The City of Terror

Chapter 1311: , the eggs of the gossip snake (6000 words)

These days, my mental state is not good. Today, I am still updating the two chapters. I am going to go to bed early and get up early tomorrow.

You know, this Longbo people are not far from the time to wake up.

Need more ghost bodies to make up for the deficit of Aoki Fudi!

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time here. After a brief review of the situation here, he left the Aomu Fudi.

Going back to the Snake River in the gray world, the traces of the battle with the human face were still there.

The mud on both sides of the Shejinchuan River has been rolled over, leaving many huge potholes.

Next, Wei Xiaobei accelerated the progress.

After a while on the river, a piece of wood appeared on both sides of the Snake River.

However, these woods are just ordinary wood charms.

Although they are behind the guardian Xiaobei, they will pull out the roots one by one and rush toward Wei Xiaobei.

But in front of Wei Xiaobei, these wood charms are just the existence of ants, and they are far too far away from the human face trees.

Wei Xiaobei even had some intolerance to kill these wood charms, simply lead these wood charms into one place, then shoot the ordinary arrows with ink bows and directly kill them!

In this way, Wei Xiaobei’s degree of killing those wood charms turned a few.

Every time I can clean up the thousands of wood charms.

Of course, anyway, cleaning up these wood charms, and sending these wooden charms into the Aomu Fudi, have more or less delayed Wei Xiaobei's time.

Until the last piece of wood charm was cleaned up and the sides of the river became ridiculous, Wei Xiaobei had consumed about three hours.

From here on, and then along the river, there are basically no ghosts on both sides of the river.

When Wei Xiaobei continued to hurry, he also felt a mighty powerful force drifting out of the river.

However, Wei Xiaobei knows that this is not a powerful monster hidden in the river, but the river is contaminated with a powerful monster.

It is as if Wei Xiaobei is taking a bath, then the bathing water will bring the strong body of Weibei to the truth.

More than 300 kilometers in a row!

There are no plants on both sides of the Suzuki River, and even ghosts appear, and the anger in the river is constantly rising. Even the river has begun to appear a piece of steam rising.

This made Wei Xiaobei could not help but be amazed. The gossip snake was so powerful. Just taking a bath would make the fire in the river rise to this extent?

Finally, Wei Xiaobei, who was running all the way, stopped his footsteps and looked away.

It is a towering volcano!

Yes, the hot magma flows from time to time from the crater, forming a lava river hanging on the volcano.

A rushing river flows from both sides of the volcano, and a lava stream hanging from the crater flows into the river, causing a piece of water vapor.

This may be part of the source of fire in the river.

What is more attractive to Wei Beibei is the giant snake that is tumbling back and forth between the lava river and the river!

That's right!

It is a giant snake!

The size of these giant snakes is also more than ten meters long, but the largest one is over 100 meters long!

They sometimes plunged into the river to enjoy the coolness of the river, and sometimes they plunged into the lava river, covering the tumbling magma on themselves, and the snakes turned and looked very comfortable.

In Wei Xiaobei's eyes, the most important thing in this is that the smallest of these giant snakes is one-to-one, which is not much different from other snakes, but after 20 meters, these giant snakes are different. .

The larger they are, the more the head and tail are.

The giant snake with a body size of over 100 meters has five heads and five tails!

Are these giant snakes descendants of the Eight Diagrams Serpent?

This is the judgment that Wei Xiaobei emerged in his mind for the first time.

Indeed, anyone who has a change will have this idea.

This is a very obvious thing.

As the body grows, these giant snakes will grow new heads and tails.

I have to say that this is a paradise for giant snakes.

A huge number of snakes, when they are tumbling in the magma and the river, look a bit horrible.

These are not small muddy muds, but a huge snake!

In the face of so many giant snakes, Wei Xiaobei can not act rashly.

He hid himself behind a boulder on the riverside and continued to observe the giant snakes.

What makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat puzzled is that the gossip snake is still not here?

This is also a helpless thing, the number of giant snakes gathered together, its power is quite scary, and it is difficult for Wei Xiaobei to distinguish the atmosphere of these giant snakes.

A little bit of time passed, Wei Xiaobei hid behind the boulder, his body did not move, worried that these giant snakes would be disturbed, Wei Xiaobei even did not release all things, just relying on the induction of these giant snakes, A little speculation about the strength of these giant snakes.

