The City of Terror

Chapter 1309: , human face tree! (6000 words)

Due to the fact that there is something in the real world, this chapter is scheduled to be released! Thank you for your support! ——

People of this character cannot truly surrender to anyone.

Wei Xiaobei doesn't want to plant such a bomb, so it is the best way to deal with it cleanly and neatly.

After disposing of Gangtian Xiaomu, Wei Xiaobei left the Aomu Fudi and returned to the black ocean and continued to rush forward.

In fact, when Wei Xiaobei seized the small wood of Gangtian, the megalithic island was not far from the coast of Honshu Island.

So in just half an hour, Wei Xiaobei boarded the beach on Honshu Island.

Wei Xiaobei turned around the beach for a few laps and probably understood where he was on Honshu Island.

It is not far from the snake-like river that Gangtian Xiaomu said. Wei Xiaobei is going to visit this place.

The so-called Snake Yuanchuan is actually the place where the Eight Diagrams Serpent lives.

That Hong Kong Tian Xiaomu has been there once, but not yet close to the gossip snake, he was scared to be half-step forward by the other party's power.

The gossip snake, Wei Xiaobei, has seen it once in reality. At that time, the gossip snake attacked a military base with many ghosts. As a result, it was used as a test article by Sam, and he dropped more than ten neutron bombs and was bombed. I have to run away.

Wei Xiaobei used to want to see if the gossip snake came back and see if there was any chance to kill the gossip snake.

You must know that if there is such a presence as the Eight Diagrams Serpent, if you can kill it and send its body to Aoki Fudi, then the effect is probably better than the body of 100,000 ordinary ghosts!

Of course, there is also a considerable curiosity in Wei Xiaobei.

For this most legendary ghost in Dongpu, Wei Xiaobei wants to see how powerful this guy is!

Moving eastward along the coast for more than three hundred kilometers, Wei Xiaobei saw a large river that was rushing into the black ocean. Its color was a faint red color. After the river rushed into the black ocean, it mixed with black sea water. Together, they quickly disappeared without a trace.

This reddish river is the so-called Snake.

In fact, this snake-like river does not exist on the island of Honshu in the East.

It used to exist only in the myths and legends of Dongpu.

But today, Wei Xiaobei saw the river with his own eyes.

Walking to the river, Wei Xiaobei extended his right hand and wanted to catch some river water to see why the river was so red.

The right hand that can be defended by Xiaobei has not touched the river, and there is a slamming sound in the river. A slender figure rushes out of the river, and the mouth is covered with a fine tooth. The right hand bites down!

To say that this fish is only half a meter long and ten centimeters wide, but its mouth is open and its diameter is more than half of the body. Like a large funnel, it is easy to swallow the right hand of Wei Xiaobei to the elbow!

Of course, although this strange fish looks a bit horrible, but its sharp teeth want to bite Wei Xiaobei's arm, it is still a little worse, even if the skin can not bite.

Wei Xiaobei will take back his right hand and look at the strange fish that swallowed his arm. The right hand is gently shocked. This creature is probably the same as the one-star elite fish, and the body is torn apart. Block, falling down into the river.

However, the body fragments of this strange fish just fell, and then they were eaten clean by a few rushing fish.

Obviously, these strange fish are extremely greedy food, even if they are the same kind of body, they will not easily let go.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei absorbed a little strange fish's blood with shredded pork. After a slight analysis, it was found that more than 60% of the genes in this strange fish are snake genes, and less than 30% are fish genes. 10% turned out to be the human gene.

However, for Wei Xiaobei, the genes of this strange fish have little value, and they are all found in other biological genes.

In the river at this time, a large number of strange fish tumbling up. In the previous grazing, several strange fish were injured, and other similar attacks, and more blood and debris appeared, making other strange The fish became violent, and a big melee appeared.

Perhaps it is too hungry, and the strange fish are attacking each other wildly, and the number of strange fishes attracted from the river is increasing.

Looking up, the river near the river was almost occupied by countless strange fish. They shuttled back and forth in the river and brought a piece of blood.

Wei Xiaobei feels that the red color of this river is probably partly brought by these strange fish.

However, these strange fishes are only ordinary slightly mutated species, and there is not much research value. Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not take long to go up the river and threw the crazy fish that were madly killing each other.

Of course, just from those strange fish can you see the horror of this serpent.

