The City of Terror

Chapter 1313: a man who looks like a light

These days I was a little confused, and even forgot in December.

Wei Xiaobei saw clearly at the back. The former military martial artist riding a dark horse and fleeing to the front, it seems that there is no idea that he is willing to delay the cover.

This chase and escape, the speed of both sides has increased, and it took a long time to throw away the giant snakes that are chasing them.

And Wei Xiaobei can only watch the warriors, the body of the giant snake, and speed up.

No way, if you want to send these bodies to Aoki Fudi, then they will be discovered by the giant snakes. For this benefit, it will affect the greater interests. Wei Xiaobei is not willing.

The escape of the warriors is not endless.

After the two sides ran for half an hour in a row, a river appeared on the far plain.

Although in this chase, many warriors were caught up in the ashes by the gossip snake because of their lack of physical strength. After seeing this river at this time, all the warriors cheered in unison, morale Vibration, it is like playing chicken blood, the speed is speeding up again.

Wei Xiaobei naturally knows why these warriors are like this. He poked his head out of the fog and could clearly see that a tall city was surrounded by rivers a few kilometers away.

That should be the end of these samurai escapes.

Probably found the samurai, but also saw the gossip snake chasing the back, the warriors on the wall of the city wall have pulled out the samurai sword.

The escaped warriors rushed to the city while escaping, and the idea was to put the gate down and let them enter the city.

The two gossip snakes behind can be chased, and the city gates of the city cannot be put down, so the warriors have to go to the rear of the city.

Obviously, these warriors escaped.

After seeing the city, the two gossip snakes seemed to be assed in the buttocks. They did not pay attention to the escaped warriors. Instead, they rushed toward the city and spit out the lava flame while opening their mouths.

The lava flame spewed out by the gossip snake is a lava that burns in a group. They are like cannonballs. They are ejected from the Shekou, and then they traverse an arc in the air at a 45-degree angle. Falling down the city.

At this time, a priest dressed in colorful costumes stood on the wall with a wooden stick with a few cloth strips.

As the other side whispered, a thin red transparent shield was raised outside the wall, like a half egg shell, which buckled the city.


The lava flames hit the transparent shield, and a series of loud noises rang in a blink of an eye.

The transparent shield is violently shaking, but it seems that there is not much fear of the warriors standing on the wall.

Wei Xiaobei suspects that such a situation may not happen once, and these warriors may be used to it.

Therefore, they will appear so dull, because they know that as long as they have this transparent shield, they will be fine and safe.

Sure enough, after eighteen lava flames were finished, the transparent shield shook very badly, but it quickly recovered.

This scene made the two gossip snakes very angry, and then they took their snake tail toward the city.

It was a series of loud noises, but even if the transparent shield was shaken even more, there was still no sign of a break.

As a result, the two gossip snakes seemed to be smashed with the transparent shield at this time, sometimes vomiting the lava flame, sometimes using the snake tail to slam, and then hitting with the snake head, playing a lot of fun.

What makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat strange is that no matter what attack these two gossip snakes launched toward the transparent shield, the warriors in the city and the gods did not show signs of counterattack.

It’s like waiting for the two gossip snakes to get tired and leave.

Indeed, it was probably the two gossip snakes that tossed in the volcano before, and the spawning, the deficit was relatively large, just after a break, they were awakened by the warriors.

As a result, the two gossip snakes were a little tired after tossing them with the transparent shield for a while, and then stopped and made a deep screaming toward the back.

This roar is probably the summoning of the giant snakes that fall behind.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei is clearly aware.

The priest standing on the wall is actually a display. On the open space behind the wall, there are a large number of sacred officers. These priests radiate a faint red scent and maintain the existence of transparent shields. The serpent attacked too much, and there were many priests falling in it, and then it was topped by other waiting officials.

To be honest, follow the attack before the gossip snake and attack up to fifteen minutes!

Those priests can't stand it.

After all, the number of priests is limited, and the rotating priests can't recover their power in a short time.

Once the priest does not rotate, the transparent shield is broken.

But these guys are very smart, hiding behind the walls and chaos, standing on the wall with a priest, thus successfully confusing the two gossip snakes.

