The City of Terror

Chapter 1297: , Ghost Temple, Ghost Waiting (6000 words)

Hematemesis, how is the speed of the network today? It takes only an hour to log in and refresh the update page! Or two chapters in one, if you let the poor road divide into two chapters, it will kill people.

For Wei Xiaobei, these wood charms are probably ants, and the ones that are gently stepped on are dead.

When Wei Xiaobei killed the last wooden charm, the forest had become empty.

But then again, this wood charm does not seem to have much emotion, just like a robot, even if Wei Xiaobei swept a large piece, these wood charms have no idea of ​​trying to escape, just relying on Wei Xiaobei, trying to Wei Xiaobei bite a piece of meat.

After killing more than 3,000 wooden charms, Wei Xiaobei’s heart suddenly became a lot of comfort, and the slightest depression brought about by the strange incident on the riverside also dissipated.

After the wood charms were sent to Aoki Fudi, Wei Xiaobei pointed his eyes at the temple.

Wei Xiaobei has a time from difficulty to difficulty, but also from easy to difficult.

This time, Wei Xiaobei chose from easy to difficult.

However, even if he focused on the temple, Wei Xiaobei walked through the forest and looked at the other side of the forest.

What makes Wei Xiaobei amazed is that the other side of the forest turned out to be a farmland. Looking at the crops that are growing, Wei Xiaobei feels like he is back to reality.

When will the gray world grow such a lush crop?

Although there is such a scene in the Baita City Temple, it is because the Chenghuang Temple is self-contained, and it has its own space and gathers the aura.

But to say that there are any problems with these crops, Wei Xiaobei really did not see it, and three kilometers away, Wei Xiaobei even saw a village with smoke and smoke!

However, Wei Xiaobei did not go to the village, but turned back to the forest.

Any gray world is basically boundless. Wei Xiaobei just explores the surrounding terrain at this time, and there is no need to run too far.

When he stood in front of the temple, Wei Xiaobei had a thoughtful look at the temple.

The temple looked rather worn and the walls were somewhat incomplete, but the hall inside looked more majestic and the floor was clean and neat.

Wei Xiaobei did not stand in front of the temple for a long time, and saw a monk coming out of the hall.

If you just look at the surface, the monk is very old, his face is covered with wrinkles, even the eyebrows are snow white, with a smile on his face, looking kind and eye-catching.

"This donor, coming from afar, also invites to rest in the temple, and the impoverishment has already prepared a lovely vegetarian food for the donor."

I have to say that this monk is extremely hospitable. Even if Wei Wei is not asked by anyone, he will invite Wei Xiaobei to enjoy the food.

Of course, if it is an ordinary person, it will probably be cheated.

However, in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes, the monk’s body constantly appeared yin, his eyes were red, and his body glowed with blood-red shimmer.

This is not a curse at all, but a ghost!

The distance is far away, but it is not very clear. But when Wei Xiaobei stood at the gate of the temple, he could feel a lot of yin in the temple, and there was a stench in the air.

Undoubtedly, this ghost is trying to trick Wei Xiaobei into the hall. As for what he wants to do, he wants to taste the fat of Wei Xiaobei.

Everything is familiar!

This kind of ghost, Wei Xiaobei was the first time he saw it, and in addition to the yin that continued to emerge, his own breath converges in place, and even Wei Xiaobei is difficult to judge its biological level.

Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei fell in the voice of the monks, he did not hesitate to start all things, and his eyes were fixed on the monks.

Suddenly, this embarrassing property list emerged in the Wei Xiaobei line of sight.

Name: Ghosts

Race: Spiritual

Gender: None

Age: 291 years old

Bio Rating: Samsung Horror

Introduction: Ghosts are the spirits bound by ghost temples. When a monk enters a ghost temple, he will be swallowed by the ghost temple. His soul is bound to the ghost temple and turned into a ghost! As a spiritual body bound by a ghost temple, when the ghosts leave the body of the ghost temple, their spirits will continue to dissipate into yin, and the ghosts will use food and other methods to lure the pedestrians into the ghost temple. Supply to the ghost temple to swallow

Weakness: flame, positive energy

Attribute: (omitted)

Skill: Clever tongue

Special ability: yin into the body, confuse the mind

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None

That's it!

This monk turned out to be a spirit.

This temple is probably the so-called ghost temple, and outside this gate, the ghost servant is also the body that has left the ghost temple, so its spirit will continue to dissipate and exude yin.

