The City of Terror

Chapter 1322: Rich harvest!

The third chapter is sent! It was almost late, but fortunately, the poor road woke up from the code word. ,

Well, to be honest, seeing such a large group of swordfish rushing over, Wei Xiaobei feels a little headache.

To put it bluntly, this swordfish at the high speed is a piece of attacking city arrow. In the past, those wooden boats, once attacked by the swordfish group, are all normal.

Although Wei Xiaobei’s body is barely able to withstand this shock, it will hurt.

After that, Wei Xiaobei took out the black and silver knives from the storage ring, and rushed toward the swordfish from the goldfish.


Wei Xiaobei flew to a position higher than the height of the swordfish jumping. The big knife swept down with the electric light.

In fact, at the speed of these swordfish, as long as they are touched by the blade of the big knife, it is equivalent to suicide.

After the knife was swept down, Wei Xiaobei felt the continuous collision force on the big knife.

After a knife sweep, even more than a dozen swordfish from the beginning to the end into two halves!

At this time, the two goldfish actually flew over and opened their mouths, sucking the swordfish that had been split in half into the mouth.

As for the swordfish that are still in the assault, they can't hurt the goldfish. The swordfish that hit the goldfish are all flying out of the hard scales of the goldfish. Even a white seal can't be left. .

However, this swordfish can only kill one wave. Except for the dozens of swordfish that were split in half, the other swordfish escaped directly from the goldfish, and they did not even return.

Ok, the swordfish can't look back.

The sharks originally wanted to grab food from the goldfish mouth, but soon became the ghost of Wei Xiaobei's knife!

The speed of the shark is much slower than that of the swordfish, and Wei Xiaobei is close to the sea. Any shark who dared to pass the Weibei north of the river could not escape the knife.

Not long after, under the enthusiasm of those sharks, the two goldfish finally got full.

But what makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat strange is that after the goldfish is full, he comes to the distance of 500 meters. The two goldfish did not attack themselves, and even swam towards themselves.

After testing a lot, Wei Xiaobei found that the two goldfish seemed to be close to themselves.

It’s like encountering a stray dog ​​outside, you gave it something to eat, and the stray dog ​​will follow you.

Well, to be honest, Wei Xiaobei never thought about raising goldfish from the beginning.

But now it seems that the two goldfish really keep up with themselves.

Where did Wei Xiaobei go? Where are the two goldfish going?

If you let Wei Xiaobei kill the two goldfish, he really can't get it.

Besides, the electric lights of these two goldfish are not very useful to them. After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei simply communicated with the goldfish.

Hands are attached to the other's head in an attempt to establish telepathy between the two parties.

But I don't know if this goldfish is too stupid, or what happened, the first test will soon fail.

However, after several trials. Wei Xiaobei soon communicated successfully with the goldfish.

Well, simply speaking. The goldfish's IQ is probably equivalent to three or four-year-old children. Some simple meanings can be understood, such as eating, advancing, retreating, etc., but if it is more complicated. It won't work.

For example, if you ask how old the goldfish is, the goldfish will look at you with a big blind eye, and you don't know what you are saying.

However, it is normal to be like this. After all, this goldfish is not a real dragon species. It’s just a mixed-race offspring of the common dragon and the fish demon. It’s not as smart as it is.

But in any case, Wei Xiaobei also got two four-star ordinary monsters as pets.

Well, yes, it’s a pet.

There is no formality between the two sides to recognize the Lord. It is only Wei Xiaobei who supplies them with food, which makes the goldfish have a feeling of dependence on Wei Xiaobei.

Well, to be honest, if you change your personal opinion, it is estimated that even if you have countless foods, it is impossible to let the two goldfish honestly obey.

After all, for powerful monsters like the hybrid dragon goldfish, the strength is slightly weaker, they are swallowed directly by them, or turned into coke under the electric light.

To put it bluntly, you just want to feed them, and you have to be safely close to them.

In the following time, Wei Xiaobei first determined the direction of going to China. After that, he rode on a goldfish head and drove them to fly in the direction of China. At the same time, let a goldfish follow, nothing happened. Electric yourself a few times.

After waiting for a while, change another goldfish.

After half an hour, the goldfish was hungry, and Wei Xiaobei had to stop and attract food to the two goldfish.

Fortunately, these two goldfish seem to be not small, but their food intake is not directly proportional to their size. In short, they are hungry and eat up to five or six hundred kilograms of fish.

Of course, this day's time, until the night, the food eaten by the two goldfish is not a minority.

Wei Xiaobei felt a little sore at the time.

