The City of Terror

Chapter 1326: Strong power!

Yesterday, the beef that was marinated is good today. I don’t know how it tastes. I’m so poor in my heart, I’m hungry, try it first. ——

Wei Xiaobei then inspected the fire dragon and discovered with horror that the fire dragon already had his own consciousness. Although it was only a young dragon with a small egg shell, it also made Wei Xiaobei feel the life to create this ability. Strong.

But then again, the creation of this fire dragon consumes nearly one-third of the vitality of Wei Xiaobei's body, and this vitality consumption is actually a bit large.

Although this vitality can be restored under the support of powerful physical attributes, the speed of recovery is no worse than injury.

Therefore, after the research of the fire dragon, Wei Xiaobei thought of a move, the fire dragon suddenly got a meal, then gasified in the sea water, turned into an invisible object, rushed toward Wei Xiaobei nostrils.

Wei, Wei Xiaobei played a full, and the vitality of the fire dragon returned to the body, making him feel very comfortable.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei was also conscious of creating life like this. Although it can transform life into vitality, it is also consumed during the period.

That said, the fire dragon was transformed into vitality, and after returning to Wei Xiaobei, it lost about 20% of its vitality.

To say that this life creation ability is indeed very bullish!

For the current Wei Xiaobei, it seems to be a bit tasteless.

The reason is very simple. Even if Wei Xiaobei can create many powerful and powerful living bodies, the powerful living bodies created seem to be in their infancy.

For this, Wei Xiaobei tried several times.

Sure enough, no matter whether it is the Ba snake or the people of Longbo, after the consumption of vitality is created, it cannot be compared with its prototype.

The Ba snake is only more than ten meters long, and the people of Longbo are only seven or eight meters high.

Although they are already very powerful compared to ordinary creatures, they are pitiful compared to the adult snakes and the dragons.

Of course, this may be due to the fact that Wei Xiaobei’s vitality is not enough.

After several trials, the vitality of Wei Xiaobei's body consumed about one-third of the continuous spit recovery.

Although Wei Xiaobei still can feel the vitality of the body is still very strong, but his face is already pale.

However, after the physical attributes were raised to 120 points, Wei Xiaobei's resilience increased to a terrible level.

For example, Wei Xiaobei took out the dragon chopper knife and pulled it **** his arm.

A neat wound appeared immediately, with a length of fifteen centimeters and a depth of more than two centimeters. Although it was not cut on the muscles, it was not a minor injury on ordinary people.

However, the dragon knives had just left, and only a blood line was immersed in the wound, and they immediately became crusted.

Wei Xiaobei stretched his hand on the knife and the scar immediately fell off, revealing the smooth skin beneath it.

Before the physique was upgraded, although the injury healed quickly, it would take at least 50 seconds!

Wei Xiaobei did not intend to continue the experiment. After the property was upgraded, Wei Xiaobei had a hunch that the biological level was about to improve.

However, how can the four-star horror be promoted to the four-star disaster, and Wei Xiaobei is somewhat unclear.

But by observing the four-star tyrants he has seen, Wei Xiaobei probably has some speculation.

The four-star tyrants that Wei Xiaobei has seen have green cows, gossip snakes, black mushroom kings and even fire dragons.

And they are different regardless of race or appearance.

But the only thing they have is the means of mass destruction!

For example, the scorpion of the green cow, the gossip snake seems to be able to ignite the magma, and in the myths and legends of the Dongpu, the gossip snake was originally the cause of the flood!

Once the dark mist of the black mushroom king is swallowed up, it is simply a large-scale biochemical killing weapon that leads to the extinction of life.

The last fire dragon phlegm, Wei Xiaobei has not seen its means of mass destruction, but with the **** to think about it, one can pull out a fire dragon from a magma lake, how big is its massive killing power. .

Wei Xiaobei guessed that the four-star disaster is probably a terrorist disaster that they can bring.

Wei Xiaobei calculated the ability he had mastered, and he could not help but shake his head. Not to mention that there is no means of mass destruction in the abilities he has mastered.

Perhaps this is why I have been unable to improve from the four-star terror to the four-star disaster.

However, what kind of mass killing means to obtain is not something that can be done in a moment. Therefore, Wei Xiaobei can only temporarily put the matter down.

There are still 137,930 points of evolution.

Wei Xiaobei originally intended to increase the ability to release current. After all, the use of lightning and real mercury brought about by this ability is still very useful.

The problem is that this ability to release current needs to be improved from the two aspects of voltage and current intensity, and now it can increase 1 volt or 1 mA every 5 evolution points.

