The City of Terror

Chapter 1305: Black Dead Sea (6000 words)

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However, in this way, the degree of shooting is slower. Although a large area is shot into a horse cell, hundreds of ghosts gathered together are shot on the spot.

But the dog **** escaped the area covered by the arrow debris with his own degree and escaped.

Like this way of fighting, Wei Xiaobei feels the most comfortable, and he is high above, casually arching down, those ghosts can only dodge everywhere.

Wei Xiaobei did not deliberately shoot the dog god's thoughts, but just constantly shot down an arrow, not much force, just hooked the bowstring.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei shot hundreds of arrows in one breath and did not feel tired.

However, the following closed gates are under the constant bombardment of the arrow fragments, which is considered to be a **** disease for eight generations.

Where the arrows are bombarded, if the ghosts are exposed, they will die. If they hide in the building, there may be a chance, but the arrow fragments can also shoot the buildings with dense eyes, making these buildings possible. Collapsed.

Just the place where Xiao Bei’s eyes swept, the number of ghosts that hanged was over six thousand.

However, after the dog **** escaped the arrow bombardment, he did not know where to go, and disappeared.

Without the command of the city master, at this time, even the most daring ghosts did not dare to be exposed to Wei Xiaobei's vision.

Most of the surviving ghosts hid in the building, waiting for the bombardment of the arrows.

And a small number of ghosts are desperately rushing out of the city.

Their ideas are very simple, the city owners are not willing to show up, staying in the city is undoubtedly a dead end, will be attacked from the air, continue to bombard, and eventually hang.

To say these ghosts that escaped, the idea is still very correct.

Indeed, hiding in the city, Wei Xiaobei slowly archery, there will always be a drop in the place where I hide, what will happen then?

But when these ghosts escaped from the city, they were too careless, and they were seen by Wei Xiaobei at a glance.

Needless to say, it is directly that the three arrows fall on the place where they fled, the city gate!


A loud bang came, and the city gate collapsed along with the gate tower, and the walls on both sides were shot and collapsed.

As for the ghosts that escaped, some were directly submerged by the collapsed city gates, others were dead on the arrow fragments, and a few lucky ones were not affected by the ghosts. Still dare to mention the escape.

Of course, in the following time, there are also very few ghosts who are lucky to escape from the sky.

After all, Wei Xiaobei still needs to deal with the ghosts in the city, one or two ghosts that escaped, Wei Xiaobei did not have the spirit to shoot, but not enough to waste that effort.

But as long as the number of people exceeds ten, then the arrow fragments from the sky will be shot into a horse's nest!

When Wei Xiaobei stopped and swayed the bowstring, the entire closed gate was a mess, including the city wall, over 90% of the buildings collapsed, and dense honeycomb eyes could be seen everywhere.

In the gaps in the ruins of the city, on the streets and so on, there is a strong **** smell in the mud of various colors.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei slowly fell down. According to his judgment, the number of ghosts remaining in this city pool is probably less than two thousand.

You know, he shot more than three hundred arrows and almost ploughed the city from start to finish.

I am afraid that even the firepower of a rocket artillery battalion is no different.

Of course, there are more than a dozen rocket launchers, and Wei Xiaobei is three three-shot archers.

Those who are lucky to escape the catastrophe, Wei Xiaobei also do not want to search out one by one.

With one hand stretched out, countless shredded pork squirted out, and a small piece of Wei Xiaobei was covered in the blink of an eye.

The meat sauce on the ground was quickly absorbed by the pork.

For a while, I did not add material to the altar of life. At this time, I just added it.

After absorbing the meat sauce in a large area, the pork entangled with each other and formed a meat raft on the ruins.

During the period, there were some ghosts who had escaped from the robbery attempting to take advantage of this opportunity to attack Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Wei Xiao is even cultivating creatures, and these ghosts can not be attacked. There are ghosts close, and even a piece of flying stones will penetrate the chest! Fall to the ground and die.

Not long after, the meat smashed one by one, and the whole person with the whole body of red fruit was drilled out of the meat. The pieces of meat and meat were grabbed and eaten. After the mucus on the surface was dry, these The people dispersed around and dragged the ghost bodies one by one and piled them around Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, if you encounter those surviving ghosts, the general people will attack.

It is necessary to know that these ordinary people are standard grades, that is, ordinary people of the biological grade Samsung.

They are born with bachelor and other skills, even if their hands are empty, the melee is very strong, far from being able to resist those ghosts.