However, such fatigue is worthwhile, and not to mention that the two goldfish have become more and more close to Wei Xiaobei because of the continuous feeding, only to say that Wei Xiaobei's ability to release current has been greatly improved in this half-day!

The upper limit of voltage is 20810 volts and the current limit is 14600 mA!

This is indeed a rather horrible data.

If you use evolution points to improve, you need at least 80,000 evolution points!

A rich harvest!

At the same time, Wei Xiaobei was surprised to find that with the improvement of the ability to release current, the electromagnetic field capability has suddenly increased to 510 meters!

In addition, with the electromagnetic field enhanced by several times, the current released by the air can be able to pull out the distance of kilometers!


This is Wei Xiaobei's only evaluation of himself!

Looking at the arc that was dissipated only a few kilometers away from himself, Wei Xiaobei’s heart was so refreshing.

This completely breaks the practice of releasing current only for melee.

It must be said that Wei Xiaobei has now released an electric current has become an extremely powerful ability.

In terms of voltage, the voltage of 20,810 volts is increased by 3 times, and then becomes 83,240 volts! Enhance 20% of the beads in the dantian! It directly exceeds 100,000 volts!

Of course, the current intensity also has such an amplitude that can reach 70,000 mA, which is 70 amps of current intensity.

This current intensity can convert a lot of steel into molten steel in a moment, or supply a considerable degree of electrolytic aluminum plant.

In short, if Wei Xiaobei is willing, he can act as a super-powered human body generator to supply electricity to several communities.

But there are advantages and disadvantages. The downside is that in the next time, no matter how the goldfish discharges to Wei Xiaobei, the ability to release current is very slight.

Not much use.

Of course, this is not to say that these two goldfish are useless to Wei Xiaobei.

Two four-star ordinary monsters can be considered to be strong everywhere.

If it was not considered to be too late to return to Weijia Island, Wei Xiaobei turned and sent back the two goldfish.

After the night, Wei Xiaobei did not let the goldfish continue to shock themselves, but let them speed up the flight.

In fact, from the first time the passenger plane encountered this kind of goldfish, Wei Xiaobei knew that the hybrid dragon goldfish was flying at the same speed as the passenger plane, and even faster than the passenger plane.

After the discharge was stopped, the speed of the goldfish increased to thousands of kilometers per hour, close to the speed of sound.

This speed is enough. After all, in order to avoid being discovered by planes or ships, the height of the goldfish is only over one hundred meters. This speed has already formed a wave on the sea. Go to the water mark.

Fortunately for Wei Xiaobei, this road has not seen aircraft such as fighters appear, or the lines are different, avoiding, perhaps the distance is too far, the fighters did not take off.

Well, through another call with Zhu Xinyi, Wei Xiaobei got two news, one good news and one bad news.

The good news is that the passenger plane was forced to land. Under the rescue of the passing ships, all the passengers and crew members were rescued. Only a few people were injured when they landed.

Well, this is indeed good news, let Wei Xiaobei feel that his adventure has value.

The bad news, Wei Xiaobei also guessed some, that is, Wei Xiaobei's boarding information is probably not concealed.

Prince Taras did want to change the list of boarding information, but the problem lies in the two princes who are hostile to the Prince of Maras.

As a result, the list was not modified, but was passed to the Chinese side by the second prince.

Of course, things have not been exposed so quickly. After all, it takes a while for the passengers to return to China by boat.

But when the ship arrives in China, Wei Xiaobei will definitely be exposed.

The testimony of the two pilots, the flight attendants, and the passengers, can probably confirm that Wei Xiaobei opened the skylight to the cockpit of the passenger plane. As for the latter things, someone might come to Wei Xiaobei to have a tea chat and ask.

Hanging up the phone, Wei Xiaobei frowned.

Obviously, Wei Xiaobei’s jump out of the passenger plane can survive, and this matter of light is enough to attract great attention.

Not to mention that the goldfish suddenly left, there seems to be something like being shot down, and so on, and Wei Xiaobei’s experience in it is bound to be guessed.

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Xiaobei discovered that if he wanted to press the matter down, he could only find one person.

Xu Feiyang, investigation team leader of Cuihu City!

Although Xu Feiyang seems to be only the leader of the investigation team of Cuihu City, the power of this investigation team at this time is imaginable.

Even if he can't cover up this matter, Wei Xiaobei can also contact him at a higher level and find a way to cover up the matter.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei must pay some price.

Of course, even if it pays a price, Wei Xiaobei will suppress the matter. (To be continued.)

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