The City of Terror

Chapter 1306: Give me a greenwood blessing!

The weather has changed a lot in the past few days. I hope that brothers and sisters will pay attention to their bodies and don’t catch a cold like a tiger.

This is the unique ability of human beings to ignore information.

The same was true for Wei Xiaobei. Before the road ran wildly, the scene that he looked down, Wei Xiaobei only remembered that his hair became longer. As for other scenes, he did not remember.

But for Wei Xiaobei, it is too simple to find all the sights I have seen before.

Wei Xiaobei did not stop, and the speed was moving forward. His mind began to adjust the previous memory.

Then a scene like a fast-forward video emerged in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

If you switch to ordinary humans, the speed of the light is so fast that the brain is estimated to be congested.

For Wei Xiaobei, the speed at which this scene appears is really nothing.

The scene begins with Wei Xiaobei's approach to the Shanghai Sea, the sea that the Wei Xiaobei sees, the sky and even the black sea.

Wait, Wei Xiaobei suddenly stopped the appearance of the scene, and set a picture in his mind.

That is the first time Wei Xiaobei looked down at his sight on the sea. At the edge of this scene, there was a faint foot!


Wei Xiaobei frowned and then looked up again.

Soon, Wei Xiaobei discovered a lot of scenes. In the reflection of the sea, there was a foot behind him, but it quickly disappeared.

How is this going?

Wei Xiaobei soon thought of the black man who had appeared in the river reflection.

Continue to play back the memory!

Less than twenty seconds later, Wei Xiaobei found the image of the black man from countless memory pictures.

That's right!

Wei Xiaobei compared the foot that appeared behind him to the man's foot in black. He couldn't help but scream.

It is the left foot of this black man!

That's it!

After getting this answer, Wei Xiaobei found the problem in a flash.

It turned out that this guy caught up.

Undoubtedly, this guy has the ability to shuttle through the mirror and hurt the enemy. With this ability, he catches up with Wei Xiaobei.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s advancement was so fast that the black man had just appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s side in the mirror and was killed by Wei Xiaobei. This is why, on every scene, only A left foot appears!

catch him! Or kill him!

Wei Xiaobei, where someone can follow the mouse like a mouse, waiting for an opportunity to launch a surprise attack on himself!

However, this time, you can't be amazed, and Wei Xiaobei is ready to take the other side down!

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei did not slow down. You must know that Wei Xiaobei had been running at high speed before the sea. If he slowed down, the black man would be alert, once Wei Xiaobei found each other. Intention, the difficulty of Wei Xiaobei trying to catch or kill each other is too great.

But just ran down like this, I am afraid that even if I arrived at Honshu Island, the guy could not catch up with himself.

Well, Wei Xiaobei feels that this thing is a bit of a comedy, and he actually is anxious for a guy who wants to kill himself.

Where is it?

Just as Wei Xiaobei thought about how to reasonably reduce the speed, a small island emerged in the distance.

Small island?


Wei Xiaobei immediately speeded up and rushed toward the island.

As the distance narrowed, the whole picture of the island also appeared in front of Wei Xiaobei.

This is indeed a small island with a length of five or six meters. The highest point is more than two meters from the sea. To put it bluntly, it is a huge stone that shows a corner on the dead sea. It occasionally sways one or two times on the sea.

After Wei Xiaobei screamed, his legs slammed into the sea, as the same big bird fell toward the island.

The island is bare and there is nothing. The top is a puddle with a diameter of more than half a meter. It is filled with black sea water and still can reflect the reflection of Wei Xiaobei.

For Wei Xiaobei, this is undoubtedly a godsend!


Wei Xiaobei hurriedly breathed a few times, and it seemed to be tired. Then he sat next to the puddle with his buttocks facing the water surface of the puddle. The water surface was turbulent for a few times, but Wei Weibei will still be The back of the back is clearly reflected.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei, who seems to have no defense at all, is sitting next to the puddle. This is in the eyes of a certain guy. It is also a godsend!

The surface of the water gradually subsided. Suddenly, a black man appeared in the reflection of the water. He held a dagger, and the green fluorescent light flashed on the dagger. The evil was toward the reflection of Wei Xiaobei. Backed down.


Just as the black man’s dagger was about to stab the back of Wei Xiaobei’s back, a blue light quickly spread from Wei Xiaobei.

Only a slight wave of sound came out. The next moment, Wei Xiaobei and the boulder under the **** disappeared into the air. The only thing left was a pit on the sea, which was instantly submerged by the surrounding sea.