But in any case, these priests are awesome.

It took so long under the violent bombing of the two gossip snakes.

You must know that many of the attacks before these two gossip snakes, even Wei Xiaobei, did not grasp the positive next.

As the two gossip snakes stopped attacking, the band became very quiet, and even the warriors who had already walked around the city and could not enter the city did not dare to make a sound, lest one accidentally caused the gossip. Crazy attack.

Not long after, the giant snakes panted and spit on the snake letter.

Compared with the truly grown gossip snakes, the physical strength of these giant snakes is certainly not comparable.

When I first arrived at the ground, the giant snake that was smashing was soft on the ground.

It’s more than 800 kilometers away from the volcano.

The warriors actually ran down, but these giant snakes seemed to be a bit bad in terms of endurance.

Seeing that their offspring are soft, the two gossip snakes seem to be somewhat helpless.

But shortly after these giant snakes arrived, the transparent barrier suddenly disappeared.

Seeing the disappearance of the transparent barrier, the two gossip snakes seemed to be ecstatic. Even if a snake head was erected, it would have the potential to capture the city.

But at this moment, a large piece of things was shot from the city.

That is?

Wine bottle?

The warriors who were hiding in the city used a thick bamboo pole as a simple catapult, and even threw thousands of bottles.

For the bottles thrown out of the city, the two gossip snakes did not react at all.

The next moment, these bottles continued to hit the ground, like a firecracker ping pong.

Suddenly, the scent of wine from the broken bottles instantly enveloped all the giant snakes.

These giant snakes probably suffered from loss and not enough. Some giant snakes saw the bottle cracking, and they curiously extended the snake letter.

Well, this kind of wine, just the smell of wine can weaken a large part of the fighting power of the giant snake, not to mention they dare to go.

The giant snake that stretched out the snake letter and licked the drink immediately seemed to be drained of all the strength, and the real softness was on the ground.

The other giant snakes are not good at this time. The rich wine is full of air around them, so that they will inhale a lot of alcohol into the body every moment, making them quickly enter the drunken state.

Even the two gossip snakes are the same. These two gossip snakes are probably attracted by this wine. They open their mouths and slammed them. They inhale a lot of alcohol that has been scattered on the ground and have not been immersed in the soil. In the mouth.

At this time, the gate of the city was finally opened.

The thick and incomparable city gate slammed over the river, and then from the city, a team of warriors flocked out, carrying a samurai sword and smashing toward the giant snakes.

However, these warriors are not the focus of attention.

Under the protection of many military commanders, a man riding a white horse and slowly walking out of the city is the focus of Wei Xiaobei at this time!

The man was not wearing armor, just wearing a blue warrior gown and carrying a long knife on his back.

As far as the surface is concerned, its appearance looks very ordinary.

But in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, the man's light is like the sun!

The intensity of the breath is even less than that of the six-winged angels.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei feels that the most threatening to himself is the long knife on his back!

This is a fatal premonition!

Wei Xiaobei suspects that if he is caught in the long knife, he will not even have the chance to escape to Aomu Fudi, and he will be destroyed!

This is not a joke.

If you are not worried about exposing yourself, Wei Xiaobei really has the heart to throw a good thing on the long knife and see what weapons it is, which will pose such a big threat to himself!

As the men under the protection of many military commanders left the city, the two gossip snakes, which were desperately crushing the warriors, suddenly stopped, and the snake heads were all staring at the man.

Undoubtedly, it is not difficult to feel the threat of this man with the strength of the gossip snake and its original beast instinct.

"You go!"

The man suddenly spoke and waved his hand to signal the generals to join the battle to kill the serpent.

And he himself is a arrogant look at the two gossip snakes that are many times more numerous than him.

Wei Xiaobei didn't know if it was an illusion. The man looked at the eyes of the gossip snake as if he were looking at the pigs that were locked up.

At this point, the atmosphere between the two sides became inexplicably deadlocked.

Whether it is the gossip snake or the man, it seems to be a little taboo.

But this stalemate is not likely to continue. (To be continued.)

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