If you change to an ordinary human being here, I am afraid that even the riverside will not dare to approach.

It is right to not be close to the river.

Wei Xiaobei walked up the river for about ten kilometers, and saw a row of willows on each side of the river on the front side.

Well, when Wei Xiaobei saw the willows from afar, there was a familiar feeling.

That is?

There are hundreds of women's faces on the trunk of each willow tree! !

It is a human face tree!

Although this willow tree and the small tree that Wei Xiaobei once saw are different in terms of tree species, the horrible head of the tree makes Wei Xiaobei determine the identity of these willow trees in the first time.

That's right! It is the human face tree!

At a glance, the people on both sides of the river stretched out all the way, fearing that there would be no more than three hundred trees!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

So many people face the tree!

I don't know how many women's souls are bound.

You know, this human face tree is the biological level of the four-star elite!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei did not know whether he should move forward or backward. After all, there are too many people in the tree, and there is no victory for Wei Xiaobei.

However, it has not yet waited for Xiaobei to make a decision. The two human face trees closest to Wei Xiaobei suddenly raised their own branches and floated toward Wei Xiaobei. It seems to be exploring.

Did the two human face trees find themselves?

Wei Xiaobei did not dare to completely conclude.

Not much effort, the two human face trees began to pull their roots out of the riverside soil, and swayed toward Wei Xiaobei.

At the same time, those women's nostrils began to float out of a mist, these fogs turned into a woman, the legs off the ground, flying quickly toward Wei Xiaobei.

Those women are human souls that have been banned by people!

These human souls, which have been banned by human trees, have turned into grievances. They soon appeared in front of Wei Xiaobei, and the claws of the claws rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.

I saw that only two human faces came to me, and the number of grievances released by this human face tree was much less than that of the human face trees that I saw in reality.

Wei Xiaobei's left hand touched the falling soul clock hanging on the neck, but it was quickly put down. Just two people face the tree, there is no need to use the falling soul clock.

With the right hand grabbing, the ink and squirt guns appear in the palm of your hand, and the mind is moving. A true mercury mixed with lightning spreads out from the palm of your hand, and the whole ink is covered with a large gun before and after half a time.


Ink and ink swayed, and more than a dozen grievances rushing to Wei Xiaobei’s body in the forefront made a scream of screams, and then the body was broken by a large gun and turned into a cloud of smoke.

By the time these grievances regained their physique, their bodies have shrunk by a large part, and even the translucent body has become somewhat blurred.

This scene can only explain that these grievances have been greatly traumatized.

At this time, they saw Wei Xiaobei's eyes full of fear. Although they are the grievances bound by the trees, this does not mean that they have no sense of their own.

In the past, those human beings, ghosts, and even in the face of grievances, even if they had the power of parry, they were easily overwhelmed by a large number of grievances and became a dry corpse.

But now, the human being just swept out a shot, and let these grievances suffer.

However, driven by the human face tree, more grievances rushed from behind.

They seem to see the fat wolf in general, rushing to Wei Xiaobei.

The number of grievances released by the two human trees at this time has exceeded five hundred.

However, in the past, it was possible to take a big loss in front of Wei Xiaobei by virtue of his own quantity and even the special ability.

As long as there is a grievance into the scope of the large guns that Wei Xiaobei swayed, it will surely burst into a fog.

Less than ten times, Wei Xiaobei smothered out from the grievances that surrounded him, and rushed toward the two trees.

Compared with those grievances, the two trees are not afraid at all. A wicker is active and flexible like a python. It is aimed at Wei Xiaobei’s arm and his limbs are entangled in the past.

"court death!"

In the face of the frenzied slamming of two human-faced trees, Wei Xiaobei sighed softly, and the ink and ink guns plunged into a light pick. All the pressed wickers were picked and flew out, and the two human faces were hollow. Open, the ink big gun is like a snake that raided, and in a blink of an eye it stabbed the trunk of a human face tree.


The sawdust splashed, the ink and squirts consistently entered, and the trunk of the human face tree was passed through in a flash!

In an instant, the human face tree made a sharp scream!

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei has already had considerable awareness of this human face tree.

Just as the sharp screams sounded, the two groups of real mercury mixed with lightning were stuck in the ear, blocking the screaming screaming outside.

The big ink gun was swept again, and the other person’s face tree was swept away!

Thousands of thunder and lightning were poured into the human face tree along the big gun, and a sudden explosion sounded, tearing the human face tree into pieces.

