The City of Terror

Chapter 1321: Independent consciousness

Huh, this chapter is scheduled to be released, the poor road first went to eat, and the little belly was hungry.

You know, although the priests of the sun gods are now encircling ghosts every once in a while, but the ghosts are temporarily impossible to have no light, so it is dangerous to want to go to the holy city from any base. .

Unless they are on the road with the priests who are working.

When Xiaobei rushed to the holy city, he happened to meet the grand mass ceremonies of the holy city every month.

Wei Xiaobei quietly disappeared into the clouds of the sky, watching the grand mass ceremonies from a bird's eye view.

I have to say that the great sacrifices will really be played. This grand mass ceremonies fully integrates various religious rituals from the East and the West, choirs of Western sects, various musical instruments of Buddhism and Taoism, and even a group of people. Carry the statue to swim.

Where the gods lived, the believers who were on both sides of the road fell to the ground one by one.

And those big master sacrifices followed behind the gods, and they continued to use a branch to put them into the bottle and stick a little water to sprinkle them out.

Well, to be honest, Wei Xiaobei looked a little worried.

But those priests and believers are very solemn in appearance, but they have solemnly set off the mass chanting of this hodgepodge.

Eventually, the idols returned to the temple, and the great sacrificial offerings stood on the high platform built in front of the temple, leading the priests who gathered, and the believers sang the poems that praised the sun god.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was able to feel that a familiar force in the temple was constantly climbing. After reaching one, a milky power swarmed out of the temple and spilled in front of the temple. In the square, there are countless white spots floating in the air, constantly integrating into the priest believers.

this is?

When I saw this scene, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes above the sky suddenly burst into a circle.

This is divine power!

what happened?

Can the **** image actually release the power? ! !

In the twinkling of an eye, when I thought of the divinity that I had harvested from the gods before, and more or less brought a little self-awareness, Wei Xiaobei felt a little bit bad.

Isn’t the **** in this holy city really sealed up?

It is not surprising that Wei Xiaobei will think of this.

You know, this holy city is the largest city under the rule of the Sun God. The population gathered in the city is now probably three million.

And what is the power of faith that three million believers have gathered in these two years?

What is the divinity that is transformed by the power of these beliefs?

We must know that after the divine reaches a certain level, there will be changes. As for what this change is like, Wei Xiaobei is not very clear, but I can understand some of the online novels.

Quantitative changes cause qualitative changes.

I won’t be playing off this time?

If the **** is really closed, I am afraid it will not be so obedient.

Once the divinity in the idol produces a completely independent consciousness, it means that the image becomes an independent living body!

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei was the first to encounter such a thing.

Of course, it is useless to think of more here.

Wei Xiaobei needs to go down and see the specific situation.

After the milky white spot was absorbed by the priests, the grand mass ceremonies ended.

After the final prayers, the believers left the square, and the great priests and the priests left, and only a small number of priests dedicated to the guardian temple remained.

Wei Xiaobei was able to see a pale golden glow on the temple after the grand mass ceremonies ended.

That is the brilliance of divine power.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei sighed and slammed down on the temple.

When Wei Xiaobei's body touched the pale golden glow, an uncomfortable familiar warmth immersed from the outside, making Wei Xiaobei feel comfortable.

It was probably peaceful for quite a long time, and the priests couldn't possibly stare at the top of their heads, so Wei Xiaobei easily sneaked into the temple.

I have to say that the interior of this temple is extremely magnificent, and the gold and silver ornaments that can be seen everywhere are almost dotted into a treasure house.

The only fireball idol is still the original one.

Of course, those big masters are too bold to change this statue.


Just as Wei Xiaobei stepped into the lobby of the temple, a tender voice quietly sounded in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

It’s like a neighbor who is familiar with the door and asks: "You have no food."

this is?

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze fell on the statue, which is the voice of the god.

That's right, although this voice is ringing in my mind, but the source of the sound, Wei Xiaobei can be sure that it comes from the god.

“When is it independent?”

Wei Xiaobei did not feel that this statue was malicious, and could not help but feel a little relieved.

You know, if this image is malicious after you have an independent consciousness, it is really a troublesome thing.