When Wei Xiaobei released everything, the monk saw Weibei not moving, but also smiled and continued to persuade: "The donor, you are tired, don't you want to enter the temple to rest one or two? Eat some vegetarian food!"

The words of the sneaky waiter have not been finished yet, just like the buttocks were smashed by a knife. After a scream, they turned and fled toward the gate. Even after they escaped to the gate, their bodies accelerated the emission of yin. !

Obviously, this sneaky waiter was hurt in front of Wei Xiaobei's everything!

Of course, this ghost servant is also the biological level of Samsung's horror, so even if it is harmed in front of all things, it is not fatal and can still escape.

"Who is! Who dares to hurt my waiter!"

Just as the ghost servant finally fled into the main hall, the entire temple shook and a slow voice was angry.

Ghost temple?

Well, there are not many variants of buildings that Wei Xiaobei saw in the gray world. The variant farmer's market in the gray world of Cuihu City counts one, and the variant terminal cultivated by Weibei is one.

Now, Wei Xiaobei finally saw the third building variant, the ghost temple!

Did not say, Wei Xiaobei's eyes fell on the vibrating temple, starting all things!

Name: Ghost Temple

Race: architectural variants

Gender: None

Age: 450 years old

Biological grade: four stars common

Introduction: The Ghost Monastery is a long-lost abandoned abandoned temple. It is formed after too many dead people, and the yin is gathered. It can not move, but it can bind the transformation of the soul to the ghosts, so as to trick the pedestrian into the body and swallow.

Attribute: (screening)

Skill: swallowing

Special ability: transforming ghosts, strong stones

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: 127 broken twigs and 5 broken wooden fish.

When Wei Xiaobei read the watch of the water in the ghost temple, he could not help but shake his head.

Don't look at this ghost temple's biological level as high as four stars, only a lower level than the mutant farmer's market, but the fighting power of the ghost temple is too weak.

It can't move!

Light this point, let this ghost temple become a target in front of Wei Xiaobei!

To put it simply, even if it is an ordinary person, as long as you are not deceived and do not enter the monastery, then there is no way for the ghost temple to do it!

Of course, its defense might be stronger, after all, it has a special ability of a solid stone.

"it's me!"

Wei Xiaobei saw this ghost temple shouting with enthusiasm, but there was no other movement, and he could not help but smile and replied.

Hearing Wei Xiaobei’s answer, this ghost temple seems to be angered to the extreme, and he is eager to swallow Wei Xiaobei.

But Wei Xiaobei waited for a while, only to see the seven monks rushing out of the hall. The monks who had escaped before were also inside. They were holding wooden sticks, kitchen knives and the like in their hands. Wei Xiaobei rushed over.

When they reached the gate, these monks stopped their steps and stepped forward.

Wei Xiaobei looked at it. The reason why these ghosts are not willing to step out of the gate is because after they leave the gate, the body will continue to dissipate and turn into yin.

It seems that these ghosts are bound by the transformation of ghost temples, but they still seem to retain a little bit of their own thinking, knowing what is not good for themselves.

"Idiot! Go out! Bring him in! Bring it in!"

Perhaps it was to see these sneaky servants stepping forward, and the ghost temple was almost violent, and they shouted at these sneaky servants.

These sneaky servants were helpless and eventually had to leave the gate and rush toward Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei smiled, his hands stretched out, and a layer of silver-white real mercury emerged on the palm of his hand. In a blink of an eye, the two ghosts grabbed the neck, and then a layer of thunder and lightning emerged.


A soft bang, the body of the two ghosts suddenly burst into a mist, desperately breaking free from the hand of Wei Xiaobei, and then broke into the door.

After drilling into the gate, the two groups of fog immediately changed back to the monks, and even fled to the hall to escape.

Wei Xiaobei was stunned at this time. He had to say that this sneaky service would not work. This escape ability is quite strong.

When I saw two companions, Wei Xiaobei was pinched and the remaining monks dared to stop. They turned and fled to the gate, but they stopped after they escaped to the gate.

Wei Xiaobei originally intended to smash the few monks in the first two steps, and they can see that their actions are clear.

This is nothing more than seduce yourself into it.

If you want to come, this ghost temple is nothing more than moving. The way to deal with the enemy is to wait for the enemy to enter your body and then swallow the enemy.

Wei Xiaobei has absolute confidence in the safety of entering the ghost temple.

