The City of Terror

Chapter 1299: , swallowed! (6000 words)

The two chapters were first updated. The poor roads were first smashed, and then the codewords were continued, which caused inconvenience to everyone.

In Wei Xiaobei's view, buildings like the Muay Wharf want to really grow up, so smart growth is extremely important.

Only when the intellect grows up, then it is possible to carry out cultivation and so on, and a series of behaviors that promote the growth of its own strength.

The spiritual growth requires perfect emotions. Perfect emotions are not only positive emotions such as joy, happiness, but also negative emotions such as anger, hatred, etc.!

Therefore, seeing the first time that the mutated wharf was angry, Wei Xiaobei’s heart would be so happy.

Of course, the mutated wharf has no vocal organs, and even if it touches something like a ghost temple, it will not work, but even if it is, you can see that the mutated dock is full when it is erected. Overflowing anger!


In the blink of an eye, the mutated dock, which is erected like a stick, will smash the body.


A loud bang came, and the body of the mutated wharf squatted on the ground, and suddenly a large pit with a diameter of more than 100 meters was found in the open space inside the temple!

Just like this, the screams from the ghost temple almost shattered the eardrum of Wei Xiaobei!

Obviously, compared to those buildings that were smashed, this variegated pier came to the ground, bringing a terrible pain to the ghost temple!

The entire temple was shaken violently, whether it was a broken wall, a broken building that had not yet collapsed, and even a small number of bluestone slabs.

After smashing this, the mutated dock plunged into the big pit and curled up and curled like a strange hook, motionless.

No, this mutated wharf is not completely unmoved, and one of its plunging into the big pit is undergoing dramatic changes.

The height of Wei Xiaobei can see that the cement layer at the end of the variegated pier is squirming violently. Gradually, the end of the variegated pier has cracked a hole.

What do you want to do with this variant terminal?

Wei Xiaobei tried to communicate, but the mutation terminal did not have any feedback back. It seems that this variant terminal is now fully used for the cracked mouth.

That mouth is being deformed a little bit.

Wei Xiaobei looked at it for a while and probably understood it!

This variant wharf turned out to want to change a mouth on the body of that head!

There is no doubt that this variant dock is learning!

After seeing that the ghost temple drove the buildings open their mouths to bite themselves, this variant wharf probably wanted to master this skill!

Although this means of using the mouth to bite the enemy is too inferior in Wei Xiaobei’s view.

But it's different on the mutated dock.

You know, the only way to attack the mutation terminal is to use your own huge body!

Such an attack means that it is cool, but it can be changed too small. Once you encounter some more flexible enemies, you will be in trouble.

If the mutation terminal really masters the skill of biting, it is different.

At the very least, this skill is more flexible and more convenient.

I have to say that after the wrath of the mutation terminal, its intelligence should be improved, and also know what is learning!

In this regard, the variant terminal is a big profit this time.

The Ghost Monastery is still in anger, but it is now completely free of any means of attack, only angry and roaring.

Finally, the mouth of the mutated dock changed, and the undulations of the variegated pier seemed a little excited. Then the one was lifted up and then bitten into a building that collapsed halfway.


A loud bang came and Wei Xiaobei, standing in the air, slammed his face.

Fortunately, there are no other people around this week.

This mutated wharf can be regarded as stupid to the home. After changing his mouth, he bite into the building, but he does not know how to close his mouth, so the move finally squats on the building like a hammer. Break it directly into pieces.

But then again, this mutated dock is a very normal thing. After all, it was originally a lifeless dock. It is not like human beings. After birth, it has the ability to learn from other creatures.

But after this embarrassment, the variant terminal seemed to know that he seemed to have some problems, so he stopped and changed his mouth that could not move.

In the next dozen trials, the trial of the variability wharf was a little bit different, and the ghost temple was almost ruined.

But after dozens of trials, this variant dock finally turned out to be a real mouth!

A mouth that can move!

Hey! jump! Hey!

The first sound is that the mouth of the variant pier is bitten on a building. The second sound is that the mouth is closed, the biting part is bitten off the building, and the third sound is the part of the building that will be bitten. Swallowed down.