Before and after the three-time period, the two trees were killed in front of Wei Xiaobei.

Only the hundreds of grievances around the bodies of the two human trees are lingering.

After the death of the human face tree, the only end of the grievance is waiting for the dissipation of his soul.

Wei Xiaobei was able to clearly feel the strength of these two human face trees in the previous battles, which is much weaker than the human face tree that he encountered in the reality.

Let's just say that the reality of the human face tree encountered in Dongpu is a four-star elite, and the strength of these two human-faced trees is at most four stars!

The number of grievances that include their **** is a world apart.

The number of grievances bound by these two human trees is only two or three hundred.

Wei Xiaobei sent two people to the tree and even the hundreds of grievances into the green wood.

Next, Wei Xiaobei quietly walked forward.

Those face trees are sensitive to fluctuations in the soul of the outside world, but their sensitivity also has a range.

When no creatures enter the range of their induction, they won't move even if they are flipped outside.

This can be seen from the battle between Wei Xiaobei and the two human trees.

Wei Xiaobei felt that he could deal with more human face trees, so he ran forward a little longer.

This time, more than twenty people were mobilized by Wei Xiaobei, and the human face trees on the other side were also alarmed. After they pulled out the roots, they even jumped into the river, relying on With the help of their own buoyancy and the help of the grievances, they are desperately swimming towards this side.

However, these people's trees are somewhat careless. When they are more than ten meters upstream from the river, a strange fish is drilled in the river.

These strange fish are probably not very taboo.

Even the tree roots that the human face trees swipe in the river, they bite up and open their mouths, tearing them hard, trying to tear those roots down.

Where the human face tree received this, then counterattack, the tree roots entangled a strip of strange fish, strangling hard.

However, it is unlikely that the human face tree will quickly come to the side through the river.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei has killed five human face trees on the spot, and one accidentally led to more than a dozen human face trees.

At this time, those people face trees probably learned a little more savvy, and they screamed at Wei Xiaobei far away.

Although the combination of thunder and lightning in the ear can greatly weaken the lethality of this screaming scream, but the number of people who screamed and screamed more than one, Wei Xiaobei felt that the brain began to be affected a bit. .

Therefore, at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not hide the thoughts of squatting. When he reached out, he grabbed the falling soul clock on his neck and then gently swayed a few times.

In the silent, the grievances that have been surrounded by Wei Xiaobei have suffered a devastating blow.

In the silent fluctuations, the thousands of grievances seem to hit a wall of death, from front to back, continuously bursting open.

This time, those grievances have no chance to reshape the body.

In the shaking of the falling soul clock, all creatures that enter the sphere of influence will be hit by the soul level in the first time!

Even the actions of those people in the tree have become slow.

They tried to maintain their own balance, but it didn't take long before the human face tree could hardly stick to it. When the trunk tilted, it fell to the ground.

The invisible bells of the falling soul clock will hit their souls!

Although it is temporarily impossible to kill these people directly, in those states, those people no longer have any resistance.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei only needs to get a gun forward, and it is easy to kill these people's trees one by one!

Compared with the human face tree, there is no resistance. At this time, the body of a large piece of strange fish has floated above the river.

Compared with the human face tree, these low-powered strange fish have no more resistance in the soul of the soul, and almost die when the bell rings.

Under the soul of the clock!

Whether it is a human face tree, a strange fish, or a grievance, there is only one end, death or waiting for death.

Looking at the ever-increasing evolutionary points on the property panel, Wei Xiaobei feels very cool.

He has not earned a lot of evolutionary points like this for a long time.

Those ordinary human face trees, each hanging one, will add 1500 evolution points to Wei Xiaobei, and those grievances and strange fish have only 0.5 evolution points.

But their number also barely compensates for this flaw.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei only needs to rush forward, attract those people to the tree, and then shake the soul clock, and finally fill the gun one by one.

The evolutionary point is constantly increasing, and the bodies of the human face tree and the strange fish are continuously sent into the green wood blessing.

Until the last human face tree fell, Wei Xiaobei almost could not breathe.

too tired.

In the process of continuously using the falling soul clock, the energy is consumed a lot.

Wei Xiaobei was the first such high-frequency use of the soul clock, and he had an illusion that his soul was about to dry up.

