The City of Terror

Chapter 1312: You chase me to kill!

New December, new beginning! Dear brothers and sisters, I wish you all the best in the new month! All the best!

At the end of the day, the morale of the giant snakes collapsed as a whole, and the giant snakes fled and were unwilling to continue to resist. ??

And when the samurai arrived at this time, they did not continue to pursue it.

The reason is very simple. Fighting the tens of thousands of giant snakes is also a tough battle for the warriors.

Although at the beginning, the giant snakes that were so fragrantly scented were hacked to death by the warriors.

But then the giant snakes that fought and rebelled also brought huge casualties to the warriors.

It can be said that when the giant snakes fled the battlefield, at least half of the warriors were killed or killed, and they were severely injured.

Undoubtedly, this is almost dead for the warrior. For a professional warrior like a warrior, if the limbs or some important parts of the body are hurt, then the warriors are basically for the sake of abandoning one!

But in any case, as the serpents fled, the samurai side won.

After the warriors drove away the serpent, they jumped into the river with excitement.

Wei Xiaobei can see that the warriors are moving a giant egg from the river to the shore, and then after breaking the giant eggs, enjoy the delicious food in the giant egg.

But at this time, the military commander was obviously very confused. After the warriors searched the rivers in the vicinity, they found thousands of giant eggs.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei is also understandable.

These warriors might have rushed over to take advantage of the weak period after the gossip snake lay eggs.

If you want to come, the massive vitality contained in those giant eggs is a rare big tonic.

Wei Xiaobei could even see some of the samurai eating the egg yolks in seven or eight giant eggs. The breath suddenly increased, and they climbed all the way, finally breaking through their current bottlenecks.

As for the more injured samurai who ate the egg yolk and the egg white, the injury suddenly accelerated the recovery. It was not long before they could stand up from the ground and move freely.

However, because the number of giant eggs is only a thousand, the warriors are not evenly divided. Some warriors also eat a giant egg, and some warriors eat more than ten in one breath.

There are some warriors with slower movements, and there is no glue on them.

As a result, some conflicts and contradictions have arisen between these warriors, and even two warriors have drawn their swords because they snatched the giant eggs!

Fortunately, after the current situation, the military commander immediately yelled at the warriors.

It can be seen that the commander's prestige in the samurai is very high, so even if these warriors are arguing with red face, they will finally calm down the anger of their hearts.

After that, the military commander shouted a few times. The samurai then moved the bodies of the other warriors and the bodies of the giant snakes into a series and returned to the original road.

Of course, these warriors are even more powerful. There are not many dead snakes that can be carried back. After all, there are only more than 700 warriors who have survived. After removing the manipulators carrying the warriors, the remaining hands will only be removed. More than three hundred giant snakes.

This is still the result of their desperate efforts.

Looking at the figure that the warriors gradually disappeared behind the volcano, Wei Xiaobei was excited.

Just a joke, the battle between the samurai and the giant snake before, although the end of the giant snake to collapse and escape from the battlefield, but in the previous battle, the loss of the giant snake is not small.

Even though the warriors have moved more than 300 giant snakes, at this time the river, the body of the giant snake on the volcanic rock ground is at least five or six thousand!

Although in the previous battles, the weak pigs on the battlefield were affected, but the weaker pigs in the periphery were still there. Through them, Wei Xiaobei knew that the giant snakes had escaped more than ten kilometers and was returning at this time. in.

Although the movement of the giant snakes is not slow, but after all, there are more than ten kilometers away, and they still have time!


Wei Xiaobei rushed out from behind the huge stone and continued to collect the bodies of the giant snakes along the river.

When Weibei turned a few laps and sent the body of the last giant snake into Qingmufudi, Wei Xiaobei had already seen the giant snake that was returning.

Wei Xiaobei naturally would not let those giant snakes appear by themselves. Therefore, during the insurance period, they jumped directly into the river. After swimming for several kilometers, they did not go ashore and still hid in the river.

Wei Xiaobei’s choice is correct.

Just as the giant snakes were far away from their own corpses and even the eggshells of the giant eggs, they screamed with screams.

The roar of these giant snakes sounded, and the volcanoes were even more powerful!

The two gossip snakes woke up!

