The City of Terror

Chapter 1320: , holy city?

Congratulations on the number of words in this book reaching 4oo million words! Huh, the poor road is still the first time to write so much, I feel that this book can pass five million!

As long as it is not a fool, you can think of it, if you have to use the flame in the battle, then the Pu people and the flame bird can cooperate with each other, and you don't need the expensive breeding creatures like the flames. ??

As a result, the flames were eventually abandoned by Wei Xiaobei.

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei even analyzed the genes of Snow Maiden.

The snow woman's genes are much simpler than the phoenix.

Wei Xiaobei used the fusion of the ice giant and the snow female gene, and then added the gene of the crow, thus shaping a breeding organism called snowbird.

This snowbird is a two-star elite, capable of producing a temperature of minus 50 degrees within a radius of ten meters, and consumes 45o of material during cultivation.

Of course, in terms of cost performance, this snowbird is not comparable to the popular and flame birds.

But Wei Xiaobei feels that the snowbird is much better than the ice giant. If it can reduce its cost by more than half, then the snowbird can be called a cheap bio-cooling machine.

In Wei Xiaobei's research and experimentation of various breeding organisms, time has passed unconsciously for more than half a year.

The gray world is the same as the real time flow, and the time flow of Aomu Fudi is much faster than reality, and it is not stable. Of course, this is because Aoki Fudi is not completely self-contained.

After Wei Xiaobei was awake from the trial, he calculated it a bit. The time in the gray world is probably a week away.

Even if the guy is in the place where he disappears, I am afraid I can't keep it for a week.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei is ready to leave the green wood.

Of course, before leaving Qingmufu, Wei Xiaobei still needs to do some preparatory work for exploration.

For example, throw a flame bird out of Aoki, and then take it back.

This little trick, Wei Xiaobei is just thinking of it.

Before the first test, Wei Xiaobei did not know if this was feasible.

Still successful.

But such tips can only be used on creatures that can connect with their own minds, and other creatures or objects can't be used.

The flame bird threw out the green wood blessing, and after a circle outside, it was not damaged by Wei Xiaobei’s recovery of the Aomu blessing.

Obviously, it is safer outside.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei did not act rashly, but once again lost a general.

Obviously, if there is anything outside to guard yourself, see that the flame bird will not move, but when you see a human figure, I am afraid that it will be done without thinking.

The generals recovered and were not injured.

This made Wei Xiaobei breathe a sigh of relief and left the Aomu Fudi without hesitation.

It was indeed safe outside. Wei Xiaobei stood in midair and looked at the huge pit under his feet. He could not help but sigh.

Just from the breath left in this huge pit, Wei Xiaobei can judge that the guy who shot himself, I am afraid that the strength is not under the four-star disaster.

Fortunately, I am hiding fast.

Otherwise, there may be something wrong.

However, there was some sign of divine power in the residual atmosphere, which made Wei Xiaobei quickly guess who the existence of the shot was.

Undoubtedly, it is not the Tianzhao God who is being swallowed by the ink and ink.

Of course, it may be the gods under them, but they are all in one line.

After thinking about this, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time in place, and immediately left the gray world.

Just kidding, in the gray world of Dongpu, being stared by a group of gods in the East, and now that the big ink gun is swallowing the sky, it can’t be used at all. If Wei Xiaobei still stays in the gray world of Dongpu, then Really stupid.

Back in the real room, Wei Xiaobei gently breathed a sigh of relief, then slightly washed and then opened the door.

At this time, two priests were standing outside the door, and they were hurriedly salute after seeing Wei Xiaobei.

"Well, where is the canteen?"

Wei Xiaobei is now a little hungry, ready to experience the authentic diet of Dongpu.

I heard that the Pope told me that the two priests had to burst out with tears and hurriedly led the way, but they forgot to report the matter to the main priest.

Therefore, when the main priest learned that the news rushed to the small dining room in the cafeteria, Wei Xiaobei had already eaten enough.

Although it is the most exquisite chef in the base at this time, it is also a chef who is very famous before the ghost riots. However, Wei Xiaobei has a small interest in Dongpu food, which is to hear the raw fish of Dongpu. The film is so famous and expensive that it is specially tasted.

After all, Wei cooking skills have reached the unparalleled realm of the world, but this Dongji diet is really the first time to contact.

"The Pope, have you eaten?"

The main rush rushed in, and when I saw Wei Xiaobei drunk with a toothpick and shaved his teeth, the boulder that had been in my heart was completely put down.