To put it simply, the smallest snake, the creature level is about two stars of horror, of course, compared to other ghosts, this snake also has to be more powerful.

The largest five-headed serpent should have a biological level of four stars. Similarly, the five giant snakes are much stronger than the other four-star ordinary ghosts.

The rest of the serpent is between Samsung's ordinary and Samsung's horror.

Suddenly, the giant snakes that were tumbling in the river and the lava stopped their actions. They rushed toward the volcano, as if they were worshipping.

At this moment, the huge volcano squirted!

Numerous magma rushed out along the crater.

Not long after, a huge snake head emerged from the crater, no! Not just a snake head.

Second, third

About five or six minutes before and after, eighteen huge snake heads emerged from the crater, such as huge stone pillars erected in the same circle!

this is? ! !

Gossip snake? ! !

At this time, Wei Xiaobei understood it. The real gossip snake is not eight heads! But nine heads!

The gossip snake that appeared in the reality of Dongpu is also a gossip snake, but it is a gossip snake that has not yet fully grown up! Only eight heads!

The truly complete gossip of the gossip should be in front of Wei Xiaobei’s eyes, with nine headed serpents!

And there are two here!

To be honest, this is still quite shocking to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei originally thought that there was only one gossip snake, but now it seems that it is not one, but tens of thousands!

However, the gossip snakes around the volcano did not grow up, just the gossip snake that has not yet grown up!

The two real gossip snakes were tossed up in the huge crater at this time. Wei Xiaobei did not know what they were doing. Anyway, the magma in the volcano continued to overflow along the volcanic wall. The lava that flows down almost evaporates the river that flows around the volcano.

Wei Xiaobei is not too daring to move now.

The two gossip snakes gave him a much more sensation than the gossip snake that he saw in the real East.

The gossip snake, in the judgment of Wei Xiaobei, is at least the biological grade of the four-star disaster!

The heads of these two gossip snakes are bigger than the gossip snake, almost halfway through!

Therefore, even if the biological grades of these two gossip snakes did not break through the four-star disaster, I am afraid that it is also the peak of the four-star disaster!

Time by bit, the Wei Xiaobei boring calculation of time, but fortunately his six minds are analyzing a series of genes, and will not let Wei Xiaobei bored.

It’s almost a week!

The two gossip snakes seem to have unlimited energy and have been tossing on the crater, just like using chopsticks to stir milk tea, and mixing the poor magma from time to time.


It seems that the movement is a lot smaller?

After Wei Xiaobei felt this, he hurriedly probed his head out.

In this place, Wei Xiaobei can not use his own inductive ability and electromagnetic field to explore the situation.

Those giant snakes were too sensitive to these movements. Before that, Wei Xiaobei used the inductive ability and was almost caught by the giant snakes.

Fortunately, after Wei Xiaobei stopped, the giant snakes probably did not dare to move in front of the gossip snake, so they looked at the Wei Xiaobei side and then shrank back.

Indeed, there is a lot less magma flowing down the crater.

But at this time a few huge snake tails protruded from the crater, like a vine hanging on the edge of the crater, and then did not move.

But not long after, Wei Xiaobei saw that the tail of the snake suddenly protruded, and an elliptical object was moving from top to bottom and in the tail of the snake.


A soft bang, a fiery red giant egg with a diameter of two meters, appeared from the end of the snake tail and then fell down.

The following giant snakes saw the fiery red giant eggs appearing, and even if they were excited, they gathered together with dozens of them, concentrated in the position where the giant egg fell, and used their thick and elastic body as a cushion. The giant egg is firmly caught and will not be broken.

In fact, this is just the beginning.

Next, the flaming red eggs continued to appear from the nine snake tails and fell down.

The following giant snakes are divided into labor divisions, some are responsible for picking up eggs, and some are responsible for sending those giant eggs to the warm river.

Of course, the rivers at this time are basically blocked by the rocks formed after the lava solidified.

However, it is hard to beat the giant snakes, they open their mouths and swallow the volcanic rocks in a mouthful.

It is clear that the volcanic rocks formed by the lava are one of the important food sources for these giant snakes.

