Dongpu, the river gods of many rivers are actually played by Kappa. In many places, the Dongpu people will also put sushi and other foods into the river at the birth of the river god. Pray for good weather.

However, when Wei Xiaobei sent the body of the river boy to Qingmu Fudi, Wei Xiaobei felt it and looked at the calm river.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei’s fist went down the river!


A loud noise, the river rises into the sky, after a short time, the river falls, and there is a downpour on the river!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei has returned to the riverside, staring at the constantly stirring river, but in the mind before the scene!

The Guardian Xiaobei is clear enough to reflect the gray sky, like a mirror in the river, seeing a person!

A man in black, with one hand holding his body upside down!

Wei Xiaobei sees it very clearly! That is the scenery reflected from the river!

The problem is that there is no inverted black man on the river! Even the river man does not have this black man!

The black man only appeared in the reflection of the river that served as a mirror!

How is this going?

To be honest, this is the first time that Wei Xiaobei has seen such a strange thing besides the strange footsteps of a strange hut!

Is it illusion?

Wei Xiaobei shook his head, and in his own eyes, even if it was enough to cover up his own vision, Wei Xiaobei could easily detect it!

Moreover, most of the illusion can be seen by Wei Xiaobei at a glance!

That is not an illusion!

Wei Xiaobei can be sure of this!

So what is going on here?

Wei Xiaobei has some silence. Wei Xiaobei had been psychologically prepared for the situation that may have been encountered in the gray world of Dongpu. However, Wei Xiaobei really did not consider this strange situation.

However, Wei Xiaobei seems to see a strange wave of space!

But the volatility of the space was so slight that Wei Xiaobei did not dare to judge whether it really existed.


Wei Xiaobei feels that if he does not give this guy who is hiding behind, he will not be too comfortable during this time in the East Grey world.

Think about it, in such an environment where there are ghosts jumping out at any time, behind you are a guy who doesn't know what it is, can you feel comfortable in your heart?

Wei Xiaobei stood on the bank of the river, and the river that had stirred up before began to calm down with the passage of time.

Soon, the fog in the sky reflected on the river.

The black man is gone?

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze swept across the river and felt a little confused.

Was the guy scared away?

There is only the reflection of Wei Xiaobei on the river, which makes Wei Xiaobei think about whether he is hiding first and seeing the patience of the guy.

At this time, on the river, behind the reflection of Wei Xiaobei, a black man suddenly appeared, and a thin wire between his hands was put on the neck of Wei Xiaobei's reflection!

call! Hey!

Wei Xiaobei, who seemed to be a little absent-minded, moved at the moment, and the fist in his left hand was a punch that went down the river.

A loud bang came and the river rose again.

Still not hitting anything!

When the river level is at the same time, only the reflection of Wei Xiaobei is left on the river, and the black man has disappeared without a trace!

Wei Xiaobei’s heart is inexplicably angry and rising.

It is like an elephant being played by a monkey!

The elephant can easily step on the monkey's foot into a meat sauce, but because the monkey can easily get on the tree, the elephant is played frequently, but the monkey can't do anything!

Especially at this time, Wei Xiaobei suddenly found a white print on his neck!

The black man in the reflection actually attacked himself!

To be honest, if your skin is not strong enough, I am afraid that there will be a **** mouth on Wei Xiaobei’s neck.

Anyway, grab him!

Wei Xiaobei stared at the river and did not move half a point.

But I don't know if the black man felt that Wei Xiaobei had raised his vigilance. What happened? In the following time, the black man never appeared in the reflection of the river.

The existence of the gray world is basically a myth and legend in reality, novels, movies, games, etc., which have a little influence in the human heart.

What is the man in black?

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed on the river, and his mind began to flip the myths and legends of Dongpu and other things in an attempt to find the identity of the man in black.

But after Wei Xiaobei knew that Dongpu’s myths and legends, novels, and the like had been turned over in his mind, Wei Xiaobei could not find the black man’s description.

To tell the truth, Wei Xiaobei feels like this black man is so strange, it should be considered relatively famous.

Wei Wei Xiaobei is not found!

Is it the gray world practitioner?

Wei Xiaobei shook his head, and the black man was definitely not a gray world!

If it is a gray-level experiencer, there will be no trace of gray residue left on the river at this time!

I will definitely find the origin of this black man!

Wei Xiaobei bit his teeth and suddenly turned his body, so he left the river.