Wei Xiaobei now has a voltage limit of 20,810 volts and a current intensity of 14,600 mAh, putting all the evolution points into it, which is about the effect of releasing currents by 2-3 times.

But this seems to have little effect on the improvement of combat effectiveness.

To release the current to achieve the area killing effect, then it can only be discharged.

Even if the voltage is increased to 100,000 volts, 200,000 volts, 300,000 volts through the subsidiary power of transformers, what is the distance that can break the air? I am afraid that 100 meters will not be reached.

It is better to mix the real mercury to attach the current to the ink rifle, and the effect is better.

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Xiaobei decided to put the evolution point into the attribute.

Continue to invest in power attributes!

After all, after the power attribute has been raised to 120 points, the strength of the power to Wei Xiaobei is very horrible for every 1 point of power increase, and the stronger the power, the stronger the killing effect that Wei Xiaobei can have on the enemy. !

When Wei Xiaobei focused his attention on the power attribute, the power attribute began to increase at a rate of 0.01 each time, while the evolution point quickly fell at a rate of 160 points each time.

When the power attribute was raised to 125, Wei Xiaobei stopped investing in evolution.

Just upgrading the power attribute by 5 points, the evolution point consumes as much as 90000 points!

The evolution point is 47,930 points.

These evolutionary points, Wei Xiaobei is ready to keep in case of need. After all, Wei Xiaobei needs to consume the evolution point, not only to improve the attributes, life altar, skin copy, fate twist, etc. A lot of evolutionary points.

Of course, like the ability to reverse the fate, Wei Xiaobei decided not to use it.

Not to mention the inability to control this ability, it is said that the evolutionary point of consumption is determined by the degree of reversing the fate and the strength of the life that is reversed.

Reversing the fate of ordinary people, probably consumes a thousand to two thousand evolution points, but if you want to reverse the gossip of the gossip, the fate of these powerful beings, the evolutionary point consumed may be like a flood.

Wei Xiaobei suspects that it is just a twist, and the evolutionary points consumed may exceed tens of thousands.

So, this retreat is over.

Wei Xiaobei slowly stood up and the body of the cave was created by the fire dragon, the snake, and so on.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to use this cave next time, so it does not matter if it collapses here.

Wei Xiaobei's right **** and his thumb bent, then gently flicked.


As the water wave rolled, a torrent of light quickly formed with the finger's bounce, and in a flash hit the coral reef above the head of Wei Xiaobei.

The coral reef, which weighed several tons, then swiftly rushed toward the sea like a cannonball. After it rushed out of the sea, the coral reef also flew up to tens of meters before falling.

There are no boats passing by at this time. Otherwise, this is really a little scary.

Wei Xiaobei is very satisfied with this finger.

Among the seemingly easy fingers, Wei Xiaobei gathered the power of 50% of the whole body!

In other words, don't look at the light and easy fingers, which contains more than 10,000 tons of strength!

Of course, it is not too magical for a finger to contain such a powerful force. The problem is that the rapids brought by this finger did not break the coral reef instantaneously after hitting the coral reef. Instead, it pushed the coral reef out of the sea.

This is more magical.

Of course, if Wei Xiaobei’s control of power has reached a very high level, this finger will continue to blow up the debris.

It can be said that the current Wei Xiaobei, do not say anything else, claiming that the humanoid micro-nuclear warhead in the movement is still not much problem.

Leaving the cave, Wei Xiaobei quickly rose up towards the sea.

Just floating in the Shanghai area, Wei Xiaobei is thinking about going back to Weijia Island, or going back to China for a trip. After all, before the ink and water guns complete the engulfing of Tian Congyun, Wei Xiaobei definitely does not intend to enter the Dongpu gray world.

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes widened.

This is not what Wei Xiaobei saw in the sea, but he suddenly had a voice in his mind: "The apprentice, come in!"

This is the voice of Master Qing Niu!

Wei Xiaobei had no time to think about how the voice of Master Qing Niu could be passed from Qingmu Fudi to his mind. Even if a blue light appeared on the whole body, the next moment disappeared on the sea.

When Wei Xiaobei entered Qingmufu, he saw that the green cow had stood up from the ground.

When I saw Wei Xiaobei, Qingniu nodded and gestured to Wei Xiaobei to look at the people of Longbo.

The people of Longbo?

Wei Xiaobei looked at the people of Longbo and couldn't help but be shocked. At this time, although the people of Longbo were still lying on the ground, their bodies were like a balloon, and they were constantly expanding!

"Master, what happened to the people of Longbo?"

Wei Xiaobei arched his hand toward the blue cow, which was a ritual. (To be continued.)

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