Tens of thousands of giant snakes were only used to feed on the volcanic rocks. It was not long before the originally blocked rivers were gradually reopened, and the rivers that flowed around the shore were re-entered into the river.

A fiery red dome was sunk into the river and disappeared.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei also understood that the tossing of the two gossip snakes was going on.

But then again, this gossip snake is too raw, right?

The snake eggs produced in this tone have already passed thousands of them, and they are still falling down!

When the last giant egg fell, the tail of the gossip snake shrank back, and then the magma swarmed again.

Wei Xiaobei knew that the two gossip snakes should have shrunk into the volcano.

Think about it too, have been tossing for so long, even if the gossip snake is now too tired.

However, the number of giant eggs in the river has exceeded 10,000! Some of the giant eggs piled up in the river are almost coming out of the river.

This is really too raw!

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei feels speechless at this time.

In the sense that the more powerful the creature, the weaker its ability to multiply.

Of course, a small breeder like Luhan is not in this range. People are special abilities, and Luhan is able to bully it in a four-star monster. Therefore, its ability to breed is extremely strong and normal.

The question is, how can this gossip snake be called the weak, and it has such a powerful ability to multiply, is this still alive?

But then again, there are always reasons for this weird thing.

Wei Xiaobei cultivated some weak pigs and spread them to form a reconnaissance net with a volcano as the center and a diameter of 30 kilometers.

Through this investigation network, Wei Xiaobei determined that the two gossip snakes should go to sleep.

The magma of the crater has subsided, and there is no trace of the gossip.

And the giant snakes are probably hungry at this time, tired, waiting for the two bosses toss, waiting for a week, then busy picking up the eggs or something, now the two bosses are sleeping, the giant snakes are scattered Come and eat volcanic rocks everywhere.

When the volcanic rock was enough, the giant snakes circled and fell asleep.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei began to get busy.

Dive into the river and sneak into the volcano by the cover of the river.

However, it has not waited for Xiaobei to lurk to the foot of the volcano. The giant egg in the river channel blocks the way of Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei tried to touch these piles of giant eggs. Now there are no strangers in the scattered snakes. Then the courage is big, and even a giant egg is punctured, and the left hand squirts the meat. Silk, absorb the egg liquid and even the egg yolk in the giant egg.

To this end, Wei Xiaobei even separately listed a mind to let him analyze the gossip gene contained in this giant egg.

Of course, in a short period of time, it is impossible to completely resolve the genes of the gossip snake.

However, Wei Xiaobei can feel the massive vitality of the gossip of the gossip, which is an accident that surprised Wei Xiaobei.

Needless to say, Wei Xiaobei's hands glowed blue and stretched out and touched the giant eggs.

The giant egg that was touched by Wei Xiaobei's palms instantly disappeared into the river, which was naturally sent to Weimufu by Wei Xiaobei.

You must know that these giant eggs, which contain a lot of vitality, have been sent to the Aomu Fudi, even after those people!

The serpents didn't know that the giant egg soaked in the river was disappearing.

Time passed by, and no small and half will work hard. Wei Xiaobei sent 90% of the giant eggs in the river into the green wood.

Looking at the only remaining more than a thousand giant eggs in the river, Wei Xiaobei will want to suppress the thoughts of a net.

If you take these giants out of the net, I am afraid that you will wake up the gossip that sleeps in the volcano.

For this, Wei Xiaobei is not skeptical.

You should know that a top ghost like the Eight Diagrams Serpent, stealing some of its giant eggs, may not appear, but if you break it, it will definitely attract the attention of the other party!

Wei Xiaobei even endured the thoughts of the giant snakes.

Of course, the reason for this is because the giant snakes have erected their heads at this time and looked toward the back of the volcano.

Wei Xiaobei didn't know what was going on, so he retired first and looked at the situation.

When the small north returned to the boulder on the river, the giant snakes around the volcano had gathered.

They seem to be very angry and at the same time somewhat fearful.

Is it that the theft of the giant egg has been discovered by these giant snakes?

Wei Xiaobei carefully probed and went out to observe it.

I saw an army circling from behind the volcano and rushing toward the giant snakes.

The army was formed by a small warrior with thousands of them. They were dressed in wood armor, armed with a bright samurai sword, and with colorful flags behind them. At first glance, it seemed like a group of people singing.