Well, swallowing this move, it should be that the mutation terminal has no teacher to pass, or to watch Wei Xiaobei for a long time, the influence of other people's eating.

But in any case, from this moment, the mutation terminal has mastered the ability to bite!

In the following time, the mutation terminal was completely excited, and it was bitten around in the ghost temple.

No matter what, it will be swallowed by the mutated dock.

From the broken hall, the temple and other buildings to the broken wall, even the blue slate on the ground, the soil below!

It can be said that this variant wharf feels like a fully automatic construction waste disposer. The gigantic temple disappears rapidly after its bite is swallowed.

In the end, only a huge deep pit was left in place!

Everything, stone, and wood disappeared into the mouth of the variegated dock.

Wei Xiaobei didn't even know when the ghost temple was completely hanged.

Apparently, the variegated dock that was full of food and drink seemed to be a little lacking in spirit. He was kneeling beside the deep pit, and the body began to shrink rapidly. Ten seconds before and after, he changed back to the cement necklace.

Wei Xiaobei fell to the ground and reached out and rubbed the cement necklace. He looked at it. The cement necklace did not change much before, but its breath seemed to be slowly increasing.

It seems that after the mutation terminal swallowed the ghost temple, it will take quite a while to digest it before it can see the results.

In order to avoid disturbing the digestion of the mutated dock, Wei Xiaobei did not know everything about it, just reattached it to his neck.

But then again, a guy like a ghost temple can only swallow it for a building variant like the Muay Wharf. For example, if Wei Xiaobei, the whole temple is smashed and smashed. Nothing is gone, even if it is to throw those broken stone and wood into the green wood, it is probably useless.

The river turned around and killed hundreds of Kappa. The black man in the strange reflection cut the neck with a wire, then killed the wood charm in the forest, and finally destroyed the ghost temple. .

Just before and after this time, Wei Xiaobei cleaned up the ghosts seen in the three directions.

Where are you going next?

The back of the temple is still a forest. In fact, the forest that entered before Wei Xiaobei was a piece that spread here.

Go to Pumice Hill!

Wei Xiaobei thought a little, and then set the direction. The ghosts in that direction should be more and stronger. Wei Xiaobei had this hunch.

But before you leave, some things should be cleaned up.

Wei Xiaobei turned and walked to the cabin.

A leaping, ink and large guns straight on the cabin.

It’s awkward!

A series of broken sounds came, the cabin could be slammed by the big guns, and the huge force of the squat spread along the roof, and the whole cabin collapsed instantly.

The smoke then spread out to the surroundings.

Wei Xiaobei stepped on the air and reached the height of 100 meters, but his eyes covered the diffuse smoke.

He believes that as long as there is something in this cabin that wants to escape from his own eyes, it is impossible.

The smoke that finally filled up settled down, revealing the collapsed chalet.

At this time, the cabin has turned into a piece of broken wood, and even the furniture in the house and so on have not been spared.


Wei Xiaobei has some doubts. When the smoke was filled, there was absolutely nothing to escape. So where did the faintly felt guys hide?

At this time, Wei Xiaobei even extended the sensing range to a depth of several hundred meters underground, and did not see any weird things.

Shaking his head, Wei Xiaobei ignited a torch and threw it on the broken wood in the ground, and sprinkled a few pieces of dragon blood gravel.


The dragon's blood gravel is not the ordinary gravel. After it fell into the flame, it was like a few barrels of gasoline poured in. It suddenly caused the flame to slam up more than 30 meters, and then the flame spread like a flood. Open.

All the pieces of wood burned and formed a sea of ​​fire that covered the cabin.

Wei Xiaobei stood in the sky for a while, sighed and turned to walk toward the pumice mountain.

Until Wei Xiaobei left for a few kilometers, there was still a sudden movement between the burning sea of ​​fire.


A few pieces of burning wood were opened from below, and then a human body ignited from the sea of ​​fire, and when it reached the small river, it jumped into the river.

The flame ignited by the dragon's blood gravel is not a general flame, and it is extinguished even after burning in the river for a few seconds.


A human body shrouded in the black body emerged from the river. It is now a wolverine. There is no place in the whole body. It is still good. There are holes everywhere. From the exposed skin, there are at least 70% of the skin on the body. Was burnt into coke.