However, in this gray world everything needs to be careful, Wei Xiaobei can not want to be trapped in danger because of his self-confidence.

Be aware that things in the world are always in conflict with self-confidence. For example, if you feel that something can be done by yourself, it is likely to fail because of certain accidents or problems that you don't understand.

The person who is good at swimming, squatting in the water, is talking about this truth.

Of course, this is not to say that Wei Xiaobei has no way to deal with this ghost temple.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei did not chase into the door, and the few ghosts waited for a sigh of relief, and seemed to have some regrets.

I want to come to them. It is regrettable that Wei Xiaobei did not chase in, but once he thought that Wei Xiaobei might be able to pinch them, he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Kid! You dare not come in!"

The voice of the ghost temple sounded again at this time, and the whole temple was shaken a little.

Such a radical approach, Wei Xiaobei does not know how much he has seen in TV movie novels, where may be fooled, and a smile on his face replies: "Yes, I dare not come in, what can you do?" ”

Wei Xiaobei’s quite rogue words suddenly blocked the ghost temple.

The ghost temple in the gray world, probably has not seen such a rogue human, for a moment and a half, do not know what to say.

For a time, it became quiet.

The ghost temple witnessed Xiaobei’s death and death, and the whole temple shivered, constantly urging the sneaks to take out Wei Xiaobei.

The problem is that the sneaky scorpions can't be Wei Xiaobei's opponents, so they are not willing to step out of the door.

At the end of the day, the Ghost Temple probably directly controlled the consciousness of the ghosts.

A few sneaky waiters finally stepped out of the door again, as if a madman rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.

For these sneaky waiters, Wei Xiaobei did not look at it at all, and this time, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to let them go, with both hands stretched out, grabbing the ghosts and serving the neck, mixed with thunder and lightning. It emerged from the pores and covered the two ghosts in a blink of an eye.

This is a perfect match for the real mercury used in lightning to deal with creatures such as the spirit.

Although it is impossible to deal with the masses of the masses, it is not so much that they consume too much.

Covered by the true mercury mixed with lightning, the bodies of the two ghosts immediately disintegrated and turned into fog, trying to escape.

But this time, the ghost servant did not have the luck to escape.

The real mercury was collected inward, and the mist was bound inside. The lightning flashed inside, and the lightning of tens of thousands of volts was released, and the mist was burned clean.

After several rounds of processing, the sneaky servants were wiped out by Wei Xiaobei.

At this time, the ghost temple was constantly screaming loudly, but there was no way for Wei Xiaobei. It could not even step closer to even Weibei.

After the helper of the ghost temple was extinguished, Wei Xiaobei slowly took a necklace from his neck.

This necklace looks extremely inconspicuous, grayish white, cast like cement.

Ok, actually, the material is cement.

This necklace is the variation pier that Wei Xiaobei cultivated.

Although this variant terminal is a four-star common biological grade, its speed is relatively slow due to its own limitations. Therefore, since the wrecking dock is hung around the neck, Wei Xiaobei rarely has the opportunity to take this variant terminal. Come out and use.

But now, this variant terminal is a useful place.

The cement necklace was slammed into the temple, and the cement necklace flew out with the wind.


With a soft bang, the cement necklace flying over a hundred meters quickly expanded and then grew larger as it fell.

Five meters, ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters

"No! What do you want to do!?"

When the ghost temple saw this scene, it seemed to be a little flustered, and could not help but yell at Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei smiled and smiled. This ghost temple is probably faint. Since he dares to stretch his claws toward himself, he needs to be prepared to accept punishment. How can he provoke others without good punishment?

When the shape of the variant pier extended to more than 500 meters, it was already on the temple.

It’s smashing, and a series of cracks in the stone wood came.

The first point of contact between the Wharf and the Ghost Temple is the 18-meter-high hall.

Before, it looked like a majestic hall. At this time, it was crushed by the variator pier. It suddenly shattered from the pressing point. Countless pieces of masonry wood spattered around, and the hall was in a short period of time. It was collapsed by the mutated wharf.

This is the first time that the Mutual Wharf played, so Wei Xiaobei even walked on the air with a height of 100 meters, and looked down from the air to observe the battle situation of the Muant Pier.

At this time, the variegated wharf resembled a long slug, traversing the entire monastery, and both of them were outside the monastery. During the period, the walls of the monastery and other buildings that were down from the body of the variegated pier failed to escape the bad luck.

I was crushed by all!