When the number of ordinary people was raised to five hundred, Wei Xiaobei stopped cultivating, and then manipulated the shredded pork to absorb the bolognese everywhere in the city.

To know that this standard level of 500 people, the consumption of cultivation makes the material reserve in the altar of life fall straight.

The meat sauce that the ghosts and corpses turned into, wanting to be harvested in the green woods, is a very troublesome thing for Wei Xiaobei. Therefore, it is simply absorbed by the pork, which is to fill the material reserve of the life altar.

During the period, a ghost will be drilled from time to time in the city, but it will soon be turned into a corpse by the surrounding people.

After Wei Xiaobei turned the gate city and turned all the meat sauce into material reserves, the Pu people also piled up a huge corpse on the ground.

Wei Xiaobei looked at a few eyes and probably calculated the total number of bodies, more than 16,700 bodies.

That is to say, at least four thousand ghosts become bolognese.

Well, the body of the dog **** owner was placed at the top of the corpse by the general.

It’s a pity that after seeing the body of the dog god, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh.

Before saying that, Wei Xiaobei also intends to take his captives to understand more about the situation in the gray world.

After all, as the city owner, the things that the dog **** knows must be much more than the humanoid.

It is also like this, Wei Xiaobei did not use the soul clock before, worried that this dog **** will be directly destroyed.

When shooting in the sky, Wei Xiaobei shot too cool, and did not accept the hand for a while, and the dog **** did not know where to hide, so until now, Wei Xiaobei saw the body of the dog god.

Of course, such a small mistake, Wei Xiaobei does not care.

The only thing that makes Wei Xiaobei feel a headache now is that there are too many corpses!

Wei Xiaobei will only be able to take one-third of his body into the green wood.

After three consecutive times, Wei Xiaobei’s face became a bit white.

A small number of things were sent to the Aomu Fudi, and the burden of Wei Xiaobei was not too heavy, but so many bodies, every time they harvested the green wood, Wei Xiaobei needs to do their best.

Before shooting so many arrows, Wei Xiaobei felt a little tired, but now, after all the bodies were sent to Aoki Fudi, Wei Xiaobei felt that his body was a little soft.

Fortunately, the ghosts here are basically cleaned up. If you jump out of a powerful ghost, Wei Xiaobei feels that he has no strength to escape.

After those ordinary people were sent to patrol around and set up a warning circle, Wei Xiaobei sat down on a square gravel, took a few pieces of barbecue from the storage ring, and ate and drank.

Of course, the small barbecue in Wei Xiaobei's storage ring is relatively low grade. After eating, although filling the stomach, it only restores little physical strength and spirit.

But at this time, let Wei Xiaobei go to cook dishes, he is not willing.

Too tired, simply take a nap.

Wei Xiaobei's courage is far from being comparable to ordinary humans.

This ruined city has just hanged 20,000 ghosts in the closed city. It can be described as sullen and sullen, and the blood around it is stinking. It can be used to defend Xiaobei, and it will fall directly. Without a moment, it will scream. .

At this time, in the village of the vegetable who was rescued by Wei Xiaobei, those who had just buried the bodies of their loved ones gathered together to discuss what was going on.

Not long after, the people left the village and went to a small rocky mountain nearby. They would knock down some stones from the mountains and carry them back to the village. The old man with the pig's tail was surrounded by tools. The stone pounded.

Those ordinary people saw this scene, and there was no curiosity. The orders they received were to protect the safety of the village. As for other things, as long as they did not harm the ordinary people themselves, these ordinary people would not pay attention to them. .

Therefore, most of these people have closed their eyes and adjusted their physical state to sleep. This will prolong the life of the general population. Only two ordinary people will pay attention to the outside of the village to prevent any ghosts from sneaking into it.

Wei Xiaobei didn't know how long it took, until a group of ghosts returned to the city from the outside, and when they were fighting with the generals, Wei Xiaobei was awakened.

Of course, those ghosts were quickly slaughtered by the generals, leaving only a hundred scarred people.

Wei Xiaobei let those ordinary people bring the bodies of the diners and ghosts. The ghost corpses were naturally sent to the Aomu Fudi by Wei Xiaobei, and these people?

Wei Xiaobei tried to get them to return to their own villages, but these people didn’t say a word at all, and they didn’t leave.

Of course, the main reason for this is because they think that they are the blood food that has been harvested. If they dare to go back, they will bring more disaster to their village.