Two consecutive angry screams came out of the volcano, and the volume was so large that even Wei Xiaobei, who was hiding in the river for several kilometers, felt his ears bleed.


Then a loud bang came and the volcano began to vibrate. Eighteen giant snakeheads came out of the crater, and their eyes fixed on the giant eggs that were already eggshells.

Undoubtedly, the giant eggs were eaten by the egg yolks that were thrown out, which made the two gossip snakes very angry.

In the anger of the Eight Diagrams Serpent, the magma continually flows down the mountain wall.

Oh, not long after, the two gossip snakes climbed out of the crater. When the giant body of up to a kilometer fell on the ground, even the earth felt a sharp vibration.

The two gossip snakes licked the empty eggshells with their snakes, and their eyes swept away, but they could not find the perpetrators. Then they screamed with a snake tail and smashed a large number of eggshells into pieces. After that, the volcano was bypassed.

Looking at the whereabouts of these two gossip snakes, I am afraid that this is going to seek revenge.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei can feel that the eyes of the two gossip snakes are extremely sharp. If they have been on the shore before, then they may be seen by the gossip!

Seeing the two gossip snakes swimming out of the volcano and bypassing the volcano, the giant snakes could not help but speed up and chase the past.

Hey, hello

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei poked his head from the river and looked at the volcano in front.

The magma in the crater did not flow down after the gossip snake left.

Now, on the ground of the volcano and the volcanic rock, there are only some eggshells that have been pumped into powder.

The snakes ran to take revenge.

Wei Xiaobei’s heart is happy. Undoubtedly, this gossip snake has revenge in the past, but he can follow the past to see the situation, and may be able to easily find a lot of bodies.

Through a little connection with Aoki Fudi, Wei Xiaobei has already felt that the aura concentration of Aokifu is rising rapidly after he has sent the gossip of the gossip and the body of the giant snake into the Aomu Fortune.

If you decide to do this again, the aura that Aoki Fudi needs to open up is enough to use!

With this in mind, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time and quietly followed up.

When he kept up with the giant snakes, Wei Xiaobei felt that he should give the nickname to the gossip snake.

Ground destroyer!

Turning over the volcano is an unobstructed plain. The plain is covered with green grass, but it is similar to the Great Plains of the Grey Lake City.

However, in the place where the two gossip snakes passed, two huge trenches stretched out all the way, and the other giant snakes also pressed out a small gap in the plain.

Even in those two huge trenches, a lot of clear water was leached, forming two streams.

There are some other ghosts on this prairie. Wei Xiaobei even saw a few Ravens that were crushed into a half-meat sauce.

If these Ravens are in the past, they can follow the gossip snake and act as a thug.

But today, the giant egg produced by the gossip snake was wiped out by a net, which undoubtedly made the anger of the gossip snake burst.

Therefore, the heterogeneous things you see, whether it is the Crowd or the Spider, etc., are all directly crushed!

Do not leave half alive!

So the giant snakes did not travel far on the Great Plains, and the ghosts that roamed the Great Plains were almost scared to escape.

The progress of the gossip snake seems to be slow, but because of its size, it is actually faster than those of the giant snake.

Therefore, after more than two hundred kilometers on the prairie, the two gossip snakes now show the traces of those warriors.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei has hidden himself into the fog of the sky in order to see the situation more clearly.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also needs to be vigilant at all times. Don't let the gossip snake appear on his own.

If the gossip snake is present, then in the blink of an eye, the other party will be able to extend the head to himself.

You know, when the gossip snakes marched, the nine huge heads were in deep fog.

But it seems that the influence of the fog on the gossip snake is small, so that the gossip snake can't be found in the gray world.

When the two gossip snakes appeared in the back, the warriors shouted and shouted, and they threw the giant snake and even the companion's body on the ground, and spread their legs one by one, desperately fleeing toward the front.

I have to say that the choice of these warriors is correct.

Just after the current warrior, after the two meetings, the head of the skull opened and a jet of magma was ejected.

However, the accuracy of the gossip serpent jet magma, or the strength is still a little worse, those magma flames basically fall behind the samurai, only a magma flame falls in the samurai group, and instantly will be more than ten The famous warrior burned to ashes.

However, this horror has made the speed of those samurai escapes faster. (To be continued.) 8

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