The City of Terror

Chapter 1307: Mirrored shuttle!

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As a result, the variegated creeper that has been surrounded by the vines stretched out the vines!

At this point, the man in black has no chance to escape.

To be honest, if you see the smart spring next to it, there may be a little chance of escape.

But now, entangled by the mutant creeper, this black man can no longer escape.

This black man is also considered to be self-investing.

Of course, even if the other party puts into the wisdom spring, there is no chance to escape. However, it is hidden in the water surface formed by the wisdom spring. Wei Xiaobei is quite a bit of a rat.

Wei Xiaobei smiled and stood in front of the black man. He had not waited for his opening. He reached out and two slap fans were on the other's face, even when the two big teeth of the black man were fanned out.

Did not wait for the black man to scream, Wei Xiaobei grabbed the other collar, lifted his right leg and gently hit the other side of the abdomen.

Wow, the black man spurted out even a piece of blood.

Another top, wow, the black man spurted another blood.

Wei Xiaobei knows that this black man is not a low-level savvy or a gray monster.

For creatures with a higher degree of intelligence, the tolerance for pain is usually lower.

Of course, this is not absolute. However, since the other party has fallen into the hands of the other, it is inevitable that Wei Xiaobei will give the other party a horse, and he can also vent his anger that is tracked by the other side.

It should be said that Wei Xiaobei still thinks that the black man’s endurance is relatively strong. What Wei Weibei never imagined is that he has not made any inquiry about it, and the black man actually turned it out. Just desperately squatting on the ground, a pair of willing to surrender: "Adult, don't fight, willing to surrender! Willing to surrender!"

The black man said it was Dongyu, with some Kyoto accents.

At the same time as the other party opened, Wei Xiaobei knew the identity of the other party. It was not a ghost in the gray world. Although the breath on his body was full of gray atmosphere, it was easy to misunderstand, but it said The Dong dynasty is a modern Dong dynasty.

The Dong dynasty, which is said by the ghosts in the gray world, is different in many pronunciations. It is the ancient Dong dynasty.

In fact, in this case, Wei Xiaobei has already discovered it.

For the fire dragon phlegm, the Chinese language used in its speech is the official language of a certain dynasty in ancient Huaxia. Compared with the modern Chinese language, some vocabulary pronunciations are different.

Of course, this difference does not affect the communication between each other.

After all, most vocabulary pronunciations are similar.

"First talk about your origins, then tell everything you know, otherwise!"

Wei Xiaobei said here, the mind was moving, the mutant creeper vines that had already loosened the black man were immediately wrapped around the black man, and the thorns above the vines pierced the black man. Skin.

Undoubtedly, this situation scared the black man, he could feel the blood of the spike was stabbed into his body, and if he did not listen to the adult, I am afraid that the next moment, These horrible vines will instantly **** their blood and turn themselves into a dead body!

"I said, I said, I said everything."

The man in black trembled and said his things one by one.

It turned out that this black man is called Gangtian Xiaomu. It is indeed a gray-level practitioner. Before the ghosts invaded the reality, Gangtian Xiaomu worked at an optical instrument company in Dongpu, Kyoto, where he was responsible for making precision optical lenses.

To put it bluntly, it is a blue-collar with good income. After all, making precision optical lenses requires considerable technology.

Although many Dongpu factories have adopted automated assembly lines, the real boutique is definitely the top craftsman, not the stupid industrial robots.

In fact, this situation is not only in the East, but in China, Sam and even the other powers.

Industrial robots can replace ordinary workers, but they cannot replace top mechanics!

After the ghosts invaded the reality, Gangtian Xiaomu naturally couldn't get to work. In a process of being discovered by ghosts, the Hong Kong Tian Xiaomu entered the gray world and obtained the special ability of mirror shuttle.

The so-called mirror shuttle means that Gangtian Xiaomu can teleport back and forth on the surface of any mirrored object. It can hide the body in the mirror formed on the surface of the object and can kill the enemy by hurting the enemy's reflection!

It can be said that as long as Gangtian Xiaomu is willing to kill people silently, it is too simple for him.

In fact, with this hand, the humans and ghosts that Gangtian Xiaomu has killed are no less than thousands.

With the help of this ability, Gangtian Xiaomu became the king of the underground, to see who is not pleasing to the eye, to kill who, so that the nature of this port Tian Xiaomu becomes extremely arrogant.

His favorite thing now is to use the wire to pull the other person's reflection, let the other person look at his reflection and kill it a little bit, to satisfy his perverted psychology with the other person's horror.

And, the stronger the strength, the more he feels better when he kills.