Just as Wei Xiaobei left the river, the reflection of the black man suddenly appeared on the river.

Something is different from the previous form. At this time, the man in black is vomiting blood, his eyes are visible from the river, and he is staring at the back of Wei Xiaobei.

But looking at its look, there is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei has some taboos.

Wei Xiaobei is ready to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment, so as not to have anything to do, he does not even know where to escape.

Leaving the river, Wei Xiaobei circled the road and went to the forest in front of the cabin.

From a common sense, the temple in the right hand of the cabin must be a ghost, and the pumice mountain in the back, the ghosts inside will probably be even more powerful!

Therefore, from a certain perspective, the forest should be weaker.

Outside the forest is a patch of shrubs, but Wei Xiaobei soon found a path into the forest.

There are a lot of footprints left on the road. Obviously, this path is often passed by.

The problem is, those ghosts also need to go from the path?

Wei Xiaobei stood on the small road, and his eyes looked thoughtfully toward the tall trees on both sides of the path.

As far as we can see, the trees that make up this forest are mostly pine trees.

In this place of Dongpu, pine trees are not unusual, but the problem is that normal pine trees should be straight.

But here, the pine trees that Wei Xiaobei saw were grotesque, so the height was only three meters. This seems to be a bit weird.

Wei Xiaobei reached out and took a palm on top of a pine tree in front of him.


An eccentric sharp voice rang, and the pine tree trunk suddenly broke from Wei Xiaobei's palm, and the whole pine tree fell.

But let Wei Xiaobei's brow slightly wrinkled, but the trunk breaks out a black-red sap, which looks like a bit similar to blood.

As the pine tree breaks, it seems to send a signal.

The pine trees around have shook up, and they are pulling out the roots that have been drilled into the ground!

Obviously, these pine trees are not ordinary pine trees, but a ghost!

Wei Xiaobei directly released everything from a pine tree that was struggling to extract roots.

Name: Wood Charm

Race: Wood Charm

Gender: None

Age: 2 years old

Biology level: two-star horror

Introduction: This wood charm is also known as the tree charm. It is one of the ancient ghosts of Dongpu. It is said that they live in a soul. If the villagers cut them down, then the village will suffer disaster.

Weakness: flame

Attribute: (omitted)

Skill: Root walking

Special ability: absorb yang

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None

It turned out that, of course, the hiding power of these wood charms is still very strong, even Wei Xiaobei could not see the bottom of them before, just feel that these pine trees are not right, just take a hand.

Two-star horror?

The strength is too weak.

What is the biggest purpose of Wei Xiaobei's entry into the Dongpu gray world? Isn't it the collection of ghost bodies?

Therefore, the wood charms have not been completely pulled out, and Wei Xiaobei grabbed the fallen pine trunk and swept it around.

Under the giant force of Wei Xiaobei, the pine trunk is like a giant stick. In a blink of an eye, the wooden charms of the sweep are swept away!

The black blood suddenly picked up from the broken trunk, and there was a sharp scream of wood charm.

However, it is really not very reliable to say that the trunk of this wooden charm, Wei Xiaobei only swept the second, the wooden charm trunk can not withstand the power of Wei Xiaobei, suddenly broke.

Next, Wei Xiaobei simply did not pick up the trunk again, and the fit rushed into the wood charm group that began to surround this side.

To say that to deal with these weak ghosts, Wei Xiaobei is all over the body, nowhere is not a weapon!

Punch and kick the shoulders!

Less than ten minutes before and after, the wood charms that pulled out the roots were broken by the trunk.

For ghosts like Mumei, the broken trunk is undoubtedly the same as death.

It can also be seen that the ghost strength of these Dongpu is indeed much weaker than the monsters of the same level in China.

As a piece of wood charm becomes a debris that falls to the ground, more pine trees in the forest are active.

It is said that the pine trees in this forest are not all wood charms, but at least there are more than three thousand wood charms.

But the more than three thousand wood charms in front of Wei Xiaobei are even more sad than the sheep encountering the lion.

After killing and killing for a while, Wei Xiaobei felt that it was not too cool to rely on his fists. He simply took the ink from the storage ring.

This ink was shot in the hand, Wei Xiaobei’s melee attack range instantly expanded several times.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei did not need any tricks. He only needed to sweep out. Anyone who entered the sweeping wood charm would be swept away in an instant, and there would be no chance to fight back. (To be continued.)

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