"I am fighting with you!"

With a painful embarrassment, the ghost temple seemed to be completely angered.

Of course, the variant terminal is now a small part of the body of the ghost temple, so the ghost temple probably feels that it is time to turn over and fight back.

As the roar of the ghost temple sounded, a transparent barrier appeared over the temple, and then several lucky ones were moved by the buildings in the smashing pier.

There are two partial halls, a row of wing rooms, and even an ancient kitchen, a well!

This is probably all the power that the Ghost Temple can now mobilize.

To tell the truth, Wei Xiaobei was quite curious about the attack method of this ghost temple. Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not even have a voice, just watching it quietly, and even his eyes did not blink.

After the building was near the varietal pier, the wooden door opened and then formed a large mouth, biting down the body of the mutated pier.

Oh, when I saw this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh for this ghost temple.

To say that they are all variant buildings, the gap between the ghost temple and the mutant farmer's market is too great.

In addition to being able to cultivate a variety of flesh-and-blood monsters, the mutated farmer's market is the biggest killer. Wei Xiaobei feels that it is a great use of his body.

If you think about it, you will know that the endless cement concrete is rushing toward you like a tide! To be honest, even the current Wei Xiaobei does not dare to face the battle!

No way, the variation of the farmer's market is too abnormal.

As long as you are buried in the concrete, your combat strength will be weakened. If you encounter a weaker guy, you will directly bury the concrete and climb it.

And this ghost temple will only change a mouth to bite.

Not to mention whether you can bite, just say this way of fighting, weak burst!

For example, now the mouth of a partial temple has been bitten on the mutated dock, but it is useless. The teeth that turned into wood are ground and grinded on the cement body of the wrecking pier, and even a little cement dregs can't bite down. .

On the contrary, the mouth of this partial temple may be bit impatient with the bite of the mutated pier. The huge cement body moves, and the tail that extends beyond the wall is drawn.

Just listening to the sound of two, the transparent barrier over the ghost temple was broken.

This transparent barrier is probably the means used by ghost temples to prevent humans from escaping, but in the face of the mutated dock, such a means is too ridiculous, and the mutated dock is so pumped, and the transparent barrier is broken!

After another pumping, the thick cement tail took the partial hall out.

Of course, the partial temple did not fly far, and it was more than ten meters. He slammed on the ground, and the partial hall of the stone and wood mixed construction was broken.

The remaining buildings, even if they were not close to the mutated wharf, were taken out one by one, some were directly broken and some were broken.

The well that moved over was even more unbearable, and was directly crushed by the mutated dock.

As the wells of the wells are smashed, the wells also seem to have lost their ability to move.

Play melee?

Obviously, the ghost temples that can only drive the front bite on some buildings in the body, less than half a minute before and after, seem to have lost all the fighting power!

Of course, for many humans, even if they are masters of national art, once they enter the ghost temple, they are somewhat dangerous.

There is a transparent barrier to isolate the escape route. There are various buildings chasing you bites. The most terrible thing is that the human beings are basically tricked into it.

Once I entered the hall, hehe, I am afraid that there is no chance to escape, and I will be swallowed in one bite.

In fact, from the perspective of Wei Xiaobei, it is clear that the broken and collapsed hall is covered with human bones.

There are thousands of thigh bones!

That is to say, the human beings swallowed by this ghost temple, at least half of this number!

But at this time, the ghost temple did not seem to have the intention to surrender. The bluestone floor in the temple flew up at this time, such as the same shell projecting toward the variant pier.


A series of crashes came.

The speed of the mutated dock is not fast, and its block size is too big. In the face of such an attack, it is completely impossible to dodge.

But after the bluestone slabs in the temple collapsed and smashed in the mutated dock, the variegated dock seemed to be angry.

For the first time, Wei Xiaobei, who maintained a spiritual connection with the mutation terminal, felt the anger generated by the heart of the mutation terminal.

Wei Xiaobei’s face was smiling at this time.

This is not to say that Wei Xiaobei did not put the mutation terminal in his heart, but that the dynamic growth of this mutated dock was very slow after the birth of the real wisdom.

It’s been a long time since the exchange between the Wharf and Wei Xiaobei is still at an extremely preliminary stage.

In particular, the emotions of the mutated wharf are mostly happy, happy, and positive, and basically have not produced any negative emotions.

Undoubtedly, such a situation is not conducive to the growth of the variant terminal. (To be continued.)

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