But this time, Gangtian Xiaomu was looking for Weibei, even if he kicked a large steel plate and completely folded himself.

Through the account of this Hong Kong Tian Xiaomu, Wei Xiaobei once again lamented that this gray world is indeed unbelievable.

Wei Xiaobei remembers that there is a similar ability to mirror shuttles in a Dongpu comic, but I did not expect to encounter one here.

I have to say that this special ability is too abnormal.

As long as an object forms a mirror surface, can reflect light, and reflects the object, then this Hong Kong Tianmu can take the opportunity to kill!

To be honest, if Wei Xiaobei's skin is tough enough, Wei Xiaobei was killed when he first met Mintian Xiaomu.

Of course, this is also the fact that after the ability of Gangtian Xiaomu to patronize the killing, he did not pay attention to improving this ability, making this ability for a long time, and still in the low stage.

If this mirror shuttle is upgraded to the advanced stage, when Gangtian Xiaomu hurts the reflection in the mirror, it can weaken the opponent's defense! At that time, Wei Xiaobei's skin would be tougher, and I am afraid I could not resist the attack of Gangtian Xiaomu.

Of course, corresponding to this special ability, this mirror shuttle still has some limitations.

For example, if there is no mirror, this Hong Kong Tianmu will become a worm.

For example, if the distance is far away, Gangtian Xiaomu will not be able to mirror the past, and the distance of each mirror shuttle is limited to 500 meters. This is why when Gangtian Xiaomu tracks Wei Xiaobei at sea, he is old. The specific reason why it is impossible to get close to Wei Xiaobei is.

This Hong Kong Tian Xiaomu has a mirror shuttle of up to 500 meters. When he shuttles past, Wei Xiaobei will run far away. As a result, even if Hong Kong Tian Xiaomu has such a metamorphosis ability, After eating Wei Xiaobei, he ate.

As for other things, this Hong Kong Tian Xiaomu has also said a lot.

This guy likes to kill, whether it is human or ghost, he likes to kill, so he ran around in the gray world, but he has been to many places.

For example, in Honshu Island, in the words of Gangtian Xiaomu, he has been to Shikoku Island and Kyushu Island. He can go freely in some places in Honshu Island. He does not dare to go. Those ghosts are very powerful.

This has aroused the attention of Wei Xiaobei. The ability of Gangtian Xiaomu is most suitable for sneak into the exploration. Even he does not dare to go. Those ghosts are indeed powerful.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei recorded several locations that Mintian Xiaomu had said.

In the first place is the tumbling pumice mountain. According to Gangtian Xiaomu, the pumice mountain is dangerous. Even a worm can bring death threats. After boarding the pumice mountain, it will be full for a certain period of time. It will be sent to a terrible place, full of horrible demon.

The second is Momotaro Village, somewhere in Kyoto Prefecture, and Takeda Castle, Uesugi City and many other places.

After all the records known by Gangtian Xiaomu were recorded, Wei Xiaobei did not kill Gangtian Xiaomu for the time being, but let the variegated vines shackle it.

Wei Xiaobei is not entirely convinced of the information provided by Gangtian Xiaomu. He needs to ask him again after a while.

After so many times, even if Gangtian Xiaomu deliberately concealed some situations, Wei Xiaobei was able to find out the real situation through detailed comparison.

Of course, if you want to do this, it is impossible for human beings to do it. That is, only Wei Xiaobei is so powerful and capable, and people with relevant special abilities can do it.

After spending hours and repeatedly asking Mintian Xiaomu, Wei Xiaobei probably knows the information provided by Gangtian Xiaomu. The information is true, the information is fake, and the information is really adulterated!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not think about continuing to ask Mintian Xiaomu. At this time, Gangtian Xiaomu also knew that once he had said all the information, he was afraid that he would die, so this Hong Kong Tianmu tried every possible way. To delay.

But he never imagined that Wei Xiaobei directly threw himself into the quagmire.

In the twinkling of an eye, countless variants of the vines of the ivy were rushing toward the small wood of the port, and the small woods of the port were not able to sound, and they were sucked into corpses by the vines.

For the guy like Gangtian Xiaomu, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to leave a living path from the moment he caught the other party.

Don't look at this guy after being beaten by himself, he was extremely honest and surrendered.

But don't think about actually conquering each other. Such a guy, you just give him a chance, then you will not hesitate to fight back!

The reason for this is very simple. Since it is fun to kill, then you have to meet this abnormal requirement in order to conquer each other.

Wei Xiaobei is absolutely impossible to let the other party do this. (To be continued)

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