When Wei Xiaobei reappeared, it was the boulder under the buttocks that appeared in the green wood.


A loud noise, Wei Xiaobei's right leg has been kicked on the boulder, kicking the boulder suddenly!

A slamming sound, the boulder exploded, and the water in the puddle was also bombed into countless drops of water in all directions.

At this point, from the blasted water flower actually rushed out of a black man!

It ran straight into a puddle not far away.

It should be said that Aoki Fukui nowadays said that a lot of aura was absorbed by the sleeping Longbo people, causing the ground to crack and the plants to die, which looked ragged, but the black man seemed to be lucky, the puddle was There are still a few in Aoki Fudi, and one of them is not far from the black man!

Wei Xiaobei naturally knows that this black man has the ability to blend into the mirror. When he was at Guanmen Island, Wei Xiaobei saw it with his own eyes.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei had a smile on his face, and there was no urgency at all, letting the black man rush toward the puddle.

Wei Xiaobei’s inaction made the black man’s heart happy.

To be honest, the black man himself knows that it is completely impossible for him to face Weibei.

After he followed Wei Xiaobei, he looked far away, but he saw a lot of things.

To say the scene before, the black man thought he was finished.

When I launched a surprise attack, I suddenly came to this strange place. After Wei Xiaobei kicked the boulders, the black man didn't even have the opportunity to launch the ability. He was forced out.

But just put yourself in the water! Don't even want to catch yourself!

Near! Near!

Looking at the water surface that reflects the fireball in the sky, the man in black is very nervous, often at this time, the most dangerous time!

But after the black man jumped and the whole body quickly fell into the water, Wei Xiaobei still didn't do it.

I am really safe!

The man in black was probably too nervous and scared at this time. Now he is eager to vent his anger. He even smugly pokes out from the water and screams at Wei Xiaobei: "Come, come!"

Peat, Wei Xiaobei could not help but scream, he sent the black man into the Aomu Fudi, naturally it was a steady win, so it did not care before.

What he could not think of was that the man in black was so arrogant and even dared to challenge himself.


Wei Xiaobei handed an arrow to the black man!

The black man was naturally against this hand. The body sank down and disappeared on the water. The arrow hit the water and the water splashed, but it failed to hurt the black man.

Wei Xiaobei walked over with a full smile on his face, took the arrow back, and gently kicked his right leg. The bottom of the puddle was suddenly shattered, and the water inside disappeared into the ground and disappeared without a trace. .

Next, Wei Xiaobei walked slowly toward a puddle in the distance. The black man had already poked his head from the puddle and observed the movement of Wei Xiaobei. He saw Wei Xiaobei slowly coming. I didn’t dare to provoke, and my body sank and disappeared.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei filled or shattered one puddle, and the black man continued to move toward other puddles.

But not long after, the black man’s face could not laugh.

what happened? ! ! !

what happened? ! !

How can I shuttle? ! !

The black man’s half body came out of the water and looked at Wei Xiaobei, who was slowly coming towards him. His face was pale.

Is it that my ability has failed?

Or is there a special limit here?

There are various answers in the man's mind, but it is impossible to shuttle from this puddle to another puddle.

Finally, Wei Xiaobei came to the black man and smiled: "Run, why not run? Continue!"

The black man was dumbfounded, but seeing Wei Xiaobei did not actually start, where he dared to hesitate, jumped from the water, turned and fled toward the back.

Wei Xiaobei lifted his foot without hesitation and shattered the last puddle in the green wood.

That's right, the reason why the black man can't use his ability to escape is that the real reason is that there is no puddle in Aoki Fudi!

Simply put, only a dozen puddles have disappeared.

This is simple. Anyway, there is not much puddle in Aoki Fudi. Wei Xiaobei still doesn't believe it. The man in black can escape from the green wood.

Once there is no puddle, the man in black can't use it. What's the next thing to say?

Here is the site of Wei Xiaobei!

To say that the green wood blessing is not large, more than 5,000 meters in diameter, the black man did not forget to see if there are puddles around when he escaped, but there is really no puddle here.

When the black man looked at the quagmire, he was slightly surprised. After all, under normal circumstances, there is water in the quagmire, then it may form a water raft, there is water!

Then you can hide yourself!

Waiting for the black man to rush to the mud pool, when he saw the huge dish, he was shocked, his foot slipped and fell to the ground. (To be continued.)

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