You know, the Pope’s adult stayed in the room for more than two months, and he really shocked the main sacrifice.

He did not dare to open the door of the Pope, and he could only wait outside.

You know, if the pope is out of his own territory, he will be in trouble.

Not to mention that the big main sacrifices have to take the opportunity to find their own troubles, only to say that there is no Pope, the influence of the Sun God will probably fall in the end.

Don't look at this lord of the main sacrifice is the temper of a small rich and safe, but he also knows that Wei Xiaobei is the real core of this sun god!

Do not say anything else, it is the servants who are strong and powerful, and the grace that the Pope asks for the sun god.

At the beginning, some people thought that as long as they were devout to the sun god, they would get such a warrior as a servant.

But when the Pope’s adults left, several great sacrifices combined with most of the main sacrifices to hold the grand mass ceremonies, and they failed to drop half of the warriors.

There is also an example of that god.

Some time after the Pope’s departure, the idols that stood in the bases showed a lot of miracles, and almost all the priests gained more or less magic.

The Lords of the Great Lords felt that they should be more devout to the Sun God and expand the belief of the Sun God. Therefore, they gathered a lot of people to rescue some of the human gathering places on the island of Honshu and erected in those human gathering places. New idol.

But those new idols have been erected for so long, and there are no miracles at all, and the newly recruited priests in the newly conquered human gatherings have not been able to obtain magic.

Such a thing has undoubtedly caused a lot of waves in the sun god.

But fortunately, this time is not too long, at least the current Sun God has not had much problems.

The most terrible thing for the main sacrifice is that after the arrival of the Pope, it is not long before the main sacrifice feels that his power of magic has dropped drastically, which makes the Lord's sacrifice still think that his magic is gone.

Fortunately, as this time passed, the power of his own magical powers rose back a little bit, although not as good as the original, but at least better than nothing.

Otherwise, a main sacrifice without magical skills, I am afraid that he will not sit for a long time in his position.

After seeing the main sacrifice, Wei Xiaobei asked the status quo of the sun **** again. The main sacrifice is naturally not to have a little reservation, even the actions of the big sacrifices, the gods and so on.

After Wei Xiaobei listened, he nodded. In fact, these things, even if the main sacrifice is not said, Wei Xiaobei probably can guess a lot.

This is an inevitable thing. After I left, the initial period may be okay, but after a long time, those big master sacrifices are the ones who are willing to stay for a long time. It’s not possible to make some tricks.

The ability of the main sacrifice is still a bit, but it is relatively low, and he does not see the meaning of those big sacrifices.

Of course, even if Wei Xiaobei knows it, it doesn't matter. Even if the pope does not do it, the key is to be able to harvest the divinity.

Wei Xiaobei slightly appeased the main sacrifice and left the base. He turned around Kyushu Island and could not help but be amazed. For now, the belief of the sun **** is very prosperous on Kyushu Island, even Even the military bases on the east side of Kyushu Island secretly enshrined the gods of the sun god.

It should be known that these military bases are not within the scope of the Sun God's faith. They are the bases for receiving assistance from the Sams. From a certain perspective, they are regarded as the official base of Dongpu.

Of course, for such a thing, Wei Xiaobei feels the need to encourage, and even inject a few traces of divinity into the statues enshrined in those military bases.

I want to come, and wait until the next moment to harvest the divine, the statues in these gods should grow well.

After harvesting all the divinity contained in the statues on the island of Kyushu, Wei Xiaobei rushed back to the largest human base in Kyushu Island, and told the situation of several military bases in the east, let the main sacrifice send the priests. After exposing the faith as much as possible, I will step on the surface of Shanghai and go to Honshu Island.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei’s previous approach was wise.

In this chaotic land, the divinity within those gods grows very fast.

It is also true that those believers who are in a crisis outside are the only ones that can be entrusted with faith.

The strait between Kyushu Island and Honshu Island is not a problem for Wei Xiaobei.

After Wei Xiaobei boarded the island of Honshu, the base of the gods will be erected. The human gathering place will be turned around and the gods will be harvested before they will rush to the holy city in the central and western part of Honshu Island.

Well, this so-called holy city is actually the church headquarters set by Wei Xiaobei before he left Dongpu. I don’t know whether it’s the propaganda of the big sacrifices or the fantasies of the believers. In short, in the eyes of those believers, The holy city where the headquarters of the Sun God Church is located is an incomparable sacred city. Even at regular intervals, some people will go to the holy city to worship. (To be continued.) 8

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