This humanoid eye looked at the direction in which Wei Xiaobei left.

However, after staring at it for a while, it was extremely alarming. Then the body became inexplicably integrated into the reflection of the river and disappeared without a trace.

Wei Xiaobei, who was stepping on the air and striding toward the pumice mountain, suddenly moved his heart and turned his head to look at the back. After staring for a while, he turned back and shook his head, and his mind was somewhat confused. That kind of voyeurism has appeared again, but the problem is that when I turn my head back, the voyeurism disappears!

What exactly is going on?

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei really wants to go back and check it out.

But Wei Xiaobei knows that this is a futile thing, unless the guy once again has trouble finding himself and wants to find each other with a glimpse of it, it is completely impossible!

Since I haven’t been able to find each other before, it’s even more impossible to leave now.

However, Wei Xiaobei suddenly thought of a way.

The left hand pressed on the soft mud around him, and a large amount of shredded pork slid into the soft mud like mud, and quickly formed a slap-sized meat.

When the meat broke open and a small, cute little piglet was drilled, Wei Xiaobei took his left hand back, and looked carefully around the circle, then got up, as if nothing had happened before. In the same way, I continued to walk towards Pumice Hill.

When Wei Xiaobei left, the pocket pigs will drill out of the soil. If someone is watching at this time, they will be surprised to find that these pocket pigs have disappeared after they have drilled the soil. In the air.

Well, these pocket pigs are weak pigs.

Wei Xiaobei has not cultivated this magical creature for a long time.

Their weak ability allows any creature looking directly at them to ignore their existence!

This is not stealth, nor illusion, just a special ability to magnify the phenomenon that the strong naturally ignores the weak!

Simply put, this is like an elephant, naturally ignoring an ant running away from his feet.

The reason is very simple. For an elephant, an ant cannot pose a threat. Second, it cannot provide food. Then, do elephants pay attention to an ant?

The weak pig can let any creature ignore it!

Wei Xiaobei has been moving a long way.

The pumice mountain, Wei Xiaobei originally thought that it was only five or six kilometers away from himself. Wei Xiaobei walked out more than 30 kilometers, and the pumice mountain still showed no signs of getting closer.

What is going on?

Wei Xiaobei rushed to the sky, standing under the fog and looking at the pumice mountain.

That's it!

The pumice mountain turned out to be a mountain floating in the air!

It is moving slowly away from Wei Xiaobei. It is no wonder that Wei Xiaobei slowly walked over and felt that he was not close to half a point.

No wonder its name is Pumice Hill! There are many magical legends in reality.

I have to say that a mountain floating in the air gives people a feeling of being very spectacular.

However, when Wei Xiaobei marveled at the magic of the pumice mountain, a weak pig sent a message of spiritual connection to Wei Xiaobei.

Is there a situation?

Wei Xiaobei even connected with the weak pig's mind, but also took over the other's vision!

Through the vision of the weak pig, Wei Xiaobei clearly saw a black man in the distance lurking in the grass cautiously, approaching the place where he had previously cultivated the weak pig.

Eventually, the black man stopped in front of the mud hole drilled by the weak pig. He squatted and reached out to dig up the mud hole. He looked at the situation and was puzzled.

Obviously, after the weak pigs will eat the broken meat, there will be only some mucus that overflows from the meat in the mud hole.

The black man looked at the mud hole for a while and didn't seem to understand what Wei Xiaobei had done here before.

However, it was not long before the black man stood up and chased him in the direction of Wei Xiaobei.

That's right!

Wei Xiaobei can see clearly that this black man is the inverted black man he saw in the river reflection.

This guy finally appeared!

Wei Xiaobei smiled and looked around. Then he landed on the ground and inserted his hands into the soil. It took a long time to dig up a big pit.

This big pit is not a trap. Wei Xiaobei Trail jumped straight in, then the soil flew, the pit was filled, and even the weak pigs who were in charge of the investigation also ran over, leaving some leaves and miscellaneous The grass was placed on the big pit.

After such a modification, it is difficult to see the signs of refilling the pit.

Of course, this is, after all, overshadowed, so if there are people who are particularly good at exploring the trail, they can still find some signs.