As for Wei Xiaobei, in their eyes is a sly humanoid ghost!

As a result, Wei Xiaobei is also preparing to give up these dishes. Anyway, the ghosts here have been killed. If they leave, there will be security guarantees for the time being, but if there are any ghosts coming back, Wei Xiaobei will not Prepare for the tube, he is ready to leave the Guanmen Island and go to Honshu Island to see.

After all, the island has the largest area and the most ghosts. Wei Xiaobei wants to collect ghost bodies as much as possible, so Honshu Island is the first choice.

As for the other islands, Wei Xiaobei has no past thoughts.

But not long after, another group of ghosts who went out to harvest blood food came back.

There are ghosts to kill!

Wei Xiaobei is not going to have a soft touch.

However, after killing these ghosts, Wei Xiaobei had more than one hundred people.

In the following time, those ghosts seemed to be in agreement, and they continued to bring the dishes to the vicinity of the police ring.

This is going back and forth, and the number of ghosts killed by the generals is almost three thousand.

Of course, these ghosts who go out to harvest blood food seem to be far worse than humanoids. They are hundreds of them, dozens of them, and there are no thousands of ghosts like humanoids.

In fact, this is the normal state of ghosts going out to harvest blood food.

After all, those people who are used to the ghosts are already accustomed to being harvested and eaten, so even a few ghosts can accomplish this task.

Like a human-shaped cow ghost with thousands of ghosts to harvest blood food, it is entirely because the humanoid ghost is in a high position in the city.

It is no wonder that the number of ghosts in this closed city is somewhat wrong. It turned out that some of them went out to harvest blood food.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

The number of people gathered in the city of Guanmen has already passed 20,000!

Wei Xiaobei was also helpless at this time, leaving more than 20,000 people here? Wei can't bear it, just feel a little wasted.

But if you really kill these people and the body is sent to the green wood, Wei Xiaobei feels that his heart is too cruel.

Although these people are not pure humans, they are at least not pure ghosts. They do not have the cruel temperament of ghosts, just like a group of lambs who do not know how to resist.

Wei Xiaobei is really a bit underarmed.

Just when Wei Xiaobei was somewhat entangled, a strange wave caused the attention of Wei Xiaobei.

What is this sound?

Wei Xiaobei could not help but stand up and look in one direction.

That was the village that Wei Xiaobei had saved before. This strange fluctuation was passed from that direction.

Wei Xiaobei had a hunch at this time, and this strange fluctuation was probably made by the people in the village.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei had a spiritual connection with the generals who guarded the village.

In that village, a plain person who had fallen asleep opened his eyes.

Wei Xiaobei saw the scene of the inner life of the village through the eyes of the ordinary people.

The dishes were engraved with a stone statue on the open space in the center of the village. At this time, these people were dancing around the stone statues, and the dances between the dancing people and the stone statues were strange. fluctuation.

Well, although the stone statue looks rough and ugly, Wei Xiaobei still recognizes it.

This stone statue is carved out of its own appearance.

It turned out that these people probably felt that they were supernatural, so they carved a stone statue of Wei Xiaobei, and wanted Wei Xiaobei to bless himself.

And that strange fluctuation is actually somewhat similar to the power of faith. Under the influence of this strange fluctuation, the stone statue is undergoing a strange change.

Will the deity be born in this stone statue? Of course, this is not the only change that may occur.

Wei Xiaobei is somewhat curious about this.

However, at the same time Wei Xiaobei also thought about how to arrange the **** food people who were harvested.

They were placed in the city. Anyway, the wall of the city collapsed by less than one-third. The wall was corrected and some ordinary people were sent. Basically, there was no need to worry about the attack of ghosts.

Of course, the dishes from the village were also taken over, and the statue was moved. Wei Xiaobei wanted to see what the statue would look like.

After such a decision, Wei Xiaobei sent three hundred people, they will pick up those dishes and statues, so as not to delay the time of Xiaobei.

The remaining two hundred people were carrying the dishes to start repairing the walls.

Not to mention that although those who did not speak, but were scorned by the generals, there was no laziness to repair the wall.

Wei Xiaobei wandered around the city pool, and once he met the ghosts, set a killer.

Anyway, this time is also delayed, and it is not free.

When Wei Xiaobei turned a few laps back to the city, the ordinary people who sent them had already moved those dishes and statues back.