The last person tree and the grievances were sent to Aokifu, and Wei Xiaobei was not willing to get up when he sat on the ground of Aokifu.

I need a good rest.

The continuous high frequency of the use of the falling soul clock makes Wei Xiaobei's soul firmness temporarily weakened.

After sitting cross-legged on the ground for a while, Wei Xiaobei closed his eyes and began to calm his emotions.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei has never been in the soul of Qingmufu, so at this time, Wei Xiaobei is ready to give it a try.

As the state of mind subsided, Wei Xiaobei's vision began to change, and the soul climbed out from the top of the head.

However, the soul just revealed a little, Wei Xiaobei felt his soul touched a fresh breath.

This fresh breath began to slowly immerse into the soul, making Wei Xiaobei's original languid soul a vibrate, the original weak and weak soul, not long after the time became powerful.

This is the aura of the Aomu Fudi filled in the air!

To say that Aoki's air is filled with aura, Wei Xiaobei tried it before, and his body is difficult to absorb directly. It can only be immersed in a little bit, so the promotion effect on the body is very weak.

But now, this aura is actually rushing into the soul.

It turned out that at this time, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

It turns out that the aura in this green wood blessed land is absorbed by the soul.

It's no wonder that the effect of using the flesh to directly absorb the aura is very poor.

Wei Xiaobei carefully moved the soul out of the top of his head, while absorbing the aura, while looking at the situation around him.

Relative to reality or the gray world, there are very few black winds in this green wood, and more are white winds formed by aura.

The soul of Wei Xiaobei met these white winds, but the soul was not hurt, but the weakness of the soul was quickly strengthened!

This makes Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh, this green wood blessed land is simply a blessed land!

Finally, Wei Xiaobei’s soul completely climbed out of the top of his head and jumped into the air.

After completely getting rid of the physical restraint, Wei Xiaobei felt that the body formed by the soul was so light.

You don't have to work hard at all, just need to think about it, and the soul can easily float upwards.

A white wind slammed into the Wei Xiaobei and rushed over. Wei Xiaobei did not evade, but instead voluntarily greeted him.


When the white wind came into contact with the soul, Wei Xiaobei was able to clearly feel the aura of the stock pouring into the soul.

Not long after, the weakness of the soul disappeared, and Wei Xiaobei never felt that his soul was so strong.

Even a rare black wind drifted over, and Wei Xiaobei’s soul could easily defeat it!

up! up!

Wei Xiaobei's soul is constantly moving upwards, feeling very relaxed.

Not long after, the soul of Wei Xiaobei floated near the fireball.

The light emitted by the fireball makes Wei Xiaobei feel very warm.

Then Wei Xiaobei’s soul began to drift toward the fireball.

Finally, the soul and the fireball contact, the next moment, Wei Xiaobei's soul has not entered the fireball.

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei was integrated with the fireball, and everything in the entire Qingmufu land was in the mind of Wei Xiaobei.

To be honest, it is the first time for Wei Xiaobei to clearly feel everything about Aoki.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei thought about it, and even though the earth cracked a hole, the raging magma then rushed to the earth along the crack. Not long after, a slowly erupting volcano stood on the ground.

However, just like this, Wei Xiaobei can clearly see that the aura in Aoki's blessed land has been reduced a lot.

Fortunately, the ghost corpse sent by Xiaobei to Aokifudi was piled up next to the world tree. The numerous roots of the world tree plunged into the bodies of these ghosts, constantly extracting the power from these ghost bodies. The broad leaves of the world tree are constantly releasing the aura.

If this is not the case, I am afraid that this Aoki Fukushima has long been unable to withstand the volcano that was rushed out before Wei Xiaobei.

However, the next moment, Wei Xiaobei's soul will be separated from the fireball by himself. After the moment, the body has a powerful suction that **** the soul back.


Slowly open his eyes, Wei Xiaobei feels a little tired, Wei Xiaobei knows that this is a little discomfort caused by the physical body caused by too long.

However, the soul has now completely recovered. Wei Xiaobei took out a few pieces of barbecue and ate it with the wisdom spring water.

After eating and drinking enough, the flesh of the flesh also recovered a little.

At this time, Master Qingniu was still sitting cross-legged next to the people of Longbo. After Wei Xiaobei entered the gray world, he did not open his eyes.

Wei Xiaobei knows that this Qingmu Fudi has not been riddled with holes, which depends on the Qingniu. (To be continued.)

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