However, Wei Xiaobei is not worried, as long as the black man dares to be close to himself within 100 meters! Then he can't run away!

The man in black naturally has no ability to foresee the prophet. He does not know that Wei Xiaobei has discovered himself now, and has dug a big pit to prepare to ambush himself.

This black man is only chasing in the direction of Wei Xiaobei. Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei used to go from the ground and walked unhurriedly. The ground can clearly see the footprints left by Wei Xiaobei.

Time passed by, and finally, the black man appeared again in the sight of several weak pigs.

When Wei Xiaobei took over the vision of a weak pig and stared at the black man, the black man immediately became a little nervous from the previous ease, and the speed of progress became slower.

Seeing that the black man took a step to see the speed of three times, Wei Xiaobei could not wait to jump out and drag it over!

If you ambush this kind of thing, the average person can't really do it.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei knew how good the top snipers were.

When Wei Xiaobei was in service, he heard that the top sniper could even lie in the grass for a week, just to shoot the deadly shot when the target appeared!

For this rumor, Wei Xiaobei used to be dismissive.

In Wei Xiaobei’s view, there is nothing remarkable about it.

But now, Wei Xiaobei has been in the pit for two hours and feels a little impatient.

The reason for this is that Wei Xiaobei has already seen the black man, but this guy is walking very slowly, and sometimes he goes back to the road for a while, which is simply the patience of defending Xiaobei.

You know, when the top snipers are ambushing the target, they even eat and drink Lazar in one place, and there are a lot of mosquitoes harassing bites next to them. The most terrible thing is that once they are discovered, it means death.

Such psychological pressure is imaginable.

Wei Xiaobei feels that he is too unsettled, although a large part of the reason is that he really wants to catch this strange guy behind his ass, but this also makes his will attribute The effect is drastically reduced.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei slowly closed his eyes and gave the weak pig a warning to remind himself. He temporarily cut off the connection with the weak pig and began to slowly drive the true mercury in the meridians. In this big pit, stand up and pile up.

As Wei Xiaobei cut off the star-shaped connection with the weak pig's diameter, the sneaky black man suddenly noticed that the feeling of making himself faintly creepy disappeared.

This made the black man feel relieved and began to make strides forward. He turned around and looked around.

Wei Xiaobei, who was standing on the pile, suddenly opened his eyes and came!

The weak pig has sent a spiritual connection to himself! This means that the black man has stepped into his radius of 100 meters!

Wait a second!

Wei Xiaobei slowly received the work, and there was no sensory around. He was afraid of hitting the grass and stunned the snake. He only estimated that the man in black had already entered his radius of 20 meters, suddenly punched up and then jumped up!


For a moment, it was like an earth-shattering explosion on the ground. Countless muds skyrocketed, Wei Xiaobei rushed out of the big pit, and then sensed around, the whole body muscles were tight, ready to save!

But when Wei Xiaobei puts all the surrounding environment into his own sensing range, his heart screams badly!

I saw that the man in black was looking at his side with amazement at the edge of his 100-meter radius!

This guy didn't even come over!

This is what I did not think of Wei Xiaobei.

The black man probably did not think that Wei Xiaobei actually hid in the ground. After entering the Weibei North 100 meters range, the black man suddenly felt a little creepy and even retired.

But as long as you exit a few steps, the feeling before it is weakened a lot.

Therefore, the man in black did not go far, but he tried many times before and after, trying to find out what the reason was.

What the black man couldn’t think of was that suddenly the ground a hundred meters explodes, and then a man was rushed out from inside!

The black man’s eyes are wide open at this time, yes! It is the man that I tracked!

Without hesitation, the black man rushed toward a puddle on the left!

Due to the existence of the river boy, there is often no rainstorm for no reason, so in this area, the puddle on the ground is not uncommon!


Seeing the black man pounced on a puddle next to it, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate. When he rushed over, his right hand grabbed an arrow out of thin air and shot at the black man!


A series of broken sounds sounded, and the six arrows lined up in an irregular shape and flew over.

Just after the black man plunged into the puddle, his body suddenly disappeared into the puddle and disappeared. The arrow that shot past was just a splash of water! (To be continued.)

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