But it is clear that the strength of this group of warriors is not weak, and those giant snakes should have eaten their losses before. Otherwise, the giant snakes will not appear to be afraid when they see the group of warriors forming an army.

Is this the human indigenous army in the gray world?

Wei Xiaobei is happy to see such changes.

There is a group of human indigenous warriors who are looking for the troubles of these giant snakes. Wei Xiaobei can look at the strength of these giant snakes. If you can seduce the two sleepy gossip snakes, it would be better.

Wei Xiaobei believes that since these human indigenous warriors dared to come to the troubles of these giant snakes, I am afraid that they themselves are also dependent.

It’s screaming, a burst of armor crashes, the indigenous warriors separate a road, and a more beautiful military commander walks out from behind with a little dark horse.

Seeing that this military commander appeared, some of the smaller snakes even shook up in the body.

"You are going to die!"

After the general manager said a big pass in his mouth, he took out a bottle from his waist and then slammed it.

The bottle fell to the front of the giant snakes and burst into the ground. Wei Xiaobei could clearly see that a translucent cloud rose from the cracked pieces of the bottle and continued to cover the giant snakes.

The serpent, shrouded by the translucent cloud, swayed, and it seemed like drunk.

In fact, it is really wine.

Across this distance, Wei Xiaobei was able to smell the scent of the wine.

You know, the boulder hidden by Wei Xiaobei is four kilometers away from the broken position of the bottle!

The power of this wine can be seen in general.

The most critical problem is that this wine seems to have a special effect on the giant snakes.

At this point, the giant snake, which is located within a hundred meters of the bursting radius of the bottle, has been swaying from the ground and spread out, and a large number of giant snakes are in a drunken state.

As the commander ordered, the samurai trotting rushed toward the giant snakes.

In the twinkling of an eye, the serpents that were soft on the ground were slaughtered by the samurai swords that the warriors waved.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei focused his attention on the broken bottle and moved everything.

Name: Men's wine (secondary genius)

Introduction: The wine of Sasuke's man is a drink made by the man who has been brewed to drunk the gossip snake. It has a special intoxicating effect on snakes!

Effect 1: Snake drunk, after any snake smells the wine, it will have different drunkenness symptoms due to the concentration of the wine.

Very simple introduction, but let Wei Xiaobei understand the origin of this wine.

So, Wei Xiaobei remembers that in the Dongpu myths and legends related to the gossip snake, the man of Nasu is to use the fine wine to drunk the gossip snake and finally kill him!

Even the real gossip snakes will be drunk with this kind of wine. It is normal for these giant snakes to indulge in the scent of this floating wine.

Just as Wei Xiaobei looked at the property list of the wine, the samurai and the serpent had already been killed.

The giant snake that was completely drunk and soft on the ground had been killed by the samurai, but the serpents that had not been completely scented by the wine began to fight back.

Although the giant snakes were influenced by the scent of wine, they were far more numerous than the warriors, so when they began to resist, they brought a lot of casualties to the warriors.

I can wait until the famous Wu will pull out a fiery red samurai sword from the waist. After the horse joins the battlefield, the casualties of the giant snake suddenly increase.

The fiery warrior in the hands of the military commander is very powerful. Every knife is thrown out. A thin knife light will fly on the top of the blade. Any snake that has been smoothed by a knife will be cut into two segments by the knife.

Blood splatter!

When the military commander came out, he immediately suppressed the momentum brought by the giant snake to fight back!

To say that these giant snakes are also unlucky today.

You know, it is not difficult to get rid of thousands of warriors by the number of giant snakes and their average strength.

After the bottle that was originally thrown out by the military commander was broken, the fragrance of the wine would weaken the fighting power of the giant snake. After that, the generals rushed to kill the giant snakes who dared to resist. Cross the field.

Obviously, it can be seen that the giant snakes are wise, at least they are higher than the ordinary ghosts.

Therefore, when this situation is obviously not conducive to one's own side, some of the giant snakes that have not been so popular with the wine have begun to flee the battlefield.

As this part of the snake escaped, the morale of the remaining serpents fell again, which caused more serpents to be affected and escaped during the battle. (To be continued.) 8

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