The City of Terror

Chapter 1327: , wake up, the people of Longbo!

This chapter is scheduled to be released, but the poor road has to say that you should not put too much salt on your own braised beef, otherwise you will be salty and you will not be able to eat and cry.

"This guy has to wake up before, wake up is not so easy to do, for the teacher to trigger its Pangu blood in advance, then look at your luck."

Qingniu smiled, his hands behind his back, a leisurely appearance, if it was not the human face of the old farmer, it would have a few centuries.


Wei Xiaobei slightly pondered Master's words and immediately understood.

Since the blood of Pangu has been triggered, then the next step should be to open up the world. As for the unsuccessful, it really depends on luck.

I hope my luck is good.

Wei Xiaobei whispered a few words in his heart, and then his eyes swept around, only to see the aura in Aomufudi madly rushing into the nostrils of the Longbo people.

In the short time less than a minute after Wei Xiaobei came in, the aura of the Longbo people might have surpassed the one-tenth of Aoki's blessing!

Relative to the influx of aura, the body of the Longbo is now expanding faster.

Its legs have reached the edge of the Aomu blessed land, and its head is only three hundred meters away from the edge.

To know that Aoki Fukuda did not grow during this time, but the diameter has exceeded five kilometers!

That is to say, the height of this Longbo people has more than tripled compared to before!

Finally, with the bang of the bang, the head of the Longbo people also reached the edge of the green wood!

To be honest, when I heard this loud noise, Wei Xiaobei felt some pain for the people of Longbo.

At this time, the people of Longbo seemed to be half-sleeping and half-awake, and turned over in a confused way, causing the earth to shake.

Well, I am afraid that I can barely count on the sky and step on the ground.

Wei Xiaobei’s heart is calculating what happens to the body of the Longbo people if they continue to expand.

Indeed, the body of the Longbo people did not stop growing and continued to expand.

Soon, there was a loud noise in the green wood.

A crack began to appear in the earth, and then quickly separated to form a deep trench. At the same time, the underground magma swarmed along the trench and began to spread on the earth.

The most terrible thing is that Wei Xiaobei saw a crack in the sky, and soon formed a space crack, even under the sky, some transparent blocks under the traction of the earth. , falling to the ground.

Hey! Hey!嘭

A loud bang came and a large pit was thrown on the ground.

In conjunction with the magma that spreads over the earth, the trees and shrubs that are burning constantly, there is no doubt that there is a doomsday picture in the green wood blessing!

To be honest, if this Aoki Fukushima is not its own site, Wei Xiaobei has an urge to leave.

The son of a thousand gold does not sit down, the gentleman does not stand under the wall!

Wei Xiaobei will avoid it in advance for unnecessary danger.

To be honest, this is probably the reason why Wei Xiaobei has not hanged yet.

The problem is that this Qingmu blessed land was created by Wei Xiaobei and it is impossible to discard it.

Probably feeling the danger coming, the tree of the world that had rooted into the bodies of countless ghosts and slowly extracted strength began to grow rapidly.

The trunks are constantly pulling up, and the tender branches continue to stretch toward the sky. The wide leaves are constantly formed on the branches, blocking the transparent blocks that fall from the sky.

At this time, the growth rate of the world tree has reached a speed of one meter per second!

In other words, at this rate, the world tree can grow 60 meters in one minute and 3,600 meters in an hour!

Now the height of the sky in Aokifu is less than two kilometers, which means that after thirty-five minutes, the crown of the world tree can touch the top of the sky!

Of course, the madness of the world tree is now blocking the unidentified things that fall from the sky.

The body expansion of the Longbo people is the real fate.

At this time, how many Longbo people grow up, then how much will be promoted by Aomufu.

Wei Xiaobei slightly calculated it. Up to now, the diameter of Aomufudi has been supported to seven kilometers!

However, such a diameter increase is undoubtedly a violent injury to Aoki.

In Wei Xiaobei's eyes, the Aomu Fudi at this time is completely a space close to the broken.

How to do this?

Wei Xiaobei looked at Master Qing Niu, and the open mouth was closed.

Master said that he had seen luck before.

Of course, even so, Aoki Fudi is self-healing. Otherwise, the whole space has long been broken by the people of Longbo.

Of course, there is also the contribution of the world tree, and its huge roots are tied in the earth, so that the land of Aomufudi will not be split into two halves in an instant.

When the people of Longbo grew to a length of 10,000 meters, the people of Longbo opened their eyes for the first time!


A violent raging roar came from the mouth of the Longbo people.