In the next exchange with this statue, Wei Xiaobei probably understands that although this statue has its own independent consciousness, its IQ degree is at most the degree of two-year-old children.

Only after it absorbs the beliefs of many believers, it combines many human memories, so communicating with people is not a problem.

In essence, it still regards itself as part of Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, this is also the initial symptom. If Wei Xiaobei has never returned, this time is long, the more human memory he absorbs, the stronger his independence, until he finally sees himself as different from Wei Xiaobei. presence.

Until then, it is the real trouble.

After understanding this point, Wei Xiaobei gave birth to a thought.

For now, the fireball in Aoki Fudi can only be said to be part of Wei Xiaobei's heart and does not gain independence.

To put it simply, even when it is awake, its regulation of the situation in Aokifudi is carried out in accordance with the scheduled steps scheduled by Wei Xiaobei.

If the earth is dry, it will be light rain, more rain, no rain, and so on.

But to say how well the fireball will manage Aoki's blessings is just a joke, and more is that there is no problem with the development of Aoki's own land.

If we can integrate the independent consciousness in this statue with the fireball, then Wei Xiaobei can basically sit back and relax on the development of Qingmu Fudi.

Of course, the time for this integration needs to be considered one or two.

But now, you must first separate the sense of independence attached to the divinity.

For this requirement, there is no objection to the sense of independence in the idol.

As far as its current level of wisdom is concerned, there has not been a sense of selfishness.

Therefore, with the cooperation of independent consciousness, when Wei Xiaobei cuts the divinity from the idol, it seems to be much easier than other gods.

Of course, as the central point of the belief of the sun god, Wei Xiaobei did not harvest too much divinity, just harvesting the eighty of the divine in the gods.

Leave the remaining two of the divinity in the image of the god.

After all, here is the holy city, the status of the great sacrifice and the belief of the sun **** still need to rely on the so-called magic to maintain, if the divine harvest too much, it is easy to cause some accidents.

Of course, even after Wei Xiaobei’s mercy, after the deification of the gods in the gods was reduced by 80%, the great sacrifices and even the priests still felt the change.

No way, their magic is supported by the divine nature of the gods. The more divine in the gods, the stronger their magic.

Now, just as they enjoy a delicious dinner, or when they are carrying a pretty woman, suddenly, the power of the gods in the body suddenly weakens, which undoubtedly scares them into a little bit of urgency.

Although they did not know what was going on, they rushed to the temple in the first place.

When they came to the temple, they were surprised to find that the Pope, who had been away for two years, came back.

When some of the priests bowed down to Wei Xiaobei, they were simple priests.

The other part of the priests turned their attention to the great sacrifices at the first time. Obviously, they are the confidants of these great sacrifices, and they need to look at the behavior of the great sacrifice.

The last part of the priests seemed to be somewhat puzzled. They were part of the priests recruited after Wei Xiaobei left. They did not catch the big main sacrifices and did not know Wei Xiaobei.

As for the major sacrifices, the face was a bit stiff.

How suddenly did the Pope come back?

To be honest, in the initial period of Wei Xiaobei's departure, these great sacrifices were still honest, and the main energy was used to promote the belief of the sun god.

For a long time, the inferiority of human nature will naturally emerge.

Fight for power, luxury, and suppressing dissidents.

To put it simply, the current big priests have already enjoyed the fact that one person is high and the power is in the grip. If they are allowed to return to the original state of the Pope, they are absolutely unwilling.

However, the power of Wei Xiaobei still left a deep impression on their hearts, so if they let them fight against Xiaobei now, the courage is not big enough.

In this way, after several big priests looked at each other, they bowed down to Wei Xiaobei with respect and respect.

Seeing the actions of the bosses, the remaining priests did not hesitate and followed them.

Next, several big festivals will be surrounded by Wei Xiaobei, welcoming the most luxurious hotels in the Holy City.

Of course, this so-called most luxurious hotel is actually a place where the church's upper floors enjoy themselves.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei only needs a little look to know.

However, the development of the next thing made some of the big lords feel a bit stunned.

Wei Xiaobeifei did not blame the filth that several big priests had done in the past two years. Instead, they praised their efforts to spread the belief in the sun god. (To be continued.)

"I want friends to visit the phone."

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