Probably a little familiar with Wei Xiaobei, those dishes who had just been put on the ground by the generals, they squat down to Wei Xiaobei, and they clasped their hands together, just like making a wish to the Buddha.

Of course, these people can't be idle, and they were directly rushed to the site where the walls were repaired by Wei Xiaobei.

Next, Wei Xiaobei cleaned up the ruins of the castle and cleared up a piece of open space and put his statue on it.

Later, those dishes are dancing here around the statue.

The Wubaipu people worked with more than 20,000 people, and the degree of repairing the city wall was very fast.

After the repair of the city wall, Wei Xiaobei left the five hundred people to the city pool to serve as a guard, and he could not wait to leave the city of Guanmen and rushed to the beach.

As for the ruins in the city? That is the vegetable people's own business.

In fact, these people are easy to survive, and their demand for food is much worse than that of humans in reality.

Even if they only eat hay, they can live.

Besides, they will still farm, and they will be hungry if they are hungry.

Of course, even if these people didn't eat it, Wei Xiaobei couldn't manage too much. In that case, Wei Xiaobei wouldn't want to leave, simply simply build a career in this closed city.

Running all the way, not long after, Wei Xiaobei came to the beach.

To say that the beach here is not bad, the snow is very white, the waves gently rush to the beach, such as the same beautiful oil painting.

It is a pity that there is no warm sunshine in the gray world, and the sea water is actually black. Even the beautiful beaches, under the shadow of the dark sky and the black sea, look so horrible.

Wei was not the first to see the ocean in the gray world, but this ocean was the first time I saw it.

The sea is actually black!

Wei Xiaobei walked a few steps to the beach, grabbed a handful of sea water and looked at it carefully.

To say that this sea water looks, except for the color, the other is not unusual.

Ok, just look at it, it is impossible to see what is detailed.

Wei Xiaobei simply put his tongue out and licked it.

This seawater cannot be poisonous. If it is poisonous, it is impossible for the humanoid to go to Honshu Island through this ocean.

Salty, very salty and bitter!

This is the first feeling after Wei Xiaobei took the sea.

The sea is naturally salty and bitter, but the sea here is at least ten times more salty than the sea in reality!

To know the Dead Sea in reality, the salt concentration of sea water is 8.6 times that of ordinary sea water. That is to say, the sea here is more salty than the Dead Sea!

It is no wonder that the human-shaped cow ghost can go to the island of Honshu. This kind of sea water, buoyancy is very big, the average creature falls inside, even if it is difficult to sink.

The yin is very heavy!

This is the second feeling that Wei Xiaobei has for this sea.

If the seawater in reality is one of the yin content, then the seawater content of the sea should be between 20 and 30.

Of course, even so, such yin content is not comparable to the average cemetery.

Why is the yin content of this seawater so high, Wei Xiaobei does not know.

After determining that the sea water would not cause any harm to himself, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time. When he jumped again and again, his legs had already stepped on the sea and ran.

After a long distance of travel, Wei Xiaobei is now calm in the sea, and it is not enough to describe the calmness of the sea with the waves.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to use a mirror to describe it.

If you have done a test, you will know that the black water, as long as it is calm enough, can reflect the surface with considerable light, making the surface like a mirror, but the light is dim.

At this time, the sea at the foot of Wei Xiaobei is like a huge mirror. Wei Xiaobei only needs to look down and see his figure clearly. Even every head can be seen clearly.

Head, Wei Xiaobei smiled. Until now, his head has come back again. It seems to be a little long. I still have time to trim it.

It is also strange to say that if Wei Xiaobei is injured in any place, it will be very quick to recover. However, after the hair is damaged, it grows up and is no different from ordinary human beings.


Just as Wei Xiaobei ran all the way through the sea, suddenly, Wei Xiaobei felt that he was not quite right. When he looked down, he seemed to see something that should not exist!

At this point, Wei Xiaobei looked down again.


There is nothing strange about it.

Wei Xiaobei could not help but be a bit strange.

Because the human's five senses are complete, the amount of information received from the outside world is quite large. If all the clear feedback is in mind, then the brain is hard to bear such a big burden.

Thus, human beings have the ability to ignore most of the information and focus only on the information they need.

Generally speaking, a person walks through a street that often passes by. If you let him say that there are billboards on this street, how many street lights, he will not remember most, but if you let him say that he met A few beautiful women, the vast majority of people can clearly answer. (To be continued.) 8

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