Obviously, the people of Longbo had not slept well before, but now they finally woke up, but when they blinked, they felt that they were not quite right, whether they were uncomfortable on their heads or feet. How can this not be allowed? The people of Longbo are angry.

I was locked into a cage!

This is the first reaction of the people of Longbo.

The second reaction is that this cage is extremely uncomfortable! I am very stunned in it.

For the powerful existence of the Longbo people, the feeling of uncomfortable feeling is to extend two giant arms, want to open the cage, make yourself comfortable, or be able to crack the cage and let yourself It’s better to get away.

The legs of the Longbo people were separated and forced to squat on the two corners of the Aomu Fudi. Their hands were separated to the left and right, and each of them chose a point at the edge to support it.

After that, the body of the Longbo people bulged in the muscles of the body, bursting out with a burst of force, and exerted force on the outside!


Under the great power of the people of Longbo, the entire Aomu Fudi expanded outwards at a faster rate.

Wei Xiaobei is frightened.

The people of Longbo were so supportive, and the diameter of Aomufudi suddenly increased by a thousand!

The most terrible thing is that the earth is almost split into two pieces, a huge gap appears on the earth, and the world tree is above this gap!

If the huge roots of the world tree are not connected to the cracked land, the consequences are unimaginable!

At this moment, Qingniu smiled and asked Xiaowei Xiaowei: "Is the volume of Aoki Fudi enough? If it is enough, you can start the next step."

I heard that the green cow said so, Wei Xiaobei still dared to hesitate.

Do not say anything else, until now, the diameter of Aokifu has more than doubled.

Wei Xiaobei is already very satisfied.

Besides, if the people of Longbo continue to do this, Wei Xiaobei suspects that his greed is not a snake, but instead he will be defeated by Aoki.

Although Wei Xiaobei knows that if this is the end, it is not very cost-effective. After all, this should be the fastest growing time in the world. Once it is over, it will be much harder to grow the world in the future.

But comparing the risks and benefits, Wei Xiaobei still said to Qingniu that it should be over!

The diameter of Qingmu Fudi has more than doubled. What else is it unsatisfactory?

The most important thing now is to make Aoki Fudi truly become a world! Instead of greed, let Aoki blessed to collapse!

"it is good."

Qingniu nodded and extended his left hand and took a bracelet from the wrist of his right hand.

This bracelet looks more ordinary, like silver, with a few whites on it, a little bit quaint, and looks like an old fake antique silver bracelet.

But Wei Xiaobei knows that this thing on the green cow is not a thing, not to mention Wei Xiaobei remembering the Journey to the West, the green cow has a bracelet called the diamond bracelet!

This thing is the thing of Taishang Laojun. It is a small silver ring, also known as the King Kong Set. It is the thing that Laojun carries with him. Later it was used as a cow nose ring and placed on the nose of the green cow.

This thing can be changed, water and fire does not invade, can set a variety of magic, magical use!

That Qitian Dasheng Sun Wukong has a fate with this thing. When he was in the middle of the Tiangong, he was hit by this diamond bracelet. The result was won by Erlang and sent to Sendai!

After being pressed by the Buddha for five hundred years, Sun Dasheng sent Tang Yin to the west to learn from it. When he was up and down, he was put on the golden bracelet by the diamond bracelet.

At the thought of this bracelet is probably the diamond bracelet, Wei Weibei hanging heart put down most of the.

I saw the green cow gently throwing the bracelet, and the bracelet flew high above the sky, turned a few circles, and then fell to the people of the Longbo.

At this time, the people of Longbo are screaming and trying to break through the so-called cage. Wherever they can see the falling bracelets, at most, there is some anxiety in their hearts.

Of course, even if the people of Longbo have stared at them, they may not be able to find the falling bracelets.

No way, the bracelet is too small for the people of Longbo.

The people of Longbo want to see the bracelet clearly, just as it is difficult for a human to see the mites on his body.

Silent, the bracelet fell on the forehead of the Longbo people.

Just knocking on this, the bracelet flew back and slid on the right wrist of the green cow.

The people of Longbo were knocked out of this, and suddenly they felt dizzy and weak, and the hands and feet that were opened were softened.

"it hurts!"

The people of Longbo screamed and attracted a gust of wind in the green wood.

After that, Wei Xiaobei was able to clearly see that the life of the people of Longbo was rapidly dissipating.

Just like this, let the Lung Bo people who have not seen the strength of Lian Wei Xiaobei hang up?

Wei Xiaobei can't help but be stunned. If the bracelet is not a diamond bracelet, he will eat the bracelet! (To be continued.)

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